These experiment results show the effectiveness
of the proposed method in detecting hands moving
objects. However, F1 was still low for some activ-
ity categories. For “picking objects,” large optical
flows were often observed in areas other than an ob-
ject moved by a hand, and an increase in FP caused a
decrease in P, resulting in a decrease in F1. For “tak-
ing food” and “cleaning objects,” forearm movements
were often slow or small, and a decrease in T P caused
a decrease in R, which in turn led to a decrease in F1.
Therefore, our future task is to improve the proposed
method so that it can handle such situations.
In this paper, we focused on the action of people mov-
ing objects with their hands, and proposed a method
to detect hands moving objects from video.
The proposed method integrates skeleton and mo-
tion information obtained from video into a single
type of features by using prior knowledge about the
detection target, and performs detection processing
based on those features. Since this approach performs
detection based on a single type of features, it is ex-
pected to improve the efficiency of the necessary pro-
cessing, including training the detection model.
Compared to the existing method based on a sim-
ilar approach, our method deals with various hand
movements by introducing the affine transformation
forearm motion model, and discriminates hand states
in detail by introducing the feature vector based clas-
sifier. Through the experiments on the video dataset
of human daily activities, we demonstrated that the
proposed method can improve the accuracy of detect-
ing hands moving objects from video (compared to
existing method, F1 improved from 0.51 to 0.71).
As future work, we plan to:
• implement the proposed method using more pow-
erful classifier, such as deep learning based clas-
sifier, instead of the current SVM based classifier,
• conduct comparative experiments with methods
that process different information, such as skele-
ton and motion information, in separate streams.
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A Method for Detecting Hands Moving Objects from Videos