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set with a proper classifier can significantly impact
sEMG pattern recognition performance. Although the
RF had achieved the best performance in this study,
with the best mean accuracy of 79.18% using a set of
eleven features, considering the data of the amputee
with experience in the use of myoelectric prostheses,
and 73.29% using a set of six features, considering
the data of the amputee with no experience, the most
affected models by feature optimization were KNN,
MLP, and SVM, with accuracy improvements up to
A possible direction for future work would be to
explore filtering and normalization steps in the data
preprocessing, and deep learning classification mod-
els aim to improve performance.
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de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de N
ıvel Superior –
Brasil (CAPES) – Finance Code 001. The authors
also thank FEI for their support.
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Impact of Feature Extraction Optimization on Machine Learning Models for sEMG-Based Prosthesis Control