CampusQuest: Motivating Computer Science Students for
Cybersecurity from Day One
Luca Pöhler
, Marko Schuba
, Tim Höner
, Sacha Hack
and Georg Neugebauer
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences,
Eupener Str. 70, 52066 Aachen, Germany
Keywords: Gamification, Challenges, CTF, IT Security, Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity Games, CTFd.
Abstract: The increasing significance of information technology (IT) security in modern life and the rising number of
cybersecurity regulations and legislation are creating a high demand for IT security experts, which is currently
unmet, resulting in numerous vacancies. To address this shortage of skilled professionals, it is crucial to
cultivate early interest among students. In the present study, the game-based system CampusQuest is
introduced as a tool to engage students in cybersecurity from the outset and to stimulate their ambition in this
field. The system is based on the concept of solving challenges, similar to the format of so-called Capture the
Flag competitions. However, the challenges have been adapted to align with the specific context of a
university campus, combining various additional elements. CampusQuest incorporates physical elements into
the challenges, which are distributed permanently across the campus and motivate individuals to participate.
Additionally, the system has been enhanced with a mechanism to prevent the dissemination of solutions. The
system has been implemented in a prototype form and currently comprises eleven challenges of varying
degrees of difficulty, which is designed to facilitate the introduction of the subject to first-year students.
The demand for cybersecurity expertise and
workforce continues to grow. A study of ISC2 states
that roughly four million additional cybersecurity
professionals are needed worldwide (ICS2, 2023).
The profession needs to almost double to be at full
capacity. Looking at the German workforce market,
for example, the number of open positions for IT
professionals has reached 150,000 in 2023 (Statista
Research Department, 2023), of which 71% fall into
the category of cybersecurity (Schindler, 2023). With
recent national and international events and
legislation, the demand for IT security professionals
is set to increase in the coming years. For example,
the NIS2 Directive will present additional
cybersecurity challenges for EU companies in the
coming years, leading to additional efforts and
workforce (European Parliament, 2023).
Notwithstanding the acknowledged shortage of
experts in this field, many computer science students
at the outset of their studies remain uncertain about
their future areas of interest. Aachen University of
Applied Sciences currently offers a selection of 33
elective modules as part of its Bachelor in Computer
Science degree program. These modules can be
elected by students in their fourth or fifth semester of
studies. A significant proportion of first and second-
year students are yet to determine which of the
available modules they will select. Also, higher
education offerings based on gamification are
proving highly popular. In the domain of IT security,
for instance, Capture the Flag (CTF) projects are
provided with the objective of stimulating and
deepening students' interest in the subject matter and
supporting their decision-making process regarding
cybersecurity modules. Such offers are, however,
Pöhler, L., Schuba, M., Höner, T., Hack, S. and Neugebauer, G.
CampusQuest: Motivating Computer Science Students for Cybersecurity from Day One.
DOI: 10.5220/0013164800003899
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2025) - Volume 1, pages 254-262
ISBN: 978-989-758-735-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
time-limited and frequently only made known to
students in higher semesters.
To foster early engagement with cybersecurity
among computer science students and provide
flexibility beyond the confines of pre-established
CTF events, an innovative CampusQuest platform
has been developed to facilitate the creation and
dissemination of CTF-inspired challenges. The
challenges are intended to be made physically
available on the campus in perpetuity and in a variety
of locations, and they are designed to serve as a kind
of treasure hunt, capturing the interest of students in
IT security from the earliest days of their studies.
Thematic content of the challenges includes
cryptographic puzzles, penetration testing tasks, or
investigations related to digital forensics. The
challenges are designed to encompass varying
degrees of difficulty, facilitating a gradual
introduction to the subject matter for beginners
without prior knowledge.
The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows. Section 2 provides an overview of the
fundamentals of CTFs and gamification. The current
state of the art in gamification within the
cybersecurity domain is described in section 3.
Section 4 introduces the developed CampusQuest
platform. Chapter 5 outlines the challenges that have
been designed so far, with two selected for more
detailed analysis. Chapter 6 summarizes the findings
and offers a prospective view of the project's future.
2.1 Gamification
Gamification can be defined as the utilization of
design elements that are characteristic of games in
contexts that are not inherently related to gaming
(Deterding et al., 2011). Gamification involves
packaging non-game learning content in a way that
makes it more engaging and accessible. This allows
games, which are typically designed to satisfy
hedonistic entertainment or pastime motives, to be
utilized for the purpose of achieving something else,
in this case, the success of the learning process
(Diercks and Kupka, 2013). This exploits the human
propensity for play to focus attention and
commitment on a specific task or learning objective.
This can lead to enhanced learning outcomes,
increased motivation, greater autonomy, and more
sustainable learning results (Jacob and Teuteberg,
2017; Kim et al, 2018).
Motivation represents the most crucial factor
influencing the success of gamification. The most
significant motivational factors that contribute to
success are self-determination and autonomy,
perfectionism and goal orientation, as well as social
reference and significance. Additionally, the concept
of flow, as postulated by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
(Csikszentmihalyi, 2019), is frequently invoked. The
concept of flow, or flow channel, describes a state of
complete immersion in an activity. This state of
equilibrium is achieved when the fear of being
overwhelmed and the boredom resulting from being
under-stimulated are balanced, and the individual
feels content. In this state, learning outcomes are
enhanced, and motivation and engagement are
greater. Therefore, it is important that games have
difficulty levels that are adapted to the abilities of the
participants. This can be done in gamification in a
more individualized manner than in traditional frontal
teaching (Gonzales-Scheller, 2013).
The CampusQuest platform is designed to
motivate students with varying backgrounds and
abilities in IT security to achieve initial learning
outcomes. It is structured similarly to a CTF to
facilitate this.
2.2 Capture the Flag
The concept of CTFs has been in existence for a
considerable length of time. Its applications are
manifold and diverse. The fundamental principle
remains constant, however, and is based on the
competition between at least two teams, each
attempting to steal the flag of the opposing team. The
principle has its roots in ancient military tactics, as
evidenced by the necessity for the Roman Legions to
defend their standards from enemy forces.
Contemporary applications include military
exercises, video games, and paintball competitions
(Hacking Academy, 2024).
In the context of gamification in education and
training, this principle has been applied to
cybersecurity and other learning contexts. The first
CTF competition was held in Texas in the 1990s at
the HoHoCon. In 1996, the concept was introduced at
the largest cybersecurity conference in the USA,
DEFCON, where it gained worldwide recognition
(CyberVista, 2020).
Since that time, cybersecurity-focused CTFs have
gained increasing popularity worldwide. In Jeopardy
CTFs, participants attempt to solve specific tasks,
frequently searching for a flag represented by a
sequence of characters. The discovery of a flag is then
rewarded with points, with the number of points
CampusQuest: Motivating Computer Science Students for Cybersecurity from Day One
awarded varying depending on the task's complexity.
The participant or team with the highest score at the
end of the competition is declared the winner.
Jeopardy-CTF is the most common format of
cybersecurity-focused CTFs (Chung, 2024a; Ctftime,
To provide a visual representation of the current
point standings for teams or participants and to foster
a sense of competition, scoreboards are utilized in
CTF events, as well as in numerous other competitive
settings. Typically, the scoreboard displays the
current standings of the participants and a ranking of
the overall leader. This is arguably the most crucial
design element, preceding even the badges and point
system, in determining the success of the competition
(Toda et al., 2018).
The concept of gamification is widely used in
commercial contexts across a range of industries. The
most popular features of gamification are those
related to fitness apps. Many providers implement
primarily, as is typical of games, reward mechanisms.
For example, apps such as “Nike Run Club” and
“Huawei Health” allow users to earn points and
medals through specific tasks or activities.
Additionally, these apps employ elements from
games in their design and structure (Nike, 2024;
Huawei, 2024).
In the field of education, tools such as Kahoot and
Mentimeter have gained significant traction,
particularly in the wake of the global COVID-19
pandemic. In the preceding year alone, 24 million
users engaged in Kahoot quizzes, while 163 million
participated in those of Mentimeter (Kahoot, 2024;
Mentimeter, 2023).
The gamification of cybersecurity has been in use
for some time. The number of Capture the Flag (CTF)
events is substantial, as is the number of attendees. In
some cases, these events are held locally or within the
organization. There are also numerous online
providers of IT security CTFs and IT security
laboratory environments. This section will introduce
some of these providers.
3.1 HackTheBox
HackTheBox (HTB) is one of the foremost gamified
platforms for professional development, certification,
and talent assessment in the cybersecurity domain. In
2023, the company announced that it had reached two
million users worldwide (Ophie, 2023). Currently, in
addition to numerous CTF events, there are also over
1,000 so-called virtual labs available for the purpose
of enhancing one's cybersecurity capabilities
(HackTheBox, 2024a). Additionally, the HTB
Academy offers online courses on IT security, as well
as “Hacking Battlegrounds,” which are multiplayer
challenges. HTB offers a basic subscription plan that
is free of charge. However, to access all challenges
and features, a paid subscription is required.
Additionally, courses from the HTB Academy that
are finished with certificates are also available for a
fee (HackTheBox, 2024b).
3.2 TryHackMe
TryHackMe represents a significant competitor for
HackTheBox. The two platforms offer similar
services, however, TryHackMe places a greater
emphasis on “learning paths,” which provide step-by-
step instruction in IT security knowledge across
selected categories. Naturally, the platform also
offers traditional CTF challenges with competitive
elements and rankings, as well as the "King of the
Hill" format, in which players assume the roles of
attacker or defender and compete against each other.
The platform offers a “skills matrix” that indicates the
user's progress in various domains and enables the
confirmation of this progress through the issuance of
certificates. Additionally, other gamification
elements are employed, such as progress badges. Like
the majority of providers in this field, TryHackMe is
based on a freemium model. Registration is free, but
the functionality is limited. To utilize all features, a
premium subscription must be purchased, which
requires a monthly payment (TryHackMe, 2024).
3.3 PentesterLab
PentesterLab is another online learning platform for
IT security. The focus of the individual challenges is
on the underlying vulnerabilities. With an annual
subscription, users gain access to all exercises, as well
as videos on the exercises and certificates confirming
the completion of all tasks (PentesterLab, 2024).
3.4 CyberDefenders
In addition to numerous other providers of traditional
IT security challenges on the internet, which typically
focus on compromising systems, there are also
websites that specialize in defending and analyzing
security incidents. CyberDefenders is one such
website that offers the “CyberRange” in addition to
training and certification courses on the subject of
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
blue teaming. In the domain of IT security, the term
"blue team" is used to refer to the cybersecurity
experts whose responsibility it is to defend the IT
infrastructure against attacks (Luber and Schmitz,
2020). The “CyberRange” offers a variety of
laboratories in which users can learn to analyze
malware, conduct network and endpoint forensics,
and other skills. A distinction is made between freely
available and so-called PRO-Labs. The latter
necessitate a monthly subscription (CyberDefenders,
2024). CyberDefenders incorporates elements of
gamification, such as leaderboards and badges, to
encourage regular participation in challenges.
Additionally, users are permitted to create their own
labs, which can then be solved by other members.
3.5 Portswigger Academy
Portswigger is primarily recognized for its Burp Suite
program, which enables IT security professionals to
assess network traffic and applications. The
Portswigger WebSecurity Academy provides a
platform for the acquisition of knowledge regarding
IT security concepts in the context of web security.
The main focus is on training the usage of the Burp
Suite tool and its functions. The Portswigger
Academy also incorporates elements of gamification,
such as badges and a progress bar indicating the
number of labs completed by the user. While the
learning resources are freely available, in some cases,
a Burp Suite Professional license may be required,
which incurs a fee (PortSwigger, 2024).
The presented websites and challenges are
already well-established and offer excellent learning
opportunities for those interested in IT security.
Therefore, the objective of this paper is not to
improve or surpass these sites, but rather to focus on
engaging students at an earlier stage of their career
and motivate them to pursue independent learning,
for example, by exploring the aforementioned
websites, participating in challenges, or engaging
with cybersecurity modules at the university.
4.1 Requirements
The CampusQuest system differs from traditional
CTFs in that it has a permanent and physical
character. To this end, 3D-printed elements have been
created that can be mounted at the university campus
and serve as both entry points and data collection
points for challenges. The physical visibility of the
CampusQuest elements helps to attract the attention
of students and arouses their curiosity.
A crucial requirement for this project was the
ability to administer the challenges in a unified and
structured manner and being able to put it under
version control. This enables the iterative
development of individual challenges and ensures the
long-term sustainability of the project. Furthermore,
it facilitates the creation and maintenance of
challenges, thereby streamlining the process for
future administrators of the CampusQuest system,
making it easier for them to contribute to the project.
The fundamental structure of the CampusQuest
platform at the university is comprised of a CTF
server, a customized challenge management system,
and a conceptual framework for utilization.
Additionally, a series of illustrative challenges have
been designed to demonstrate the integration of
challenges into the system, the incorporation of
challenges into the physical environment, and the
implementation of challenges in a tangible manner.
Furthermore, a prototype for a flag management
system has been developed to prevent the
dissemination of solutions among students.
The challenges were selected in a manner that
reflects the content of potential course modules within
the computer science degree program at the university,
or alternatively, serves to stimulate interest in these
areas. The difficulty level was deliberately set at a
relatively low threshold to avoid overwhelming those
with limited experience. As the initial challenges are
intended to serve as a template or exemplar for a
subsequent, integrated challenge series, a variety of
formats were selected, drawing upon existing CTFs or
based on insights gained from the computer science
curriculum. To identify potential issues or areas for
improvement, a small group of students was consulted
during the pre-testing phase.
In order to meet the requirement of a physical
starting point on campus, elements with the
CampusQuest logo and a QR code were produced
using a 3D printer, thus ensuring the elements had a
degree of visual recognition. The linked web interface
can be used to disseminate passwords, text elements,
or links to data downloads. Alternatively, modular
CampusQuest boxes are currently being developed
that can accommodate small devices for wireless or
USB interaction with students.
4.2 Technologies Employed
4.2.1 Existing Software
The presented version of CampusQuest employs a
CampusQuest: Motivating Computer Science Students for Cybersecurity from Day One
variety of freely available technologies, notably
CTFd and ctfcli for server and challenge
administration, Docker for server execution, Github
for code management, and Python and Rust for
programming. Some or these technologies will be
briefly described in the following sections.
CTFd is a framework designed for the creation of
CTF events with the majority of CTFd being written
in Python and utilizing the Flask framework (Chung,
2024b). In the CampusQuest context the CTFd
website serves as the front end for both user
interaction and administrative tasks. Furthermore, it
encompasses the display and monitoring of
challenges and flags, as well as a scoreboard that
allows participants to gauge their individual point
totals. Additionally, participants can utilize their
accumulated points to unlock hints for solving
challenges (Chung, 2024b; Chung, 2017).
While the free version of CTFd was generally
suitable for use as a CampusQuest platform, it was
also evident that certain limitations existed,
necessitating the implementation of extensions.
Given the necessity of adding or modifying
challenges on an ongoing basis, an alternative
solution for the administration of challenges was
required. To this end, the command-line program
ctfcli, also developed by CTFd, was employed. It
offers the ability to install, synchronize, and export
challenges individually. Text-based challenge
configuration files are utilized, facilitating
straightforward creation and administration.
Additionally, remote computer commands can be
executed (CTFd, 2024a; CTFd, 2024b).
In order to implement the programming tasks, the
decision was taken to use Python and Rust. Python is
a contemporary, interpreted programming language
that emphasizes object-oriented, functional, and
imperative programming. Python is a popular choice
among beginners and advanced programmers alike
due to its readability and ease of use (Kelly, 2019).
The additional use of the compiled language Rust was
motivated by the superior runtime performance and
the fact that Python programs are easily human-
readable. This approach has the advantage that
participants will find it very difficult to reverse-
engineer the flag generation scripts (Müller et al.,
4.2.2 Self-Developed Software
In order to facilitate the creation of personalized, or at
the very least, reusable flags, a flag plugin with new
flag types was developed. To this end, the software
CTFd has been augmented with customized functions
that facilitate the creation and verification of
personalized and time-based flags. As an example,
the creation of flags may include the option of adding
a supplementary time stamp, which can limit the
duration of use. Similarly, the username can be
incorporated into the generation function, thereby
ensuring that a flag can only be used by the correct
user. This results in four distinct flag types,
depending on whether time and/or the user are
included in the generation: static flags, dynamic time-
based flags, dynamic user-based flags, and dynamic
time- and user-based flags.
4.3 Creation of CampusQuest
New challenges may be created and added in one of
two ways: either via the user interface of the CTFd
server or using ctfcli. However, the latter method is
recommended, as it allows challenges to be planned
and created without direct access to the CTFd server.
This should facilitate the creation of challenges for a
wider audience, as it removes the need for familiarity
with CTFd or the ability to make corrections.
The administration of the system via ctfcli is
based on configuration files that can be created and
loaded into the repository using any text editor.
Examples of configuration data include the name of
the challenge, the name of the author, the challenge
category (e.g.,digital forensics), and a brief
description. The configuration value “type” denotes
the type of challenge, which may be designated as
“standard” or “dynamic,” among other options. In the
case of the "standard" challenge, all participants are
awarded the specified number of points. In contrast, a
“dynamic” challenge entails a reduction in the point
value as additional participants solve the challenge.
The objective is to provide a more substantial reward
for the expeditious mastering of particularly difficult
challenges. The “flags” parameter is capable of
accepting either simple strings or dictionaries. In the
event that the flag is entered as a string, a static flag
will be generated. Furthermore, dynamic flags may be
entered. Should one wish to provide a file, this may
be done via thefiles parameter. Additionally, tags
may be specified in order to provide participants with
information regarding the contents of the challenges.
Hints may be specified in a manner analogous to
flags, and are intended to serve as guidance for
participants. These may be assigned a cost in the form
of points.
In order to guarantee the quality of the challenges
and the seamless functionality of the CampusQuest
server, a process for implementing software changes
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
has been developed. This process concerns the
addition or modification of challenges, as well as
plugins and other alterations to the server. It employs
the DevOps principle of feature branches. The
current, tested, and functional version of the
challenges is located on the main branch of Git. This
is subsequently utilized by the production server to
load the challenges onto the CTFd container, which is
accessible to all students.
Should a supervisor or other relevant individual
wish to develop and provide a new challenge, it is first
uploaded to a feature or development branch in Git.
Next, the challenge is transferred to a distinct testing
server. This server is not accessible to all students.
Subsequently, the new challenges are subjected to a
preliminary examination by the set of students
belonging to the IT security club at the university.
This process allows for the discovery and removal of
bugs or difficulties before the challenge is released to
the entire student body. Once the challenges have
been optimized, all members of the club are invited to
evaluate them. The decision is then made as to
whether the challenges will be incorporated into the
operational system. If this is the case, the relevant
feature branch can be merged into the main branch,
and the changes can be loaded onto the operational
server. Additionally, the physical element
representing the challenge needs to be mounted on the
In addition to the CampusQuest backend, several
challenges have been implemented or adopted as part
of this project. These serve as a foundation and
exemplar for the subsequent implementation of
additional challenges. Table 1 on the next page
provides an overview of the challenges created or
integrated so far.
As can be observed in the table, the flags
associated with the challenges are typically static.
The rationale behind this approach is to minimize the
initial expenditure associated with the creation of
challenges. While the generation of flags in a
dynamic manner at a later stage is a viable option for
many challenges, it is not a practical solution for
others, such as the RDP bitmap, for which dynamic
flags would require unreasonable development
efforts. The suitability of this approach will be
determined over time as more experience is gained.
The following subsections will provide a more
detailed analysis of two of the eleven CampusQuest
challenges that have already been implemented:
“Puzzle Frenzy” and “Weird Knocking Noise.”
5.1 Puzzle Frenzy
The Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) employs the use
of bitmap caches with the objective of optimizing the
transmission process, when transferring screen
content from one computer to another. Discrete
portions of the display are cached, thus obviating the
necessity for repeated transmission of screen parts
that are currently static (Microsoft, 2021). The default
location for the RDP bitmap cache is as follows:
nal Server Client\Cache\. The cache can be utilized
by digital forensics investigators to reconstruct
potential screen content of a computer. However, the
files must first be processed. The open-source tool
bmc-tools can be used for this purpose (Bmc-tools,
2024). It generates readable “.bmp files from file
“bcache.bmc” and the corresponding “bin” files
found in the cache directory. At this point, one may
attempt to manually reassemble the individual
components or alternatively employ specialized
software, such as the RDPCacheStitcher tool (BSI,
2024). This tool facilitates structured assembly of the
components and provides immediate feedback on
potential matching elements.
5.2 Weird Knocking Noise
The objective of this challenge is to analyze network
data traffic using the Wireshark tool in order to
identify a hidden message. Wireshark is frequently
used in practice and is therefore an appropriate
example to introduce to participants to network
analysis which is also performed in undergraduate
courses like data networks and IT security.
The description of the challenge for participants
is as follows: “For several days, an unusual rhythmic
knocking sound has been emanating from the
neighboring office. I have elected to pursue this
matter further and initiated a Wireshark capture of the
network traffic, but the resulting data does not yield
any insights. I would be grateful for your assistance.”
Additionally, the aforementioned capture is provided
to participants in the form of a PCAP file, which can
be opened and analyzed in Wireshark.
A superficial examination of the network
recording suggests that it contains only malformed
DNS packets. Upon closer examination of the packet
data, however, it becomes evident that Wireshark’s
CampusQuest: Motivating Computer Science Students for Cybersecurity from Day One
Table 1: List of CampusQuest challenges.
Name Difficulty Category Tags Flag Type Source
Hotel Where?
(evidence search)
simple Digital
Android, Forensics,
Puzzle Frenzy simple Digital
RDP, Cache,
Static Own Development
GIF Puzzle (How
to pronounce GIF)
medium Digital
Riddle, GIF, QR-
Hidden Message
medium Digital
Hex, Stegano,
Remote Password
medium Digital
Weird Knocking
simple Network
Wireshark, PCAP
Own Development
Cupcakes simple Cryptology Encryption Static
simple Cryptology Encryption,
Static Cryptology Lecture at own
Really Small
simple Cryptology Encryption, RSA Static
Paint it! simple Cryptology Riddle, Stegano Static
Unsafe Hotspot difficult Network
WLAN, Cracking,
Dynamic Own Development
packet bytes pane contains information that is
consistently represented by a single point or a single
In conjunction with the designation of the
challenge and the accompanying description, it is
reasonable to assume that the concealed data may be
represented by Morse code. To verify this hypothesis,
the complete network traffic data can be displayed in
Wireshark. To test this hypothesis, the selected
packets are followed and the “UDP stream option” is
selected, showing the expected dot and hyphen
pattern, which then can be manually or automatically
decoded using a website to obtain the flag.
To illustrate the modification of static flags to
dynamic flags, a Python script was developed for the
challenge “Weird Knocking Noise”. This script
automatically creates PCAP files containing a freely
selectable flag in Morse code. To this end, the Python
library Scapy is employed, which enables the creation
and processing of network packets in Python. When
used in conjunction with the flag creation scripts, it is
possible to generate a personalized or time-based
challenge for each participant.
This paper presented CampusQuest, a platform for a
continuous and physically present campus-based
program on cybersecurity at a university. The target
audience is primarily novices who are encouraged to
engage with the subject of IT security. However, the
platform can also be utilized by more experienced
students and for other topics within the field of
computer science or other academic disciplines. The
platform facilitates the straightforward creation and
management of challenges. It also enables the
generation of personalized, dynamic flags to prevent
the dissemination of solutions to challenges by simply
exchanging the flags.
In order to test the functionality of the platform, a
preliminary version of CampusQuest was created.
This version includes a number of sample challenges,
some of which were derived from existing events and
some of which were developed anew. The physical
aspect of the quest tasks was implemented through
the use of 3D-printed entrance points with QR codes
or CampusQuest boxes for the storage of small
devices. These entrance points were designed to serve
as a focal point, stimulating the curiosity of students
and encouraging their participation in the quest.
The current status of the project is that initial
challenges have been tested and deployed. Additional
challenges, which are designed to build upon one
another in a systematic manner, are currently being
developed as part of final-year projects.
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ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy