Alexa and Copilot: A Tale of Two Assistants
Todericiu Ioana Alexandra
, Dios¸an Laura
and S¸erban Camelia
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Babes¸-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
{ioana.todericiu, laura.diosan, camelia.serban}
Virtual Assistants, Comparative Study, Amazon Alexa, Microsoft Copilot Studio.
As virtual assistants (VAs) become essential to contemporary interactions, it is imperative to understand how
to evaluate their functionalities. This study offers a comparison framework for assessing the design and exe-
cution of Amazon Alexa and Microsoft Copilot Studio, emphasizing their capabilities in question-answering
activities. Through the examination of their deterministic and probabilistic approaches, we evaluate response
times, precision, flexibility, and linguistic support. We have developed a systematic framework to assess the
strengths and shortcomings of each VA, utilizing educational queries as a realistic test case that elucidates the
influence of design decisions on performance. Our study lays the groundwork for choosing an appropriate VA
according to particular needs, assisting developers and organizations in traversing the varied realm of VA tech-
nologies. Regardless of whether precision or adaptability is prioritized, our approach facilitates an educated
decision, simplifying the process of aligning the appropriate VA with the corresponding circumstance.
The field of technology gained a lot of momentum in
the past few years, especially with the grand entrance
of ChatGPT (Zarifhonarvar, 2023). As it turned out,
it was just the conversation starter. Today, the amount
of new innovation based on AI is considerable. Cur-
rently, the landscape is abundant with numerous AI-
driven ideas, platforms, and tools developed every-
day. In this fast-paced technological environment, the
notion of agents—particularly intelligent agents—has
attracted significant interest.
Intelligent agents are engineered to independently
execute tasks for users, utilizing algorithms and ma-
chine learning to solve complex tasks. Some argue
there is still some way to go until we reach ”indepen-
dence” for agents, but until we do so, we can regard
agents as task-focused tools that can re-engineer the
way we used to do certain actions (Xiao et al., 2024).
In a similar fashion, just a few years back, the topic
of virtual assistance started to emerge. Virtual assis-
tants utilize natural language processing and machine
learning to engage users, fostering interactive expe-
riences that improve productivity and facilitate infor-
mation access (Kusal et al., 2022).
Establishing a link between intelligent agents and
virtual assistants reveals a significant opportunity to
leverage their functionalities in educational settings
(Katsarou et al., 2023). As these technologies be-
come more incorporated into education, they can sig-
nificantly transform how students learn and engage
with knowledge. Virtual assistants can function as
customized learning companions, delivering person-
alized feedback, responding to inquiries in real-time,
and granting access to an extensive array of resources
that correspond with individual learning trajectories.
Virtual Assistants are utilized throughout vari-
ous sectors, including healthcare and customer ser-
vice, where they enhance support operations by ad-
dressing routine inquiries (Dojchinovski et al., 2019;
Fadhil, 2018; Yadav et al., 2023). In smart home
systems, virtual assistants such as Amazon Alexa
facilitate effortless management of domestic gad-
gets, hence augmenting user convenience (Iannizzotto
et al., 2018). These many uses highlight the adaptabil-
ity and promise of VAs to revolutionize interactions
across sectors.
The synergy between education and these tech-
nologies can foster a dynamic learning environment
that empowers students to take control of their edu-
cational paths. Integrating intelligent assistants into
educational systems can cultivate an engaging and
adaptive learning experience that addresses the varied
needs of contemporary learners (Bilad et al., 2023;
Jayadurga and Rathika, 2023).
Alexandra, T. I., Laura, D. and Camelia, ¸S.
Alexa and Copilot: A Tale of Two Assistants.
DOI: 10.5220/0013174900003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 1, pages 445-452
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Given the wide array of existing virtual assis-
tants (VAs) and the limited availability of systematic
methodologies or frameworks for their comparison,
we propose a framework for analyzing and compar-
ing the same functional VA implemented differently.
The importance of this approach lies in addressing the
gap in literature, which typically offers various tax-
onomies and classifications of VAs but provides lim-
ited guidance on how to compare two VAs from their
design and implementation stages (Islas-Cota et al.,
2022). Existing comparisons often focus on aspects
like user experience or the AI component quality, but
lack a systematic, quantifiable approach. By devel-
oping a structured comparison framework, we aim to
provide a more thorough understanding of these dif-
ferences. This framework is demonstrated through
an educational VA example, highlighting the features
common to other question-answering systems (QASs)
(Biancofiore et al., 2024) and the unique aspects intro-
duced in the Alexa/Copilot implementation. The sub-
sequent research questions address both their present
capabilities and their long-term prospects.
RQ1: How do the design and implementation
methodologies of Amazon Alexa and Microsoft Copi-
lot differ in handling question-answering tasks in ed-
ucational settings?
RQ2: How do Amazon Alexa and Microsoft Copilot
compare in terms of their effectiveness and efficiency
in delivering question-answering capabilities?
2.1 Review and Taxonomy
Virtual assistants are an essential subset of Question
Answering Systems (QASs), evolving from simple
information retrieval tools into sophisticated interac-
tive systems (Biancofiore et al., 2024).
The taxonomy of intelligent assistants (IAs) clas-
sifies these systems based on their objectives, capa-
bilities, user interactions, and deployment methods
(Islas-Cota et al., 2022). This study focuses on VAs
like Amazon Alexa and Microsoft Copilot, partic-
ularly those supporting question-answering in edu-
cation. Their objectives center on enhancing learn-
ing and offering tailored support to students, aligning
with the educational focus of the IA taxonomy.
Both VAs leverage Natural Language Processing
(NLP) and personalization, allowing them to interpret
user queries and adapt responses. While Microsoft
Copilot relies on text-based inputs, making it suit-
able for written communication, Amazon Alexa uses
audio-based inputs, creating a voice-driven interac-
tion. These differences reflect their adaptability to
user preferences and contexts.
Powered by AI and Machine Learning (ML), these
VAs are deployed on distinct devices: Alexa through
smart speakers and Copilot via personal computers
or web applications. This influences their user en-
gagement styles, emphasizing their roles as question-
answering systems within education. By positioning
them within this taxonomy, the study provides a struc-
tured comparison, highlighting their unique strengths
and adaptability.
2.2 Applications in Different Sectors
Virtual Assistants (VAs) have diverse applications
across various sectors, transforming service delivery
and user interaction (de Barcelos Silva et al., 2020).
In healthcare, VAs assist patients by managing ap-
pointments, providing access to health information,
and supporting telemedicine, which became espe-
cially crucial during the COVID-19 pandemic (Sezgin
et al., 2020). In customer service, VAs like chatbots
handle routine queries, improving efficiency and cus-
tomer satisfaction while reducing costs (Yadav et al.,
2023). Additionally, VAs like Amazon Alexa enhance
smart home systems, allowing users to control devices
with voice commands, which increases convenience
and accessibility (Martins et al., 2020).
In education, Virtual Assistants (VAs) have be-
come essential for enhancing digital learning by pro-
viding personalized tutoring, managing student in-
quiries, and assisting with time management. They
are used in online learning environments to maintain
student engagement and provide interactive experi-
ences during remote classes (Liao and Pan, 2023).
VAs have also been implemented in universities to as-
sist students with administrative queries and provide
campus information through voice-activated systems
like Amazon Alexa (Cernian et al., 2021). More-
over, VAs are being used to enhance learning through
interactive quizzes and assessments, providing real-
time feedback and making learning more engaging
and adaptive to student needs (Ioana-Alexandra et al.,
2024). These developments highlight the potential of
VAs to transform various sectors by providing tailored
support, enhancing user experiences, and improving
overall outcomes.
The field of VAs encompasses a wide range of im-
plementations, each tailored to specific user needs.
While existing research often emphasizes the prac-
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
tical applications and user experiences of these sys-
tems, there is a lack of structured methodologies for
evaluating VAs from the design phase onward. This
study seeks to address this gap by focusing on the un-
derlying design choices that shape VA capabilities.
Reyes et al. (Reyes et al., 2019) propose a
system for deploying educational virtual assistants
via Google Dialogflow, emphasizing organized mate-
rial delivery to improve student learning experiences.
This work is vital for comprehending the systematic
design of educational virtual assistants, although it
prioritizes reproducibility over the comparative anal-
ysis of design decisions. This article contrasts two
distinct VAs, Amazon Alexa and Microsoft Copilot,
emphasizing how their design philosophies influence
their adaptation and efficacy in educational settings.
The work of Todericiu and Serban (Ioana-
Alexandra et al., 2021) presents an ontology-
based approach to improve accessibility in education
through the use of smart speakers like Amazon Alexa.
Their study focuses on using structured ontologies to
enable effective information retrieval through voice
commands, making VAs more accessible for diverse
user needs in educational settings. Even though it
provides a conceptual formal framework that can be
replicated across multiple VAs, it does not compare
and contrast the capabilities of different VA systems
in varied educational contexts. This contrasts with the
current study, which compares Alexa’s structured ca-
pabilities with the more flexible, adaptive design of
Microsoft Copilot, emphasizing how each approach
affects user interaction and educational outcomes.
Holstein et al. examine the integration of AI-
powered systems inside adaptive learning settings,
emphasizing its capacity to deliver real-time interven-
tions depending on student behavior. Their research
underscores the capacity of AI systems to function
as ”learning companions, adapting in real-time to
the student’s speed and learning preferences (Holstein
et al., 2019). This article aligns with their findings by
demonstrating that Copilot, via its machine-learning
capabilities, provides more personalized and adapt-
able feedback in contrast to the static, rule-based in-
teractions of Alexa. This versatility is crucial for ac-
commodating diverse learning requirements and im-
proving student engagement.
This paper contributes to the growing body of lit-
erature by presenting a structured approach for com-
paring two VAs—Amazon Alexa and Microsoft Copi-
lot Studio—at the level of design and implementation.
By doing so, it provides insights that can guide the
development of more effective VAs across various do-
mains, including education.
4.1 Developing Platforms
The shared characteristic of effective virtual assistants
is the platform that allows creators to innovate and tai-
lor capabilities and skills to fulfill user requirements.
Platforms such as Amazon Alexa Developer Console
and Microsoft Copilot Studio function as essential
tools, enabling developers to create customized edu-
cational experiences that improve student engagement
and learning results. Although both platforms seek
to facilitate a user-friendly and accessible creation of
different-scoped interactions, the way in which they
achieve this is unique to both.
Amazon Alexa functions inside a deterministic
framework, wherein user interactions are character-
ized by established intents and answers. This design
ensures a dependable and uniform user experience,
rendering it especially efficient for simple inquiries.
Developers can design targeted skills that enable stu-
dents to obtain information, pose inquiries, and re-
ceive prompt feedback in a regulated manner. As the
interactive user experience can support so much, for
greater customization, different services within Ama-
zon Web Services can be leveraged.
In comparison, Microsoft Copilot Studio employs
a probabilistic methodology, utilizing machine learn-
ing algorithms to adjust replies according to user in-
teractions. Copilot facilitates a dynamic learning en-
vironment by offering real-time support and contex-
tually relevant responses, using retrieval augmented
search to retrieve information from different sources.
Moreover, its flawless interaction with the Microsoft
ecosystem, encompassing programs such as Teams
and Word, amplifies collaborative learning prospects,
facilitating more effective student collaboration.
Both platforms provide distinct approaches to en-
hancing the educational experience, and we will ex-
plore their functionalities and implementations in
greater detail throughout this paper.
4.2 Implementation
In the context of Amazon Alexa, the development
of skills starts with the formulation of distinct in-
tentions that align with user inquiries. Developers
employ the Alexa Developer Console to clearly de-
clare these intents, guaranteeing that each interaction
is predefined and replies are uniform. For instance,
when a student requests information regarding their
Alexa and Copilot: A Tale of Two Assistants
class schedule, developers formulate an intent explic-
itly for that goal, aligning it with a structured response
- please see the following figure. To enhance func-
tionality, developers may incorporate AWS services,
such as AWS Lambda, to manage dynamic requests.
This connection enables the assistant to access other
cloud services, such as a DynamoDB database for
real-time information, including the retrieval of indi-
vidual class schedules based on user input. The de-
terministic foundation of Alexa guarantees customers
receive dependable responses, rendering it especially
efficient for simple queries where consistency is es-
sential (Serban and Todericiu, 2020).
On the other hand, the implementation of Mi-
crosoft Copilot Studio facilitates a more dynamic and
adaptive methodology. A key characteristic of Copi-
lot Studio is its capacity to define intents utilizing
natural language. Developers can express their inten-
tions in simple language, and the underlying large lan-
guage model (LLM) converts these into distinct ”top-
ics, similar to intents in Alexa - please see the follow-
ing figure. This technique incorporates a probabilistic
component, enabling the assistant to learn from user
interactions and modify its responses accordingly.
An essential aspect of the implementation entails
defining the ”knowledge” element of the skill. In
Copilot Studio, knowledge refers to the information
and context utilized by the assistant to deliver perti-
nent responses. The knowledge can be wide, from
public websites, files and even structured data, such
as databases. This knowledge base can be contin-
ually expanded and enhanced through user interac-
tions, facilitating a more tailored experience that de-
velops over time.
Additionally, developers can define particular ac-
tivities within Copilot Studio that the assistant is capa-
ble of executing in response to user inquiries. These
acts may include offering resources and recommen-
dations as well as enabling collaborative tasks among
students. Utilizing the probabilistic characteristics of
Copilot, the assistant can modify its activities accord-
ing on user behavior, thus improving engagement and
responsiveness. Actions usually are used for more
complex tasks, such as reading from databases, send-
ing an email, and much more.
Both platforms allow for a no-code/ low-code ap-
proach when it comes to defining user’s requests.
Moreover, they also complement this with the pos-
sibility of defining more complex actions such as dif-
ferent capabilities in Power Platform, in case of Copi-
lot Studio, or enhance the conversation via code by
connection to external hosted functions, such as AWS
Lambda, in case of Alexa. The implementation com-
plexity is directly proportional to the complexity of
the requirements, both platforms offering flexibility
to go from zero to hero.
4.3 Language Support
Language support is a crucial aspect of the usabil-
ity and effectiveness of virtual assistants, particu-
larly in diverse educational environments. Ama-
zon Alexa skill was designed in English, leading to
great performance for people interacting in that lan-
guage. Nonetheless, a considerable obstacle emerges
for non-native English speakers, especially concern-
ing pronunciation. Users may encounter difficul-
ties in having their orders effectively recognized due
to accent variances or linguistic subtleties, result-
ing in misunderstandings or erroneous replies. Al-
though Alexa has broadened its support for multiple
languages, its comprehension and contextual aware-
ness can differ markedly among these languages, fre-
quently resulting in mistakes during user interactions
in languages other than English (Moussalli and Car-
doso, 2020).
In contrast, Microsoft Copilot Studio utilizes the
functionalities of large language models (LLMs), like
GPT, which have the ability to analyze and produce
text in several languages. Copilot Studio accommo-
dates multiple languages, demonstrating a notable ca-
pacity to interact with users in diverse linguistic en-
vironments. Nonetheless, owing to the versatility of
the foundational GPT technology, users can engage
in languages that may not be expressly enumerated as
supported. This adaptability permits Copilot to ex-
pand its linguistic capabilities, allowing it to compre-
hend and address inquiries in a broader array of lan-
guages (Armengol-Estap
e et al., 2022).
This capability offers a unique advantage, al-
though it also creates issues with linguistic precision
and contextual comprehension. Responses may range
in relevancy due to specific phrasing or cultural nu-
ances inherent in other languages. During testing,
it was observed that Microsoft Copilot Studio some-
times mixes up languages; if prompted to respond in
language X or Y, it may occasionally answer in a dif-
ferent language other than the one used by the user.
Additionally, if the dataset provided to Copilot is in a
different language from the user’s request, the assis-
tant may respond in the language in which the knowl-
edge is presented rather than the language of the in-
In conclusion, although Amazon Alexa excels in
its primary language, issues with pronunciation and
comprehension may limit its efficacy. In contrast, Mi-
crosoft Copilot Studio advantages from its underlying
design that accommodates several languages, along
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
with the adaptability provided by GPT, facilitating
communication in languages not explicitly enumer-
ated, but its performance is not always excellent. As
educational institutions increasingly cater to different
populations, the capacity to deliver appropriate lan-
guage support will be essential for the efficacy of vir-
tual assistants in improving the learning experience.
4.4 Deployment
Upon finalizing the development of a skill for Ama-
zon Alexa, the final product is the Alexa skill, which
can be deployed on the Alexa platform. Develop-
ers must utilize the Alexa Developer Console to pub-
lish a skill, allowing for comprehensive testing to ver-
ify that its functionality and user experience adhere
to their criteria. Upon completion of testing, devel-
opers submit the skill for certification. This certifi-
cation procedure guarantees that the skill adheres to
Amazon’s standards for privacy, security, and usabil-
ity(Chakraborty and Aithal, 2023).
Upon successful certification, the skill becomes
available to users on many Alexa-enabled devices,
including Echo speakers, smartphones, and tablets.
This deployment enables students to engage with the
skill through voice commands, facilitating convenient
access to information and help. A student can inquire,
Alexa, what classes do I have today?” and obtain
prompt, tailored responses derived from the skill’s
programming and data integration.
The implementation of solutions created in Mi-
crosoft Copilot Studio offers a more adaptable
methodology. Upon the development of a Copi-
lot assistant, it can be deployed inside the Mi-
crosoft ecosystem, facilitating integration with pro-
grams such as Microsoft Teams and other Microsoft
365 services. Moreover, Copilot solutions can be im-
plemented on either a demonstration website, pro-
vided by Microsoft, or a custom website.
In addition to conventional applications, Copi-
lot Studio facilitates deployment across several plat-
forms, such as Slack, custom mobile apps, Telegram,
and Direct Line Speech. This broad array of deploy-
ment choices guarantees that the assistant can con-
nect with users through many channels, improving ac-
cessibility and user engagement. A student may uti-
lize the Copilot assistant in Microsoft Teams to obtain
study tips or access collaborative resources pertinent
to their academic endeavors, or through a mobile ap-
plication for convenient support.
4.5 Quality Assessment
4.5.1 Response Speed
The velocity of response is a critical determinant of
user satisfaction and engagement, especially in the
context of VAs, where prompt answers is essential.
Response speed was assessed by tests utilizing a
defined set of 100 inquiries for each platform. These
queries were created to encompass a variety of both
simple and more complex topics related to the educa-
tional context. The average response times measured
the duration from when a user submitted a question to
when the assistant provided a response.
Amazon Alexa generally attains an average re-
sponse time of 2.5 seconds for simple queries
that roughly correspond with established intentions.
When users conform to the prescribed language, the
skill can provide results very instantaneously. Never-
theless, if the inquiry diverges from the specified in-
tents—such as when a student inquires, “Can you pro-
vide my schedule for today?”—the response time may
extend to 3–4 seconds while the system tries to digest
the input and align it with the closest intent, query the
appropriate dataset and formulate a response.
A significant factor in Alexa’s performance is its
reliance on AWS Lambda for managing dynamic re-
quests. Upon initial invocation or following a pe-
riod of inactivity, a serverless function may undergo
a ”cold start” (Vahidinia et al., 2020), leading to ex-
tended reaction times. During a cold start, AWS
Lambda must initialize the execution environment,
potentially increasing the response time by 1 to 3 sec-
onds, contingent upon the skill’s complexity and the
resources needed. The cold start phenomena presents
a possible latency challenge in serverless architec-
tures, where ensuring an ideal user experience is es-
sential, especially in dynamic educational settings.
As an alternative, a dedicated server function miti-
gates cold start delays but entails fixed maintenance
expenses, necessitating consideration of budget and
performance needs.
In contrast, Microsoft Copilot Studio typically at-
tains an average response time of 2–3 seconds for ba-
sic orders, which is comparable to the performance
of Amazon Alexa. For intricate inquiries necessitat-
ing comprehensive analysis or contextual comprehen-
sion, response times may extend to 4-5 seconds. The
diversity in response time is mostly due to the uti-
lization of GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer)
technology, enabling Copilot to comprehend a wider
array of user inputs. Although GPT improves the as-
sistant’s capacity to produce nuanced and contextu-
ally appropriate responses, this probabilistic charac-
teristic may result in extended processing durations
Alexa and Copilot: A Tale of Two Assistants
as the model evaluates and adjusts to user behavior
(Rogora et al., 2020). Therefore, the abundance of
interactions provided by Copilot results in occasional
delays, especially when addressing complex or multi-
faceted inquiries.
4.5.2 Correctness Rate
The correctness rate is an essential indicator for evalu-
ating the accuracy of responses given by virtual assis-
tants. It directly influences user trust and the overall
efficacy of the assistant in educational settings. To as-
sess accuracy, 5 questions asked 50 times each were
presented to each assistant. Responses were clas-
sified as ”relevant, ”somewhat relevant, or ”incor-
rect, with accuracy rates determined by the propor-
tion of correct responses relative to the total number
of questions posed.
When users stick to with established intents,
Alexa attains a 100% accuracy rate for inquiries. This
deterministic approach ensures dependable responses,
as the system is engineered to provide accurate an-
swers when user commands correspond with the des-
ignated intents. Nevertheless, if the inquiries are re-
formulated in a way that deviates from the estab-
lished expressions for each intent—specific terms that
the assistant is trained to identify—the accuracy rate
may diminish. This shortcoming underscores a criti-
cal facet of Alexa’s functionality: although it thrives
in situations with explicitly specified intents, its effi-
cacy may decline when confronted with diverse lin-
guistic expressions. Consequently, developers must
ensure that the skills contain a diverse array of expres-
sions to accommodate various ways users may artic-
ulate their inquiry, thereby reducing potential misun-
The accuracy of Microsoft Copilot Studio is as-
sessed by its capacity to deliver pertinent responses
across diverse instructions. These questions were
identical for both MS Copilot Studio and Amazon
Alexa. During the evaluation, ve particular ques-
tions were presented to the assistant, with each ques-
tion repeated 50 times to measure the consistency
and precision of the responses. The findings are en-
capsulated in Table 1, which classifies the responses
as ”relevant”, ”somewhat relevant”, and ”incorrect”.
The evaluation procedure aimed to replicate authentic
questions that students may raise, concentrating dif-
ferent day-to-day university related inquiries.
The performance assessment of Microsoft Copilot
Studio indicates both strengths and challenges in its
capacity to deliver pertinent and precise answers to
user questions. The findings indicate differing levels
of success across various inquiry kinds, underscoring
the significance of context and the inherent difficulties
of natural language processing.
The inquiry regarding recent university events was
derived from a collection of pages from the univer-
sity website, encompassing both the homepage and
the events page. The assistant discovered 22 per-
tinent responses; nevertheless, a significant portion
of the ”somewhat relevant” entries (14) related to
outdated events rather than the most recent occur-
rences. The misclassification probably occurred be-
cause the system identified related terms like ”event”
and ”symposium, resulting in the inclusion of these
outdated records as pertinent, while ignoring the rest
of the announcements that weren’t so obviously la-
beled as ”events”. Moreover, occurrences of hallu-
cination were observed when the assistant delivered
generic responses, such as enumerating general uni-
versity events, unrelated to the data set (McIntosh
et al., 2024).
When users requested, ”I need a mentor, the as-
sistant excelled due to the structured approach built
into the query handling process. This inquiry was
structured with distinct steps, instructing the assistant
to initially inquire about the mentorship topic, subse-
quently solicit the student’s email, and ultimately es-
tablish communication with the professor. The find-
ings revealed that 47 responses were pertinent, in-
dicating that the procedure typically operated effi-
ciently. Nevertheless, there were instances in which
the assistant defaulted to offering generic guidance
on locating tutors, resulting in hallucinations that
presented irrelevant information rather than fostering
specific mentorship ties. The performance was effi-
cient due to its rather deterministic and structured ap-
proach, that left little to interpretations.
The inquiry into class timetables presented further
difficulties. The knowledge set used for the inquiry
”What classes do I have on Monday?” was a CSV file
comprising students’ schedules. Despite the assistant
providing 19 pertinent responses, it occasionally pre-
sented only a partial list of classes rather than the en-
tire timetable. Hallucinations were noted, with the
assistant recommending users to ”consult your sched-
ule” instead of offering definitive responses. This sug-
gests that although the system can get structured data,
its capacity to deliver thorough and precise informa-
tion may be impeded by the methods of data querying
and interpretation.
When it came to internship announcements, the
behaviour was similar with the latest university news.
Some answers were relevant, others outdated, and
while some were simply untrue. This highlights the
necessity for enhanced contextual filtering to ensure
that only the latest and most relevant internship op-
portunities are presented.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Correctness of Responses (Effectiveness) of Microsoft Copilot Studio.
Question Relevant Somewhat Incorrect Total
Responses Relevant Responses Queries
Latest university events. 22 14 14 50
I need a mentor. 46 4 0 50
What classes I have on Monday? 19 24 7 50
What are the latest internship announcements? 28 16 6 50
Tell me about Erasmus opportunities. 33 13 4 50
Ultimately, the inquiry regarding Erasmus
prospects produced a mix of answers. The assistant
generated predominantly relevant comments, with
33 entries categorized as pertinent. The precision of
the phrase ”Erasmus” seems to assist in pinpointing
pertinent material. Nevertheless, there were occa-
sions when it merely redirected users to the generic
Erasmus website or lacked meaningful information,
which doesn’t necessarily point towards the way
the topic was created, but also on the importance of
Overall, the assessment of Microsoft Copilot Stu-
dio reveals its versatility and promise in educational
environments, while also highlighting key areas for
improvement, especially in hallucinations, precision
and contextual comprehension. Confronting these
problems will be crucial for optimizing the assistant’s
efficacy and improving the educational experience for
4.6 Comparison Conclusions
In this sub-section, we will revise the findings of pre-
vious sub-sections and see how they address the re-
search questions.
RQ1: How do the design and implementation
methodologies of Amazon Alexa and Microsoft Copi-
lot differ in handling question-answering tasks in ed-
ucational settings?
The analysis in Section 3.1 shows that Amazon
Alexa uses a deterministic approach, relying on pre-
defined intents configured through the Alexa Devel-
oper Console. This ensures consistent responses,
making it effective for straightforward queries like
retrieving schedules. In contrast, Microsoft Copilot
uses a probabilistic approach, leveraging large lan-
guage models (LLMs) and natural language under-
standing (NLU) for more dynamic responses. This
allows Copilot to adapt to varied user queries, mak-
ing it suitable for complex interactions, though it can
result in variability in accuracy.
RQ2: How do Amazon Alexa and Microsoft
Copilot compare in terms of their effectiveness and
efficiency in delivering question-answering capabili-
As discussed in Section 3.4, Alexa generally of-
fers faster responses for predefined queries but may
experience delays due to cold starts when using AWS
Lambda. Copilot’s response times are similar for
simple queries but increase for complex ones due to
LLM processing demands. Correctness testing shows
Alexa’s high accuracy with defined intents, but a de-
cline when queries deviate. Copilot, while more
adaptable, can suffer from occasional hallucinations
in responses. In terms of language support, Section
3.2 highlights Alexa’s strength in English and its list
of supported languages and Copilot’s versatility with
multiple languages, though the latter may sometimes
mix languages.
Overall, Section 3 indicates that Alexa is best
for consistent, simple queries, while Copilot excels
in handling varied, dynamic interactions. Both plat-
forms offer distinct advantages depending on the ed-
ucational context and user needs.
In conclusion, through the course of this paper, we
observe how Amazon Alexa and Microsoft Copilot
Studio demonstrate that both systems possess remark-
able functionalities, although they also present dis-
tinct quirks and challenges. Alexa excels in its sys-
tematic methodology, providing dependable results
when user orders are clear, yet falls short when con-
fronted with the unexpected turns of natural language
and varied pronunciations. On the other hand, Copi-
lot Studio advances the frontier with its probabilistic
model and adaptability, demonstrating the promising
potential of LLMs-driven interactions. Nonetheless,
it is not without its challenges—mixing languages
and sporadically deviating from the intended course
serve as a reminder that even state-of-the-art technol-
ogy had areas for enhancement.
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tional environments. However, let us not deceive our-
selves; this is merely the beginning. The pursuit of
developing genuinely intuitive and encouraging learn-
ing companions is in its early stages, propelled by
Alexa and Copilot: A Tale of Two Assistants
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ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence