On Enhancing Code-Mixed Sentiment and Emotion Classification Using
FNet and FastFormer
Anuj Kumar
, Amit Pandey
, Satyadev Ahlawat
and Yamuna Prasad
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Jammu, India
Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Jammu, India
{anuj, 2022pis0027, satyadev.ahlawat, yamuna.prasad}@iitjammu.ac.in
Transformer, Cross-Lingual, Code-Mixed, Classification, FastFormer, FNet.
Code-mixing, the blending of multiple languages within a communication, is becoming increasingly common
on social media. If left unchecked for sentiment analysis, this trend can lead to hate speech or violence, em-
phasizing the need for advanced techniques to interpret emotions and sentiments in code-mixed languages
accurately. Current research has mainly focused on code-mixed text involving a limited number of languages.
However, these methods often yield suboptimal results due to inadequate feature extraction by existing learn-
ing models. Additionally, achieving high accuracy and extracting meaningful features from code-mixed text
remains a significant challenge. To address this, we propose two transformer-based feature extraction methods
for sentiment and emotion classification in code-mixed text. The first method integrates the Fourier transform
into the transformer-based cross-lingual language model, XLM-Roberta, by incorporating the encoder layers
of Fourier Net (FNet). This Fourier encoder layer applies a Fourier transform to the final output vector of
hidden states, enabling the model to capture complex patterns more effectively. The second method incorpo-
rates the encoding layers of FastFormer into the XLM-Roberta framework. FastFormer generates contextual
embeddings using additive attention mechanisms, allowing for extracting more effective contextual features.
Experimental results show that the proposed approaches improve accuracy compared to the state-of-the-art
by 1.5% and 0.9% in sentiment detection and 3.9% and 1.97% in emotion detection on the publicly available
SentiMix code-mixed benchmark dataset.
In today’s digital world, social media platforms like
X, Facebook, WhatsApp, and TikTok have become
powerful tools for public discourse, shaping con-
versations around everything from politics to enter-
tainment. Twitter alone reports around 187 million
daily active users
, many of whom contribute to a
global exchange of ideas. In this rapidly evolving
online landscape, India has emerged as a significant
player, with millions of its citizens using these plat-
forms to voice their opinions (Reddy and Muralidhar,
2021). However, the rich linguistic diversity in In-
dia poses a new challenge of frequently mixing lan-
guages, mainly Hindi and English, in their posts. This
phenomenon, known as “code-mixing,” has given rise
to a new form of expression, Hinglish, that is becom-
ing increasingly common on social media in India.
This blend of languages allows users to communi-
cate more naturally in their multilingual contexts, and
it poses a significant challenge for automated systems
tasked with analyzing the sentiment behind these
posts. Sentiment analysis —classifying a post as pos-
itive, negative, or neutral— is already a complex task,
which becomes even more difficult in code-mixed
languages like Hinglish. The nuances of emotion, the
tone of a message, or even its intent can easily get
lost in translation, leading to a misunderstanding of
the underlying meaning.
Original message: “@RubikaLiyaquat Ek dum sahi
kaha TV news ke jariye naam kaam liya paisa bana
liya or ab boycott ka natak ... Joker”
English Translation: “@RubikaLiyaquat You
said it absolutely right, you got name and fame
through TV news, made money and now the drama
of boycott...you joker”
The above example shows the complex nature of
language mixing, where Hindi and English are
seamlessly combined within a single post. Although
Kumar, A., Pandey, A., Ahlawat, S. and Prasad, Y.
On Enhancing Code-Mixed Sentiment and Emotion Classification Using FNet and FastFormer.
DOI: 10.5220/0013173600003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 670-678
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
a human reader with a background understanding of
Hindi and English can easily interpret the sentiment
and detect the underlying emotions, this task is
significantly more challenging for machine learning
models. The message mixes two languages and
incorporates informal and idiomatic expressions with
implicit meaning. Understanding the true sentiment
behind a phrase like “boycott ka natak” (the drama
of boycott) requires cultural knowledge, as well as an
understanding of how sarcasm or frustration is being
conveyed. For machine learning models, this blend
of language, culture, and context creates a challenge
because the difficulty is compounded by the need
to process texts in which linguistic norms are not
strictly followed and where abbreviations, emojis,
and cultural references fluidly co-exist with standard
Traditional sentiment classification methods, such
as aspect and document level analysis, have shown
effectiveness in single-language contexts (Xu et al.,
2019; Yin and Chang, 2020; Tang et al., 2022), and
recently pre-trained language models, such as BERT
and RoBERTa, have achieved impressive results in
sentiment analysis (Matthew et al., 2018; Radford
and Narasimhan, 2018; Devlin et al., 2019) in mul-
tilingual contexts. However, these models often falter
when applied to code-mixed texts due to their train-
ing on primarily monolingual datasets. Soumitra et
al. (Ghosh et al., 2023) addressed this challenge by
introducing a code-mixed dataset with sentiment and
emotion labels and applying a transfer learning ap-
proach using XLM-Roberta (Conneau et al., 2020).
Although this model achieved good accuracy, detect-
ing subtle emotions in code-mixed texts remains chal-
lenging due to the nuanced nature of emotions like
sarcasm or frustration, which demand models capa-
ble of learning intricate features.
Two methodologies were proposed to address
these challenges: the XLMR-FNet and XLMR-
FastFormer models. The first approach enhances the
model’s ability to capture complex patterns by inte-
grating a Fourier Mixing Sublayer and an FNet trans-
former encoder layer (Lee-Thorp et al., 2022) into the
XLM-RoBERTa architecture. The second approach
improves attention calculations and input representa-
tions by incorporating FastFormer layers (Wu et al.,
2021) with XLM-RoBERTa, enabling better context
capture. Both approaches improve the accuracy and
F1-score for sentiment and emotion classification on
the publicly available SentiMix code-mixed bench-
mark dataset. Further details on the experiments &
results are provided in section 5.
The key contributions of this work are as follows:
To capture more intricate features such as
frequency-domain information, the Fourier Mix-
ing Sublayer, and Fourier Transform encoder
are integrated with the cross-lingual embedding
model XLM-Roberta.
To leverage transfer learning, additive attention-
based contextual embedding is integrated with the
cross-lingual embedding model XLM-Roberta.
Extensive experiments have been conducted on
the SentiMix dataset to show the effectiveness of
the proposed models against the SOTA models.
Furthermore, this paper is organized into ve more
sections: Literature Review, Preliminaries, Method-
ology, Experiments and Results, and Conclusion.
Increasing the presence of code-mixed languages
such as Hinglish (Hindi-English) on social media
platforms and analyzing the sentiments and emo-
tions embedded in these texts presents unique chal-
lenges for natural language processing (NLP) sys-
tems. Sentiment analysis methods, which classify text
into broad categories like positive, negative, or neu-
tral, are often inadequate for handling such mixed-
language input. The complexity increases when the
task extends to emotion analysis, which requires mod-
els to identify specific emotional expressions, such
as joy, anger, or frustration. Both sentiment and
emotion analysis are crucial in NLP and have sig-
nificant applications in various industries, including
campaign monitoring (HaCohen-Kerner and Yaakov,
2019) and marketing (Sandoval et al., 2020). As code-
mixed language becomes more widespread in digi-
tal communication, there is an urgent need for mod-
els that can effectively interpret these intricate lin-
guistic patterns. The importance of accurate senti-
ment and emotion classification cannot be overstated.
Traditional approaches to sentiment analysis, such as
Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Naive Bayes,
have been widely used. In (Agarwal, 2005), classi-
fication accuracy was improved using graph cut tech-
niques on Wordnet graphs with synonyms. Over time,
neural network-based methods were adopted to en-
hance performance (Socher et al., 2013; Patra et al.,
2018), with studies like (Ghosh et al., 2017) exploring
hate speech detection in code-mixed Hinglish texts.
Other research has focused on sentiment classification
in code-mixed texts using Long Short-Term Mem-
ory (LSTM) networks with sub-word-level represen-
tations (Joshi et al., 2016; Kazuma et al., 2017).
Further advancements included using translitera-
tion techniques for classification (Wang et al., 2012;
On Enhancing Code-Mixed Sentiment and Emotion Classification Using FNet and FastFormer
Table 1: Sentiment class distribution across training, test-
ing, and validation sets.
Split Total Positive Neutral Negative
Train 14,000 4,634 5,264 4,102
Test 3,000 1,000 1,100 900
Validation 3,000 982 1,128 890
Shekhar et al., 2020), as well as translation and mul-
titask learning approaches (Mathur et al., 2018; Caru-
ana, 1997). Joint learning approaches were investi-
gated in (Kumar et al., 2019; Akhtar et al., 2019;
Akhtar et al., 2022), showing that they could en-
hance model performance. Recently, transformer
models have proven highly effective in NLP tasks.
Research such as (Wadhawan and Aggarwal, 2021;
Vijay et al., 2018; Ghosh et al., 2023) demonstrated
that transformer models outperform earlier sentiment
and emotion analysis methods, particularly in code-
mixed data. The development of cross-lingual trans-
former models like XLM-RoBERTa (Conneau et al.,
2020), trained on 104 languages, has significantly
improved sentiment analysis tasks in multilingual
environments, showing good performance in both
monolingual and cross-lingual benchmarks. The re-
search by Ghosh et al. (Ghosh et al., 2023) tack-
led challenges in emotion and sentiment analysis
for code-mixed data using a multitask transformer-
based framework. They created an emotion-annotated
Hindi-English code-mixed dataset derived from Sen-
tiMix and fine-tuned the XLM-RoBERTa model for
sentiment and emotion classification. Tmultitaskingi-
task approach improved efficiency and outperformed
benchmarks, highlighting the advantages of using
emotion classification to enhance sentiment accuracy.
However, models like XLM-RoBERTa still face diffi-
culties capturing subtle emotion variations due to in-
formal syntax, language switching, and cultural nu-
ances in code-mixed texts. To address these, XLMR-
FNet (Lee-Thorp et al., 2022) and XLMR-Fastformer
(Wu et al., 2021) were introduced to enhance perfor-
mance in these contexts.
Table 2: Emotion label distribution across the dataset.
Emotion Train Test Validation
Anger 2,095 680 415
Disgust 1,048 105 148
Fear 56 13 4
Joy 3,893 1,008 973
Sadness 856 122 307
Surprise 51 7 6
Others 6,001 1,065 1,048
Total 14,000 3,000 3,000
XLMR-FNet uses a Fourier Transform instead of
traditional self-attention, improving its ability to cap-
ture complex features, while XLMR-Fastformer em-
ploys an additive attention mechanism for efficient
global context processing. These innovations enable
better handling of large datasets and more accurate
classification of nuanced emotions like sarcasm. De-
tails on these models and their architectures are in
the Methodology section, with experimental results
demonstrating their effectiveness in code-mixed sen-
timent and emotion analysis provided in the Results
This section presents the mathematical formulation of
the problem, followed by a detailed description of the
dataset utilized for model training and evaluation.
3.1 Problem Definition
Definition: Given a set of messages X =
, x
, . . . , x
}, where X represents messages in
a code-mixed language (T), the task is to train a
model M such that: E, S = M(X), where E refers to
emotion, and S refers to sentiment. Emotions E are
categorized into {anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness,
surprise, others}, and sentiment S is classified into
{positive, negative, neutral}. The goal of the model
M is to minimize the cross-entropy loss function,
defined as follows:
E(θ) =
) (1)
where θ represents the parameters of the model,
denotes the true class label for the o
, and p
is the predicted probability of the o
sage belonging to class c. The aim is to minimize this
loss, encouraging the model to assign higher proba-
bilities to the correct classes, thus improving classifi-
cation accuracy.
For multitask learning, separate losses are com-
puted for sentiment and emotion classification:
(θ) for sentiment and E
(θ) for emotion. The
combined loss is computed as a weighted sum of these
individual losses:
E(θ) = α
(θ) + α
(θ) (2)
Where α
and α
represent the weight coeffi-
cients for sentiment and emotion, respectively. Using
grid search, it was determined that setting both α
and α
to 0.3 produced the optimal results.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
XMLR Embedding
Input Sentence Token
, U
, ......, U
, V
, ......, V
Add & Norm
Feed Forward
Add & Norm
Fourier Mixing Sublayer
Dropout Layer
FastFormer Transformer
Load Weights to FastFormer
Dropout Layer
Classification Layer
Classification Layer
Logits[Sentiment and Emotion]
Logits[Sentiment and Emotion]
Figure 1: The above Framework shows both architectures FNet with XLMR and FastFormer with XLMR.
With the problem definition established, we now
turn to the details of the dataset used to train and
evaluate the proposed models, including label distri-
butions and class balance.
3.2 Corpus Details
The dataset used in this study is from the SemEval
2020 shared task, specifically Task 9, which contains
code-mixed Hindi-English (Hinglish) messages an-
notated with sentiment labels at the sentence level.
The dataset is split into 14,000 instances for train-
ing, 3,000 for testing, and 3,000 for validation. Table
1 shows the class-wise sentiment distribution across
these splits. The distribution indicates a slight bias
toward the neutral class; overall, the dataset remains
generally balanced.
The sentiment labels are categorized into three
classes: positive, neutral, and negative. Positive mes-
sages express emotions such as happiness, gratitude,
or appreciation, while negative messages convey crit-
icism, harassment, or targeted attacks. Neutral mes-
sages generally contain information without a strong
emotional undertone. For emotion classification, the
dataset was further enriched by (Ghosh et al., 2023),
who annotated the dataset with emotion labels derived
from (Ekman et al., 1969) primary emotions: anger,
disgust, fear, joy, sadness, and surprise. An additional
category labelled “others” was introduced to capture
non-emotive cases or instances that do not align with
(Ekman et al., 1969) basic emotions. Table 2 presents
the emotion label distribution across the training, test-
ing, and validation splits.
This section details the two models proposed in this
work. The first model, XLMR-FNet, enhances XLM-
RoBERTa by incorporating a custom FNet trans-
former encoder layer with a Fourier Mixing Sublayer
to capture complex patterns in code-mixed text. The
second model, XLMR-Fastformer, integrates XLM-
RoBERTa with Fastformer layers, which use efficient
attention mechanisms to improve contextual embed-
dings. Both models leverage transformer-based tech-
niques and thorough data preprocessing to achieve
robust multilabel text classification. This is mainly
due to the Fourier Transform’s unique ability to cap-
ture frequency-domain information. By applying a
Fourier Transform, it transforms signals (e.g., time-
On Enhancing Code-Mixed Sentiment and Emotion Classification Using FNet and FastFormer
series or spatial signals) into their frequency domain
representations. This allows the model to capture
global patterns and periodicities in the data, which
might be hard to detect in the raw time/space domain.
The architectures of the XLMR-FNet and XLMR-
Fastformer models are depicted in Figure 1 and fur-
ther explained in sections 4.1 and 4.2.
4.1 XLMR with FNet
The XLMR-FNet architecture is designed to ad-
dress sentiment and emotion analysis in a structured,
five-step process. The input sentence is first tok-
enized using XLM-RoBERTa’s tokenization mecha-
nism, where tokens are assigned numerical represen-
tations through XLM-RoBERTa’s embedding layer.
The core innovation of this model lies in the second
stage, where a Fourier Mixing Sublayer replaces the
traditional self-attention mechanism found in stan-
dard transformers. This sublayer leverages the Dis-
crete Fourier Transform (DFT) to decompose the in-
put sequence into constituent frequency components,
enabling the model to capture complex patterns in the
data. The DFT for a sequence x
(where n ranges from
0 to N 1) is defined as:
, 0 k N 1
This equation represents the frequency domain repre-
sentation for frequency k, where the original tokens
) are transformed into frequency components. The
Fourier Mixing Sublayer thus allows the model to an-
alyze the sentence from multiple frequency perspec-
tives, capturing subtle emotional nuances inherent in
the code-mixed text. Following this, the model passes
through the FNet layer, which is essential for learning
complex relationships between the encoded tokens. A
dropout layer is then applied to mitigate overfitting,
ensuring that the model generalizes well to unseen
data. The classification layer predicts both the sen-
timent and emotion of the input sentence, with the fi-
nal loss calculated as a combination of cross-entropy
errors for both sentiment and emotion (refer to equa-
tion 2). This loss guides the model to optimize both
tasks simultaneously. The Fourier Transform’s abil-
ity to capture hidden patterns makes this architec-
ture particularly adept at handling the intricate lan-
guage switching found in code-mixed texts. The ef-
fectiveness of this architecture in addressing the chal-
lenges of code-mixed sentiment and emotion analysis
is demonstrated in the Results section.
4.2 XLMR with FastFormer
The XLMR-Fastformer model builds on the architec-
ture of FastFormer, optimized for multilabel classifi-
cation tasks. By integrating XLM-RoBERTa’s con-
textual embeddings with the efficient attention mech-
anisms of FastFormer, this model enhances perfor-
mance in sentiment and emotion classification tasks.
The model begins by initializing tokenized sentences
with XLM-RoBERTa embeddings, followed by Fast-
Former layers, which are initialized with pre-trained
XLM-RoBERTa weights.
A key component of FastFormer is its additive
attention mechanism, which reduces computational
complexity while preserving the ability to capture
global contextual information. This mechanism is ef-
ficient compared to the standard self-attention used in
traditional transformers, making it particularly suit-
able for large-scale datasets. The process involves
generating query (Q), key (K), and value (V) matri-
ces from the input sequence X, defined as:
Q = Linear
(X), K = Linear
(X), V = Linear
Unlike standard transformers, FastFormer applies
additive attention, which summarizes the query ma-
trix into a global query vector via attention weights:
α = softmax
, Q
Here, α is the attention weight, and d represents
the input dimension. The global query vector Q
interacts with the key matrix, forming an intermediate
matrix P, which is further summarized into a global
key vector:
Finally, the global key vector interacts with the
value matrix, producing the final output, which is
transformed by a linear layer to generate the inter-
action output. This output is then added back to the
original input sequence to produce the final output of
FastFormer layer. The overall FastFormer architec-
ture consists of multiple such layers stacked together,
using dropout for regularization.
FastFormer architecture is highly efficient due to
its reduced computational complexity, making it scal-
able for large datasets. Its ability to capture global
context is especially beneficial for code-mixed lan-
guage tasks, where context-switching between lan-
guages is common. Similar to XLMR-FNet, the final
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 3: This table shows Total Accuracy (Accuracy) and Weighted F1 scores (F1 Score) with different models. The highest
scores are shown in bold. The represents the unavailability of results. MTL and TL represent Multitask Learning and
Transfer Learning, respectively.
Tasks Sentiment Emotion
Methods Accuracy F1 Score Accuracy F1 Score
State of the art Baselines
XLM 69.16 69.20 65.20 62.29
mBERT (George-Eduard et al., 2020) 68.66 69.15
XLM MTL (Malte et al., 2020) 70.47 70.48 65.20 62.29
TL-XLM (Ghosh et al., 2023) 71.30 71.61 66.03 64.47
Proposed Methods
XLM-FastFormer 72.20 70.97 68.00 65.83
XLM-FNet 72.80 71.37 69.93 68.01
Table 4: Some cases where the previous state of the art with transfer learning failed and the correct results were highlighted.
Message Label FNetXLMR FastFormerXLMR TLXLMR
Original Text: @akki@iRajeev
You are stalking me bro. Just shut
up and nikal. Le. Faltu logo ki
mention mein jagah nahi haii
Translated Text: @akki@iRajeev
You are stalking me, bro. Just shut
up and get lost. Take this. There’s
no place for useless people in the
Sentiment: negative
Emotion: disgust
Sentiment: negative
Emotion: anger
Sentiment: negative,
Emotion: anger
Sentiment: neutral
Emotion: anger
Original Text: I found this awe-
some recording of Aawaz deke
hamein tum bulao on #Smule
Translated Text: I found this
awesome recording of ’Aawaz deke
hamein tum pulao’ on #Smule
Sentiment: neutral
Emotion: joy
Sentiment: neutral
Emotion: joy
Sentiment: neutral,
Emotion: joy
Sentiment: positive
Emotion: others
Original Text: @nirahua1
@msunilbishnoi Wah bhai Shan-
daar jabab
Translated Text: @nirahua1
@msunilbishnoi Wow, brother,
great response
Sentiment: positive
Emotion: joy
Sentiment: positive
Emotion: joy
Sentiment: positive,
Emotion: joy
Sentiment: neutral
Emotion: others
loss is computed by combining the cross-entropy er-
rors for both sentiment and emotion classification, as
detailed in the Results section. This model excels in
tasks requiring the processing of extensive data while
maintaining high accuracy. Further details on the per-
formance improvements of XLMR-Fastformer can be
found in the Results section, where we provide ev-
idence supporting the efficiency and accuracy gains
achieved by this architecture.
This section presents the experimental setup and re-
sults, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed
models compared to state-of-the-art techniques. The
results are analyzed using performance metrics such
as Accuracy and F1-score, showcasing the superior
performance of the models in multilabel text classi-
fication for sentiment and emotion analysis in code-
mixed data.
5.1 Experiment Setup
The training pipeline comprised extensive data pre-
processing and tokenization steps, followed by model
training using the AdamW optimizer in conjunction
with CrossEntropyLoss. Key hyperparameters were
carefully tuned to ensure optimal performance. The
final configuration included the following settings:
random seed of 42, GPU configuration with an A100
40GB, a pre-trained XLM-RoBERTa model, dropout
rate of 0.5, batch size of 16, learning rate of 2×10
a maximum sequence length of 128 tokens, 10 epochs
On Enhancing Code-Mixed Sentiment and Emotion Classification Using FNet and FastFormer
(with early stopping after 2 epochs of no improve-
ment), and loss weights of 0.3 for sentiment and emo-
tion tasks.
5.2 Results
The experimental results, as shown in table 3, confirm
the effectiveness of our proposed models, XLMR-
FNet and XLMR-FastFormer. The first method en-
hances the model’s ability to identify and process
complex patterns by incorporating a Fourier Mix-
ing Sublayer along with a new FNet transformer en-
coder layer into XLM-Roberta, effectively decom-
pose these complex patterns into frequency compo-
nents, enabling the model to detect the underlying lin-
guistic shifts. This modification results in a signifi-
cant improvement in the model’s performance, with
sentiment accuracy reaching 72.8% and emotion ac-
curacy achieving 69.93%. These results represent an
increase of 1.5% in sentiment accuracy and 3.9% in
emotion accuracy compared to previously established
benchmarks. Furthermore, the second method fo-
cuses on refining the additive attention mechanism to
capture global context and provide better input repre-
sentation, which is crucial for accurate sentiment and
emotion classification. By integrating Fastformer lay-
ers into the XLM-Roberta architecture, this approach
achieves a sentiment accuracy of 72.2% and an emo-
tion accuracy of 68%. Although the improvements
over the baseline are more modest—0.9% in senti-
ment accuracy and 1.97% in emotion accuracy—they
still demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach in
enhancing the model’s performance.
Despite the strong overall performance, the confu-
sion matrices in Figure 2 highlight areas where chal-
lenges persist. For instance, in XLMR-FNet, 253
instances of neutral sentiment were misclassified as
negative. Similarly, XLMR-FastFormer also exhib-
ited confusion between neutral and negative, with
262 neutral instances being misclassified as negative.
This difficulty likely stems from the subtle overlap
between neutral and negative sentiment, particularly
in code-mixed data, where linguistic and contextual
features may blur the boundaries between these cate-
gories. These results indicate that while our models
reduce misclassifications compared to baselines, fur-
ther improvements are needed in distinguishing be-
tween these closely related sentiments. On the con-
trary, in case of emotion classification, both mod-
els showed improved performance over the base-
lines. However, certain challenges remain in sepa-
rating some emotions, particularly joy, and others.
XLMR-FNet misclassified 153 instances of joy as
others, and XLMR-FastFormer, though slightly bet-
ter, still misclassified 128 instances. These results
suggest that while our models capture most of the
nuanced emotional variation present in code-mixed
texts, further refinement is needed to fully differen-
tiate between these overlapping emotional categories.
To further demonstrate the effectiveness of the
proposed models, Table 4 provides specific infer-
ence examples where our models succeeded in cases
where the baselines failed. For example, in one
case, XLMR-FNet correctly identified a Message
with negative sentiment and disgust emotion, whereas
TL-XLM incorrectly classified it as neutral. This
showcase how the Fourier Transform in XLMR-FNet
captures hidden linguistic patterns that other mod-
els miss, particularly in informal and contextually
rich texts. Another case illustrates how XLMR-
FastFormer’s attention mechanism captured subtle
emotional features, correctly classifying joy with a
neutral sentiment where baseline models misclassi-
fied it as positive. Furthermore, our models have
shown significant improvements, so it’s important to
acknowledge certain trade-offs. The Fourier Trans-
form and attention mechanisms, though effective,
come with increased computational complexity, par-
ticularly in terms of time and resource consump-
tion. Nevertheless, these trade-offs are justified by the
models’ enhanced ability to capture complex linguis-
tic patterns and improve performance across both sen-
timent and emotion classification tasks. The improve-
ments in accuracy, particularly in handling complex
code-mixed texts, show the potential of our models to
address the challenges of multilabel classification in
sentiment and emotion analysis.
This paper introduces two enhanced transformer-
based methodologies that integrate XLM-RoBERTa
with Fourier Mixing and FastFormer layers, address-
ing the challenges of suboptimal performance due to
insufficient feature extraction in code-mixed language
processing. The proposed methods achieve signifi-
cant advancements in sentiment and emotion classifi-
cation accuracy for code-mixed texts, outperforming
existing state-of-the-art methods.
However, this work has certain limitations. The
experiments are limited to the SentiMix dataset with
Hindi-English (Hinglish) code-mixed text, which re-
stricts the generalizability of the findings. While the
performance improvements are notable, the computa-
tional overhead introduced by the Fourier and Fast-
Former layers may hinder their practicality for large-
scale real-world applications. Future work should
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: Confusion Matrices for Sentiment and Emotion detection of FastFormer (le f t two matrices) and FNet Model
(right two matrices).
explore self-supervised pretraining, optimize atten-
tion mechanisms, and enhance efficiency for under-
resourced code-mixed languages.
This research is partially funded by IHUB NTI-
HAC FOUNDATION under project numbers IHUB-
NTIHAC/2021/01/14 & IHUB-NTIHAC/2021/01/15.
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