Figure 8: Multi face emotion detection deployed on robot
this, we developed and evaluated several deep neu-
ral network models under consistent conditions, care-
fully considering factors such as model size and accu-
racy to ensure compatibility with both personal com-
puters and mobile robots like the Tiago++.
While our system demonstrates strong perfor-
mance, it is important to note the limitations of rely-
ing solely on facial expressions for emotion detection,
particularly in contexts where communication may be
impaired. Emotions are complex and multifaceted,
often requiring the integration of multiple modali-
ties for more accurate recognition. Therefore, future
work will focus on incorporating additional modali-
ties, such as voice, text, gestures, and biosignals, to
enhance the performance and reliability of emotion
recognition systems. Additionally, we will focus on
optimizing large models used in FER tasks to ensure
their efficiency for deployment on the Tiago++ robot,
considering the balance between model size and ac-
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ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence