The DROOD method is based on a statistical frame-
work for OOD detection. It is a successive syn-
thesis of statistics using all the features produced
by a DNN. The experimental study shows very
good detection performances compared to state-of-
the-art methods with two image classification net-
works based on CNNs and one based on transformers,
which also demonstrates its ability to perform what-
ever the model.
We observed variations in performance depend-
ing on the DNN chosen and the OOD method, which
seems in a certain way normal. However, some ex-
isting OOD detection methods appear to be linked
to specific neural network architectures, since perfor-
mances vary considerably when applied with others.
Experiments suggest that our DROOD detection ap-
proach is more robust than others.
As further work, It would be of course interesting
to test other distances than the Euclidean distance. As
mentioned above, in the transformer architecture, the
”class token” gathers information from the ”image to-
kens” across the transformer encoding layers for the
final classification task. One can therefore expect that
the max operation in MaSF and DROOD methods can
be effectively replaced by the use of this ”class to-
ken”. Finally, it would also be interesting to experi-
ment with this type of approach in other application
fields, such as audio analysis or image segmentation.
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DNN Layers Features Reduction for Out-of-Distribution Detection