pared to a simpler orchestration strategy based on dis-
tance minimisation. However, in a context where
the pricing depends only on the number of parcels
shipped, the GTP-ED causes an increase of economic
costs that enforces retailers to favour either environ-
mental matters or economic ones.
Future works include additional experiments to
deeper analyse parameters influence. First, we expect
the stocks level and the number and types of boxes
to impact the performances and results. Secondly, the
GTP-ED uses a complex objective function with dif-
ferent terms and we will explore their interactions.
Lastly, it would be interesting to compare the results
of the GTP-ED with real world orchestration rules used
by retailers. It can highlight the environmental rel-
evance of our model but also reveal its deficiencies
from an operational point of view.
Finally, our model can be improved to gain in rel-
evance and scalability. To solve larger instances to
optimality, we aim to develop decomposition meth-
ods such as column generation. Moreover, as re-
tailers would probably prefer quick good solutions
rather than slow but optimal ones, using heuristics or
Lagrangian decomposition may be relevant. Lastly,
rather than opposing environment and economy, a
multi-objective optimisation should be performed to
provide a tool to retailers to make the best trade-off
between environmental and economic issues.
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A Green Transportation Problem for e-Commerce Deliveries