Building a Risk Profile for Detecting Terrorism Financing
David Makiya and Jo
ao Balsa
Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Clustering, Terrorism Financing, Risk-Profiles, Risk-Assessment.
This paper presents a novel and theoretical approach to detecting terrorism financing through the development
of risk-based transaction profiles using machine learning models. By integrating client and transaction data,
the proposed framework employs unsupervised clustering techniques to identify suspicious financial activities.
A multi-agent system, coupled with National Risk Indicators (NRI) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
neural networks, can enhance predictive capabilities for easier detection. The proposed model addresses the
evolving strategies of terrorist groups, offering financial institutions a dynamic and scalable tool for mitigating
terrorism financing risks while improving accuracy in anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism
financing (CTF) efforts.
Terrorism is a huge threat to the socioeconomic wel-
fare of many societies. It is safe to assume that terror
activities whether state-sponsored or individual have
to be financed in one way or another. Starving the
perpetrators of such activities from access to their re-
sources forms a solid foundation towards addressing
and combating the terrorism threat. The purpose of
this work was to try to identify the pointers that can
help build a risk-based profile of active transactions
through a financial system. The aim is to cluster
transactions associated with terrorism financing into
groups associated with certain risk profiles/weights.
Challenges of establishing who a terrorist is, flag-
ging one, tracing their financial patterns, sources of
funding and other resources are important in trying
to address the issue. The infrequency and small dol-
lar amounts of some funding designs and the indi-
rect relationship between nations and operatives re-
main the biggest challenge for financial institutions to
detect this activity proactively (U.S-Treasury, 2022).
The patterns being deployed by terror groups keep
evolving with time. For example, the National Terror-
ist Financing Risk Assessment Report (US-Treasury,
2024a) from the USA identifies that ISIS financial fa-
cilitators are constantly looking for ways to consoli-
date and move funds raised in the US to shell compa-
nies around the world, thus creating layers within the
systems, thus giving a vulnerability for transactions to
circumvent monitoring by financial institutions.
The report further analyzes that ISIS supporters
may transfer funds through foreign financial institu-
tions that are not subject to the same or similar reg-
ulatory requirements as US financial institutions and
thus do not have in place effective Anti-money laun-
dering/Combating terror financing (AML/CFT) pro-
cesses or controls. Alqaeda also continues to exploit
access to the regulated financial system to support
its ongoing terrorist activities. Like ISIS, Alqaeda
has sought out non-U.S. financial institutions that
are subject to less rigorous regulatory oversight and
used them to transfer funds (US-Treasury, 2024a; US-
Treasury, 2024b).
Hizballah is not fully sanctioned by the UN and
is not classified as a terrorist organization by many
countries. For instance, while the U.S., UK, Canada,
Australia, Germany, and Israel designate Hizballah as
a terrorist group, the EU only designates its military
wing. This distinction may allow Hizballah’s political
leaders and social welfare groups to access EU bank-
ing systems (Primer, 2023). The inconsistent appli-
cation of counterterrorism sanctions by governments
and financial institutions poses challenges, as these
designations are essential for cutting off financial net-
works tied to terrorism and identifying related activi-
Research on the subject of terrorism financing has
not made it easier to distinguish it from heterogeneous
financial crimes (de Jes
us Rocha-Salazar et al., 2021).
In common cases, a gross categorization of money
laundering has been given the closest association to
Makiya, D. and Balsa, J.
Building a Risk Profile for Detecting Terrorism Financing.
DOI: 10.5220/0013166700003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 631-638
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
terrorism financing. This study tries to build a theoret-
ical framework that can be used to quantitatively in-
form the national terrorism financing risk by innovat-
ing the NRI. The NRI can then be used as a key basis
to inform the clustering of transactions from bank sys-
tems into terror-related activities. The supplementary
objective of the work is to provide a foundation for
quantitative analysis and application based on multi-
agent systems to detect and prevent terrorism-related
Since the 70s governments have tried to establish a
means of capturing and assessing money laundering
(Soltani et al., 2016). The focus on terrorism only
took direction after the September 9/11 attack in the
year 2000 at the USA (U.S-Treasury, 2022). It is
such attacks that created awareness on the need to
combat terrorism not only through the structured gun
to hand approach, but also from the financial sys-
tems of the world. The Financial Action Task Force
(FATF) unleashed some heavy regulations on the fi-
nancial systems with regards to terrorism in October
2001 (de Jes
us Rocha-Salazar et al., 2021). Statisti-
cal methods were used in the late 90s to detect money
laundering. Such methods mostly involved Bayesian
models and temporal sequence matching (Phua et al.,
2010). It is only after 2004 that there seems to have
been more structured focus on building systems to ac-
tively address money laundering which entailed ter-
rorism financing.
Machine-learning approaches were applied to find
money laundering patterns. (Donoho, 2004) and
(Wang and Yang, 2007) proposed decision tree algo-
rithms to detect money laundering risks. More re-
cently, (Mbiva and Correa, 2024) demonstrated the
use of unsupervised machine learning models, such
as Isolation Forest and Local Outlier Factor (LOF),
to identify suspicious transactions in migrant remit-
tances. Their model achieved a detection rate of over
90 % for terrorism financing-related transactions, fur-
ther reducing the high rate of false positives typically
seen in rule-based systems. (Tang and Yin, 2005) did
a support vector machine to detect money laundering
activities. (Liu and Zhang, 2010) proposed radial-
based function neural network model to detect money
laundering activities. A lot of effort has been put
into identifying and classifying transactions related
to Money Laundering per se. The focus of modern-
day detection systems has been rule-based classifiers.
This means that, there is an expert system, preloaded
with a certain set of pre-conditions from which, if
met, the transactions are automatically dropped into
the respective cluster that they belong to. Of course,
these methods are deficient of having a predictive ef-
fect since they are simply rule based systems (de Jes
Rocha-Salazar et al., 2021).
In trying to move away from explicit expert sys-
tems, computational models have been developed to
classify transactions as suspicious or normal (Liu and
Zhang, 2010). Computational models have been de-
veloped to classify transactions as suspicious or nor-
mal. (Labib et al., 2020) introduced social network
analysis algorithms to uncover suspicious relation-
ships between entities within transaction datasets, a
method particularly useful in identifying complex fi-
nancial networks that may be involved in terrorism
financing. This approach complements traditional
anomaly detection by focusing on the relational as-
pects of suspicious activities, offering a robust means
to detect hidden financial links The data used in Liu
and Zhang’s model of 2010 picks transaction time,
account number, transaction direction and transac-
tion amount. However, the high-dimensional nature
of financial datasets presents challenges for cluster-
ing techniques. (Bakry et al., 2024) addressed this
by applying Kernel Principal Component Analysis
(KPCA) in combination with clustering algorithms to
reduce dimensionality, improving clustering accuracy
in anti-money laundering (AML) systems. Such di-
mensionality reduction techniques are critical in han-
dling large and complex financial data while main-
taining precision in identifying suspicious patterns.
The use of a core decision tree and clustering al-
gorithms to detect money laundering was explored
with key attributes such as transaction time, sender,
receiver, frequency and transaction amount (Liu et al.,
2011). This and other mechanisms take advantage
of unsupervised learning algorithms within the do-
main. (Cao and Do, 2012) utilized the attributes
of bank transfer transactions and CLOPE algorithms
for clustering to detect money laundering in Viet-
nam. The variables used were amount sent, amount
received, number sent, number received, relationship
between what is sent and what is received and the ab-
solute value of the difference between the amounts
sent and received. In (Drezewski et al., 2015) the au-
thors analyze financial flows in order to detect money-
laundering processes. They examine the clustering of
money transfers that fulfill the specified characteris-
tics and then mine for frequent sets and sequences in
the clusters found.
In more recent works, one of the novelties of
(de Jes
us Rocha-Salazar et al., 2021) work was that
it compared the historical trend of each transaction
with its peer groups. As a drawback, the detection
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
task was entirely dependent on the nature of the trans-
action, omitting other important typologies related
to money laundering (de Jes
us Rocha-Salazar et al.,
2021). Some of the works directly associated with
terrorism simply try to identify the terror-related cells.
There is no direct inclination to the financial system
as there are not as many confirmed cases of terrorism
financing within financial systems. In fact, this partly
informs the need to adopt unsupervised algorithms
in the creation of risk profiles for terrorist detection
(de Jes
us Rocha-Salazar et al., 2021). For example,
(Koschade, 2006) tried to perform some analysis of
the communication patterns and structure of a known
terror group, the Jemaah Islamiyah cell, in order to
help predict the likely outcomes of terrorist-related
activities. Unfortunately, not much was observed
that could be directly tied to the financial systems,
aside from the probable data point that could be used
in building a non-avoidance risk-based profile. An-
other example is the prediction model CPM, designed
through a crime dataset which includes solved and un-
solved terrorist events in Istanbul between 2003 and
2005. It learnt similarities of crime incident attributes
from all terrorist attacks and then put them in appro-
priate clusters (Ozgul et al., 2009). (Gohar et al.,
2014) proposed four classification techniques to de-
tect terrorist groups, using the attributes: month, city,
country, weapon type, attack type, target and group
name. (Saidi et al., 2018) used clustering techniques
to detect cyber terrorist groups, with the attributes:
identification, date of birth, marital status, religion,
social background, position in the organization, role
in terrorist incidents, teacher and arrest dates. They
used the network data in the John Jay ARTIS Transna-
tional Terrorism Database, which identify the connec-
tions between individuals in certain attack networks
and their roles in given terrorist organizations.
2.1 How Are Risk Elements for TF
At the National Level, most nations have adopted a
risk assessment methodology provided by the World
Bank/IMF. This is the cross-border methodology
for performing risk assessments across specific na-
tions where there is adoption of the FATF regula-
tions/guidelines (U.S-Treasury, 2022). The underly-
ing concepts for this risk assessment are threats (the
terrorists who are most active in raising/moving funds
through the financial systems), vulnerabilities (weak-
nesses that facilitate TF), consequences (the effect of
a vulnerability), and risk (the synthesis of threat, vul-
nerability, and consequence). The National Risk As-
sessment (NRA) reports within the member bodies
of ESAAMLG provide the ideal data-points from the
qualitative risk assessment going back a period of 4
years. The Risk Assessments within the member bod-
ies provide risk classifications on a scale of 0-1 on
the basis of given industries/sectors, compliance lev-
els existence of controls and etc.
Different banks apply their own methodologies to-
wards building risk profiles. So far, the tool being ap-
plied by banks are fully dependent on following the
regulators recommendations and in this context the
FATF regulations. This reduces the risk profiles to
a rule-based structure.
2.2 Relationship Between Money
Laundering and Terrorism
Financing (TF)
In building up this literature, there is clearly a lot
of work put in money laundering compared to FT.
In broad terms, money laundering and FT are both
considered financial crimes. On a higher level, we
can categorize TF as a subset of money laundering.
Therefore, most of the methodologies applicable to
combat money laundering, are also commonly used
to address TF. The only unfortunate bit is that, when
it comes to predictability, the same methods cannot be
used as the risk points are clearly different. (de Jes
Rocha-Salazar et al., 2021) makes a preclusion on the
need not to separate the two on the basis of common
typologies, techniques of execution and trends for ob-
taining or manipulating the funds. This does not re-
ally form a good basis for building accurate clusters,
particularly if we are seeking ones that can be consid-
ered pure.
The funds are moved in an almost comparative
manner. The USA Treasury has identified instances
where ISIS operatives route transactions through
complicit individuals, and in some instances shell
companies and other legal entities, to avoid detection.
Operating through shell companies is a mirror reflec-
tion with money laundering.
Money laundering is normally coupled with a
predicate offence implying that in common cases the
source of such funding would be illegal. On the con-
trary, terrorism can fully be financed by funds ob-
tained legally otherwise the criminal activity involved
would be of a non-violent nature (U.S-Treasury,
2022). For purposes of this work, it is prudent to men-
tion that this form of funding forms our focal point.
By virtue of this, we dube it ”Structured Terrorism”.
There may be some overlap in the vulnerabilities
exploited for both money laundering and TF (U.S-
Treasury, 2022). The Ministry of Finance of Re-
publica Portuguesa published a National Risk Assess-
Building a Risk Profile for Detecting Terrorism Financing
ment on money laundering and TF in 2015, where it
categorizes Islamist threat as a core risk point with
a high-level risk consequence (of Portugal, 2015). It
provides for factors such as, historical and political
factors, including the Judeo-Christian and ’Western’
identification, the historical connection to Al-Andalus
and Portugal’s membership of international organiza-
tions such as NATO and the EU. These are specific
aspects that will only have an impact on TF and not
money laundering. Consequently, when building a
framework for clustering, these form part of the guid-
ing pointers for risk pointers.
The approach we propose through our risk analysis
profile is dependent on relying on a staging process
by adopting the multi-agent model to perform the risk
metric allocation at key stages as shown in figure 1.
Predict the
National Risk level
Stage 1: Determine the Predictor variable through a
risk indicator that will be used to Predict the future
risk level.
Client Profiling and
Stage 2: Determine and allocate quantitative risk
metrics from a transaction and/or client
Risk Analysis
Stage 3: Perform comparison of singular transaction
risk level against the defined threshold in stage 1.
Figure 1: Multi agent Adaptation General Flow Process.
Layering Risk Assessment. As per the desktop
overview, in-order to build a risk profile from the the
first stage upto the third stage, there exists 4 layers
where one is the Global Risk Level, second is the Re-
gional Risk Level, third is the National Risk Level and
lastly the bank based-risk assessment. For purposes
of this work, the focused layer is on the National Risk
Assessment and bank based-risk assessment.
3.1 National Risk Assessment
In our context, we take a quantitative methodology to
build a National Risk Profile, where instead of relying
on the qualitative National Risk Assessment reports,
we derive payments data from a national payments
and propose to co-relate with the Global Ter-
A national payments system is a framework of institu-
tions, policies and technologies that facilitate the transfer of
money between individuals, businesses, and governments
rorism Database™
based on specific risk indicators.
We provide a regression analysis methodology that
first formulates a National Risk Indicator (NRI). Sec-
ondly, we propose LSTM neural networks to predict
the future indices/values of the NRI. LSTMs are ef-
fective at handling sequential data and long-term de-
pendencies, making them suitable for detecting pat-
terns and trends in time-series data, such as terror in-
cidents and financial movements (Kader et al., 2023;
Hewamalage et al., 2021).
3.1.1 Constructing the Long Short-Term
Memory (LSTM) Neural Network
The approach for building the LSTM model ini-
tiates with an imput sequence of of the set X =
, where x
represents the state of finan-
cial transactions and terror activity at time t.
= σ(W
· [h
] + b
) (Forget Gate)
= σ(W
· [h
] + b
) (Input Gate)
= σ(W
· [h
] + b
) (Output Gate)
= tanh(W
· [h
] + b
= f
+ i
= o
· tanh(C
: Forget, input and output gate activation at time
: Cell state at time t
: Hidden state at time t
: Weight matrices for forget, input,
output, and candidate cell state gates
: Bias vectors for forget, input, out-
put, and candidate cell state gates
σ: Sigmoid activation function
tanh: Hyperbolic tangent activation function
: Input vector at time t
: Hidden state from the previous time step
: Cell state from the previous time step
LSTM will process the sequential nature of both
terror attacks and financial data to identify patterns
and relationships that can be predictive of future risks.
within a country. It includes banking networks, payment
processors and regulatory oversight.
The Global Terrorism Database™ (GTD) contains
over 200,000 confirmed terrorist events worldwide from
1970-2020. It includes 135+ variables on domestic and in-
ternational incidents, and is publicly available and regularly
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
3.1.2 Granger Causality Analysis
Secondly, to ensure that the financial variables (e.g.,
remittances, mobile payments) are useful predictors
of terror incidents, Granger Causality will be ap-
plied to assess the level of predictability of one time
series against another. This is ideal particularly since
we are working with multivariate time series struc-
tures. The novel approach proposed in (Chu et al.,
2021) enhances the detection of Granger causal struc-
tures across multivariate time series hence making it
suitable to scenarios with both single and multiple in-
dividuals or variables, thereby it is a relevant tech-
nique for time series analysis of financial and terror-
ism datasets. Since our dataset is also limited in terms
of confirmed cases, the sequential hypothesis testing
presents an adaptive method for detecting causal rela-
tionships within time series variables hence increas-
ing the chances for better performace (Devendra et al.,
In concept, for two time series X
(terror incidents)
and Y
(financial data): Under the null hypothesis, we
model time series Y
without the influence of X
= α
+ ε
: Target time series at time t
: Lagged values of Y
: Error term
p: Number of lags
On the alternative Hypothesis (Causality Exists).
The alternative hypothesis assumes that the past val-
ues of X
also influence Y
= α
+ ε
: Time series suspected of causing Y
: Coefficients for lagged values of X
The Granger causality test statistic is based on the
F-test, comparing the two models:
F =
/(n 2p 1)
: Residual sum of squares for the restricted
model (no causality)
: Residual sum of squares for the unre-
stricted model (causality exists)
n: Number of observations
p: Number of lags
3.1.3 Feature Engineering
To enhance predictive accuracy, features could be de-
rived based on:
Lagging indicators: How financial transaction
volumes spike or fall days before a terror incident.
Event proximity: Temporal closeness of a terror
event to financial anomalies.
Volatility: Day-to-day volatility in transaction
3.1.4 Model Training and NRI Calculation
The output of the LSTM model would be a score or
probability indicating the likelihood of a terror inci-
dent based on national level real-time financial trans-
actions. The training test case uses the GTD dataset
from 2001-2019 while the testing set shall adopt the
dataset from 2020-2022 to validate the model. The
National Risk Indicator (NRI) is defined to correlate
financial movements with terror incidents.
3.2 Inbank Assessment
At this level, we focus on the individualized client
profiles and transactions. We focus on manipulating
the client profiles and transactionary data to build TF
clusters by introducing the NRI.
Client Profile Data. This contains datapoints spe-
cific to the Know your Customer (KYC) and Cus-
tomer Due Diligence (CDD) requirements with re-
spect to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF
regulations). Such datapoints include the type of
client(individual/natural person), customer segment,
political exposure, economic activity, nature of the
client age of client etc.
Transactionary. This contains datapoints specific to
the occurrence of a singular transaction. They are
unique at the occurrence of each transaction like the
amount, currency, income source/purpose of funds,
geographical location, intermediary banks etc.
3.2.1 Formulating Risk Weights for Client
Profile (CP)
For CP, the primary factors involved are related to the
customer’s identity, background, and behavior. We
propose the following factors as an approach to as-
signing risk weights:
Client Type: Are they an individual, entity, or or-
ganization? High-risk clients may include non-
profit organizations, politically exposed persons
(PEPs), or clients with a history of financial ir-
Building a Risk Profile for Detecting Terrorism Financing
Geography: Clients based in high-risk countries
(as identified by FATF) or those in conflict zones
could be assigned higher risk weights.
Political Exposure: Politically exposed persons
(PEPs) could be flagged due to the higher risk of
being involved in corrupt or terror-related financ-
Economic Activity: The type of business or pro-
fession the client is engaged in may be relevant.
For instance, charitable organizations or cash-
intensive businesses could be assigned higher
Source of Funds: The origin of the funds (legal, il-
legal, suspicious) and their flow pattern over time
are critical in evaluating risk.
Transaction History: Previous involvement in sus-
picious or unusual transactions can increase risk.
Proposed Weighting Methodology. A risk matrix
can be formulated where each factor is given a weight
based on historical data and known risk profiles. The
aggregated metric can be represented as:
= (Client Type)w
+ (Geography)w
(Political Exposure)w
+ (Economic Activity)w
(Source of Funds)w
+ (Transaction History)w
The weights (w
where n <= 6) can
be optimized using supervised learning techniques on
a labeled dataset where the outcome is whether the
client was linked to terrorism financing or not.
3.2.2 Formulating Risk Weights for Transaction
Profile (TP)
For TP, the focus shifts to the characteristics of spe-
cific transactions. We propose the following relevant
Transaction Amount: Large or unusual transac-
tions, particularly in cash, could raise suspicion.
Frequency of Transactions: Multiple small-value
transactions over a short period (structuring)
could be indicative of terrorism financing.
Transaction Direction: The movement of funds
internationally, particularly to high-risk or sanc-
tioned jurisdictions, should raise the risk profile.
Transaction Purpose: Whether the transaction is
for a charitable donation, cash transfer, or some
other reason. Certain purposes (e.g., donations to
regions of conflict) may increase risk.
Intermediary Banks: Transactions routed through
offshore or lightly regulated institutions could in-
dicate risk.
Peer Group Comparison: Comparing the transac-
tion to other transactions of similar type can help
spot anomalies.
Proposed Weighting Methodology. A similar risk
matrix for TP would consider these factors, weighted
according to their historical correlation with terrorism
financing activities. The risk score could be expressed
= (Transaction Amount)w
+ (Direction)w
+ (Purpose)w
+ (Intermediary Banks)w
+ (Peer Group
Again, machine learning models such as cluster-
ing algorithms could help identify the ”normal” ver-
sus ”anomalous” transactions, with outliers assigned
higher risk weights.
To integrate the risk weights for CP and TP into a
coherent detection framework, we adopt a layered
approach that builds a dynamic risk profile for each
client based on their transaction patterns and personal
The combination of the methodologies for Client
Profiles (CP) and Transaction Profiles (TP) into a uni-
fied risk assessment framework can be approached
systematically by following the sequence:
4.1 Parallel Risk Scoring for CP and TP
Both CP and TP can be independently assessed to
assign risk weights based on their respective factors.
The aim here is to maintain distinct yet parallel pro-
cesses, where each profile contributes to the overall
risk score for a given entity.
CP Risk Score (RSCP) RW
: A weighted
score based on client-specific risk factors (e.g.,
geography, political exposure, client type, etc.).
TP Risk Score (RSTP) RW
: A weighted
score based on transaction-specific risk factors
(e.g., transaction amount, frequency, direction, in-
termediary banks, etc.).
This step ensures that both client- and transaction-
level risks are quantified independently but on the
same scale (e.g., 0 to 1 or 0 to 100).
4.2 Composite Risk Score (CRS)
Once the CP and TP risk scores are calculated in-
dependently, a composite risk score (CRS) can be
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
generated by combining them into a single metric.
The methodology to combine these two can use a
weighted or aggregated sum, represented as:
CRS = α.RW
+ β.RW
α and β are weights assigned to the CP and TP risk
scores respectively. These weights can be determined
based on historical analysis or expert judgment, de-
pending on which aspect (client or transaction) tends
to have a more significant impact on terrorism financ-
ing risk. If CP is more relevant (e.g., in cases in-
volving high-risk clients like politically exposed per-
sons), α might be larger than β. If TP is more relevant
(e.g. transactions involving large amounts or high-
risk countries), β would be weighted higher.
The final CRS gives a holistic view of the risk
associated with the combination of both the client’s
profile and their transactions, thus providing a com-
prehensive measure.
4.3 Dynamic Interaction Between CP
and TP
CP and TP are not isolated entities; in many cases,
the profile of the client can influence how transactions
are perceived and vice versa. Therefore, the method-
ology must account for interactions between CP and
TP, particularly for high-risk scenarios. For exam-
ple: A low-risk client may suddenly become high-risk
if there are suspicious transactions (such as unusual
amounts or transfers to high-risk countries). Or, con-
versely, a transaction flagged as high-risk could lower
in risk if it comes from a well-known, low-risk client.
To handle these dynamics, we introduce interac-
tion terms in the CRS formula:
+ βRW
+ γ(RW
α accounts for the interaction between CP and TP,
scaling the risk score based on how CP and TP be-
have together. For example, if both the CP and the TP
scores are high, the interaction term adds more weight
to the risk.
4.4 Thresholding and Risk Categories
The CRS can then be mapped into risk categories:
Low Risk: CRS below a certain threshold (e.g.
CRS < 0.3).
Medium Risk: CRS falls within a certain range
(e.g. 0.3 CRS < 0.7).
High Risk: CRS exceeds the upper threshold (e.g.
CRS 0.7).
These thresholds can be fine-tuned based on his-
torical data, expert input, or regulatory guidelines.
Transactions or clients that fall into the high risk
category should be subjected to further scrutiny,
manual review, or automated monitoring.
As a general rule of thumb devised, when em-
ploying the aggregated NRI into the context, then a
stepped evaluation of the NRI verses the CRS can be
performed. In theory, a classifier rule that obeys the
sequence equation such that if the cumulative risk per
transaction is greater than the NRI then this qualifies
as a confirmed case of terrorism financing by virtue of
fulfilling the suspicious threshold over and above the
national risk factor. By definition, the initial work-
ing theory is that if CRS > NRI, then this implies a
confirmed case of terrorism financing.
4.5 Evaluation Metrics
To assess the performance of our proposed model,
several evaluation metrics commonly used in machine
learning can be employed, particularly for classifica-
tion and regression tasks. These metrics will help un-
derstand the effectiveness and reliability of the model
in detecting terrorism financing activities. We shall
assess the accuracy (by measure of precision and cor-
rectness ratio), sensitivity (by measure of recall and
combined with the F1-Score) and lastly true and false
positives (by assessment with a confusion matrix).
In this study, we proposed a framework for detect-
ing terrorism financing by building risk profiles based
on financial transactions. Our research highlights
how terrorist groups, like ISIS and Al-Qaeda, ex-
ploit regulatory inconsistencies to bypass traditional
monitoring systems. To address these challenges,
we propose unsupervised machine learning models
and multi-agent systems to cluster suspicious trans-
actions. By integrating client and transaction pro-
files with dynamic risk scoring, our approach offers a
nuanced and adaptable method for identifying terror-
ism financing. Although its effectiveness and practi-
cality need comprehensive evaluation, incorporating
the NRI and LSTM neural networks provides predic-
tive insights, significantly improving detection accu-
racy. This approach advances current AML and CTF
methodologies and offers a scalable solution for fi-
nancial institutions.
To enhance our model’s significance and prac-
ticality, we plan to address deployment challenges,
conduct broader testing across various institutions and
Building a Risk Profile for Detecting Terrorism Financing
regions comparatively as in (Islam and Nguyen, 2020;
Makiya and Shibwabo, 2022), and by exploring the
concept of self-sustainable multi-agent systems, eval-
uate the model’s sustainability to different financial
transactions and evolving terrorist financing methods.
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K. R. (2024). Combating financial crimes with unsu-
pervised learning techniques: Clustering and dimen-
sionality reduction for anti-money laundering. Al-
Azhar Bulletin of Science, 35.
Cao, D. K. and Do, P. (2012). Applying data mining in
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