A Method for Detecting Hands Moving Objects from Videos
Rikuto Konishi
, Toru Abe
2,1 a
and Takuo Suganuma
2,1 b
Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8578, Japan
Cyberscience Center, Tohoku University, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8578, Japan
rikuto.konishi.t6@dc.tohoku.ac.jp, {beto, suganuma}@tohoku.ac.jp
Human Activity, Hand-Object Interaction, Skeleton Information, Motion Information.
In this paper, we propose a novel method to recognize human actions of moving objects with their hands from
video. Hand-object interaction plays a central role in human-object interaction, and the action of moving an
object with the hand is also important as a reliable clue that a person is touching and affecting the object.
To detect such specific actions, it is expected that detection model training and model-based detection can
be made more efficient by using features designed to appropriately integrate different types of information
obtained from the video. The proposed method focuses on the knowledge that an object moved by a hand
shows movements similar to those of the forearm. Using this knowledge, our method integrates skeleton and
motion information of the person obtained from the video to evaluate the difference in movement between the
forearm region and the surrounding region of the hand, and detects the hand moving an object by determining
whether the similar movements as the forearm occur around the hand from these differences.
Human-object interaction recognition from video is a
fundamental issue in many computer vision applica-
tions, including security, VR, and human-machine in-
terface (Antoun and Asmar, 2023; Wang et al., 2023).
There are many different types of human-object in-
teraction, but one of the most significant is human ac-
tions of moving objects with their hands. Hand-object
interaction plays a central role in human-object inter-
action (Kim et al., 2019; Fan et al., 2022), and moving
an object with the hand is also important as a reliable
clue that a person is touching and affecting the object.
Existing approaches for human-object interaction
recognition can be roughly divided into the two-stage
approach and the one-stage approach (Antoun and
Asmar, 2023; Luo et al., 2023). Currently, the one-
stage approach, which simultaneously performs the
person-object pair association and interaction recog-
nition according to the features acquired from the
video, is widely used due to its efficiency.
Generally, there are two approaches to deter-
mine features for human-object interaction recogni-
tion: learning-based approach and handcrafted ap-
proach (Zhu et al., 2016; Sargano et al., 2017). The
learning-based approach, which implicitly determines
features from samples through neural network-based
machine learning and makes recognition models, can
be applied to various recognition targets. For this rea-
son, most current methods for human-object interac-
tion recognition determine features and make recog-
nition models based on this approach. However, when
using different types of information obtained from
the video, a multi-stream framework is used that pro-
cesses each type of information in a different stream
and integrates the results. Therefore, for using not
only the image information itself but also different
types of information, such as a person’s skeleton and
motion information, in order to effectively recognize
human actions, the neural network becomes large and
complex, which increases the resources required for
processing (Haroon et al., 2022; Shafizadegan et al.,
2024). In contrast, the handcrafted approach that ex-
plicitly designs features based on knowledge of the
recognition target is limited in its applicability. How-
ever, for specific target actions, such as the action of
moving an object with the hand, it is easy to acquire
knowledge about the target action. Based on the ac-
quired knowledge, by designing features that appro-
priately integrate different types of information and
processing those features in a single stream, it will be
possible to efficiently recognize the target action.
In this paper, we propose a novel method to de-
tect human actions of moving objects with their hands
Konishi, R., Abe, T. and Suganuma, T.
A Method for Detecting Hands Moving Objects from Videos.
DOI: 10.5220/0013167800003912
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2025) - Volume 2: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-728-3; ISSN: 2184-4321
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
from videos. The proposed method adopts the one-
stage approach, and uses the features designed by the
handcrafted approach for detecting the target action.
This method focuses on the knowledge that an object
moved by a hand shows movements similar to those
of the forearm. Based on this knowledge, our method
integrates the skeleton and the motion information of
the person obtained from the video to evaluate the dif-
ference in movement between the forearm region and
the surrounding region of the hand, and then detects
the hand moving an object by determining whether
the similar movements as the forearm occur around
the hand from these differences. In our method, the
skeleton and the motion information obtained from
the video are integrated more effectively than the ex-
isting method as the difference in movement between
the forearm region and the surrounding region of the
hand. By using these differences as features for tar-
get detection, it is possible to perform processing on a
single stream even when using neural network-based
machine learning, and it is expected that the hand
moving an object can be detected efficiently.
2.1 Human Action Recognition Using
Learning-Based Features
Many methods have been proposed to recognize var-
ious types of human actions, including human-object
interaction and hand-object interaction. Most of the
recent methods are based on the one-stage approach,
and use features determined by the learning-based ap-
proach (Zhu et al., 2016; Sargano et al., 2017).
Recently, several methods have been proposed
that use different types of information obtained from
the video to achieve effective human action recog-
nition. In the method of (Simonyan and Zisserman,
2014), image and motion information obtained from
the video are input into different CNNs to extract fea-
tures, and actions are recognized by integrating the
outputs from the two streams. In the method proposed
of (Haroon et al., 2022), sequences of image and per-
son’s skeleton are processed using different LSTMs,
and recognition is performed by integrating their out-
puts. The methods in (Gu et al., 2020; Khaire and
Kumar, 2022) use sequences of image, skeleton, and
depth information for human action recognition, but
each type of information is processed by a separate
neural network, and recognition is performed by inte-
grating the results processed by the different streams.
As described above, when utilizing different types
of information obtained from the video by learning-
based approach, each type of information is processed
in a different stream, which makes the neural network
configuration large and complex, and increases the re-
sources required for processing.
2.2 Human Action Recognition Using
Handcrafted Features
Based on the observation that important interaction
between persons and objects are made mainly by their
hands, several methods have been proposed for de-
tecting a person’s hand which moves an object by
designing handcrafted features from the surrounding
states of the hand and using them.
In the method of (Tsukamoto et al., 2020), based
on the knowledge that when an object is moved by the
hand, similar movements occur around the hand as
with the forearm, features that integrate skeleton and
motion information is designed, and the hand mov-
ing an object is detected by these features without
extracting the object region. This makes it possible
to efficiently use different types of information ob-
tained from the video. However, there are problems
with this method, such as some forearm movements
(movements toward or away from the camera) are not
considered, and the features that integrate skeleton
and motion information being unable to express the
state of movement around the hand in detail.
An overview of the proposed method is shown in Fig-
ure 1. The processing flow of the proposed method is
similar to that of the existing methods in (Tsukamoto
et al., 2020). First, (a) skeleton information of each
person is extracted from every frame image of the in-
put video. Based on the extracted skeleton informa-
tion, (b) a region FR is determined for each forearm
and the forearm motion i modeled in it. Using the
forearm motion model, (c) the differences between
the movements expected to occur when an object is
moved by the hand and the movements actually ob-
served from the video are evaluated in the surrounding
region SR of the hand. According to the movement
differences, (d) the hand moving an object is detected.
3.1 Modeling Forearm Motion
Skeleton (a set of keypoints) of each person is ex-
tracted for every frame image, and a region FR is
determined for each forearm using the skeleton. The
motion of the forearm at a pixel p = (x,y) in the image
A Method for Detecting Hands Moving Objects from Videos
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 1: An overview of the proposed action detection method: (a) extracting skeleton information from the input video, (b)
modeling the forearm motion in the forearm region FR, (c) evaluating the difference in movement between the forearm region
and the hand surrounding region SR, and (d) detecting the hand moving an object.
is modeled as v
(p), and the parameters in the fore-
arm motion model are determined to minimize di f
o f
which is the sum of squares of the difference between
the optical flow o f (p) at p actually observed from the
video and v
(p) in FR, defined by Eq. (1)
di f
o f
o f (p) v
. (1)
Several methods have been developed to extract
human skeleton information as a set of keypoints on
the human body (Cao et al., 2021; Fang et al., 2023).
In the proposed method, skeleton information of each
person is extracted by applying one of these meth-
ods. As shown in Figure 2 (a), using the extracted
keypoint positions of the elbow P
and wrist P
the point where P
is extended by L = α × L
toward the tip of the forearm is set as the center
O = (x
) of the hand. Here, L represents the dis-
tance between P
. The forearm region FR is de-
termined as a rectangular region of size l × w along
O, where its length l and width w are set to
l = L + L = (1 + α)L and w = βL, respectively.
In the existing method of (Tsukamoto et al.,
2020), it is assumed that the forearm moves in the
image with a rotational component ω and a transla-
tional component (t
), and the movement v
(p) at
a pixel p = (x, y) in FR is modeled by Eq. (2)
(p) = (ω y +t
, ω x +t
), (2)
where ω,t
, and t
are determined to minimize di f
o f
Because the forearm motion is modeled only by ro-
tation and translation in the image, when the fore-
arm moves back and forth relative to the camera, this
method cannot accurately represent its movements.
On the other hand, in the proposed method, v
is modeled by Eq. (3) based on affine transformation
(p) = (c
x + c
y + c
, c
x + c
y + c
), (3)
where c
,..., c
are determined to minimize di f
o f
As a result, the proposed method is able to approxi-
mately represent the motion of the forearm not only
when it rotates or translates in the image, but also
when it moves back and forth relative to the camera.
SR r
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 2: (a) Forearm region FR, (b) hand surrounding re-
gion SR, and (c) sampled pixels p
in FR.
3.2 Difference in Movement Between
Forearm and Around Hand
When an object is moved by a hand, the object shows
the movements similar to those of the forearm. Con-
sequently, if there are areas around the hand that show
movements similar to those of the forearm, it can be
determined that these areas are highly likely to corre-
spond to the object moved by the hand, even without
object recognition. From this, the degree to which a
pixel p in the region SR set surrounding the hand does
not correspond to an object moved with the hand can
be evaluated by the difference between the movement
(p) expected to occur on the object moved by the
hand and the movement (optical flow) o f (p) actually
observed from the video.
In the proposed method, as shown in Figure 2 (b),
the surrounding region S R is determined for each
hand as a circle with radius r centered at the center O
of the hand, where r is set as r = γL from L = P
The difference at p in SR between the expected move-
ment on an object moved by the hand and the optical
flow actually observed from the video is evaluated as
ndv(p), normalized by v
(p) using Eq. (4) to reduce
the effect of the hand movement speed
ndv(p) = v
(p) o f (p) / v
(p). (4)
As shown in Figure 3 (a), when an rigid object is
tightly held and moved by the hand, the object moves
as an extension of the forearm in the same way as
other parts of the forearm, and the movement v
VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
(a) object hold tightly (b) object hold loosely
Figure 3: Movements of an object moved by a hand.
on the object is expected to be represented by Eq. (5)
(p) = v
(p). (5)
On the other hand, as shown in Figure 3 (b), when an
object is loosely held and moved by the hand, the ob-
ject translates and the movement v
(p) on the object
shows the same movement at the center O of the hand,
regardless of the position of p, and is expected to be
represented by Eq. (6)
(p) = v
(O). (6)
These two situations are extreme examples, and in re-
ality, a mixture of both is thought to occur on an ob-
ject moved by the hand. Accordingly, in the proposed
method, v
(p) is computed by Eq. (7)
(p) = η· v
(p) + (1 η) · v
(O). (7)
where η is set to minimize v
(p) o f (p) for p.
3.3 Features for Action Detection
In the existing method of (Tsukamoto et al., 2020),
the number N
of pixels p in SR for which the nor-
malized difference ndv(p) is less than a threshold T
is counted, and the ratio N
of these pixels to
the total number N
of pixels in SR is determined. If
is greater than a threshold T
, the existing
method determines that movements similar to those
of the forearm occur at many places in SR and that
the hand moves an object. Since this method repre-
sents the state of movements in SR by a single index
and performs detection by heuristic thresh-
olding on that index, it is difficult to detect based on
the detailed state in SR.
On the other hand, in the proposed method, as
shown in Figure 2 (c), SR is equally divided in the
circumferential direction and the radial direction, re-
spectively, and sampled pixels p
are determined. A
feature vector FV
is constructed from ndv(p
) com-
puted at all p
, and it is determined whether an object
moved by the hand is in SR, i.e., whether the hand
moves an object, by applying a machine learning-
based classifier to FV
. In this way, the proposed
method uses a feature vector constructed by ndv,
which integrates skeleton information and motion in-
formation obtained from the video, to detect the tar-
get actions. This will enable processing in a single
stream, even when using neural network-based ma-
chine learning, and is expected to enable more effi-
cient detection of target actions. Besides, by using
this feature vector, the proposed method is able to per-
form detection based on more detailed states in SR
than the existing method.
To evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed method,
we conducted experiments to detect hands moving
objects in videos.
4.1 Experiment Environments
In the experiments, we used videos from the Cornell
Activities Dataset (CAD-120) (Koppula et al., 2013),
a publicly available dataset for human daily activity
recognition experiments. This dataset consists of a to-
tal of 124 videos across 10 activity categories (picking
objects, arranging objects, unstacking objects, tak-
ing food, stacking objects, microwaving food, taking
medicine, cleaning objects, having meal, and making
cereal). Each activity category contains 12 videos of
four subjects, as each subject’s similar activity was
captured three times (only “making cereal” category
contains 16 videos of four subjects, as each subject’s
similar activity was captured four times).
For each frame image of every video, human body
keypoints were detected by applying OpenPose (Cao
et al., 2021), and forearms with detection confidence
of elbow and wrist keypoints greater than 0.5 were ex-
tracted as visible hands. Each extracted hand was vi-
sually inspected by referring to the next frame image
to see if it was holding and moving an object, and was
manually labeled as being the hand moving an object
or not. These labeling results were used as ground
truth for evaluating the detection experiment results.
Table 1 shows the total number of videos for each
activity category, the total number of frame images,
the cumulative number of extracted hands, and the cu-
mulative number of extracted hands moving objects.
4.2 Experiment Methods
Detection methods were applied to each visible hand
extracted in each frame image of every video, and it
was determined whether the hand was moving an ob-
ject or not. The results were compared to the ground
truth, and the number of True Positives (TP, detected
“hand moving object”) T P, False Positives (FP, de-
tected “hand not moving object”) FP, and False Neg-
atives (FN, undetected “hand moving object”) FN
A Method for Detecting Hands Moving Objects from Videos
Table 1: Videos used in the experiments: total number of
videos (frame images) and cumulative number of extracted
hands (hands moving objects) for each activity category.
Activity Category # of videos # of ext. hands
(frame images) (moving obj.)
picking objects 12 (2501) 4818 (669)
arranging objects 12 (3781) 6629 (1413)
unstacking objects 12 (5586) 10986 (2751)
taking food 12 (5614) 8616 (2129)
stacking objects 12 (5813) 11472 (2972)
microwaving food 12 (6350) 9946 (2870)
taking medicine 12 (6394) 12887 (3461)
cleaning objects 12 (7406) 11539 (3799)
having meal 12 (9829) 19066 (4933)
making cereal 16 (11647) 22500 (7711)
Total 124 (64921) 118459 (32708)
were counted. From these, Precision P, Recall R, and
F1 score F1 were computed for evaluation.
The experiments were conducted using the fol-
lowing four methods:
the existing method (Tsukamoto et al., 2020) with
the translation / rotation forearm motion model
and the heuristic thresholding based classifier,
the method using only the affine transformation
forearm motion model,
the method using only the feature vector based
our proposed method with the affine transforma-
tion forearm motion model and the feature vector
based classifier.
The forearm region FR and the hand surrounding re-
gion SR are set in the same way for all methods. For
the length L of each forearm (the distance from the
elbow keypoint P
to the wrist keypoint P
), based
on the average body shape (Drillis et al., 1964), the
center O of the hand is set along P
at a dis-
tance L = 0.35 × L from P
. A rectangle is set as
FR along P
O, and its length l and width w are set
to l = L + L = 1.35 × L and w = 0.25 × L, respec-
tively. A circle is set as SR with radius r = 1.1 × L
centered at O. Also, the optical flow in the t th frame
is computed using t 1 th and t th frames.
For the existing method, the movement of a fore-
arm is modeled by translation and rotation in the im-
age using Eq. (2). For each forearm, the number N
of pixels for which ndv is less than a threshold T
counted, and the ratio of N
to the total number N
of pixels in SR is computed. If N
is greater than
a threshold T
, it is determined that the hand is mov-
ing an object. The thresholds were set to T
= 0.55
and T
= 0.15 based on preliminary experiments.
For the proposed method, the movement of a fore-
arm is modeled by affine transformation using Eq. (3).
The feature vector FV
(36 × 10 dimensions) is con-
structed from ndv computed where SR is sampled at
36 locations along the circumference and 10 locations
in the radial direction. Whether the forearm moves an
object or not is determined by classifying FV
SVM. When detecting hands moving object in each
frame image of every video, SVM model is trained
using feature vectors and ground truth labels obtained
from each frame image of all 123 videos other than
the target video.
4.3 Experiment Results
The results of the experiments to detect hands mov-
ing objects are listed in Table 2, and examples of de-
tection results by the proposed method are shown in
Figure 4, where red, green, and blue squares indicate
TP, FP, and FN, respectively.
The following can be confirmed from the results:
Compared to using the existing method, when
using the method with the affine transformation
forearm motion model, although FP increased for
all activity categories, T P increased even more for
most categories. As a result, P and especially R
improved, and F1 improved for most categories.
By using the method with the feature vector based
classifier, compared to using the existing method,
T P increased for all categories, and FP decreased
for many categories, resulting in substantial im-
provements in P, R, and F1 for most categories.
By using the proposed method with the affine
transformation forearm motion model and the fea-
ture vector based classifier, T P increased further
for most categories, and FP decreased further for
more categories. The P, R, and F1 results im-
proved significantly for most categories.
The reason T P increased with the introduction of
the affine transformation forearm motion model is
thought to be that it became possible to better capture
forearm motion other than translation / rotation with
respect to the image plane. On the other hand, the
reason for the increase in FP is thought to be that op-
tical flow estimation errors were more often regarded
as forearm motion. By introducing the feature vector
based classifier, which can perform detailed classifi-
cation, it was able to increase T P while suppressing
the increase in FP. Furthermore, by introducing the
affine transformation forearm motion model simulta-
neously with the feature vector based classifier, as in
the proposed method, it became possible to further in-
crease T P and decrease FP.
VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 2: The results of the experiments to detect hands moving objects.
Affine Feature
Activity category Method transformation vector based T P FP FN P R F1
motion model classifier
picking objects proposed 591 828 78 0.42 0.88 0.57
- 599 930 70 0.39 0.90 0.55
- 461 570 208 0.45 0.69 0.54
existing - - 425 543 244 0.44 0.64 0.52
arranging objects proposed 1183 581 230 0.67 0.84 0.74
- 1107 672 306 0.62 0.78 0.69
- 1056 487 357 0.68 0.75 0.71
existing - - 963 398 450 0.71 0.68 0.69
unstacking objects proposed 2225 383 526 0.85 0.81 0.83
- 1982 518 769 0.79 0.72 0.75
- 1579 950 1172 0.62 0.57 0.60
existing - - 1195 829 1556 0.59 0.43 0.50
taking food proposed 835 208 1294 0.80 0.39 0.53
- 711 276 1418 0.72 0.33 0.46
- 302 461 1827 0.40 0.14 0.21
existing - - 229 404 1900 0.36 0.11 0.17
stacking objects proposed 2512 488 460 0.84 0.85 0.84
- 2235 619 737 0.78 0.75 0.77
- 1891 1033 1081 0.65 0.64 0.64
existing - - 1538 923 1434 0.62 0.52 0.57
microwaving food proposed 1609 329 1261 0.83 0.56 0.67
- 1399 490 1471 0.74 0.49 0.59
- 1111 732 1759 0.60 0.39 0.47
existing - - 845 611 2025 0.58 0.29 0.39
taking medicine proposed 1923 626 1538 0.75 0.56 0.64
- 1742 840 1719 0.67 0.50 0.58
- 1561 785 1900 0.67 0.45 0.54
existing - - 1252 659 2209 0.66 0.36 0.47
cleaning objects proposed 1506 271 2293 0.85 0.40 0.54
- 1266 330 2533 0.79 0.33 0.47
- 588 446 3211 0.57 0.15 0.24
existing - - 410 345 3389 0.54 0.11 0.18
having meal proposed 3408 386 1525 0.90 0.69 0.78
- 3629 438 1304 0.89 0.74 0.81
- 2608 447 2325 0.85 0.53 0.65
existing - - 2618 358 2315 0.88 0.53 0.66
making cereal proposed 5265 1537 2446 0.77 0.68 0.73
- 5015 1762 2696 0.74 0.65 0.69
- 4542 1833 3169 0.71 0.59 0.64
existing - - 4035 1716 3676 0.70 0.52 0.60
Total proposed 21057 5637 11651 0.79 0.64 0.71
- 19685 6875 13023 0.74 0.60 0.66
- 15699 7744 17009 0.67 0.48 0.56
existing - - 13510 6786 19198 0.67 0.41 0.51
A Method for Detecting Hands Moving Objects from Videos
picking objects frame 70 frame 110 frame 150 frame 190 frame 230
arranging objects frame 90 frame 120 frame 150 frame 180 frame 210
unstacking objects frame 290 frame 310 frame 330 frame 350 frame 370
taking food frame 200 frame 230 frame 260 frame 290 frame 320
stacking objects frame 230 frame 260 frame 290 frame 320 frame 350
microwaving food frame 200 frame 250 frame 300 frame 350 frame 400
taking medicine frame 250 frame 300 frame 350 frame 400 frame 450
cleaning objects frame 100 frame 150 frame 200 frame 250 frame 300
having meal frame 360 frame 390 frame 420 frame 450 frame 480
making cereal frame 120 frame 150 frame 180 frame 210 frame 240
Figure 4: Examples of detection results by the proposed method ( TP, FP, FN ).
VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
These experiment results show the effectiveness
of the proposed method in detecting hands moving
objects. However, F1 was still low for some activ-
ity categories. For “picking objects, large optical
flows were often observed in areas other than an ob-
ject moved by a hand, and an increase in FP caused a
decrease in P, resulting in a decrease in F1. For “tak-
ing food” and “cleaning objects, forearm movements
were often slow or small, and a decrease in T P caused
a decrease in R, which in turn led to a decrease in F1.
Therefore, our future task is to improve the proposed
method so that it can handle such situations.
In this paper, we focused on the action of people mov-
ing objects with their hands, and proposed a method
to detect hands moving objects from video.
The proposed method integrates skeleton and mo-
tion information obtained from video into a single
type of features by using prior knowledge about the
detection target, and performs detection processing
based on those features. Since this approach performs
detection based on a single type of features, it is ex-
pected to improve the efficiency of the necessary pro-
cessing, including training the detection model.
Compared to the existing method based on a sim-
ilar approach, our method deals with various hand
movements by introducing the affine transformation
forearm motion model, and discriminates hand states
in detail by introducing the feature vector based clas-
sifier. Through the experiments on the video dataset
of human daily activities, we demonstrated that the
proposed method can improve the accuracy of detect-
ing hands moving objects from video (compared to
existing method, F1 improved from 0.51 to 0.71).
As future work, we plan to:
implement the proposed method using more pow-
erful classifier, such as deep learning based clas-
sifier, instead of the current SVM based classifier,
conduct comparative experiments with methods
that process different information, such as skele-
ton and motion information, in separate streams.
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