contains simultaneous recordings of ECG, respira-
tory signals, and other physiological measurements
from both healthy subjects and patients, offers an-
other rich source of data. By utilizing these datasets,
researchers can benchmark the performance of their
models across different populations and conditions,
ensuring that the methods developed are generaliz-
able and effective in diverse clinical scenarios. These
datasets provide an excellent opportunity to further
refine deep learning models for ECG-derived respi-
ration, offering a broader evaluation framework for
improving non-invasive respiratory monitoring.
By leveraging these datasets and establishing ro-
bust baselines with traditional signal processing meth-
ods, we provided a comprehensive comparison with
our deep learning approach. This demonstrated the ef-
fectiveness of advanced algorithms in respiratory sig-
nal estimation from ECG data. However, we have
not explored other machine learning approaches to
enhance the comparative analysis. Therefore, future
work will also include exploring different deep learn-
ing architectures, like Generative Adversarial Net-
works (GANs), or frameworks such as Reservoir
Computing, to further improve results, and also ex-
perimenting with different datasets for ECG-derived
respiration, to enhance generalizability and robust-
ness of the models. Finally, it would be valuable to in-
vestigate also the performance of the methods across
different age groups. For this purpose, the Fanta-
sia dataset presents a promising option, given its bal-
anced representation of both young and elderly sub-
jects, enabling a more comprehensive age-related per-
formance analysis.
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nancial support from the Slovenian Research and
Innovation Agency (ARIS) under Grant No. P2-
0095. Biljana Mileva Boshkoska acknowledges EU
funding through Erasmus + KA220 project number
101132761 and the ARIS funding under Grant No.
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Deep Learning for ECG-Derived Respiration Using the Fantasia Dataset