Figure 12: Time that pm sends CSR/CRMF and receives
the certificate.
In the study of ”Securing IoT Microservices with Cer-
tificates” by (Pahl and Donini, 2018) addresses secu-
rity issues in IoT systems where microservices oper-
ate on distributed, resource-limited nodes. The au-
thor proposes a certificate-based approach to main-
tain authentication, accountability, and data integrity
throughout the service lifecycle, from development to
updates. Another paper proposes a framework for se-
curely managing and rotating secrets in cloud-based
microservices (Singh and Aggarwal, 2023). It auto-
mates secret rotation, balances centralized and decen-
tralized strategies, and ensures minimal service dis-
ruption. The approach includes key encryption, peri-
odic rotation, access control, and automated revoca-
tion, enhancing overall system security. The frame-
work focuses on scalability, continuous monitoring,
and robust auditing, providing a secure and efficient
solution for cloud environments. Finally, (Kr
et al., 2019) addresses securing applications in smart
city cloud environments using microservices. It out-
lines challenges such as data privacy, authentication,
and inter-service communication. The authors pro-
pose a multi-layered security model that combines
role-based access control, encryption, and trusted
communication protocols.
Our paper distinguishes itself from existing re-
search by focusing on implementing Public Key In-
frastructure (PKI) through a microservice-based ar-
chitecture tailored for small and medium-sized en-
terprises (SMEs). Unlike traditional cloud-centric
or monolithic PKI systems, your solution prioritizes
on-premises scalability, modular updates, and mini-
mal resource overhead, using Docker-based microser-
vices and Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) prod-
ucts. This design avoids the high costs, vendor lock-
ins, and complexities of Kubernetes, offering SMEs
greater control, security, and adaptability. By focus-
ing on localized infrastructure, your approach ensures
scalability, cost efficiency, and robust security without
relying on cloud dependencies, making it a practical
and accessible choice for businesses with limited bud-
gets and resources.
This paper presents a cost-efficient security model for
device lifecycle management, integrating key provi-
sioning, certificate management, and software man-
agement through a microservice architecture. The
model supports small-sized organizations and diverse
operational environments, ensuring cost efficiency,
flexibility, and scalability.
A case study demonstrates the model’s implemen-
tation using commercially off-the-shelf (COTS) solu-
tions. This approach allows organizations to establish
a security infrastructure that meets current require-
ments and adapts to future challenges and changes
in the security landscape, maintaining robust security
measures against evolving threats.
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Securing the Device Lifecycle Management: A Scalable and Cost-Efficient Public Key Infrastructure Through Microservices