A Conceptual SOC Framework for Air Traffic Management Systems
Wesley Murisa
and Marijke Coetzee
School of Computer Science & Information Systems, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa
Keywords: Security Operations Centre, Air Traffic Management, Aviation, SOC Framework.
Abstract: Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems were originally developed without incorporating essential security
controls such as confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Integrating external systems into ATM systems
has further heightened their vulnerability to cybersecurity threats. A Security Operations Centre (SOC) can
help mitigate these risks by offering threat visibility and facilitating incident response. However, the
successful implementation of a SOC in the aviation sector requires a framework tailored to its specific needs,
which is currently lacking in existing literature. This study addresses this gap by reviewing SOC frameworks
from other industries to identify foundational elements for an ATM-specific SOC framework. Key pillars—
People, Processes, Technology, Compliance, and Governance—common to SOCs across various sectors were
adapted to fit the distinctive requirements of ATM. The resulting conceptual framework consists of five core
components and three success factors, all designed to meet the unique cybersecurity demands of the aviation
Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems face
increasing cybersecurity threats (Dave et al., 2022),
but unlike other industries, they lack a comprehensive
framework for implementing a Security Operations
Centre (SOC). SOCs enable organisations to comply
with legal and regulatory requirements by
continuously monitoring networks for security
threats, maintaining logs for extended periods, and
supporting forensic investigations (Jacobs et al.,
2013). Despite these benefits, SOCs are costly to
establish, and their effectiveness relies on proper
implementation, including the successful onboarding
of critical cyber assets and alignment with an
organisation's specific needs. Inadequate onboarding,
lack of executive support, and insufficient
cybersecurity personnel can lead to effective SOCs,
resulting in missed threats, alert fatigue, and a false
sense of security.
The ATM sector presents unique challenges that
differentiate it from other industries where SOC
frameworks have been proposed. ATM systems
consist predominantly of radio-based operational
technology (OT) that is difficult to integrate into
traditional IT-centric SOCs. Additionally, many of
these systems rely on outdated technologies and
proprietary protocols, further complicating
integration efforts. Furthermore, International Civil
Aviation Organization (ICAO) regulations mandate
separating ATM systems from other networks,
creating additional barriers to SOC implementation.
A literature survey on SOC frameworks
conducted in this study revealed the absence of a SOC
framework in ATM systems. This paper addresses
this gap by proposing a high-level SOC framework
for the sector. To achieve this, ATM systems and
their functions are described in Section 2 before
outlining cybersecurity challenges in Section 3.
Section 4 describes SOCs and their functions and
highlights the progress in implementing them in ATM
systems. Section 5 describes the literature survey on
SOC frameworks and presents the results. An
assessment of SOC requirements for ATMs is
outlined in Section 6. Section 7 presents a conceptual
framework for implementing SOCs in ATM systems
before the conclusion in Section 8.
Murisa, W. and Coetzee, M.
A Conceptual SOC Framework for Air Traffic Management Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0013174200003899
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2025) - Volume 1, pages 275-282
ISBN: 978-989-758-735-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Information Services
Air Traffic Controller
Display System
Air Traffic
On prem IT systems
HR systems
Billing Systems
Cloud Systems
Online Storage
Bring Your Own Device
Smart phones
Support &
Support &
Support &
Original Equipment
Manufacturer support
External systems
ATM Systems
Aircraft location
from other
VHF out of range
Business systems
access & support
Figure 1: Air Traffic Management Systems.
Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) manage
air traffic from take-off, transit and landing. They use
ATM systems to communicate and monitor air traffic.
The primary objectives of ANSPs are to manage air
traffic flow and prevent aircraft collisions in the
airspace (Batuwangala et al., 2018). ATM
systems provide pilots with critical take-off, transit,
and landing information.
Air traffic control (ATC) is essential to air traffic
management (ATM) systems. Surveillance,
meteorological, aeronautical information, and
navigation systems data are collected, integrated and
displayed onto the ATC display system, as shown in
Figure 1. The Air traffic controllers (ATCOs)
communicate the information on the ATC Display
System to pilots using the communication system.
Apart from pilots and ATCOs, ATM engineers
play a critical support and maintenance role in the
ATM ecosystem. Internal engineers often get remote
assistance from Original Equipment Manufacturers
(OEM), typically via virtual private networks.
ATCOs and ATM engineers access on-premises and
cloud-based IT systems, such as human resources and
financial systems for administrative duties. These
systems include email and online data storage.
The systems on the left side of the dotted lines in
Figure 1 show the external systems that ATM systems
and ATM personnel interact with. Meteorological and
aeronautical information services are provided by
third parties outside the core ATM systems but
provide critical information that is regularly
communicated to pilots.
While local engineers maintain ATM systems,
remote support from Original Equipment
Manufacturers (OEM) may be needed, typically via a
virtual private network. Another external system that
interacts with ATM systems is the Bring Your Own
Device (BYOD) system, which allows personnel to
use smartphones and tablets for both business and
personal tasks, like accessing emails and documents.
The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNS)
provides location data for surveillance systems.
Communication, Navigation, and Surveillance
(CNS) systems are essential to ATM.
Communication systems are used for bidirectional
communication between ATCOs and pilots.
Navigation systems guide pilots during transit.
ATCOs use surveillance systems to monitor aircraft
positions and detect rogue planes.
CNS systems are vulnerable to cybersecurity
threats because security controls that provide for
Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (CIA) were
not included in their designs (Dave et al., 2022).
While attempts are made to isolate ATM systems for
security, interaction with external systems is required.
Table 1 describes the current CNS systems and how
they fare against CIA cybersecurity principles.
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 1: ATM systems cybersecurity challenges.
System Description Confidentiality Integrity Availability
Controller Pilot Data Link
Communication (CPDLC)
Text message communication between
ATC and pilots
Very High Frequency (VHF) Voice communication between ATC
and pilots
Distance Measuring Equipment
Measures the distance between the
aircraft and the ground station.
Global Navigation Satellite System
Determine geographical position and
Instrument landing System (ILS) Guide aircraft during landing X X X
VHF omnidirectional range (VOR) Determine aircraft location X X X
Automatic Dependent
Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B)
Surveillance based on aircraft broadcast
Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR) Non-cooperative airspace surveillance X X
Secondary Surveillance Radar
Cooperative surveillance based on
interrogating aircraft for their position
Wide Area Multilateration (WAM) Surveillance based on multiple sensors
that overcome terrain obstructions.
An ATM network is traditionally segregated from the
local area network, preventing unauthorised access.
However, today's technological landscape, which
includes cloud-based systems, BYOD, and IoT
devices, is complex to segregate. Such extended
networks connected to the Internet expose ATM
systems to cyber security threats. Therefore, threat
actors can remotely exploit vulnerabilities they could
not before. These vulnerabilities in ATM systems are
outlined below.
Jamming/ DoS
CNS systems such as VHF, CPDLP, ADS-B and SSR
that use radio frequency are susceptible to jamming.
Jamming occurs when a frequency band is
overwhelmed by radio devices using the same
frequency (Dave et al., 2022). As a result, legitimate
communication is disrupted, and communication
between an aircraft and the ground-based air traffic
control is disrupted, causing a denial-of-service
attack. SSR jamming has resulted in surveillance
failures in Europe (Strohmeier et al., 2020).
Eavesdropping refers to unauthorised access to radio
communication between ATC and pilots using a radio
transmitter-receiver antenna. All ATM systems
shown in Table 1 lack mechanisms to guarantee
confidentiality. A malicious entity with a radio
transmitter-receiver can intercept messages without
any authentication required. Eavesdropping can be
used to track the location of aircraft for malicious
purposes (Strohmeier et al., 2020).
An attacker with a readily available Software Defined
Radio (SDR) can impersonate legitimate aircraft by
generating and transmitting spoofed data (Osechas et
al., 2017). Incidents of spoofed communications have
been reported (Strohmeier et al., 2017). It was
reported that in typical cyberwarfare, a national army
hacked a civilian aviation communication system and
prevented an adversary's plane from landing
(Paganini, 2024).
Supply Chain Attack Vectors
Suppliers of ATM products and services, such as
equipment, software and hardware systems, are
potential attack vectors. Vendors are usually trusted
with physical and remote access to networks and
systems for support and maintenance (Kandera et al.,
2022). Threat actors can compromise a vendor and
use that access to target the vendor's clients. Systems
under development can also be compromised with
backdoors or malicious code before they are shipped
to clients. Attackers can obtain remote access through
those vulnerabilities.
Network Intrusion
Although isolated from IT networks, the data links
used to connect ATM systems do not use
A Conceptual SOC Framework for Air Traffic Management Systems
authentication and basic error-checking mechanisms
(Osechas et al., 2017). Message modifications and
spoofing cannot be detected. As shown in Figure 1,
the interconnection of these data links with IT
systems, cloud systems, and BYOD devices
connected to the Internet exposes ATM systems to
serious cybersecurity threats. Security breaches from
IT networks can affect ATM systems such as the ATC
Display System.
Legacy Systems
When most ATM systems were designed,
functionality was prioritised over security because
cybersecurity attacks were not a problem. For
example, PSR was developed during the World War
but is still actively used today. As a result, cheap and
readily available tools such as SDRs (Lu et al., 2023)
can easily exploit clear-text wireless communication
used in most ATM systems.
The International Civil Aviation Organization
(ICAO), which oversees global civil aviation and
ATM systems, addresses aviation cybersecurity
through its Global Air Navigation Plan, promoting
the development of secure ATM systems (ICAO,
2024). Other ANSPs and aviation stakeholders have
implemented SOCs to support incident response,
information sharing, and visibility of security threats
(Awadhi, 2023). Section four below describes SOCs
in detail.
Security Operations Centres (SOCs) are business
functions that play a pivotal role in an organisation's
cyber security strategy. They provide cybersecurity
situational awareness by detecting security threats
(Jacobs et al., 2013). Apart from threat detection,
SOC enables organisations to comply with legal and
regulatory requirements to continuously monitor their
networks for security attacks and keep logs for
extended periods (Jacobs et al., 2013). They also
allow organisations to monitor system availability by
sending logs to the SIEM. Further, long-term storage
of security logs supports forensic and incident
response investigations. The uses of SOCs explained
above have made them a popular tool in many
Figure 2 shows that SOCs collect security logs
from on-premises and cloud systems such as servers,
active directories, and applications. Logs are also
gathered from networking equipment and security
controls such as firewalls and antimalware systems
(Mutemwa et al., 2018). These logs are normalised,
correlated and stored in a Security Information and
Event Management (SIEM) solution. The SIEM
analyses the logs using threat intelligence, artificial
intelligence, and machine learning to detect security
attacks in the network, thereby providing much-
needed visibility of security threats targeting an
Figure 2: Security Operations Centre.
Identified security threats are investigated and
remediated by SOC analysts (Mughal, 2022).
Detailed information on identified threats and how
they have been handled is usually displayed on the
SOC dashboard in addition to periodic reports, as
illustrated in Figure 2.
In response to increasing cybersecurity threats,
the ATM sector has started implementing SOCs.
Awadhi (2023) explained that despite ATM systems
being closed networks, the United Arab Emirates
implemented SOCs for real-time monitoring, attack
detection, and incident response support. The
European Air Traffic Management Computer
Emergency Response Team (EATM-CERT) and The
Aviation Information Sharing Centre (A-ISA) have
also implemented SOCs to support incident response
activities (Lekota & Coetzee, 2021).
Lastly, prominent aviation industry players
Boeing and Thales have established managed
Security Operations Centre services that provide
services to the aviation industry and beyond. These
two private companies are major players in the
aviation industry, meaning they possess specialised
domain knowledge that can provide better service
than other service providers not involved in the
aviation sector. However, they have not produced any
publicly available framework to guide the
implementation of SOCs in ATM systems. To
address this problem, section 5 investigates the
implementation of SOCs in aviation.
Active Directory
Long term
Forensic Specialists
Threat hunting specialists
SOC Analysts
Threat Monitoring
Artificial intelligence
Machine Learning
Incident detection
Collection of security logs
Identification of security attacks and threats
Security Monitoring and Remediation
Esca lation
Cyber Assets
Onboar ding
Threat identification
Triage, remediation, incident response
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Although SOCs have been acknowledged as valuable
tools for fighting increased cybersecurity attacks,
little has been done to produce SOC implementation
guidelines and frameworks. Several researchers have
responded to this research gap and created
frameworks for different domains. The authors
surveyed published literature on SOC frameworks to
find a guideline for implementing SOCs in ATMs.
The methodology used for the review is provided
Table 2 lists the keywords used in the search for
relevant literature, including the keywords, databases,
and timeframes. Google Scholar, IEEE Xplore,
Science Direct, Scopus, and Web of Science were
selected for the search because of their popularity in
scientific research. Only open-access articles written
in English were considered for the study.
338 open-access articles met the search criteria in
Table 2. After importing the references in the
Convidence tool, 66 duplicates were removed, leaving
272 articles for initial screening. The initial screening
process based on title and abstract eliminated 240
articles, leaving 32 for full-text review. Only 10 articles
on SOC implementation frameworks remained after a
full-text review. Details of the relevant literature are
provided in the following paragraphs.
Table 2: Research methodology.
1. What has been published on SOC
2. What are the critical aspects of a SOC
implementation framework?
English Language, Title, abstract,
Keywords Security Operations Centre OR Security
Operation Centre OR
Security Operations Center OR
Security Operation Center AND
Databases Google Scholar, IEEE Xplore, Science
Direct, Sco
us, Web of Science.
Literature outlining a general or domain-
specific SOC framework.
Date 2014 to 2024
The frameworks identified covered four domains:
smart cars, education, government, and unmanned
aerial vehicles (UAV). Although three studies
produced general frameworks that any organisation
can adopt, the other seven identified the need for a
customised SOC framework to suit a particular
domain's circumstances. Most authors agree on the
components of a SOC. People, Processes, and
Technology (PPT) are the standard SOC components
identified in eight out of ten studies in the literature.
However, two authors named Governance and
Compliance the fourth component. Majid and Ariffin
(2021) identified Top Management Support, Finance
and Continuous Improvement as additional critical
People refer to those running a SOC, such as
management, consultants, and SOC analysts.
Analysts can be grouped into three tiers (Agyepong et
al.). Tier 1 SOC analysts are responsible for initial
incident triage and determining whether an alert is a
true or false positive. If they cannot solve an incident,
they escalate to more skilled and experienced analysts
in Tiers 2 and 3, where highly qualified specialists
like malware analysts, threat hunters and digital
forensics are found. Management includes the SOC
manager and top-level management, whose support is
essential for SOC success.
Processes refer to the policies and procedures for
managing the SOC's operations. They range from
service-level agreements for resolving alerts logged
in the call desk system to incident response policies
that guide incident management processes. Other
operational procedures, like the period that logs
should be stored in the SIEM, form part of the
processes that govern SOC operations
Technology refers to tools that perform various
tasks in a SOC. These include the SIEM, the SOC
engine that analyses logs and identifies security
threats and attacks. Other tools include security
controls, network devices that send logs to the SIEM,
vulnerability management systems, machine learning
algorithms, and dashboards. Majid and Ariffin (2021)
believes that technology is more important than the
other SOC components.
Governance and compliance relate to standards
and guidelines that ensure SOC efficiency and
effectiveness. Security audits, maturity assessments,
and SOC metrics are some of the activities that make
up governance. On the other hand, compliance
activities ensure that SOC operates according to
policy and best practice standards.
The motivating factor for most authors was the
absence of a SOC framework or implementation
guideline. Barletta et al. (2023) and (Han et al., 2023)
focused on technical components in the models for
smart cars. For UAVs, (Tlili et al., 2024) proposed
using artificial intelligence methods to detect and
prevent threats. Danquah (2020) produced a
generalised framework for incorporating artificial
intelligence methods to improve triage, containment
and escalation. Only (Schinagl et al., 2015) focus
more on people.
A Conceptual SOC Framework for Air Traffic Management Systems
A meaningful topic that has emerged from the
literature review is improving threat detection
through artificial intelligence methods. Tlili et al.
(2024) outlined how deep learning can be used to
detect spoofed GPS signals. Artificial intelligence
algorithms can also detect radio frequency jamming
and message injections. These methods can be
considered for radio frequency systems in air traffic
Even though ATMs are specialised critical
infrastructures facing increased cybersecurity threats,
the literature does not include a SOC framework or
model for the sector. This calls for the development
of a customised framework for ATMs. The following
section lays out the first step towards that goal by
looking at the unique requirements for ATMs.
Considering an organisation's unique requirements is
one of the factors necessary for success in SOCs
(Vielberth et al.). A SOC framework that considers
ATM unique nature can address this research gap.
The following unique aspects should be considered
when designing a SOC framework for ATM systems.
Legacy Systems
Most ATM systems are legacy systems no longer
supported by modern systems, which presents a
challenge for onboarding to a SOC. Care should be
taken to ensure successful onboarding and preserve
the operational integrity of these systems. Challenges
with onboarding legacy systems to SOCs have been
reported in the maritime sector (Nganga et al., 2024).
Therefore OEMs may be needed to tackle the
integration challenges.
Proprietary Protocols
ATM systems are highly customised and use
proprietary protocols not used in IT systems.
Therefore, the threat detection engine in the SOC
should be updated with proprietary protocols used in
ATM systems to reduce false positives.
Aviation specialists in the UAE consider SOCs
necessary for monitoring ATM system security but
recommend establishing standards to guide
implementation (Awadhi, 2023). Standards can
establish uniformity and encourage OEMs to produce
systems easily onboarded and monitored by SIEMs.
Onboarding cyber assets to the SIEM involves three
fundamental processes. The first step is the discovery
and documentation of the critical systems.
Configuring the systems to generate appropriate logs
that the SIEM can ingest follows. Lastly, the system
must be configured to send the logs to the SIEM
(Onwubiko & Ouazzane). Configuring ATM systems
to generate logs that can be ingested and used to
detect threats by an SIEM should be prioritised when
planning and implementing a SOC. Work done in
other domains, such as using Software-Defined
Networks (SDN) to monitor 5G networks (Kecskés et
al., 2021), can be adopted in ATMs.
Radio Technology Systems
Most ATM systems are based on radio frequency
systems like VHF (Dave et al., 2022). Security threats
affecting these systems cannot be detected using the
methods used in IT systems. However, passive
artificial intelligence sensors can be deployed to
detect jamming, message injection and GPS spoofing
attacks (Tlili et al., 2024). A framework for ATM
systems should consider ways of detecting threats in
both IT and operation radio technology systems found
in ATMs.
Absence of Updates
ATM systems are designed to be in isolated networks
not connected to the Internet. As a result, ATM
systems do not get security updates. Security controls
such as antivirus systems installed on computing
systems for protection against malware and intrusion
are rendered useless. Whilst threats can be detected in
such systems, remediation measures are limited.
Emphasis on Safety
In aviation, safety refers to a condition where risks are
managed to an acceptable level. ICAO requires
aviation stakeholders to establish safety management
systems to reduce risks and prevent fatalities. Safety
measures require that new systems should be
tested comprehensively before implementation.
Cybersecurity systems such as SOCs should not cause
system failures that can affect safety. Therefore, it is
essential to consider how SOC aspects like auto-
remediation can jeopardise the safety of ATMs.
Domain-Specific Knowledge
ATM is a specialised field that requires domain-
specific knowledge. Experts in the field have
historically focused on safety before cyber security.A
survey by (Strohmeier et al., 2019) shows that
aviation experts generally understate the impact of
cybersecurity in their field. Cybersecurity experts, on
the other hand, believe that ATM systems have
vulnerabilities that malicious actors can easily exploit
(Dave et al., 2022)The two groups of experts are
critical to the success of SOCs in ATMs, and a
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
framework for the sector should address the
differences in opinions and ensure cooperation.
Studies have shown that success with SOCs is
dependent on customisation (Vielberth et al.),
(Onwubiko & Ouazzane) and (Schinagl et
al.)Therefore, it is essential to incorporate the
requirements above into a SOC framework for ATM
systems. The proposed conceptual framework
is shown in Figure 3. It consists of major SOC
components, which are coloured orange, and essential
success factors, which are coloured blue.
When analysed, the requirements in section 6 can
be addressed by People, Processes, Governance and
Compliance, and Technology. Safety is the fifth
major component added to address ICAO safety
management systems requirements and encourage
buy-in from aviation specialists who downplay the
impact of cybersecurity in their domain (Strohmeier
et al., 2019) .
Figure 3: Proposed ATM SOC framework.
Technology components can address problems
with onboarding legacy systems and proprietary
protocols in ATM systems. In addition, technology
also caters to artificial intelligence methods that can
detect radio technology attacks such as jamming and
the absence of updates in closed ATM networks.
People address the knowledge gap between aviation
and cybersecurity specialists to ensure an effective
and efficient SOC. Standards are a perfect fit for the
processes component.
Top management's support for the SOC
strategically directs the rest of the organisation and
ensures funding availability. Financial resources are
also vital because implementing a SOC is expensive
to set up and run. The iterative continuous
improvement process addresses shortcomings
identified throughout the SOC's lifecycle. Thus,
incorporating these success factors into the
framework ensures that attention is formally placed
on them.
The five components and three success factors
proposed for the framework are essential for
establishing and managing a SOC in ATM.
ATM systems are inherently vulnerable to
cybersecurity threats as they were designed without
security considerations. Confidentiality, integrity,
and availability are not provided in most ATM
systems. Further challenges are introduced into the
ATM ecosystem by external systems that are
connected to ATMs. Threat actors can exploit
vulnerabilities that were not accessible when ATM
systems were isolated. However, if SOCs are
correctly implemented, they can be an effective tool
for monitoring, detecting, and responding to security
threats in ATM systems. Admittedly, one of the
critical factors for achieving success with a SOC is
customising it to suit the organisation's needs.
A conceptual framework is proposed to guide the
implementation of SOCs in the ATM domain and
address the absence of such a framework in
the literature. The conceptual framework
incorporates ATM-specific challenges and
requirements to enhance effectiveness and chances of
acceptance by aviation stakeholders. Future studies
will develop the framework further before seeking
validation from experts in the aviation industry.
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