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A Enumeration of LCP-Intervals
(Kasai et al., 2001) presented a linear time algorithm
to simulate the bottom-up traversal of a suffix tree
with a suffix array and its LCP-array (which, given
the suffix array, can be constructed in linear time).
The following algorithm is a slight modification of
their algorithm TraverseWithArray, cf. (Abouelhoda
et al., 2004). It computes all lcp-intervals of the
LCP-array with the help of a stack. The elements
on the stack are lcp-intervals represented by tuples
⟨lcp,lb,rb⟩, where lcp is the lcp-value of the inter-
val, lb is its left boundary, and rb is its right bound-
ary. In Algorithm 1, push (pushes an element onto the
stack) and pop (pops an element from the stack and
returns that element) are the usual stack operations,
while top provides a pointer to the topmost element
of the stack. Furthermore, ⊥ stands for an undefined
value. We assume that array indexing starts at 1 and
that LCP[1] = −1 = LCP[n + 1].
Function Enumerate(LCP):
push(⟨0,1, ⊥⟩);
for k = 2 → n + 1 do
lb ← k − 1;
while LCP[k] < top().lcp do
top().rb ← k − 1;
interval ← pop();
lb ← interval.lb;
if LCP[k] > top().lcp then
push(⟨LCP[k], lb,⊥⟩);
Algorithm 1: Given the LCP-array of a string of length n,
this algorithm enumerates all lcp-intervals.
BIOINFORMATICS 2025 - 16th International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms