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camera tracking of dairy cows that utilizes the homog-
raphy error for selecting reliable bounding boxes. Ex-
periments on actual scenes showed that the proposed
method achieved high accuracy for two different barn
environments; even when the camera shooting an-
gles were unaligned, the tracking accuracy was im-
proved by appropriately selecting reliable bounding
boxes using the homography error. In addition, ex-
periments confirmed that evaluating homography er-
ror is effective for appearance-feature based tracking
methods, not just location-based methods.
Future work includes verifying our method can
handle different camera configurations and arrange-
The authors thank the members of Obihiro University
of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine and Tsuchiya
Manufacturing Co. Ltd for helpful discussions and
for providing the video data of barn.
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VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications