We have presented a modelling methodology and an
analysis approach for energy management systems,
using Cloogy® EMS as a representative use case of
a complex IoT-based system of systems. To automate
various analysis and implementation steps we use a
general modelling approach that aims to bridge dif-
ferent domain models, levels of abstraction as well
as different product life phases. The approach pro-
vides a HW/SW system tailored modelling method-
ology and implementation focusing on system enti-
ties and their relationships. By using an underlying
graph database with comprehensive query capability,
the approach can cope with a multitude of model arte-
facts. This is important when modelling SoS at differ-
ent levels of abstraction, e.g. the EMS connecting var-
ious households, and when incorporating a bottom-up
approach to consider existing design artefacts. With
the presented projector concept the approach offers
the possibility to integrate various domain assets and
enable a traceability of transformations. We provided
a DSL based on IoT-PML as user interface for mod-
elling. The provided projectors enable, a round-trip
engineering between textual representation and graph
model. For the Cloogy® EMS we automated a system
architecture analysis and implementation, by provid-
ing the modelling capability, and with the projectors
we automate various steps in the creation of models
and design artefacts. Using the modelling approach
in the design and analysis of the Cloogy® EMS we
increased manageability of the system architecture as
well as automate the analysis configuration.
The utilized IoT-PML originated from UML, with
the goal to specify software. Some concepts of the
SysML, like ports, are not covered. In future work, we
like to align further with SysML v2. In addition, the
tooling support should be further improved, covering
a graphical user interface and further projectors.
This work has been co-funded by the European ITEA
project GenerIoT under grant 01IS22084A-G.
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Energy Monitoring Systems Analysis and Development: A Case Study for Graph-Based Modelling