of them will have to download that update (and
there is a price for the bandwidth that in this case
will not be insignificant).
Moreover, comparing our results with similar re-
search done in (S
anchez et al., 2024), we can observe
that by fine-tuning Large Language Models, the ac-
curacy value increases. For example, using transfer
learning, they obtained an accuracy value of 58.17%
for Mistral with a context window size of 8192. Com-
pared to their result, after fine-tuning, we managed to
obtain an accuracy of 91.02% for a threshold value
1, with only 4096 tokens. However, their best-model,
BigBird, with a context size of 4096 scored an accu-
racy value of 86.67% which is close enough to the
results obtained by our models.
In terms of real-time protection large language mod-
els are not suited (at least for the moment) for this
task. The main disadvantages are (in order):
1. Long inference time (in these cases, the inference
process should not take more than a couple of mil-
2. Detection (recall) and False positive rate (in par-
ticular false positive rate should be close to 0)
3. Memory footprint (a decent model requires a lot
of memory that most consumer endpoints do not
4. Cost (for scenarios where the models are stored
locally and updates are needed, the cost will in-
crease linearly with the number of customers)
With the advancement of the NPU
and com-
bined with fine-tuning LLM models for specific de-
tection tasks most of the previous disadvantages
might be solved. For the moment non-generative
models seem to produce better results for this type of
However, we consider that LLMs can be success-
fully used as an additional detection layer in a threat
detection environment where the inference time and
false positive rate could be negligible; For example,
such solutions might be deployed in a SandBoxed en-
vironment where the time needed to draw a conclu-
sion is a matter of seconds/minutes. Moreover, in a
SandBoxed execution, multiple techniques to identify
benign files might be deployed in order to reduce the
FP rate.
In terms of a model for security analytics platform
(EDR, XDR or SIEM) these models can be a good
Neural Processing Units
option, but only after fine-tuning for specific detec-
tion tasks. It should also be pointed out that even in
this case, running a model locally might not be that
easy due to memory constraints. While most of these
system have a cloud component, in scenarios where
privacy is relevant, the memory footprint might be an
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ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence