A Hybrid CNN-LSTM Model for Opinion Mining and Classification of
Course Reviews
Hatem Majouri
, Olfa Gaddour
and Yessine Hadj Kacem
CES Laboratory, National Engineering, School of Sfax, University of Sfax, Tunisia
Deep-Learning, e-Learning Platforms, CNN-LSTM, Online Course Reviews, User Feedback Analysis.
Automatic analysis of online course reviews is a critical task that has garnered significant interest, particularly
for improving the quality of e-learning platforms. The challenge lies in accurately classifying user feedback
in order to generate actionable insights for educators and learners. In this work, we investigate the effec-
tiveness of a hybrid CNN-LSTM model compared to several state-of-the-art deep learning models, including
BERT, LSTM, GRU, and CNN, for analyzing reviews collected from the FutureLearn platform. Our experi-
ments demonstrate that the proposed model achieves superior performance in classifying user reviews, with
an accuracy of 0.95. These results highlight the potential of advanced deep learning techniques in extracting
meaningful insights from user feedback, offering valuable guidance for course developers and learners.
The rise of online education has transformed the
landscape of learning, offering unprecedented access
to courses across a wide range of subjects. E-learning
platforms such as FutureLearn have gained popularity
by enabling learners to acquire new skills and knowl-
edge from the comfort of their homes. However,
with the increasing number of courses available,
evaluating and improving the quality of online
education has become crucial. User reviews provide
valuable insights into learner satisfaction, course
effectiveness, and areas for improvement. Effective
analysis of these reviews is vital for enhancing the
learning experience and helping both learners and
course providers make informed decisions.
Review analysis—the process of automatically
detecting and classifying opinions expressed in
text—has emerged as a powerful tool for understand-
ing user feedback. Traditional methods of review
analysis often struggle with the nuances of language,
making it challenging to accurately capture user
opinions. However, recent advances in deep learning
have led to the development of sophisticated models
capable of addressing these limitations. Notable
models, such as BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Repre-
sentations from Transformers) (Devlin et al., 2019),
LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) (Siami-Namini
et al., 2019), GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) (She
and Jia, 2021), and CNN (Convolutional Neural
Network) (LeCun et al., 1998), have shown great
promise in text classification tasks, enabling more
accurate review analysis.
In this paper, we explore the application of state-
of-the-art deep learning techniques to the task of re-
view analysis on a dataset of online course reviews
from the FutureLearn platform. The dataset was col-
lected using web scraping and structured to include
features such as course names, student reviews, and
ratings. Our study is distinctive in its comprehensive
evaluation of multiple deep learning models, includ-
ing BERT, LSTM, GRU, and CNN, for classifying
user reviews in the context of e-learning. By lever-
aging these advanced techniques, we aim to uncover
deeper insights into user feedback, offering a more
nuanced understanding of learner experiences. This
work not only contributes to the growing body of re-
search on feedback analysis in online education but
also provides practical implications for enhancing the
quality of e-learning platforms.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows. Section 2 reviews related work on review anal-
ysis and the application of deep learning techniques
in the context of e-learning. Section 3 details the
methodology used for data collection, including the
web scraping process, dataset structuring, and de-
Majouri, H., Gaddour, O. and Kacem, Y. H.
A Hybrid CNN-LSTM Model for Opinion Mining and Classification of Course Reviews.
DOI: 10.5220/0013177900003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 734-741
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
scriptions of the deep learning models implemented
for feedback classification. Section 4 presents the ex-
perimental results, highlighting the performance of
each model. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper
with a summary of key contributions and suggestions
for future research.
The rise of e-learning platforms has spurred research
into user feedback analysis to enhance course quality.
This section examines classification methods for stu-
dent reviews, focusing on datasets and methodologies
to identify trends and outline future research direc-
In (Onan, 2020), deep-learning techniques were
used to analyze Student Evaluations of Teaching
(SET) for assessing teaching effectiveness and guid-
ing administrative decisions. The study employed a
recurrent neural network (RNN) enhanced with an
attention mechanism and GloVe word embeddings,
showcasing the model’s capabilities. However, the
dataset, not designed for educational or sentiment
analysis, led to overfitting due to its small size rela-
tive to feature complexity.
In (Kastrati et al., 2020b), an aspect-based opin-
ion mining model improved feedback analysis in on-
line courses. Despite its potential, reliance on a single
dataset raised scalability concerns, and the model’s
architecture failed to capture semantic relationships
effectively due to limited CNN dimensions and sim-
plistic layers.
The authors in (Chakravarthy et al., 2021) empha-
sized the importance of qualitative feedback in online
education, which is often overshadowed by quantita-
tive data. They developed an opinion-mining frame-
work using NLP and machine learning to classify stu-
dent feedback from a Coursera course. However, their
findings were constrained by the dataset, and auto-
mated methods overlooked nuanced opinions.
In (Onan, 2021), advanced machine-learning
techniques, including ensemble learning and deep-
learning, were applied to MOOC reviews. The study
evaluated text representation and word-embedding
schemes on a dataset of 66,000 reviews but faced
challenges with model interpretability and limited
generalizability due to its reliance on a large dataset.
Research in (Mrhar et al., 2021) compared CNN,
LSTM, and CNN-LSTM models for sentiment analy-
sis in MOOCs. A key limitation was the reliance on
manually labeled datasets, which introduced subjec-
tivity and scalability issues for larger or more diverse
In (Koufakou, 2023), deep-learning models like
CNN, BERT, RoBERTa, and XLNet were used for
sentiment analysis and topic classification of student
feedback. While the study offered insights into model
optimization, it lacked exploration of model inter-
pretability and employed unbalanced datasets, skew-
ing results and impairing performance on smaller cat-
Other works, such as (El-Halees, 2011; Cabada
et al., 2018; Kastrati et al., 2020a; Yan et al., 2021;
Edalati et al., 2022; Shaik et al., 2023), illustrate the
effectiveness of machine learning and deep-learning
in course feedback analysis. Despite their contribu-
tions to enhancing the educational experience, these
studies often face challenges in scalability, model in-
terpretability, and adaptability across platforms.
This section presents the proposed approach, detail-
ing a reliable system for data collection and model
generalization across diverse online courses and dis-
ciplines. It describes the dataset size, preprocessing
techniques, and data augmentation to address class
imbalance. Dropout and L2 regularization are ap-
plied to mitigate overfitting. The hybrid CNN-LSTM
model leverages CNN to capture local features and
context, while LSTM preserves sequential relation-
ships, enabling comprehensive data analysis. Perfor-
mance is evaluated using metrics such as accuracy,
recall, and AUC, providing a robust assessment. This
approach represents a significant improvement over
previous methods by combining advanced deep learn-
ing techniques with rigorous evaluation processes.
3.1 Proposed System Architecture
This subsection describes the proposed sentiment
analysis architecture for e-learning platform reviews.
As illustrated in Figure 1, the process starts with raw
data collection and cleaning to ensure quality. The
text is then tokenized or vectorized for model train-
ing, with the data split into training and testing sets
for evaluation. Optimized deep-learning models are
used to classify the reviews, improving accuracy and
reliability in sentiment detection.
3.2 Data Collection
Data collection includes key steps such as identifying
sources, web scraping, structuring the dataset, and de-
termining its size, all essential for ensuring data accu-
racy and usability.
A Hybrid CNN-LSTM Model for Opinion Mining and Classification of Course Reviews
Figure 1: Overview of the Data Processing and Classifica-
tion Pipeline.
3.2.1 Data Source
The data was collected from the FutureLearn plat-
form (MAGNONI and PLUTINO, 2018), an online
learning environment offering a wide range of courses
from universities and institutions worldwide. Future-
Learn enables students to engage in courses featuring
interactive elements such as quizzes and discussions.
Our focus was on compiling and analyzing student
evaluations of various courses, extracting feedback on
experiences, content, instructor quality, and overall
satisfaction. The objective was to gain insights into
the quality and effectiveness of the courses offered by
3.2.2 Web-Scraping
We used web scraping to collect data for our on-
line course review dataset, efficiently extracting re-
views and insights from various platforms (Khder,
2021). Python scripts were employed to analyze web-
site structures, with the Beautiful Soup library parsing
HTML and identifying relevant tags for extraction.
The gathered data was stored in CSV or XLSX files,
creating a comprehensive dataset of user reviews and
3.2.3 Data Structure
The structure of a data set varies depending on the
type of data and the intended use, usually consisting
of rows and columns where each row represents an in-
dividual data point and each column denotes a specific
attribute. In this context, the dataset captures informa-
tion about online courses, student reviews, and corre-
sponding ratings, facilitating effective data processing
and analysis. Key features include course name as a
string, reviews as a string, and rate as a floating, sup-
porting comprehensive analysis of course feedback
and ratings.
Table 1: Dataset Size by Class (Original vs. After Clean-
Class Original Num-
ber of Samples
Number of
Samples After
1 19,271 18,978
0 7,932 5,228
Total 27,203 24,206
3.3 Data Labeling
Sentiment classification can be categorized as either
binary, which involves the classification of reviews
into positive or negative categories, or multi-class,
which encompasses labels such as strong positive,
positive, neutral, negative, and strong negative. The
application of binary classification is prevalent in the
field of sentiment analysis research (Tripathy et al.,
2016). Furthermore, in (Guru and Bajnaid, 2023),
the dataset underwent a relabeling process to facil-
itate binary sentiment classification through the uti-
lization of TextBlob. Reviews exhibiting a positive
polarity were designated as positive, whereas those
demonstrating zero or negative polarity were classi-
fied as negative. This methodological simplification
aimed to enhance the differentiation between positive
and negative sentiments. The present study employed
web-scraping techniques to amass a total of 30,121 re-
views regarding online courses, which were initially
classified into ve distinct categories according to a
rating scale ranging from 1.0 to 5.0. Due to a pro-
nounced deficiency of data within classes 1, 2, and
3, our analysis concentrated on binary classification
by designating 1 and 2-star evaluations as negative
(0) and 3, 4, and 5-star evaluations as positive (1).
The transformation of a multi-class problem into a bi-
nary classification framework is a prevalent technique
in sentiment analysis, which streamlines the task to
emphasize the dichotomy of positive versus negative
sentiments. As highlighted in (Pang and Lee, 2008),
this methodology adeptly captures critical differentia-
tions in opinionated text and has the potential to yield
more resilient models, particularly in contexts char-
acterized by imbalanced or sparse datasets. Follow-
ing the reclassification process, we discarded empty
rows and duplicates, thereby enhancing the dataset to
accurately reflect the distribution of each binary cate-
gory. The conclusive specifications of the dataset are
presented in TABLE 1.
3.4 Data Preprocessing
The initial phase in the analysis of reviews involves
the meticulous preparation of textual data through
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
processes of cleansing and refinement. A significant
proportion of the unprocessed reviews obtained from
FutureLearn exhibit extraneous elements and absent
information, thereby necessitating a thorough prepro-
cessing to facilitate effective analytical procedures; to
partition the dataset into training and testing subsets,
an allocation of 80% is designated for training pur-
poses while 20% is reserved for testing.
3.4.1 Data Cleaning
Data cleansing is a critical process for enhancing the
quality of datasets by rectifying inconsistencies, er-
rors, and absent values. Fundamental activities en-
compass label encoding to transform target variables
into binary classifications, addressing missing and du-
plicate entries, and ensuring uniformity in data types.
Text preprocessing procedures involve the elimina-
tion of special characters, HTML elements, and ex-
traneous spaces, the expansion of contractions, to-
kenization, lowercasing, and lemmatization of lex-
emes. Stopwords are excluded, while significant
negations such as ”no” and ”not” are preserved in or-
der to maintain the contextual integrity of sentiment.
These methodologies guarantee that the data is ade-
quately prepared for the training of models.
3.4.2 Data Transformation
Data transformation for text classification varies by
model. LSTM, GRU, and CNN use tokenization
(splitting text into words or subwords), while BERT
relies on its specialized subword tokenizer. For
LSTM, GRU, and CNN, text normalization (e.g.,
lowercasing and punctuation removal) is applied,
whereas BERT handles this internally via its tok-
enizer. Padding and truncation ensure consistent
sequence lengths, performed manually for LSTM,
GRU, and CNN, but automated by BERT. Tokens are
converted into numerical formats using embeddings
or one-hot encoding for LSTM, GRU, and CNN, and
contextual embeddings for BERT. Categorical labels
are encoded numerically across all models.
3.5 CNN-LSTM Model Architecture
Our proposed hybrid CNN-LSTM architecture,
shown in Figure 2, is designed for text data analy-
sis and classification. Input sentences are represented
as a matrix of size N × K, where N is the number of
sentences and K the number of features (e.g., word
embeddings). A convolutional layer processes this
matrix, applying filters to extract local features and
capture essential patterns and context.
The convolutional output is passed through a max-
pooling layer, which reduces dimensionality by se-
lecting maximum values from each region, retaining
critical features while reducing computational cost.
The pooled output is then fed into an LSTM layer,
which captures dependencies and contextual informa-
tion across sequences.
Subsequently, the features are processed by one
or more fully connected (dense) layers for high-level
reasoning. A dropout layer follows to prevent over-
fitting by randomly deactivating neurons during train-
ing, enhancing generalization. The final output is gen-
erated through a sigmoid activation function, produc-
ing a probability between 0 and 1, representing the
likelihood of each class. This output classifies sen-
tences into two categories: Class 0 and Class 1.
By combining convolutional layers for feature ex-
traction with LSTM layers for sequence processing,
followed by dense and dropout layers, this architec-
ture achieves robust classification performance.
4.1 Evaluation Metrics
To evaluate our algorithm’s performance, we use sev-
eral metrics. Accuracy, calculated as the proportion
of correctly classified instances among all instances,
is defined as:
Accuracy =
T P + T N
T P + T N + FP + FN
where T P, TN, FP, and FN represent true posi-
tives, true negatives, false positives, and false nega-
tives, respectively. Precision indicates the proportion
of true positive predictions among all positive predic-
tions made by the model and is given by:
Precision =
T P + FP
Recall represents the proportion of true positive pre-
dictions among all actual positive instances and is cal-
culated as:
Recall =
T P + FN
The F1 Score, which is the harmonic mean of preci-
sion and recall, provides a single metric that balances
both aspects and is defined as:
F1 Score =
2 × Precision × Recall
Precision + Recall
A Hybrid CNN-LSTM Model for Opinion Mining and Classification of Course Reviews
Figure 2: Proposed Hybrid CNN-LSTM Model Architecture.
4.2 Performance Visualization
Key visualizations for assessing model performance
include the accuracy curve, which tracks changes in
accuracy over epochs, and the loss curve, which high-
lights error reduction and convergence. The confu-
sion matrix displays the distribution of true positives,
false positives, and false negatives across classes,
while the ROC curve demonstrates the trade-off be-
tween true and false positive rates at various thresh-
4.3 Experimental Scenario
The dataset was scraped, cleaned, tokenized, and split
into 80% training and 20% testing, with augmentation
applied only to the training data. Tokenized words
were vectorized using GloVe embeddings to capture
semantic associations. The model combines CNN
and LSTM layers for feature extraction and sequence
analysis. A non-trainable GloVe embedding layer was
followed by CNN layers with kernels, and finally,
an LSTM layer with regularization to mitigate over-
fitting. Dropout layers further enhanced generaliza-
tion, while dense layers integrated features for classi-
fication. The model was trained using binary cross-
entropy loss and the Adam optimizer for 50 epochs
with a batch size of 32, tracking performance on the
test set.
The CNN architecture includes two Conv1D lay-
ers with 128 filters and a kernel size of 5, each fol-
lowed by MaxPooling1D layers with a pool size of
2. An additional Conv1D layer with 64 filters and
a kernel size of 3, followed by another MaxPool-
ing1D layer, is included. All CNN layers use dropout
with a rate of 0.3%. The dense layers after the CNN
have 32 and 16 units with ReLU activation and L2
regularization applied to both kernel and bias. The
LSTM layer matches the embedding dimension, with
equences = False to output the hidden state.
L2 regularization and a 0.3 dropout rate are also ap-
plied to the LSTM layer.
4.4 Results Without Data Augmentation
In the results section, we analyze the raw data pro-
cessed without augmentation, evaluating the perfor-
mance of GRU, LSTM, CNN, and BERT models.
Each model is assessed to highlight its ability to han-
dle the original data, along with its relative advantages
and limitations.
TABLE 2 presents the performance results of
these models applied to our dataset without any aug-
Starting with BERT, the model shows a precision
of 56% for class 0 and 94% for class 1. The recall
values are 82% for both classes, and the F1 scores
are 67% for class 0 and 88% for class 1. The overall
accuracy of BERT is 82
Next, the LSTM model achieves a precision of
79% for class 0 and 88% for class 1. The recall for
class 0 is 52% and 96% for class 1. The F1 scores are
62% for class 0 and 92% for class 1, with an overall
accuracy of 87%.
The GRU model provides a precision of 82% for
class 0 and 92% for class 1. The recall is 71% for
class 0 and 95% for class 1. The F1 scores are 76%
for class 0 and 94% for class 1, resulting in an overall
accuracy of 90%.
The CNN model reports a precision of 79% for
class 0 and 94% for class 1. The recall values are 79%
for class 0 and 94% for class 1, and the F1 scores are
79% for class 0 and 94% for class 1, with an overall
accuracy of 91%.
In the absence of data augmentation, the CNN-
LSTM model performs well with an accuracy of
92%. Precision is 90% for class 0 and 94% for class
1, demonstrating high accuracy in detecting positive
cases. The recall for class 0 is 85%, while for class 1
it is 92%, indicating effective capture of genuine pos-
itives. The F1 scores are 87% for class 0 and 93% for
class 1, reflecting a strong balance between precision
and recall.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: Performance metrics without and with augmentation.
Performance Before Augmentation After Augmentation
Precision 86.5% 87% 83.5% 75% 92% 77% 87% 88% 87.5% 93%
Recall 86.5% 83% 74% 82% 88.5% 81.5% 84.5% 87.5% 87.5%
F1 Score 86.5% 80% 77% 77.5% 91.5% 78.5% 86% 88% 88% 92.5%
Accuracy 82% 87% 90% 91% 92% 84% 91% 92% 92% 95%
4.5 Results with Data Augmentation
Data augmentation enhances model performance by
improving precision, recall, and F1 scores, increas-
ing accuracy and generalization. TABLE 2 shows our
comparison results after data augmentation.
Starting with BERT, data augmentation results in a
precision of 61% for class 0 and 93% for class 1. The
recall values are 76% for class 0 and 87% for class 1,
with F1 scores of 67% for class 0 and 90% for class 1.
The overall accuracy of the model improves to 84%.
For LSTM, precision reaches 81% for class 0 and
93% for class 1. Recall values are 74% for class 0
and 95% for class 1, while the F1 scores are 78% for
class 0 and 94% for class 1. The total accuracy of the
model is 91%.
GRU shows a precision of 81% for class 0 and
95% for class 1, with recall values of 80% for class 0
and 95% for class 1. The F1 scores are 81% for class
0 and 95% for class 1, resulting in an overall accuracy
of 92%.
The CNN model achieves a precision of 80% for
class 0 and 95% for class 1. Recall values are 81% for
class 0 and 94% for class 1, with F1 scores of 81% for
class 0 and 95% for class 1. The overall accuracy is
With data augmentation, the CNN-LSTM model
shows a significant performance boost. Precision
rises to 89% for class 0 and 97% for class 1. Recall
improves to 90% for class 0 and 95% for class 1, in-
dicating enhanced detection of true positives. The F1
scores increase to 89% for class 0 and 96% for class
1. Overall accuracy surpasses 95%, reflecting a sub-
stantial improvement in model performance due to the
augmentation strategies.
4.6 Performance Visualization
In the visualization section, we evaluate the accuracy
and loss curves of the hybrid LSTM-CNN model, an-
alyze the confusion matrix, and plot the ROC curve to
assess class distinction.
4.6.1 Accuracy Curve
The accuracy curve in Figure 3 illustrates the model’s
performance over 50 training epochs for both the
training and validation datasets. Initially, the train-
ing accuracy increases rapidly, reaching near-perfect
levels around the 10
epoch, where it then plateaus.
The validation accuracy also rises quickly during the
early epochs, stabilizing around 90-92% after the 10
epoch. The gap between training and validation accu-
racy suggests minor overfitting, indicating the model
performs well on training data but generalizes less ef-
fectively to new data.
Figure 3: Accuracy Curve.
4.6.2 Loss Curve
The loss curve in Figure 4 represents the model that
initially learns effectively, with both training and vali-
dation losses decreasing rapidly. However, after about
10 epochs, the validation loss plateaus while the train-
ing loss continues to decrease, suggesting that the
model may be overfitting to the training data. This di-
vergence implies that the model is becoming too spe-
cialized for the training set, potentially compromising
its ability to generalize well to new, unseen data.
4.6.3 Confusion Matrix
The confusion matrix depicted in Figure 5 summa-
rizes 1,046 instances of Class 0, it correctly predicted
A Hybrid CNN-LSTM Model for Opinion Mining and Classification of Course Reviews
Figure 4: Loss Curve.
856 and misclassified 190 as Class 1. For Class 1,
out of 3,796 cases, it accurately predicted 3,711 but
misclassified 190 as Class 0. While the model shows
a high number of true positives and true negatives,
the presence of false positives (85) and false negatives
(190) indicates areas for improvement in its predictive
Figure 5: Confusion Matrix.
4.6.4 ROC Curve
The ROC curve shown in Figure 6 model’s ROC
curve is close to the top-left corner, indicating a high
level of classification performance. The area under
the curve (AUC) is 0.95, which suggests that the
model has excellent discrimination ability. A higher
AUC value closer to 1.0 implies that the model is very
effective at distinguishing between the positive and
negative classes, with minimal overlap.
4.7 Discussion
The results in the curves and tables underscore the
effectiveness of different models in binary text classi-
fication tasks, with particular emphasis on the hybrid
CNN-LSTM model. The accuracy and loss curves in-
Figure 6: Roc Curve.
dicate strong learning capabilities, with high training
and consistently robust validation accuracy, suggest-
ing minimal overfitting. This is corroborated by the
confusion matrix, which shows the model’s adeptness
at distinguishing between classes, achieving high pre-
cision and recall.
The ROC curve reinforces the model’s perfor-
mance, with a high area under the curve (AUC), in-
dicating strong discrimination between positive and
negative classes. Comparative analysis in TABLE 2
reveals that while BERT and CNN models perform
well, particularly in Class 1, the CNN-LSTM model
provides the best balance of precision, recall, and F1
score, making it the top performer.
The augmented results in TABLE 2 further high-
light the CNN-LSTM model’s superiority, achieving
95% accuracy while maintaining excellent precision
and recall. The improvement with data augmentation
is notable in the LSTM and GRU models, which show
significant gains in recall. The CNN-LSTM model re-
mains the most robust, with the highest overall accu-
racy and balanced metrics, underscoring its suitability
for complex classification tasks.
In conclusion, this paper presents a comprehensive
study on the automated classification of student re-
views in e-learning platforms using a large dataset
from Future Learn. The primary contribution is the
development of a hybrid deep learning architecture
that combines convolutional neural networks (CNN)
and long-short-term memory (LSTM) networks. This
approach achieves remarkable performance, with an
accuracy of 95%, highlighting the robustness of deep
learning in processing and classifying large-scale ed-
ucational data. The dataset’s size and diversity, cou-
pled with the model’s capabilities, underscore its rel-
evance in advancing opinion analysis for online ed-
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
ucation and improving e-learning platforms through
sophisticated AI techniques.
Looking ahead, this research lays the groundwork
for enhancing model interpretability and expanding
hybrid architectures to broader educational data min-
ing contexts. Further improvements could include
exploring methods to boost model performance and
scalability. Expanding the dataset may lead to deeper
insights into student feedback, driving enhancements
in e-learning platform effectiveness and user satisfac-
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A Hybrid CNN-LSTM Model for Opinion Mining and Classification of Course Reviews