Selection of Representative Instances Using Ant Colony Optimization:
A Case Study in a Database of Newborns with Congenital Zika in Brazil
Ana C. M. Gonc¸alves, Ludmila B. S. Nascimento
, Ana L. P. Leite, Maria E. O. Brito,
Erika G. de Assis, Henrique C. Freitas
and Cristiane N. Nobre
Department of Computer Science, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais,
Av. Dom Jos
e Gaspar, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Zika, Ant Colony, Selection Instance, Microcephaly, Congenital Zika Syndrome.
This article investigates congenital syndrome associated with the Zika virus (ZIKV) in newborns in Brazil,
utilizing preprocessing techniques and machine learning to enhance its detection. The study proposes the Ant
Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm for instance selection in a database on ZIKV infections from 2016,
during a period when Brazil faced a Zika outbreak linked to neurological complications such as microcephaly.
The research compares the performance of ACO with ve classification algorithms, demonstrating that ACO
improved all evaluation metrics. The highest case concentration was observed in Brazil’s Northeast and South-
east regions. Although cases have decreased in 2024, it is essential to maintain monitoring and preventive
actions. In summary, the results confirm the effectiveness of ACO in enhancing machine learning models and
highlight the importance of clinical attributes in the early detection of congenital syndromes, recommending
the use of updated databases for a better understanding of the impact of ZIKV, particularly in newborns.
Analysis, prediction, and decision-making for disease
diagnosis and treatment using data mining and ma-
chine learning require significant effort. Existing al-
gorithms often need help to fully leverage large-scale
medical data and effectively analyze patient charac-
teristics (Carlin and Curran, 2012; Badawy et al.,
The growing volume of healthcare data, driven
by advancements in storage and collection, poses
challenges for data mining techniques due to redun-
dant or irrelevant attributes or instances. Attribute
and instance selection, as crucial preprocessing steps,
help mitigate this issue by eliminating data hinder-
ing learning performance and complicating modeling
(Akinyelu, 2020; Tsai et al., 2021).
The Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm,
inspired by the foraging behavior of actual ant
colonies, is widely used, for instance, and attribute
selection due to its efficiency in solving combinato-
rial problems (Anwar et al., 2015). ACO can find
optimal or near-optimal solutions, making it a practi-
cal approach for reducing data sets while maintaining
classification accuracy.
The Zika virus (ZIKV) is an arboviral disease
transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, first iden-
tified in 1947 in Uganda, with human cases reported
since 1953 in Nigeria, according to the Minister of
. The first confirmed case in the Americas
was in May 2015, in Northeast Brazil, and it rapidly
spread to other countries (Lowe et al., 2018). In 2016,
the WHO declared ZIKV a public health emergency
due to its association with congenital Zika syndrome
(Boeuf et al., 2016).
ZIKV can be transmitted from pregnant moth-
ers to fetuses, resulting in congenital anomalies such
as microcephaly and other neurological complica-
tions (Ribeiro and et al, 2018).
This study proposes using the RESP-
Microcephaly database, which documents ZIKV
cases in Brazil, focusing on newborns suspected of
having congenital syndrome. The aim is to apply
ACO, for instance, selection as a preprocessing
Available at:
Gonçalves, A. C. M., Nascimento, L. B. S., Leite, A. L. P., Brito, M. E. O., G. de Assis, E., Freitas, H. C. and Nobre, C. N.
Selection of Representative Instances Using Ant Colony Optimization: A Case Study in a Database of Newborns with Congenital Zika in Brazil.
DOI: 10.5220/0013172600003911
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2025) - Volume 2: HEALTHINF, pages 587-594
ISBN: 978-989-758-731-3; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
technique to investigate the factors most influencing
the onset of congenital syndrome.
The analysis includes classification algorithm
evaluation metrics such as F-Measure, Precision, and
Recall, comparing machine learning algorithms like
Decision Tree, AdaBoost, Random Forest, SVM, and
2.1 Brazilian Geography
According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
is the largest country in South America, covering
an area of 8,514,876 km² and hosting approximately
214 million inhabitants, distributed across five re-
gions: North, Northeast, Central-West, Southeast, and
South. These regions exhibit diverse climatic and ge-
ographic features, which significantly influence the
transmission dynamics of mosquito-borne diseases
such as Zika virus, primarily transmitted by Aedes ae-
The Northeast region, characterized by a humid
tropical climate along the coast and semi-arid con-
ditions inland, was the most affected during Brazil’s
Zika outbreak (Hartinger et al., 2023). High tempera-
tures, uneven rainfall, and water storage practices dur-
ing droughts created optimal breeding conditions for
mosquitoes. Similarly, with its dense urban popula-
tion and hot, rainy summers, the Southeast region ex-
perienced a significant number of cases.
Climatic conditions such as prolonged heat, high
humidity, and rainfall patterns are critical to mosquito
life and disease spread. While the North region’s
equatorial climate supports year-round vector prolif-
eration, the Central-West and South regions exhibit
more seasonal risks. These findings emphasize the
need for region-specific public health interventions to
control the spread of the Zika virus (Hartinger et al.,
To better understand this subsection, Figure 1
presents the map of Brazil, highlighting its five re-
2.2 Zika Virus
The Zika virus (ZIKV) is an arbovirus transmitted
by arthropods belonging to the Flavivirus species
and the Flaviviridae family. In addition to ZIKV,
the Flavivirus species includes over 52 other viral
Available at:
Figure 1: Map of Brazil Regions.
species, including dengue, yellow fever, Saint Louis
encephalitis, and West Nile viruses (Zanluca et al.,
2015). The Zika virus is primarily spread by the
vector Aedes aegypti, found in tropical and subtrop-
ical areas, and also by Aedes albopictuss, present in
the Mediterranean region of Europe (Carvalho et al.,
When a mosquito carrying the Zika virus bites
an individual, the insect’s saliva is injected into the
skin along with the virus. Components in this saliva
can exacerbate the viral infection by modifying the
immune system to favor cutaneous viral replication
(Hastings et al., 2019). After the bite, there is an in-
cubation period of approximately nine days, followed
by the onset of symptoms (Carvalho et al., 2019). Ac-
cording to the World Health Organization
, most peo-
ple infected with the Zika virus do not develop symp-
toms. When symptoms are present, they typically
include rash, fever, conjunctivitis, muscle and joint
pain, malaise, and headache, lasting between 2 to 7
2.3 Newborns with Congenital Zika
According to Boeuf et al. (2016), ZIKV can infect
and damage neural progenitor cells, potentially im-
pacting fetal brain development and causing condi-
tions such as microcephaly and other neurodevelop-
mental anomalies.
ZIKV is the only vertically transmitted flavivirus
that can infect cortical progenitor cells (Evans-
Gilbert, 2020). Transmission from mother to embryo
or fetus can occur during pregnancy or labor (Zanluca
et al., 2015).
ZIKV crosses the placental barrier, adversely af-
fecting embryonic development and triggering mi-
crocephaly through its impact on neural stem cells
Available at:
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
(Evans-Gilbert, 2020).
Newborns suspected of microcephaly undergo
physical exams, head circumference measurements,
and neurological and imaging tests. Transfontanellar
ultrasound is the initial test of choice, with tomogra-
phy used when the fontanel is closed (Brasil et al.,
The Ministry of Health, following WHO recom-
mendations, adopted the InterGrowth-21st parame-
for the first 24-48 hours of life. According to
this reference, the head circumference of a 37-week
gestation child should be 30.24 cm for girls and 30.54
cm for boys. Accurate measurement, preferably to
two decimal places, is essential for proper assessment
(Brasil et al., 2015).
2.4 Instance Selection with Ant Colony
The Instance Selection (IS) technique aims to create
a subset of the original database by removing irrele-
vant, noisy, and redundant instances while maintain-
ing near-complete accuracy. This enhances data qual-
ity, reduces computational costs, and provides a min-
imal representative sample. Since IS involves search-
ing all possible combinations of instances, it is an
NP-Complete problem (Papadimitriou and Steiglitz,
1982) that requires heuristic solutions. This study em-
ploys the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) heuristic
(Dorigo et al., 2006) to identify the best subset based
on the k-NN classifier’s accuracy.
ACO is inspired by the behavior of ants finding the
shortest path using pheromones to guide their route
(Dorigo et al., 2006). In this study, the input instances
form the vertices of a graph, with Euclidean distances
defining the edges. Artificial ants navigate this graph,
selecting components based on their heuristic value
and pheromone levels (Salama et al., 2016). Each ant
starts from a different instance and generates subsets
evaluated by machine learning algorithms. The best-
performing subset is retained as the solution.
The pheromone model F assigns parameters τ
i j
all paths, reflecting the colony’s accumulated knowl-
edge. High τ
i j
values indicate preferred paths. At
each iteration, pheromone values for used compo-
nents increase, while all values undergo evapora-
tion to guide future iterations towards better solutions
(Dorigo et al., 2006). This study uses the ANT-IS
method, proposed by Miloud-Aouidate and Baba-Ali
The INTERGROWTH-21st project developed a stan-
dard fetal growth curve for international use, aimed at
studying growth, health, nutrition, and neuromotor develop-
ment from 14 weeks of gestation to two years of age. This
standard complements the WHO growth curve for children
of both sexes
(2015), where an ant k at instance i at time t chooses
its next instance j based on Equations 1, 2, and 3.
1. Calculate the Euclidean distance between each in-
stance and all others in the dataset.
2. Initialize matrix C with -1 and pheromone values.
3. Place each ant on a unique instance.
4. Ants select their destination instance based on
Equations 1, 2, and 3.
5. Update the validation matrix C:
(a) If a
= 1, set C(k, j) = 1.
(b) Else, set C(k, j) = 0 and return to step 5.
6. Calculate path length L
(t) for each ant.
7. Compute and update pheromone values P
i j
(t) as
per Equations 3 and 4.
8. Repeat until all ants complete their tour; then pro-
ceed to step 11.
9. Keep the best solution with the highest classifica-
tion rate from k-NN for k=1.
10. Clear the list of visited instances.
i j
= Prob
i j
i j
(t) =
i j
(t) n
i j
,i f j N
i j
i j
(t) =
,i f (i, j) T
T : set of instances
n = |T |: number of instances
(t): number of ants at instance i at time t
i j
= 1/d
i j
: visibility of instance j for an ant at
instance i
i j
: pheromone value on edge (i, j)
C: matrix (b
(t)xn) containing the validation of the
destination points
: random binary parameter
And, at the end of each iteration of the algorithm,
the pheromone value previously deposited on all paths
undergoes evaporation according to Equation 4.
i j
(t + 1) = (1 ρ) P
i j
(t) +
i j
(t) (4)
Selection of Representative Instances Using Ant Colony Optimization: A Case Study in a Database of Newborns with Congenital Zika in
The section on related studies will explore the scope
and impact of Newborns affected by Congenital Syn-
drome resulting from Zika virus infection. It will
review recent research, intervention strategies, and
emerging public health issues related to this topic.
Additionally, studies using the Ant Colony Algo-
rithm, for instance selection, will be presented, along
with articles examining various aspects of the Zika
virus to enhance understanding of its spread and
global impact.
3.1 ZIKV
The article by Lowe et al. (2018) reviews the emer-
gence of Zika in Brazil, covering transmission routes,
clinical complications, and socioeconomic impacts. It
also identifies knowledge gaps and challenges in pre-
venting future arbovirus outbreaks.
According to Zanluca et al. (2015), the rapid
spread of Zika in Brazil has reached over 50 coun-
tries in the Americas, with Aedes aegypti as the pri-
mary vector. The public health impact was signif-
icant, mainly due to neurological complications in
newborns, such as microcephaly. The swift spread
of Zika, compared to the slower spread of other ar-
boviruses like dengue, underscores the importance of
factors like climate and population mobility in shap-
ing outbreaks and highlights the need for effective
prevention measures.
3.2 Congenital Syndrome Caused by
the Zika Virus
A study by Ribeiro and et al (2018) investigated mi-
crocephaly cases in Piau
ı during the 2015–2016 Zika
epidemic. Researchers analyzed data from newborns
using the Live Births Information System (SINASC)
and medical records to assess maternal and infant
infections. Out of 75 microcephaly cases, 34 were
linked to congenital infections, with only one testing
positive for Zika IgM. Imaging tests confirmed brain
anomalies in many cases.
In a review by Prata-Barbosa et al. (2019) on chil-
dren exposed to Zika during gestation, intrauterine
growth restriction and low birth weight were standard
among those with congenital Zika syndrome. Postna-
tal growth deficits correlate with the severity of neu-
rological impairment, possibly influenced by nutri-
tional factors. The findings suggest that the impact
on growth in congenital Zika cases, whether or not
microcephaly was present at birth, is more significant
with higher neurological impairment.
3.3 Instance Selection with Ant Colony
The preprocessing stage, for instance, selection is cru-
cial for enhancing the efficiency of machine learning
algorithms and data analysis. Many studies have ex-
plored instance selection heuristics, with Ant Colony
Optimization (ACO) recognized for its significance in
this context.
Anwar et al. (2015) was among the first to ap-
ply ACO, for instance, selection, extending the ADR-
Miner algorithm for data reduction to improve classi-
fication accuracy. This approach tested different clas-
sification algorithms at various stages of instance se-
lection to assess their effectiveness in building the fi-
nal model.
Hott et al. (2022) demonstrated that ACO-based
instance selection improved the accuracy of classifi-
cation models for identifying academic performance
in children and adolescents with ADHD, achieving
a 20 percentage point increase in K-NN accuracy.
This improvement shows the potential for early ed-
ucational intervention and more targeted support.
This section discusses two main themes: the im-
pacts of ZIKV and the application of ACO, for in-
stance, selection. It reviews studies on the rapid
spread of ZIKV, its neurological complications such
as microcephaly, and the challenges of controlling
outbreaks. Additionally, it highlights how ACO has
been effectively used to enhance predictive models,
such as identifying academic difficulties in students
and showcasing its benefits for public health data
Both topics underline the importance of pub-
lic health and advancements in computational tech-
niques. Analyzing large-scale public health data, like
Zika cases, with ACO can optimize instance selection
and uncover patterns to support more effective inter-
4.1 Dataset
The Ministry of Health provided the database used
in this research, which was collected through an on-
line form developed by DATASUS-Brasil and is avail-
able in the RESP-Microcefalia system. This system
aims to register suspected cases and deaths related to
growth and development alterations associated with
the Zika virus and other infectious diseases (Brasil
et al., 2015).
No variables identifying individuals or their fami-
lies were included, so submission for Research Ethics
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
Committee review was not required, per the National
Health Council Resolution (CNS)
number 510, dated
April 7, 2016.
The RESP dataset includes 43 attributes organized
into nine categories, covering information about preg-
nant women, live births, pregnancy, delivery, and
more. These attributes are detailed in Table 1.
4.2 Preprocessing
The initial database contained 17,451 instances. To
focus on newborns with congenital anomalies linked
to Zika virus infection, only relevant instances were
selected, resulting in a final dataset of 9,537 cases:
2,455 newborns diagnosed with congenital Zika syn-
drome and 7,082 without congenital anomalies.
Preprocessing steps were performed using Python
to prepare the data for classification algorithms:
1) Missing Data Imputation: Addressed the 30%
of missing values by applying mean or median impu-
tation to minimize the impact of incomplete data.
2) One-Hot Encoding: Transformed ten nominal
categorical attributes into numerical values for com-
patibility with classification algorithms.
3) Attribute Removal: Removed highly correlated
attributes, like brain diameter and head circumfer-
ence, to prevent biases. Retained head circumference
is a key criterion for microcephaly diagnosis. Non-
informative attributes, such as residential address and
phone number, were excluded.
4) Instance Selection: Used the Ant Colony Opti-
mization (ACO) algorithm to eliminate redundant and
noisy instances, reducing computational costs and
creating a more accurate sample. Details of the sub-
set generated by ACO are provided in the following
4.3 The ACO’s Subset
The ACO algorithm was implemented and run on a
GPU using the NVIDIA CUDA library
to take ad-
vantage of its efficiency for faster and more effective
AI algorithm execution.
The ACO algorithm generated a subset of 4,866
instances, including 3,582 newborns without congen-
ital anomalies and 1,284 diagnosed with congenital
Zika syndrome. This subset was used in the experi-
ments described in the following sections.
Available at:
4.4 Evaluation Metrics
Five classification algorithms were used: Decision
Tree, AdaBoost, Random Forest, Support Vector Ma-
chine (SVM), and XGBoost.
The Decision Tree was chosen for its simplicity
and interpretability. AdaBoost and Random Forest,
both ensemble tree methods, were selected for their
accuracy improvement and overfitting reduction capa-
bilities, respectively. SVM was included for its effec-
tiveness in high-dimensional spaces. XGBoost was
chosen for its high performance, speed, ability to han-
dle large datasets, and advanced overfitting prevention
The dataset was split into 80% for training and
20% for testing. Ten-fold cross-validation was used
to assess model generalization
. The entire pipeline,
including model training and graph generation, was
executed in Python 3.10.9.
The ACO and machine learning algorithms ran on
a system with an Intel® Xeon® E5-2696 v3 Proces-
sor, 128 GB of DDR4 RAM (2400 MHz), and Ubuntu
Server 22.04 LTS.
To assess the ACO’s effectiveness in selecting op-
timal instances, three evaluation metrics were used:
, Precision
, and Recall
This section presents the results of analyzing of the
machine learning models obtained by the Ant Colony
Optimization (ACO) algorithm on the “Newborns
with Congenital Zika” database.
5.1 Results of the Machine Learning
Figure 2 compares the metric values for the machine
learning algorithms obtained before and after apply-
ing instance selection, covering the five classification
algorithms used.
Overall, AdaBoost, Decision Tree, Random For-
est, and XGBoost produced similar results in both ver-
sions. In contrast, SVM showed lower performance.
Using ACO, for instance, selection improved all three
metrics: the F-Measure increased by 5%, precision by
Cross-validation divides the data into training and test-
ing sets, evaluating the model across multiple parts to avoid
performance bias.
Precision =
Recall =
Selection of Representative Instances Using Ant Colony Optimization: A Case Study in a Database of Newborns with Congenital Zika in
Table 1: Division of Attributes in the RESP Dataset.
Category Attributes
Classification of suspected cases of congenital infection
Date it was notified
Data on pregnant women
State of residence
Information about live births
Date of birth
Data about pregnancy and childbirth
Types of congenital changes
Timing of alteration detection
Gestational age of detection of microcephaly
Type of pregnancy
Live birth classification
Head circumference
Date of head circumference measurement
Clinical and epidemiological data of the mother
Date of symptom onset
Types of symptoms
STORCH test conduction and result
Zika test result
History of arboviruses
Congenital malformation
Information on imaging exams
Transfontanellar ultrasound
Computed tomography
Magnetic resonance imaging
Data on healthcare establishment
Data on disease progression
Date of death
Restricted access fields for the manager
Final classification of the suspected case of congenital alterations
Confirmation criteria through laboratory tests performed
Figure 2: Performance of Machine Learning Algorithms.
7%, and recall by 5%. In conclusion, the dataset with
ACO selection outperformed the original in machine
learning applications.
5.2 Analysis of the Key Determinant
Attributes for Zika Classification
After applying machine learning algorithms, the most
important attributes for identifying whether a new-
born had congenital Zika syndrome were extracted
from the ACO-reduced dataset. The top seven at-
tributes identified were: 1) Imaging Examinations; 2)
Head Circumference; 3) Newborn Weight; 4) Pres-
ence of Rash; 5) Zika Test Result; 6) Mother’s Age; 7)
Newborn Length.
According to Brasil et al. (2015, 2017), imaging
examinations are essential for detecting neurological
anomalies such as microcephaly, often linked to con-
genital infections like the Zika virus. Among new-
borns diagnosed with congenital Zika, 1,008 under-
went imaging examinations, accounting for 78%.
These findings align with previous research
(Brasil et al., 2017) highlighting newborn weight,
length, and head circumference as key diagnostic
parameters for congenital abnormalities, particularly
microcephaly, within the Intergrowth growth curve.
As noted by Brasil et al. (2017), exanthema (rash)
is a common symptom in pregnant women infected
with Zika, often accompanied by fever, joint pain,
conjunctivitis, and itching. This indicator can be asso-
ciated with fetal complications, including congenital
malformations. In the study, 634 newborns had moth-
ers who experienced exanthema during pregnancy,
representing 49%.
Maternal variables, such as age, were also sig-
nificantly associated with congenital malformations
(Brasil et al., 2017).
Only 318 newborns diagnosed with congenital
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
Zika underwent laboratory testing, making up just
25% of the total. This suggests that other factors be-
yond lab results play a crucial role in diagnosis, high-
lighting the need for a comprehensive diagnostic ap-
The ACO-generated dataset also revealed the dis-
tribution of congenital Zika cases by region in Brazil
during the 2016 outbreak, shown in Figure 3. The
Northeast region had the highest number of cases, fol-
lowed by the Southeast, indicating a significant re-
gional impact.
Figure 3: Confirmed Zika cases, separated by Brazilian re-
The Northeast region of Brazil, with its hu-
mid tropical climate along the coast and semi-arid
conditions inland, provides favorable conditions for
mosquito proliferation, as noted by Hartinger et al.
(2023). This region reported the first confirmed Zika
case in May 2015 Lowe et al. (2018) and has the high-
est number of newborns diagnosed with congenital
The Southeast region, Brazil’s most populous
area, with over 90% of its population in urban set-
tings, also has conditions conducive to mosquito-
borne disease spread due to hot, rainy summers. This
explains why it ranks second for congenital Zika
cases, especially during the rainy season when cli-
matic conditions favor the virus’s spread.
Although this study used the 2016 RESP dataset
from the Zika outbreak, Zika remains a public health
concern. The Minist
erio’s Epidemiological Report
No. 07
reported 243,720 dengue cases from the first
to the fourth week of January 2024, a 273% increase
compared to 2023. Zika cases during the first to third
weeks of January 2024 totaled 105, showing a 63%
decrease from 2023. While this decrease is encourag-
ing amid rising dengue cases, continuous monitoring
Available at:
is essential.
Analysis of the Ministry of Health’s arbovirus up-
date panel
shows that Zika cases were similar in
February 2023 (1,013 cases) and 2024 (1,010 cases).
This stability suggests the need for ongoing, adap-
tive efforts to maintain effective control and prevent a
resurgence, ensuring public health remains protected.
The results confirm the effectiveness of instance se-
lection using the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)
algorithm in enhancing the performance of machine
learning models on the “Newborns with Congenital
Zika” dataset. ACO improved Precision, Recall, and
F-Measure metrics by 7%, 5%, and 5% compared to
the version without instance selection.
These improvements demonstrate that focusing on
relevant attributes can optimize the classification pro-
cess and enhance accuracy. In healthcare, ACO in-
stance selection proved valuable for improving diag-
nostic precision, aiding early detection of congenital
syndromes, and supporting better medical decision-
making and resource allocation.
Key diagnostic attributes for Congenital Zika,
such as head circumference, weight, and exanthema,
showed strong correlations with previously identified
clinical characteristics. Maternal age and imaging test
results further reinforced the importance of variables
for early diagnosis and identification of congenital
Geographical analysis showed the highest concen-
tration of congenital Zika cases in Brazil’s Northeast
and Southeast regions, highlighting their vulnerability
to Zika epidemics, especially under conditions favor-
able to mosquito proliferation.
The decline in Zika cases in 2024, as noted in
Ministry of Health data, is a positive trend, but on-
going monitoring and prevention remain critical. The
disease’s persistence at stable levels underscores the
need for continued and improved control measures
to protect public health against arbovirus threats in
Future research should incorporate updated
datasets on Congenital Zika cases to provide a com-
prehensive view of the disease’s current impact. Com-
paring 2016 data with more recent information will
help identify changes in epidemiological patterns and
enhance public health responses. This approach will
strengthen government and health service efforts to
Available at:
Selection of Representative Instances Using Ant Colony Optimization: A Case Study in a Database of Newborns with Congenital Zika in
combat Zika and its consequences, ensuring interven-
tions are based on current and accurate data.
The authors would like to thank the National Coun-
cil for Scientific and Technological Development of
Brazil (CNPq Code: 311573/2022-3), the Co-
ordination for the Improvement of Higher Educa-
tion Personnel - Brazil (CAPES - Grant PROAP
88887.842889/2023-00 - PUC/MG, Grant PDPG
88887.708960/2022-00 - PUC/MG - Informatics and
Finance Code 001), the Foundation for Research
Support of Minas Gerais State (FAPEMIG Codes:
APQ-03076-18 and APQ-05058-23).
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