taminants is challenging, our results demonstrate that
carefully selected unsupervised learning methods can
offer meaningful detection capabilities. The robust-
ness of these methods to unknown contaminants is
crucial for the practical implementation of water qual-
ity monitoring systems.
This paper presented a novel HS dataset for detect-
ing anomalous substances in water that are visually
indistinguishable. Our comprehensive spectral analy-
sis demonstrates the superiority of HS imaging over
conventional RGB imaging in capturing subtle dif-
ferences between normal water and water contami-
nated with anomalous substances. Experimental eval-
uations of various unsupervised anomaly detection
methods shows the effectiveness of distance-based
and subspace-based approaches, particularly when
utilizing combined visible and near-infrared spectral
While challenges remain in detecting unknown
anomalies, our findings provide a foundation for fu-
ture work. Further work could explore advanced deep
learning techniques for HS data and methods to im-
prove generalization. Expanding the dataset to in-
clude more substances could also enhance this work’s
This research was supported by the KDDI Founda-
tion. We are grateful to our laboratory members for
their invaluable assistance in this work. Their meticu-
lous work in data acquisition is crucial to the success
of our work.
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Anomalous Water Dataset Captured by Hyperspectral Cameras