pose model (image-based and keypoint-based). The
best pose estimation performance is obtained by the
YOLOv8-pose model, which demonstrates that com-
bining keypoint features and image features enhances
the pose estimation results. This work demonstrates
the capability of the proposed algorithm to accu-
rately recognize specific body parts using keypoint
detection, thereby providing a concurrent assessment
of pig-posture status. Overall, the results demon-
strate that combining image features and keypoint
features yields the most accurate pose estimation. The
YOLOv8-pose model consistently outperforms both
the MLP model and the ResNet-18 model, highlight-
ing the effectiveness of integrating multiple feature
types. The presented approach provides a promis-
ing foundation for future research aimed at detect-
ing more complex behaviors, such as social interac-
tions among pigs, further enhancing animal welfare
and monitoring capabilities.
This work is funded by the Dutch NWO project IM-
AGEN [P18-19 Project 1] of the Perspectief research
program. The German facility in Germany was of-
fered by Topigs Norsvin in Helvoirt, the Netherlands,
for conducting the video recordings. We are grate-
ful to the researchers and student assistants from Wa-
geningen University & Research and Eindhoven Uni-
versity of Technology for their help with tracking
and behavior ground-truth annotations. Additionally,
we acknowledge the Genes2Behave project [321409
- IPNÆRINGSLIV20, G2B] for its contribution in
sharing the Norwegian dataset.
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VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications