rent DSML is implemented using the UML Profile
techniques inspired from SysML v1 and MARTE
OMG standards. We have discussed the migration of
the DSML to SysML v2. The MBSE tools already
suffer from adoption problems due to the complex-
ity of the modeling languages syntax and semantic.
With the new graphical syntax of SysML v2, the user
risks to be faced to a learning barrier that can gener-
ate resistance to adopt the language. For the NACRE
DSML specific needs, a migration to SysML v2 is in-
teresting if Web based tools become available to take
advantages of a fluid UX. However, since Ports, Re-
quirements and behaviour concepts (State machines
and Activities) are (currently) out of scope of the
NACRE DSML, the benefits of moving now from
UML Profiles to SysML v2 appear limited. Indeed,
the platform has been successfully used by RTE to
study different control system configurations.
We thank Arnault Lapitre, Patrick Tessier, Yves
Lhuillier, Rouwaida Abdallah, Arnaud Guerrier, Do-
rane Sejean and Patrick Panciatici for their extensive
and insightful feedbacks and helps.
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A Domain Specific Language to Design New Control Architectures for Smart Grids