Privacy Policies in Medium-Sized European Town Administrations: A
Comparative Analysis of English and German-Speaking Countries
Henry Hosseini
1,2 a
Department of Information Systems, University of Münster, Münster, Germany
Institut for Internet Security, Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, Gelsenkirchen, Germany
GDPR, Privacy Policies, Medium-Sized Towns.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been in force since May 2018. Organizations and indi-
viduals must comply with this legislation if they collect or process the personal information of residents of the
European Union. Prior research has focused on the examination of the privacy policies of the most frequently
visited websites or mobile applications with the highest number of installations. The present study assesses the
privacy policies of a less explored field: medium-sized town administrations. For this purpose, we analyzed
and evaluated 644 privacy policies collected in Austria, Germany, and Ireland, focusing on their coverage of
different data practice categories and GDPR-related dictionary phrases. We employed semi-automated data
collection methods, deep learning and NLP techniques, and manual labor to perform this analysis. Our find-
ings provide insight into the privacy policy landscape of medium-sized town administrations, where Austria
and Germany exhibit a higher average coverage of GDPR data practice categories than Ireland.
One of the key advantages of a digitized society is
the enhanced availability and diversity of digital ser-
vices, which benefit both individuals and organiza-
tions. Digital technologies are transforming how in-
dividuals interact with and influence society (Lanks-
hear and Knobel, 2008; Reis et al., 2018). The vision
of the European Union (EU) for the digital transfor-
mation of cities encompasses enhanced access to e-
government, e-health, digital skills, e-competences,
and other public administration services (European
Commission, 2023b). The operation of these services
often necessitates the collection of citizens’ personal
data, which must be processed and stored in a respon-
sible and secure manner. To address these concerns
and ensure transparency, the General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR) was enforced in May 2018 and
applies to providers that collect, store, or process the
personal data of EU residents.
The GDPR is designed to empower individuals
with greater control over their personal data while
imposing rigorous requirements on organizations that
collect, store, process, or share the personal data of
EU residents. In the event of non-compliance with
the regulations, entities may be subject to substan-
tial financial penalties. Previous research has iden-
tified the five most frequent violations that have re-
sulted in sanctions, with the unlawful processing and
disclosure of personal data being the most frequent
violation, followed by failures in upholding and safe-
guarding data subject rights and individuals’ personal
information, as well as inadequate cooperation with
supervisory authorities (Presthus and Sønslien, 2021).
Recently, five municipalities in Iceland were fined for
non-compliance with general data processing princi-
ples (European Data Protection Board, 2023).
With respect to informing affected individuals,
particularly end-users of public administration web-
sites, privacy policies serve as the primary means
of informing users about the collection and process-
ing of their personal data and associated user rights.
These policies should provide affected individuals
with transparent information on their rights described
in Articles 13 to 22 of the GDPR regarding their col-
lected and processed personal data, including, but not
limited to, data erasure, rectification, access, etc.
Considering cities in the context of digitaliza-
tion, there is a notable discrepancy in the accessi-
bility, adoption, and utilization of digital technolo-
gies between urban and rural areas. This imbalance
can be attributed to various factors, including insuf-
Hosseini, H.
Privacy Policies in Medium-Sized European Town Administrations: A Comparative Analysis of English and German-Speaking Countries.
DOI: 10.5220/0013171800003899
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2025) - Volume 2, pages 60-71
ISBN: 978-989-758-735-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ficient bandwidth in rural regions, which are less ap-
pealing to information and communication technol-
ogy (ICT) providers due to low profitability (Holl-
man et al., 2021; Stern et al., 2009). As many peo-
ple relocate to metropolises seeking economic oppor-
tunities and a higher quality of life, the proportion
of individuals residing in urban areas has increased
from 37 % to 48 % (OECD and European Commis-
sion, 2020). This discrepancy arises primarily be-
cause larger cities generally have more resources, in-
vestments, and stakeholders compared to medium-
sized towns, which are expected to provide the same
quality of services to their citizens (OECD and Eu-
ropean Commission, 2020). Furthermore, previous
research has indicated that the majority of research
is concentrated on densely populated areas, with less
attention directed towards rural regions and smaller
towns (Hosseini et al., 2018).
Our research aims to outline the current landscape
of privacy policies offered to citizens by the adminis-
trations of medium-sized European towns. Given the
linguistic diversity in Europe, we restrict the scope of
our investigation to three European countries: Aus-
tria, Germany, and Ireland. We selected these coun-
tries because English and German are the two most
commonly spoken languages in Europe (Directorate-
General for Communication, 2014), affecting many
EU residents. Additionally, our proficiency in both
languages facilitates the analysis and assessment of
the texts in the privacy policies. Recent research has
highlighted the lack of studies in security and pri-
vacy venues that analyze privacy policies in languages
other than English (Mhaidli et al., 2023).
Given the aforementioned motivational facts, our
research question is formulated as follows:
RQ. How do the privacy policies of medium-
sized town administrations in English and German-
speaking European countries compare in terms of
aligning with the requirements of the GDPR?
The paper at hand is structured as follows: A re-
view of the related work is presented in the next sec-
tion. Section 3 describes the method employed to
construct our dataset, detailing the criteria and pro-
cess involved in selecting the towns that were in-
cluded in our analysis and the collection of their pri-
vacy policies. Section 4 outlines our research ap-
proach utilized to assess the alignment of the privacy
policies with GDPR stipulations. The results of ap-
plying this method are presented in Section 5. Section
6 discusses the findings and the current state of pri-
vacy policies in medium-sized town administrations
within the scope of this study, followed by proposing
recommendations and ideas for future research. Fi-
nally, Section 7 concludes this work.
In order to assess the impact of the GDPR enact-
ment, (Degeling et al., 2019) measured changes in
privacy policies before and after the GDPR enforce-
ment on the 500 most visited websites across 28 Eu-
ropean countries in 2018. They observed that the
number of websites that adopted privacy policies and
the length of the text of existing privacy policies had
increased. The study also assessed the presence of
GDPR-specific terms in the policies using a multilin-
gual dictionary created for this purpose. The authors
reported an increase in the usage of GDPR-specific
terminology, while some websites lacked any privacy
policy after the GDPR enforcement. (Hosseini et al.,
2024) confirmed this increase in the occurrence of
GDPR-specific terminology using keyness analysis.
(Wilkerson and Smith, 2023) examined the pri-
vacy challenges in smart cities, investigating the ex-
tent to which digital consumers are aware of the
privacy implications while navigating these environ-
ments. They conducted a comprehensive literature
review based on the theoretical frameworks of infor-
mation flow, social contracts, and the concept of be-
ing left alone. Additionally, they evaluated 30 fed-
eral and state government English privacy policies in
the United States (US), assessing their alignment with
these theoretical perspectives. The findings indicated
that some state governments may not fully comply
with federal privacy standards and that digital con-
sumers remain unaware of the privacy implications
associated with smart cities.
The most similar study to ours was a manual quan-
titative analysis of the privacy policies of Portuguese
municipalities (Dias et al., 2013). In 2013, this study
observed that only 4 % of Portuguese municipalities
disclosed the types of personal information collected
in their privacy policies. Our research differs from
this study in that, to the best of our knowledge, no
recent studies have focused on the analysis of the pri-
vacy policies of medium-sized town administrations
in Europe, particularly after the enforcement of the
GDPR. We believe that our study provides a founda-
tion for further research, as the protection of collected
and processed personal data is crucial in the field of
cybersecurity. Furthermore, it plays a significant role
in enhancing the trust of citizens in digitalization ef-
forts in medium-sized towns (Lai and Cole, 2022).
This section outlines the research method employed
to construct a dataset of medium-sized towns in Aus-
Privacy Policies in Medium-Sized European Town Administrations: A Comparative Analysis of English and German-Speaking Countries
tria, Germany, and Ireland, and to collect the privacy
policies from the websites of these towns’ adminis-
trations. We present our method for evaluating the
privacy policies of these websites and assessing their
alignment with the requirements of the GDPR. These
steps are illustrated in Figure 1.
Medium-sized town Identification
Privacy policy collection
Privacy policy preprocessing
Corpus Construction
Data practice classification
Dictionary analysis
Coverage analysis
Corpus Analysis
Figure 1: Overview of the research method.
3.1 Identification of Medium-Sized
To characterize medium-sized towns, we adopt the
definition provided by the Federal Institute for Re-
search on Building, Urban Affairs, and Spatial Devel-
opment of Germany for municipality types. Accord-
ing to this definition, small towns are characterized by
a population of 5,000 to 20,000 inhabitants, medium-
sized towns exhibit a population of 20,000 to 100,000
inhabitants, and large cities are distinguished by a
population of at least 100,000 inhabitants (Milbert
and Porsche, 2022). We recognize that this definition
may not be universally applicable across the countries
included in our study and may be subject to variation
based on geographic and political contexts. Neverthe-
less, this approach allows us to maintain consistency
among the towns under analysis, ensuring the compa-
rability of results. Thus, we employ this definition to
identify medium-sized towns that have a comparable
population range in Ireland and Austria.
The lists of medium-sized towns in Australia,
Germany, and Ireland were compiled using a semi-
automatic method that combined a web scraper with
manual labor. Wikipedia and the official census data
published by the respective governments served as the
primary data sources. The Wikipedia articles for each
town include the Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)
of the towns’ administrative websites.
To compile a list of medium-sized towns for
each country, we identified towns with populations
ranging from 20,000 to 100,000 inhabitants, utiliz-
ing Wikipedia’s city lists pertinent to the countries
in question. Subsequently, we added or removed
towns based on the countries’ most recent census
data (Central Statistics Office Republic of Ireland,
2021; Statisik Austria, 2023; Wikipedia, 2023).
The following attributes were automatically col-
lected for each town: name, state/county, popula-
tion, and URL. The web scraper used for this pur-
pose was constructed using the Python library Re-
quests (Python Software Foundation, 2023) to per-
form HTML requests and Parsel (Scrapy project,
2023) for parsing HTML responses. The data col-
lected was manually reviewed, during which any
missing URLs and errors were corrected. The final
town dataset encompasses 21 Austrian, 603 German,
and 20 Irish medium-sized towns. The structure of
this dataset is depicted in Tables 1, 2, and 3.
3.2 Privacy Policy Collection
The next step involved collecting the privacy policies
from the town administration websites. These poli-
cies are essential for the assessment of data practices
and data subject rights. However, in contrast to app
stores, where each application provides a link to its
respective privacy policy, website privacy policies are
not easily accessible in a unified manner.
To address this challenge, (Hosseini et al., 2021)
developed an open-source toolchain that employs ex-
amined best practices to automatically (a) detect and
collect potential privacy policies from websites in 42
European and non-European languages, and (b) pre-
process them in multiple steps, including text ex-
traction, language detection, and filtering non-privacy
policies using trained machine learning classifiers.
Moreover, the unification of the data preparation can
enhance research comparability and reveal common
analysis pitfalls.
We leveraged this comprehensive toolchain to
download potential privacy policies from the towns’
websites during the period from June to October
2023. The privacy policy detection module accessed
the landing page of each town’s website using a head-
less Firefox browser session via the Selenium Web-
Driver API (Selenium, 2023), which retrieves the
HTML document. The document is then parsed with
Beautiful Soup to identify all URLs. Each URL,
along with its preceding HTML element and link text,
is matched against a predefined multilingual word list
created by (Degeling et al., 2019), which contains
terms that may potentially point to URLs of privacy
policies. These URLs are subsequently visited auto-
matically, and the corresponding web pages or PDF
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 1: Sample entries of the Austrian town dataset (N=21).
Town State Population URL
Villach Carinthia 64,071
Wels Upper Austria 63,181
Sankt Pölten Lower Austria 56,360
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Hallein Salzburg 21,353
Schwechat Lower Austria 20,763
Mödling Lower Austria 20,531
Table 2: Sample entries of the German town dataset (N=603).
Town State Population URL
Kaiserslautern Rhineland-Palatinate 99,794
Iserlohn North Rhine-Westphalia 98,865
Gütersloh North Rhine-Westphalia 95,459
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Friesoythe Lower Saxony 20,064
Eschborn Hesse 20,015
Enger North Rhine-Westphalia 20,007
Table 3: Sample entries of the Ireland town dataset (N=20).
Town State Population URL
Limerick City Limerick 94,192
Galway City Galway 79,934
Waterford City Waterford 53,504
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Mullingar Westmeath 20,928
Celbridge Kildare 20,288
Wexford Wexford 20,188
documents containing potential privacy policies are
retrieved and stored.
In October 2024, we revisited a subset of the pri-
vacy policies that were identified in 2023 as not meet-
ing the GDPR requirements, with the aim of assessing
their present state.
3.3 Privacy Policy Preprocessing
We utilized the privacy policy preprocessing module
of the aforementioned toolchain by (Hosseini et al.,
2021) to extract the plain text from the retrieved web
pages and PDF documents. According to the authors,
the Boilerpipe library with the NumWordRulesExtrac-
tor algorithm (Kohlschütter et al., 2010) performed
best in their tests for extracting text from collected
privacy policy webpages across the ten most common
European languages. We also tested the other text ex-
tractors included in this toolchain (CanolaExtractor
and Readability.js (Mozilla, 2023)) and made simi-
lar observations during our manual checks. There-
fore, we used the plain text extracted via the NumWor-
dRulesExtractor algorithm for the subsequent steps.
The preprocessing module also performs lemmati-
zation, a linguistic process that reduces words to their
base or canonical forms, known as lemmas, taking
into account the grammatical context, part of speech,
and linguistic features. For example, the lemma of
running is run, the lemma of better is good, or the
lemma of children is child.
The toolchain also incorporates a language detec-
tion ensemble that identifies the language of each text.
Additionally, it employs text classifiers to differenti-
ate between privacy policies and non-privacy policies.
These classifiers achieved accuracy scores of 99.1 %
for English and 99.6 % for German, respectively.
We reviewed the output and excluded documents
that were outside the scope of this study. Examples
of such documents include the privacy policies of
third-party websites, such as Google and Facebook,
which appeared as links on some landing pages dur-
ing the collection of privacy policies. Furthermore,
some websites contained dedicated privacy policies
for town administration departments that were unre-
lated to the main town administration’s website. The
resulting plain texts of the websites’ privacy policies,
after undergoing lemmatization and alongside their
metadata, formed the corpus subject to the analysis
described in the following section.
Privacy Policies in Medium-Sized European Town Administrations: A Comparative Analysis of English and German-Speaking Countries
This section outlines the steps taken to derive in-
sights from the corpus constructed in the previous
section. We employed a combination of quantitative
dictionary-based methods and modern deep learning
techniques to gain these insights, as well as a qualita-
tive examination of privacy policies. In the following,
we describe these methods in detail.
4.1 Data Practices Classification
Our research made use of fine-tuned instances of the
BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from
Transformers) language model (Devlin et al., 2018).
These models were fine-tuned using the annotated
bilingual corpus of mobile application privacy poli-
cies (MAPP), which contains 64 English and 91
German manually annotated privacy policies (Arora
et al., 2022). The annotation scheme is based on
the OPP-115 English privacy policy corpus (Wilson
et al., 2016) and was refined to incorporate regula-
tory changes resulting from the enforcement of the
EU’s GDPR (and California’s CCPA/CPRA). The au-
thors report that the models achieved F1 scores rang-
ing from 60 % to 85 % for English and from 54 % to
74 % for German. These scores are typical for BERT-
based models used for the classification of data prac-
tices in privacy policies (cf. (Adhikari et al., 2023)).
We used these models to identify seven categories
of data practices and their attributes: (1) first-party
collection and use, (2) third-party collection and use,
(3) information type, (4) purpose of data collection,
(5) collection process, (6) legal basis for processing,
and (7) third-party entities. Table 4 presents a detailed
description of these categories and their attributes.
We report on the coverage of the data practice cat-
egories, i. e., the extent to which they are present or
absent in a privacy policy, in Section 5.
4.2 Dictionary-Based Approach
In addition to the previously described text classi-
fication approach, we employed a dictionary-based
method to examine the alignment of the privacy poli-
cies with the GDPR requirements. For this purpose,
we used the dictionary developed by (Degeling et al.,
2019), which encompasses GDPR-specific terms in
24 official European languages. This dictionary was
used to measure changes in privacy policies following
the enforcement of the GDPR in May 2018.
The complete dictionary is provided in the Appendix
of the extended version of their conference paper, accessible
speakers validated the dictionary for 17 languages re-
garding correctness and sensitivity. We used the Ger-
man and English phrases from this dictionary, both of
which were validated by native speakers.
To conduct the dictionary-based analysis, we low-
ercased and lemmatized the dictionary phrases using
Spacy (Montani et al., 2020). We subsequently mea-
sured the coverage of the phrases within the lemma-
tized privacy policies.
We searched for the following English phrases
in the privacy policies of the Irish towns: data
protection officer, legitimate interest, rectification,
erasure, data portability, and supervising author-
ity. The equivalent German dictionary phrases were
searched in the privacy policies of German and
Austrian town administrations, specifically: Daten-
schutzbeauftragte, berechtigte Interessen, Berichti-
gung, Löschung, Datenübertragbarkeit, and Auf-
The rationale for selecting these phrases is rooted
in the requirements outlined in the GDPR. The pres-
ence of a “data protection officer” is necessary if (a)
public authorities process personal data, (b) personal
data are processed systematically on a large scale, or
(c) special categories of data (such as racial or ethnic
origin, genetic and biometric data, . . . ) are processed
by an entity (see Article 37(1) of the GDPR). A data
protection officer serves as a liaison between a data
controller and the supervisory authority and should
be accessible to data subjects for complaints. Articles
13(2)(d) and 14(2)(e) of the GDPR state that when
personal data is collected directly or indirectly (via
third parties) from a data subject, the data controller
must inform the data subject of their right to lodge a
complaint with the supervisory authority.
Considering “legitimate interest” as a legal ba-
sis for data collection requires balancing the inter-
ests of the data controller, i. e., the entity that col-
lects personal data, with those of the data subject, i. e.,
the individual whose personal data is being collected.
These interests must be justifiable, such as preventing
fraud and cyberattacks (Voigt and von dem Bussche,
2017). However, the use of this legal basis for data
processing has been the subject of past and recent re-
search on deceptive design and potentially question-
able data practices (Kamara and De Hert, 2018; Kyi
et al., 2023; Hosseini et al., 2024).
The phrases “rectification,”“erasure, and “porta-
bility” are derived from the user rights specified in
Articles 16, 17, and 20 of the GDPR concerning col-
lected personal data (Helfrich, 2023).
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 4: Applied taxonomy to identify data practices in the privacy policies (Arora et al., 2022).
Category Category Description Attribute Attribute Description
First-Party Collection/Use Privacy practices that describe
data collection or data use by the
company/organization owning
the website or mobile app.
Information Type What category of information is
collected or tracked by the com-
Purpose What is the purpose of collecting
or using user information?
Collection Process How does the first party collect,
track, or obtain user information?
Legal Basis for Processing The GDPR prohibits the collec-
tion and processing of personal
data without a proper legal basis.
Therefore, every category of per-
sonal data requires the legal basis
to be clear and specific.
Third-Party Collection/Use Privacy practices that describe
data sharing with third parties or
data collection by third parties.
A third party is a
company/organization other than
the first-party
company/organization that owns
the website or mobile app.
Information Type What category of information is
shared with, collected by, or
otherwise obtained by the third
Purpose What is the purpose of a third
party receiving or collecting user
Collection Process How does the third party receive,
collect, track, or see user infor-
Third-party Entity The third parties involved in the
data practice.
4.3 GDPR Coverage Evaluation
The examination of the privacy policies for their
alignment with GDPR requirements, as outlined in
Section 4.1 and Section 4.2, encompasses 13 ele-
ments: two data practice categories, five data prac-
tice attributes, and six dictionary phrases. We as-
sess each privacy policy for the presence or absence
of these elements and report our findings, comparing
them across countries.
It is not our intention to assign scores based on
the degree to which these elements are covered, as not
all policies may require the inclusion of all elements.
To illustrate, the collection and processing of personal
data by third parties or the sharing of data with third
parties may not be conducted on the website of a town
administration. Consequently, there is no requirement
to include related data practice disclosures.
In this section, we present the results of our analysis
of the privacy policy corpus using the method outlined
in Section 4. We provide the findings at the country
level and discuss the implications of these results.
5.1 First Assessment in 2023
We conducted our first assessment of the privacy poli-
cies collected from the town administration websites
in 2023. In Table 5, each number indicates the overall
coverage (presence or absence) of the categories, at-
tributes, and dictionary phrases in the privacy policies
from each respective country, as well as the percent-
age of policies that incorporated them.
Upon examining the results, we observe similari-
ties among the three countries regarding relative cov-
erage. Regarding data practice categories, the privacy
policies of the three countries contained more disclo-
sures related to the collection or use of personal data
by first parties (Article 13 of the GDPR) than by third
parties (Article 14 of the GDPR). This observation in-
dicates that there are more statements describing data
use and collection by town administrations than there
are statements describing how data is shared with or
collected by third parties.
Concerning attributes, we observe that the privacy
policies collected in Germany address the types of in-
Privacy Policies in Medium-Sized European Town Administrations: A Comparative Analysis of English and German-Speaking Countries
Table 5: Coverage of data disclosures and phrases across countries.
Austria Germany Ireland
Category First Party 21 (100 %) 598 (99.2 %) 18 (90 %)
Third Party 20 (95.2 %) 571 (94.7 %) 14 (70 %)
Attribute Information Type 21 (100 %) 595 (98.7 %) 20 (100 %)
Purpose 21 (100 %) 592 (98.2 %) 20 (100 %)
Collection Process 21 (100 %) 585 (97 %) 20 (100 %)
Legal Basis 19 (90.5 %) 527 (87.4 %) 6 (30 %)
Third-Party Entity 13 (61.9 %) 458 (76 %) 12 (60 %)
Dictionary phrase Data Protection Officer 15 (71.4 %) 447 (74.1 %) 9 (45 %)
Legitimate Interest 19 (90.5 %) 433 (71.8 %) 1 (5 %)
Rectification 19 (90.5 %) 538 (89.2 %) 4 (20 %)
Erasure 20 (95.2 %) 567 (94.0 %) 4 (20 %)
Data Portability 17 (81.0 %) 380 (63.0 %) 4 (20 %)
Supervising Authority 14 (66.7 %) 465 (77.1 %) 0 (0 %)
Total number of privacy policies 21 603 20
formation collected or shared, their purpose, and the
collection process slightly less than those in Austria
and Ireland. In comparison to Germany and Aus-
tria, the number of statements regarding the legal ba-
sis of processing (Article 6 of the GDPR) in Ireland
is relatively limited. It might have been expected
that the coverage numbers for the first-party collec-
tion/use category and the legal basis for processing
would be comparable to those observed in Austria
and Germany. Building on that, we can conclude that
the privacy policies in all three countries are compre-
hensive in their descriptions of the type of data col-
lected or used by public administrations, as well as
the purposes for which such data is collected. How-
ever, the legal basis for collecting and processing per-
sonal data, a critical requirement for GDPR confor-
mity, is not frequently included in Irish privacy poli-
cies. Furthermore, we may notice that the third-party
entity attribute is addressed less frequently than the
third-party collection/use category in all three coun-
tries, meaning that privacy policies do not disclose the
identity of third parties involved in data practices.
In regard to the results obtained by searching the
dictionary phrases in the privacy policies, a finding
is that the majority of privacy policies in Austria
and Germany contain the phrase “legitimate interest,
which is one of the six legal bases of processing as
outlined in Article 6 of the GDPR. A visual inspec-
tion of the privacy policies in question reveals that, in
the case of Austrian privacy policies, there are com-
mon use cases of legitimate interest as the legal basis
of processing. One such use case is the analysis of log
data to ensure the security of personal data. However,
we also observed relatively questionable use cases
for this legal basis, including the use of YouTube or
Vimeo to display online offers, the analysis of user
behavior to tailor displayed advertisements, and the
usage of third-party fonts.
In the case of Germany and Austria, we can ob-
serve high coverage for the terms “rectification” and
“erasure,” which may indicate two specific user rights
outlined in the GDPR: Article 16 (right to rectifica-
tion) and Article 17 (right to erasure). In contrast,
the aforementioned user rights are not observed to be
covered to the same extent in the privacy policies of
the Irish medium-sized towns.
Similarly, the phrase “data portability, which
refers to Article 20 of the GDPR (the right to data
portability), is less prevalent in Irish privacy policies.
On the contrary, the privacy policies of Germany and
Austria frequently employ this expression.
The observed coverage of the phrases “data pro-
tection officer” and “supervising authority” is compa-
rable in Austria and Germany. However, only approx-
imately 50 % of the Irish privacy policies included in-
formation on the designation of a data protection of-
ficer, while none of the privacy policies contained the
specific phrase “supervising authority. Searching for
a reason for the latter observation, we conducted a
more thorough investigation into the content of the
Irish privacy policies. This revealed an instance in
which the term “supervisory authority” was used in
place of “supervising authority. Furthermore, an ad-
ditional search was conducted for the name of the na-
tional supervising authority in Ireland within the Irish
privacy policies, which yielded the result of the Data
Protection Commission (DPC). However, our investi-
gation revealed that only six privacy policies (30 %)
provided users with information about the commis-
sion and its functions.
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
5.2 Second Assessment in 2024
Based on our observations about the Irish privacy
policies in 2023, we conducted a follow-up assess-
ment in October 2024 to investigate whether any en-
hancements had been implemented. We detail our
findings for each town, organizing towns with com-
parable results into groups.
The privacy policy of County Wexford only con-
tained statements regarding the use of cookies and
Google Analytics, and no changes were observed.
The policy lacked the inclusion of required statements
by the GDPR, such as the afforded GDPR user rights
or the legal bases for data processing.
The landing page of Celbridge in Kildare County
displayed contact information but lacked a link to a
privacy policy. The websites of Naas and Newbridge,
both located in Kildare County, also exhibited a sim-
ilar design. The privacy policy of Kildare County
Council did not reflect any changes compared to 2023
and included statements regarding the collection of
personal data. However, it did not provide clear le-
gal bases for processing these data. On the positive
side, the privacy policy provided definitions regard-
ing technical terms, such as IP address, and included
a reference to the Irish Data Protection Commission.
Mullingar’s privacy policy did not show any al-
terations and contained declarations on the collected
personal data, their legal bases of processing, and user
rights. However, the privacy policy lacked informa-
tion on the identity of the data protection officer and
the supervisory authority.
The privacy policy of Athlone did not reflect any
changes compared to the 2023 version. The privacy
policy provided disclosures on the types of collected
personal data and offered generic statements regard-
ing user rights. A notable statement was permission
for the indefinite storage of comments left on the web-
site and their associated metadata.
The website of Balbriggan redirected its privacy
policy webpage to the privacy policy of its County
Council, i. e., that of Fingal County. This privacy pol-
icy did not reflect any changes. The text included the
types of personal information collected and the pur-
poses for which they were being processed, but did
not specify the legal basis for the processing. Addi-
tionally, no information was provided regarding the
rights of users according to the GDPR. The text of the
privacy policy for Fingal County was similar.
Portlaoise (Laois County) updated its privacy pol-
icy to include a detailed list of the personal data col-
lected. In addition, the privacy policy included a spe-
cific section dedicated to GDPR user rights. However,
a link entitled "Exercise these rights" resulted in an er-
ror message (404) upon accessing the page at the time
of writing. Nevertheless, the contact information for
the Data Protection Commissioner was provided.
The privacy policy of Carlow did not indicate
any changes. However, this privacy policy was al-
ready one of the more comprehensive privacy poli-
cies among the Irish privacy policies that were ana-
lyzed. The privacy policy disclosed the collected per-
sonal data and the purpose of its collection, as well
as the GDPR provisions regarding the legal bases of
processing (Article 6 of the GDPR). Additionally, the
policy included the contact details of the data pro-
tection officer. Moreover, a document outlining the
users’ rights regarding the collected personal data was
provided as a link at the bottom of the privacy pol-
icy web page. The privacy policy of Galway City &
Council was similar in this sense.
Reviewing the website of Ennis revealed the ab-
sence of a privacy policy. The privacy policy of the
website of its County Council, Clare, was updated
compared to 2023. The updated version reorganized
certain elements of the previous version. For exam-
ple, the policy now incorporates a section address-
ing third-party links and disclosure regarding the col-
lection of special category data (Article 9(1) of the
GDPR). Moreover, the section on the purpose of pro-
cessing was updated and now provides a clear de-
scription of the legal bases for processing. The trans-
fer of personal data to the US is now reported to
be based on the Transatlantic EU-US Data Privacy
Framework (European Commission, 2023a).
The privacy policy of Kilkenny did not undergo
any modifications. While the policy included the pur-
poses of data processing, it did not include the legal
bases of processing. Furthermore, the vagueness of
some statements was noteworthy. For instance, the
statements The personal details we are most likely
to collect [. . . ] and “These are the ways we are
most likely to use your information” indicate a lack
of clarity and complete transparency (Liu et al., 2016;
Lebanoff and Liu, 2018; Malik et al., 2023).
The privacy policy of Navan (Meath County),
Louth County, and Limerick City and Council re-
mained unchanged. While the texts contained the pur-
poses of data collection and the user rights regard-
ing these data, they did not contain the concrete legal
bases for processing these data. Contact information
was provided for the data protection officer and the
Office of the Data Protection Commissioner.
The privacy policy of Bray (Wicklow County) did
not indicate any changes. Although the policy listed
the types of personal data that would be collected and
the purposes of collection, it did not list the legal
bases for processing these data. In particular, this pri-
Privacy Policies in Medium-Sized European Town Administrations: A Comparative Analysis of English and German-Speaking Countries
vacy policy included a web form for submitting data
protection requests. However, there was no descrip-
tion of the entity that would receive such a request.
The privacy policy of Waterford City & Coun-
cil added dedicated sections regarding the usage of a
third-party provider, CookieYes, to control and reg-
ulate the usage of cookies, as well as a section on
website analytics. Furthermore, the policy enumer-
ated users’ rights according to the GDPR and pro-
vided contact information for the data protection offi-
cer and the Data Protection Commission.
Finally, no changes were indicated in the privacy
policies of the Tralee and Kerry County Council.
5.3 Summary of the Assessments
Based on the comparative analysis of the privacy
policies between the countries in 2023 and the ad-
ditional assessment of the Irish privacy policies in
2024, we can conclude that while German and Aus-
trian medium-sized towns share similar results, Irish
medium-sized towns fell behind in:
1. providing users with fully transparent information
regarding the legal bases for processing according
to Article 6 of the GDPR;
2. informing users about their rights according to Ar-
ticles 13 to 22 of the GDPR; and
3. providing users with information about con-
tacts such as the data protection officer and the
Data Protection Commission according to Arti-
cles 13(2)(d) and 14(2)(e) to be able to exercise
their right to lodge a complaint.
Upon examination of individual towns, we did not
observe any regional differences between the towns
regarding GDPR coverage. The two towns with the
lowest GDPR coverage within the Austrian list are lo-
cated in the Lower Austria (Niederösterreich) region.
In Germany, the distribution of towns across the
states was uniform, and no noticeable trend or pattern
emerged concerning GDPR coverage.
In the case of Ireland, the towns with the most ex-
tensive GDPR coverage were distributed across dif-
ferent counties. At the same time, among the towns
exhibiting the lowest level of GDPR coverage, we
identified three towns concentrated within a single
county that demonstrated notable deficiencies in their
privacy policies.
The present study examined the landscape of pri-
vacy policies of medium-sized town administrations
in three European countries with the objective of gain-
ing a detailed understanding of their coverage of data
practice disclosures required by the GDPR. By em-
ploying a quantitative analysis approach consisting
of deep learning classification based on fine-tuned
BERT models and a dictionary analysis for GDPR-
related phrases, we analyzed and evaluated the extent
to which the privacy policies addressed the mandatory
requirements of the GDPR. This analysis was com-
plemented by a qualitative approach, which involved
a detailed examination of the privacy policies, espe-
cially the shortcomings of the Irish policies. Conse-
quently, we depicted the landscape of privacy policies
of the websites of city administrations in medium-
sized towns in Austria, Germany, and Ireland.
The Austrian and German towns included in our
sample set exhibited higher and often similar cover-
age of the data practice categories, attributes, and dic-
tionary phrases. However, Irish towns demonstrated
lower coverage, as numerous towns lacked essential
statements in their privacy policies, including users’
rights, the designation of a data protection officer, and
the supervising authority. This deficiency suggests
a potential lack of awareness of the descriptions and
disclosures required in a privacy policy by the GDPR,
as stipulated in Articles 12 to 14 of the GDPR.
Although the GDPR came into effect in May
2018, at the beginning of our study, we anticipated
that the majority of privacy policies would achieve
medium to medium-high GDPR coverage due to
three underlying factors discovered in previous stud-
ies (Karyda and Mitrou, 2016; Aberkane et al., 2022;
Saemann et al., 2022):
Insufficient Legal Expertise. Medium-sized
town administrations may lack sufficiently trained
personnel possessing the essential expertise to ef-
fectively implement GDPR requirements and to
formulate comprehensive privacy policies.
Resource Constraints. Medium-sized town ad-
ministrations may face resource limitations that
inhibit their ability to develop and maintain
GDPR-compliant privacy policies, leading them
to outsource this responsibility.
Fear of the Unknown. Employees of medium-
sized town administrations may be concerned
about potential sanctions arising from complaints
regarding GDPR-related violations, potentially
leading them to engage in opaque data manage-
ment practices, thereby undermining efforts to
foster transparency in data handling.
These are consistent with the findings of (Becker
et al., 2021), which highlights an important issue: re-
source inequalities between medium-sized towns and
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
metropolitan cities. In their analysis of the existing
literature, they point out that medium-sized towns are
often at a disadvantage relative to metropolitan ar-
eas in terms of both human and financial resources,
and they typically lack adequate resources dedicated
to marketing and branding initiatives. Such resource
limitations could potentially explain, at least in part,
the relatively low observed GDPR coverage in the pri-
vacy policy of these areas.
Further research could explore the relationship be-
tween resource constraints and the quality of privacy
policies. Such investigations might include interviews
with the chief digitalization officers and data protec-
tion officers in medium-sized towns to gain insight
into the nuances of resource allocation and manage-
ment in these areas. The goal of this research would
be to understand how, or if, such resource constraints
influence the maintenance and development of the
digital presence of medium-sized towns, including
their privacy policies.
Viewing our findings from the sociological per-
spective, it can be argued that the lack of transparency
regarding data practices and user rights in the pri-
vacy policies of medium-sized town website admin-
istrations effectively hinders citizens from being able
to exercise their fundamental rights and using their
agency, i. e., their means of taking action (Grund-
mann, 2020; Versalovic et al., 2022), regarding their
personal data whenever they see the need. Consider-
ing Sen’s capability approach (Sen, 1993; Robeyns,
2021), providing citizens with the capability to exer-
cise their rights fosters the functionality of develop-
ment of trust between citizens and the administrations
of medium-sized towns. Consequently, citizens may
be more inclined to utilize the digital services offered
by their town’s public administrations.
The availability of trained models for the English
and German languages, as well as the language pro-
ficiency of the authors, constituted a limitation on
the scope of this research. Given that the analysis
methods were based on the aforementioned natural
language processing techniques and involved man-
ual checks of the content of the privacy policies, the
investigation was restricted to English and German-
language privacy policies. Consequently, the findings
were constrained to countries within the EU where
English or German are the primary languages. These
limitations precluded an analysis of privacy policies
in other languages and regions. Thus, the results are
not generalizable to all EU countries.
A comparison between the accuracy of data prac-
tice disclosures in the privacy policies and actual op-
erational practices would have required manual fact-
checking and gaining access to the internal system
infrastructure of the town administration’s websites.
This step was omitted due to the requirement to al-
locate considerable resources and was not within the
scope of this research.
Notwithstanding these limitations, the research
findings contribute to a more profound understanding
of the current state of privacy policies in English and
German-speaking European countries. The findings
establish a foundation for future research on privacy
policies in rural areas and studies in medium-sized
towns, including investigations into trust relationships
and participation. Specifically, we propose the fol-
lowing areas of research for further investigation:
Investigate whether there is a measurable correla-
tion between the extent of GDPR coverage and the
resources available to towns, specifically regard-
ing trained staff and the allocation of dedicated
funding for privacy and security measures.
Extend the application of our approach to other
countries that use different definitions for mid-
sized towns to assess its universal applicability.
Conduct similar analyses on privacy policies that
fall under the legislation of other comparable reg-
ulations, including but not limited to the Califor-
nia Privacy Rights Act (CPRA).
This study examined the privacy policies of medium-
sized town administrations in Austria, Germany, and
Ireland to shed light on their GDPR coverage. We
conducted a quantitative analysis using fine-tuned
BERT models and GDPR-related dictionary phrases
to assess the extent to which the policies in question
addressed the requirements outlined in the GDPR. We
measured the coverage of data disclosure practices
and the extent to which users were informed about
their rights to their collected personal data. We per-
formed additional qualitative analyses to enhance our
quantitative findings.
Our analysis indicates that the privacy policies
of medium-sized town administrations in Austria
and Germany adequately cover GDPR-related disclo-
sures. However, there is still room for improvement
in Ireland. Recommended enhancements include pro-
viding more comprehensive information about users’
rights concerning their personal data and clearly stat-
ing the legal basis for data processing in all cases.
Further recommended improvements include refer-
encing the supervising authority in Ireland, as well
as the contact information for data protection officers.
We suggest that the Data Protection Commission in
Privacy Policies in Medium-Sized European Town Administrations: A Comparative Analysis of English and German-Speaking Countries
Ireland provides guidance to medium-sized towns to
address the identified shortcomings.
We raise concern regarding the use of legitimate
interests as the legal basis for data collection and pro-
cessing in German and Austrian privacy policies un-
less serving an unambiguous and justifiable purpose.
We advocate for grounding the collection, sharing,
and processing of personal data on a more transpar-
ent legal basis to foster greater public trust in the data
practices of their respective administrations.
The author expresses his gratitude to Ivan Borger
and Manh Tin Nguyen for their invaluable assistance
with an early version of this work. We also express
our sincere appreciation to the anonymous review-
ers for their constructive feedback. The author used
ChatGPT, Grammarly, and DeepL Write to address
typographical errors, grammatical inaccuracies, and
issues of awkward phrasing. This project received
funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
(DFG, German Research Foundation) 462287308
(HU 3005/2-1 & BE1422/27-1).
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