Figure 7: Tissue segmentation results after subsequent steps
of the tissue segmentation in BRCA (A) and UCEC (B). IS
represents the initial segmentation step, while P123 artifacts
removal, region filling, and small regions removal.
Segmentation of tissue regions on whole-slide images
is an important first step in the advanced computational
analysis of stained histopathological slides. We
developed a post-processing algorithm that was
successfully applied to simple image thresholding
methods and more advanced DL-based models. Our
analysis proved that the proposed tissue segmentation
pipeline is robust to noise and different artifacts
observed in the sample, and it can consistently acquire
better results than initial segmentation alone.
Regardless of a small improvement in performance
indices, we visualized some cases to provide visual
proof of post-processing necessity. Lastly, all
parameters of the proposed method were selected on
other, unseen data (but scanned with the same
magnification), and fixed during analysis. Thus, there
is a potential to improve the results even more through
the parameter tuning procedure.
This publication was supported by the Excellence
Initiative - Research University program imple-
mented at the Silesian University of Technology,
grant no. 02/070/SDU/10-21-02 (MM), COMPASS-
NMD Project funded by the European Union Horizon
Europe program under Grant Agreement 101080874
(JP) and Silesian University of Technology grant no.
02/070/BK_24/0052 for maintaining and developing
research potential.
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