notation, our data set is of great value for the research
field of Digital Jewish Studies.
We have shown that applying decoration labels
to such a real-world dataset is not only resource-
intensive but also a process of very varying difficulty
and consensus. Our machine learning scenarios indi-
cate a need for distinctive, high-quality labeling data
despite the very unbalanced decoration data. Further
concepts of semiautomatic labeling might be neces-
sary to facilitate high-quality, large-scale data input
and to enable scholarly input and plausibility checks.
The evaluation shows already promising results in
terms of decoration recognition. We find it encour-
aging that smaller, yet more clear-cut labeling sets
outperform larger datasets with less careful balanc-
ing and selection. Counterintuitively, creating data for
multiple letter classes simultaneously helps with clas-
sification training of a single letter and makes training
with these data more robust. Overall, this encourages
working in the direction of high-quality labels includ-
ing detailed scholarly input and finer classification of
tagin variations to move beyond a mere glimpse on
the scribal intentions towards a more comprehensive
insight into the tradition of historical Torah scrolls.
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Appendix A: Image Sources
Internal ID Library ID Library IIIF Manifest
2° Ms. theol. 1 UB Kassel https://orka.bibliothek.uni-kassel.de/viewer/api/v1/records/1337850581405/manifest/
2° Ms. theol. 303 UB Kassel https://orka.bibliothek.uni-kassel.de/viewer/api/v1/records/1314262537823/manifest/
Christ Church MS 201a Bodleian https://iiif.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/iiif/manifest/a6202c0a-5a65-4da8-a5fc-2fcdc8d8c784.json
Cod. hebr. 225 Austrian National Library https://iiif.nli.org.il/IIIFv21/DOCID/PNX MANUSCRIPTS990037225270205171- 1/manifest
Cod. hebr. 226 Austrian National Library https://iiif.nli.org.il/IIIFv21/DOCID/PNX MANUSCRIPTS990038531430205171- 1/manifest
Cod. hebr. 240 Austrian National Library https://iiif.nli.org.il/IIIFv21/DOCID/PNX MANUSCRIPTS990026665790205171- 1/manifest
Cod. Parm. 3598 Biblioteca Palatina Parma https://iiif.nli.org.il/IIIFv21/DOCID/PNX MANUSCRIPTS990001745980205171- 1/manifest
d8 Cod.hebr. 488 BSB Munich https://api.digitale-sammlungen.de/iiif/presentation/v2/bsb00151486/manifest
d13 Hs. or. 14091 Berlin State Library https://content.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/dc/1809307333/manifest
d6 BL Add. 11828 London British Library https://iiif.nli.org.il/IIIFv21/DOCID/PNX MANUSCRIPTS990001223160205171-1/manifest
BL Or. 1085 London British Library https://iiif.nli.org.il/IIIFv21/DOCID/PNX MANUSCRIPTS990001223180205171-1/manifest
Ms. Heb. 24°9084 NLI Jerusalem https://iiif.nli.org.il/IIIFv21/DOCID/PNX MANUSCRIPTS990044275740205171-1/manifest
d15 Ms. Heb. 4°1408 NLI Jerusalem https://iiif.nli.org.il/IIIFv21/DOCID/PNX MANUSCRIPTS990000448750205171-1/manifest
d17 Ms. Heb. 4°1459 NLI Jerusalem https://iiif.nli.org.il/IIIFv21/DOCID/PNX
Ms. Heb. 4°6066 NLI Jerusalem https://iiif.nli.org.il/IIIFv21/DOCID/PNX MANUSCRIPTS990025691070205171-1/manifest
d20 Ms. Heb. 4°7156 NLI Jerusalem https://iiif.nli.org.il/IIIFv21/DOCID/PNX MANUSCRIPTS990000417490205171-1/manifest
d23 Ms. Heb. 4°7247 NLI Jerusalem https://iiif.nli.org.il/IIIFv21/DOCID/PNX MANUSCRIPTS990025626850205171-1/manifest
Ms. Heb. 4°8457 Klein Charitable Foundation
Ms. Heb. 4°9859 NLI Jerusalem https://iiif.nli.org.il/IIIFv21/DOCID/PNX MANUSCRIPTS997012714175205171-1/manifest
Ms. Hebr. 34°8421 NLI Jerusalem https://iiif.nli.org.il/IIIFv21/DOCID/PNX MANUSCRIPTS990035376570205171-1/manifest
Ms. Oct. 19 UB Frankfurt Main https://iiif.nli.org.il/IIIFv21/DOCID/PNX MANUSCRIPTS990001378080205171-1/manifest
Ms. or. fol. 1216 Berlin State Library https://content.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/dc/666097267/manifest
Ms. or. fol. 1217 Berlin State Library https://content.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/dc/666097291/manifest
d27 Ms. or. fol. 1218 Berlin State Library https://content.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/dc/66609733X/manifest
Ms. or. fol. 133 Berlin State Library https://content.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/dc/859630935/manifest
d25 Ms. or. fol. 134 Berlin State Library https://content.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/dc/859632946/manifest
Ms. Rhineland 1217 Private collection
Towards a Dataset for Paleographic Details in Historical Torah Scrolls