block-based models should be the preferred choice for
developing TAL applications, especially given per-
formance requirements and potential limitations in
high-performance hardware resources. Additionally,
we found that learning temporal dependencies in se-
quences from both directions—specifically through
the ViM and DBM blocks, which incorporate a back-
ward scanning process—can enhance the model’s per-
formance for TAL.
We focused our analysis on a limited set of hybrid
models. However, there are several other approaches
to building hybrid models, such as those proposed in
(Hatamizadeh and Kautz, 2024) and (Behrouz et al.,
2024). One potential direction for future work could
be exploring the adaptation of these architectures for
TAL. Another avenue for future research would be de-
veloping models that leverage both the simplicity and
performance of Mamba blocks, as well as their dual
scanning capability.
This work has been partially supported by the Span-
ish project PID2022-136436NB-I00 and by ICREA
under the ICREA Academia programme.
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