Physical education is mandatory in the primary
curriculum and optional in rare cases. Through cul-
ture and movement, in addition to its diversity of con-
tent, physical education seeks to sensitize and guide
students to reflect on their body mobility practices and
their impact on the environment in which they live.
Despite this, schools still need to encourage physical
exercise more, and little is said about its benefits for
students’ academic lives.
This study is necessary to help students become
more physically active since good performance in
school tasks is essential to achieving their goals. To
this end, the effectiveness of the Mobility app in the
school environment is investigated to promote better
habits in academic life. This investigation is con-
ducted by performing a usability test that evaluates
the quality and functionality of the app.
To survey related studies, we searched the literature
using Google Scholar for approaches similar to the
proposal presented in this article. We aimed to iden-
tify studies related to promoting physical activity and
using technologies in the health area, resulting in se-
lecting five studies for discussion. The objective is to
provide a solid foundation for this article, highlight-
ing the need for technological innovations in health
and emphasizing the relevance of applications such
as Mobility.
In the foreground, the study by (Becchi et al.,
2021) discusses the practice of physical activities dur-
ing the COVID-19 pandemic. This scenario made it
challenging to maintain healthy habits due to social
distancing and the closure of public places, limiting
opportunities for physical activity and contributing to
a sedentary lifestyle. The article highlights the need
for digital tools to keep the population active amid the
lockdown. Despite the end of the pandemic, a seden-
tary lifestyle continues to be a reality for many people,
highlighting the need to encourage the population to
adopt healthier habits.
Similarly, the article by (Verzani and
de Souza Serapi
ao, 2020) analyzes the impact
of smartphone applications on promoting physical
activity. The study highlights that these software
programs have great potential to encourage physical
activity and improve public health. Many appli-
cations incorporate gamification elements, such as
challenges and rewards, which can motivate users to
stay active and engaged. However, it is important to
overcome limitations such as dependence on tech-
nology, variation in effectiveness between different
users, and the possibility of disengagement over time.
It is concluded that applications have the potential to
encourage exercise. However, it is important to over-
come the aforementioned limitations to maximize
their impact.
Complementing the previous view, the (Silva
et al., 2020) review states that health apps are essential
in monitoring health conditions and promoting physi-
cal activities. They facilitate communication between
the healthcare professional and the patient and allow
health monitoring. However, challenges can be over-
come, such as prolonged user adoption, the need for
scientific validation, and ensuring data privacy. The
study shows that this software offers many benefits;
however, it is essential to emphasize the referential
challenges. Mobile health has promising results and
can help various public policies external to the pro-
motion of well-being and health.
Mobile health (mHealth) has been gaining in-
creasing attention in the health field. The study by
(Oliveira et al., 2018) explores the opportunities mo-
bile health offers in promoting physical activity and
improving health outcomes for the population. The
paper discusses how apps can monitor and encourage
physical exercise, supporting active lifestyles. As in
previous dissertations, it is found that there are obsta-
cles, such as accessibility, that need to be addressed
for the implementation of mobile health applications.
Contributing to the previous perspective, the text
by (Organization et al., 2007) is part of the WHO in-
formation series on school health and highlights the
importance of physical activities in the school con-
text as a fundamental component for promoting health
and well-being. The study states that implementing
school physical activity programs improves students’
physical, mental, and social development, improving
their academic performance and general well-being.
The document suggests that schools implement pro-
grams and policies that add physical activities to the
curriculum, creating an environment that encourages
healthy lifestyles.
Analyzing the approaches discussed, Mobility
shares the goal of integrating users through digital
tools. However, the app stands out among other ap-
plications for creating the practice of physical activi-
ties in a fun and interactive way, using tools such as
challenges and rankings combined with health moni-
toring, such as BMI calculation. In addition, it seeks
to overcome the challenges identified in the literature,
such as user disengagement and digital inclusion.
Mobility: Promoting Health and Physical Activity in School Environments