shift and small datasets. Providing greater context and
more localized information resulted in our model out-
performing our baseline by 8% in the small dataset
case, comparing our baseline PGAN result with our
DPRC-based model in the context of VRIC small. In
domain shift, our model (DPRC) exceeded our base-
line (PGAN) by up to 11% in CMC k=1, showing pos-
itive effects of proposing context-rich region parts in
using VRIC to train and VeRI for inference. Addi-
tionally, our approach aimed to verify the limitations
involved in small sample volumes and observed how
implementing classical techniques oriented towards
morphological transformations and using GANs for
simple changes like color and texture can help address
issues where our study instance is highly costly to an-
This study was financed in part by the Coordination of
Superior Level Staff Improvement - Brasil (CAPES)
- Finance Code 001.
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Urban Re-Identification: Fusing Local and Global Features with Residual Masked Maps for Enhanced Vehicle Monitoring in Small Datasets