further exploration.
In conclusion, the proposed framework provides
a scalable, and interpretable solution to time series
clustering, combining statistical rigour with computa-
tional efficiency. Our method offers a significant step
forward in addressing the challenges of temporal mis-
alignment, variable segment lengths, and large dataset
scalability in time series clustering. By balancing the
theoretical rigour of statistical tests with the practical
demands of large scale data analysis, this work sets
the stage for future advancements in time series clus-
tering methodologies.
Project no. KDP-IKT-2023-900-I1-
00000957/0000003 has been implemented with
the support provided by the Ministry of Culture and
Innovation of Hungary from the National Research,
Development and Innovation Fund, financed under
the C2299763 funding scheme.
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ICPRAM 2025 - 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods