quently, it is expected that the optimal solutions ob-
tained may differ. In fact, in the stochastic case, the
lockers identified as the best locations are at nodes 31
and 35, whereas in the deterministic case, the optimal
solution corresponds to lockers located at nodes 31
and 33.
In this paper, we presented a stochastic location-
routing problem for the optimal placement of parcel
lockers, incorporating customer preferences between
home delivery and locker collection under uncertain
conditions. The model was formulated as a two-stage
stochastic program, with the first stage determining
locker locations and the second stage addressing ve-
hicle routing based on service requests across multi-
ple scenarios. Through computational experiments,
we demonstrated the differences between determinis-
tic and stochastic solutions, highlighting the ability of
the model to account for customer behavior variabil-
While the model offers a valuable framework for
addressing uncertainty in last-mile delivery, several
areas for future research and development remain un-
One possible extension involves the inclusion of
scenarios where some customers opt not to request
service at all. This reflects a real-world phenomenon
where, due to various factors such as pricing, deliv-
ery preferences, availability of alternatives, or per-
sonal circumstances, customers may decide not to en-
gage with the delivery network in a given time period.
Another extension would be to expand the model
to multi-period scenarios while incorporating capac-
ity constraints for both vehicles and lockers, making
the model more applicable to real-world logistics set-
Furthermore, the current model assumes a fixed
number of lockers to be activated. In future re-
search, this assumption could be relaxed, allowing
the number of lockers to be determined dynamically.
This would require the development of more sophis-
ticated procedures to determine which lockers to acti-
vate, such as ADD, DROP, or ADD-DROP heuristics.
Lastly, to enhance computational efficiency, the code
could be adapted to run on multi-core architectures,
enabling the generation of a greater number of sce-
narios. In this approach, the routing problem could be
decomposed into scenario subsets, with each subset
assigned to a different core, thereby reducing overall
computational time.
These future developments aim to improve the
practical applicability of the model, ensuring it re-
mains relevant for a wide range of logistics and last-
mile delivery problems under uncertainty.
The work of Annarita De Maio was partially sup-
ported by the Italian Minister of University and Re-
search under the grant H25F21001230004. This sup-
port is gratefully acknowledged.
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A Stochastic Location-Routing Problem for the Optimal Placement of Lockers