ATFSC: Audio-Text Fusion for Sentiment Classification
Aicha Nouisser
, Nouha Khediri
2 a
, Monji Kherallah
3 b
and Faiza Charfi
3 c
National School of Electronics and Telecommunications of Sfax, Tunisia
Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, Northern Border University, Rafha, K.S.A.
Faculty of Sciences of Sfax, University of Sfax, Tunisia
Sentiment Analysis, Bimodality, Transformer, BERT Model, Audio and Text, CNN.
The diversity of human expressions and the complexity of emotions are specific challenges related to sentiment
analysis from text and speech data. Models must consider not only text but also nuances of intonation and
emotions expressed by voice. To address these challenges, we created a bimodal sentiment analysis model
named ATFSC, that organizes emotions based on textual and audio information. It fuses textual and audio
information from conversations, providing a more robust analysis of sentiments, whether negative, neutral, or
positive. Key features include the use of transfer learning with a pre-trained BERT model for text processing,
a CNN-based audio feature extractor for audio processing, and flexible preprocessing capabilities that support
different dataset formats. An attention mechanism was employed to perform a bimodal fusion of audio and
text features, which led to a notable performance optimization. As a result, we observed a performance
amelioration in the accuracy values such as 64.61%, 69%, 72%, 81.36% on different datasets respectively
Due to growing demand and many unsolved prob-
lems, numerous studies focus on emotion recogni-
tion through visual, verbal, and nonverbal expres-
sions. Exploring different modalities (video, audio,
text) is essential, as each contributes differently to
system reliability. Experimental tests are crucial in
selecting the appropriate methods (Dvoynikova and
Karpov, 2023). Deep learning algorithms have re-
cently shown success in fields such as image classi-
fication, machine translation, speech recognition, and
text recognition. This advancement led to research
into human emotions and their representation through
artificial intelligence, including emotional dialogue
models (Yoon et al., 2018). For more details about the
methods used for uni-modal emotion and sentiment
recognition, the readers can refer to (Khediri et al.,
2017; Khediri et al., 2022).
Emotion and sentiment recognition are essential
to improve human-machine interactions. Despite ad-
vances in machine learning, machines struggle to
distinguish human emotions adequately. Identifying
emotions in speech enables automatic recognition of
an individual’s emotional state, focusing on audio fea-
tures (Bhaskar et al., 2015). However, few approaches
have focused on detecting emotions from text data.
Text is a key communication method, extracted from
sources such as books, newspapers, and web pages.
Natural language processing techniques allow emo-
tion extraction from textual input (Ye and Fan, 2014).
Sentiment analysis is widely used in various
fields, providing insight into public emotions and
opinions. Applications include customer feedback
analysis, real-time social media monitoring, market
research, brand reputation management, and political
campaigns. It also plays a role in financial markets,
healthcare, media, and academic research (Jim et al.,
Automatic analysis systems are crucial for rec-
ognizing emotions across speech, text, and bimodal
forms. This study presents and evaluates the bimodal
approach ATFSC (Audio-Text Fusion for Sentiment
Classification), which integrates a Bidirectional En-
coder Representations from Transformers (BERT)
model for text and a Convolutional Neural Network
(CNN) based audio extractor.
The fusion method improves accuracy and robust-
ness by combining audio and text data, as shown by
Nouisser, A., Khediri, N., Kherallah, M. and Charfi, F.
ATFSC: Audio-Text Fusion for Sentiment Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0013178300003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 750-757
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
experimental results on different datasets.
The goal of this article is to present an effective
technique for recognizing bimodal feelings: Combin-
ing audio and text for feeling categorization.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 gives an overview of related methods. In Sec-
tion 3, we present an overview of the techniques used
in our model. The suggested model for identifying
emotions and sentiment used audio and text modali-
ties is outlined in Section 4. Section 5 presents the
datasets used. Thereafter, we report the obtained re-
sults in Section 6. Finally, in Section 7, we conclude
and outline future work.
In this section, we present a brief overview of pre-
vious works that focus on emotion and sentiments
recognition using only two modalities (text and au-
dio), which is the interest of this paper.
We found in literature, a multi-headed atten-
tion mechanism for bimodal sentiment analysis us-
ing audio and text modalities was proposed by (Deng
et al., 2024), within a transformer model with cross-
modality attention, achieving accuracies of 60.74%
for 3-class classification and 55.13% for 7-class clas-
sification on the MELD dataset, with an accuracy of
82.04% for CMU-MOSEI.
A multitasking preprocessing and classification
system is proposed by (Dvoynikova and Karpov,
2023) , using the EmotionHuBERT and RoBERTa
models on the CMU-MOSEI database. Accuracy
for sentiment recognition is 63.5% and for emotion
recognition is 61.4%, measured using the macro F-
score. For classification, the approach uses logistic
regression, with the recognition of 3 classes of feel-
ings and 6 classes of binary emotions. The means
used in this research are audio recording, and text.
Furthermore, CM-BERT (Cross-Modal BERT),
evaluated on CMU-MOSI with an accuracy of 44.7%,
was proposed by (Voloshina and Makhnytkina, 2023).
This model uses multimodal attentional masking to
efficiently integrate textual and audio modalities in
sentiment analysis. In addition, DialogueRNN for
sentiment classification on MELD was introduced by
(Poria et al., 2018), achieving a weighted average ac-
curacy of 67.65%. This method uses intermediate fu-
sion to integrate text and audio data.
Also, an icon based model for multimodal sen-
timent analysis, was proposed by (Sebastian et al.,
2019) evaluated on MELD with a weighted average
accuracy of 63.0%. This model uses dynamic cross-
modality fusion to integrate audio and text data.
Furthermore, a multimodal sentiment analysis on
a YouTube dataset was conducted by (Poria et al.,
2016), achieving an accuracy of 66.4%. This method
uses decision-level fusion to combine modalities text
and audio . The emotion and sentiment identification
bimodal systems aforementioned are briefly summa-
rized in Table 1.
Table 1: Summary of Related Works of Bimodal Emotion
and Sentiment Recognition.
Bimodal: Text and Speech
Works Model Dataset Accuracy Fusion
(Deng et al.,
ment) for
for CMU-
and Karpov,
Early Con-
cat + Late
ina, 2023)
44.7% Multi-modal
(Poria et al.,
MELD 67.65%
et al., 2019)
ICON (Icon-
based Model
for mul-
MELD 63.0% W-
(Poria et al.,
YouTube 66.4% decision-
level fusion
3.1 Transformers
For a long time, reducing the sequential computa-
tional load has been a critical issue for NLP appli-
cations. Despite numerous suggested solutions, NLP
remained dependent on linear or logarithmic depen-
dency. Transformers offer a simpler structure, elimi-
nating recurrent and convolutional layers, and adapt-
ing their architecture to allow a constant number
of operations based on attention-weighted positions.
BERT and GPT2 are the most popular transformer-
based models.
In this context, we chose BERT, a powerful
method for extracting textual representations due
to its ability to capture bidirectional word context.
BERT (Lee and Toutanova, 2018) is suitable for var-
ious neurolinguistic tasks. The next section will ex-
ATFSC: Audio-Text Fusion for Sentiment Classification
plore BERT’s architecture, its operation, and its use
in optimizing performance for text classification and
other machine learning applications.
3.2 BERT: Bidirectional Encoder
Representations from Transformers
For the text component of our system, we suggest us-
ing the BERT BASE model. BERT uses a multilayer,
bidirectional Transformer encoder to capture the con-
text of words. The model undergoes two key stages:
pre-training and fine-tuning.
During pre-training, BERT learns from unlabeled
data through tasks like masked language modeling
(MLM) and next-word prediction. In the fine-tuning
phase, BERT is adjusted using labeled data for spe-
cific tasks(Lee and Toutanova, 2018).
BERT excels at predicting hidden words by con-
sidering their surrounding context, enabling a two-
way learning process. It is available in two main sizes:
the base model and the large model.
BERT BASE is composed of 12 layers, with a hid-
den size of 768, and uses 12 self-attentive heads, to-
taling 110 million parameters. BERT LARGE has 24
layers, a hidden size of 1024, and 16 auto-attention
heads, with a total of 340 million parameters. Thanks
to these various dimensions, users can opt for a model
tailored to their particular requirements in terms of
performance and digital resources.
3.3 Convolutional Neural Networks
CNN is a popular deep learning method that learns
directly from input, without requiring feature extrac-
tion. An example with multiple convolutions and
pooling layers. CNN improves the design of classi-
cal ANNs like MLP networks by optimizing param-
eters at each layer for meaningful outputs and reduc-
ing model complexity. Dropout in CNNs helps ad-
dress overfitting issues typical in traditional networks
(Sarker, 2021).
Convolutional neural networks are designed to
handle different two-dimensional shapes and are
therefore commonly used in the fields of visual recog-
nition, medical image analysis, image segmentation,
natural language processing and many others. The
ability to automatically discover essential features
from the input without the need for human interven-
tion makes it more powerful than a traditional net-
Since a single modality can result in unreliable emo-
tion recognition, our system integrates both audio and
textual information for better emotional state capture.
This approach, named Bimodal Sentiment Recogni-
tion: Audio-Text Fusion for Sentiment Classification
(ATFSC), as shown in Figure 1, allows for more ac-
curate and nuanced sentiment analysis.
Figure 1: ATFSC Architecture.
By combining verbal and non-verbal cues, the
model captures the complexity of emotions that a sin-
gle modality may not fully address. The three main el-
ements of the architecture are a text-processing mod-
ule, an audio-processing module and a bimodal fusion
4.1 Audio Processing Module
In this module, we used mel-frequency cepstral coef-
ficients (MFCC) to analyze audio characteristics, fa-
cilitating emotion recognition through tone, rhythm,
and intonation. These sound signals are crucial for
translating feelings. At the same time, tokeniza-
tion was employed to process textual information by
breaking the text into tokens, allowing the model to
capture and analyze feelings and sentiments through
digital representations.
4.2 Text Processing Module
The text processing module uses BERT to capture lin-
guistic nuances with contextual embeddings. BERT
weights are retained during training to preserve pre-
trained knowledge. In the audio processing module,
a customized CNN feature extractor with 2D convo-
lutions, batch normalization, and ReLU activation is
used to extract sound feature vectors.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
4.3 Bimodal Fusion Module
Next, text and audio representations are merged us-
ing weighted attentive fusion with learnable weights,
capturing their complementarities. Custom layer nor-
malization (BertLayerNorm) stabilizes learning. The
merged properties are processed through a final linear
layer with a softmax function to obtain emotion prob-
abilities (positive, negative, neutral). This bimodal
approach enhances sentiment analysis by leveraging
both verbal and vocal data. The model is optimized
for the different datasets used and it offers a nuanced
and precise understanding of human emotions.
The IEMOCAP (Interactive Emotional Dyadic Mo-
tion Capture Database)(Firdaus et al., 2020) database
gathers videos of didactic interactions between two
pairs of 10 speakers, divided into 10 hours of di-
alogues and categorized according to very specific
emotions (anger, excitement, joy, frustration, neutral-
ity and sadness). It also includes continuous proper-
ties such as valence, activation and dominance.
5.2 MELD (A Multimodal Emotion
MELD (Poria et al., 2018), also known as Emo-
tionLines Multimodal, advances sentiment detection
in discussions with 13,000 utterances from 1,433
“Friends” conversations. The corpus includes audio,
visual, and textual formats, promoting a more effec-
tive understanding of emotions (Khediri et al., 2024).
According to earlier studies (Khediri et al., 2024),
emotion analysis in MELD is difficult since each in-
teraction often contains multiple speakers but few ut-
5.3 SLUE
SLUE (Shon et al., 2022) provides a benchmark for
examining pipelined methods and end-to-end strate-
gies, from speech to labeling. It encourages research
in oral language comprehension with a shared evalua-
tion framework, basic models, and an open-source kit
for replication.
The SLUE benchmark includes two datasets:
SLUE-VoxPopuli and SLUE-VoxCeleb. SLUE-
VoxPopuli contains nearly 5,000 speech recordings
totaling 14.5 hours, covering training, verification,
and testing sequences.
The CMU-Multimodal Opinion Sentiment and Emo-
tion Intensity (CMU-MOSI) dataset: This English-
language dataset includes audio, text, and video for-
mats aggregated from 2,199 annotated video seg-
ments collected from monologue movie reviews on
YouTube. It proposes a specific method to analyze
emotion recognition in movie reviews (Wu et al.,
6.1 Expriments 1 of ATFSC
Our model ATFSC was tested on the IEMOCAP
dataset as first experiment. The Table 2 shows that
the accuracy achieved was 64.61% using an attention
Table 2: Performance of Our Model on IEMOCAP.
Model Dataset Accuracy Fusion
Our model IEMOCAP 64.61% Attention mechanism
As shown in Figure 2, the graph shows the
model’s accuracy evolution. The validation curve (or-
ange) remains slightly higher than the training curve
(blue), both stabilizing around 0.64 for validation and
0.63 for training after 2-3 epochs.
Figure 2: Training and Validation Accuracy Graph of Ex-
periment 1.
As shown in Figure 3, the confusion matrix of
a three-class sentiment classification model reveals
poor performance. The negative, neutral, and posi-
tive classes have correct classification rates of 26.7%,
36.1%, and 20.6%, respectively. True negatives are
ATFSC: Audio-Text Fusion for Sentiment Classification
often misclassified as neutral or positive, while the
majority of true positives are classified as negative,
indicating a model bias towards the negative class.
Figure 3: Confusion Matrix of a Classification Model of
Experiment 1.
6.2 Experiments 2 of ATFSC
A second experiment was conducted to analyze the re-
sults from different evaluation metrics on the MELD
and SLUE datasets. During the training session,
as shown in Table 3, the loss is gradually reduced,
from 1.0159 to 0.9186, indicating continued learn-
ing progress on the exercise data. At the same time,
training accuracy increases slightly, from 0.5664 to
Table 3: Training and Validation Values of Experiment 2.
Epoch Training
0 1.0159 0.5664 0.8692 0.6872
1 0.9810 0.5590 0.8618 0.6747
2 0.9621 0.5585 0.8250 0.6868
3 0.9375 0.5712 0.7995 0.6900
4 0.9287 0.5737 0.7957 0.6904
5 0.9241 0.5756 0.7941 0.6921
6 0.9186 0.5799 0.7924 0.6927
Furthermore, the validation loss decreases from
0.8692 to 0.7924, indicating that the model is increas-
ingly able to be generalized to validated data. Fi-
nally, validation accuracy also increases, from 0.6872
to 0.6927. This suggests an optimization of predictive
performance on the same information.
The diagram shown in Figure 4, illustrates how
training accuracy and validation accuracy have pro-
gressed over the different periods. The blue curve
(training acc) illustrates the accuracy of the training
information: It starts at around 56.7%.
It undergoes a slight decrease until epoch 2, then it
gradually increases to reach around 58% during epoch
6. The overall progression is rather modest (+1.3%).
The orange curve (val acc) illustrates the accuracy
of the validation information: It starts higher, around
Figure 4: Training and Validation Accuracy Graph of Ex-
periment 2.
Figure 5: Confusion Matrix of a Classification Model of
Experiment 2.
68.7%. It undergoes a slight decrease until epoch 1.
Then, it gradually increases to reach around 0.69%
at epoch 6. In conclusion, this graph shows that the
model is progressing satisfactorily, reducing losses
and improving the accuracy of both training and val-
idation data. This indicates an effective learning pro-
cess and good generalization potential.
The confusion matrix of our first experiment is
illustrated in Figure 5, which establish three classes
for categorizing feelings in our model: Class 0 corre-
sponds to negative, class 1 to neutral, and class 2 to
The rows of the confusion matrix represent the
true labels and the columns represent the model pre-
Our results show that negative class was correctly
classified, while neutral and positive classes were
misclassified. where 57 cases of neutral class were
misclassified as negative and 42 as positive class.
However, in positive class, 15 cases were misclas-
sified as neutral. 151 cases were correctly classified,
while 15 were misclassified as negative and neutral.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
6.3 Expriments 3 of ATFSC
To deepen our analysis, a third experiment was con-
ducted on the MELD and SLUE dataset. This phase
will give us a better understanding of the optimiza-
tions performed on our ATFSC model. For the ame-
lioration of this latter, we chose to modify the hyper-
parameters by increasing the rate of knowledge ac-
quisition in 1e-5. This modification aims to improve
the result, maintain the convergence of the model in
place, and highlighted the need to improve the hyper-
parameters in the machine learning process.
Table 4: Training and Validation Values of Experiment 3.
Epoch Training
0 37.85 0.4135 48.12 0.2282
1 83.81 0.4762 63.44 0.7146
2 134.06 0.6281 74.37 0.7046
3 124.33 0.6234 57.36 0.7245
4 108.02 0.6406 55.09 0.7269
5 104.96 0.6421 53.08 0.7279
6 103.53 0.6416 52.91 0.7276
Reagarding the Table 4 below, it can be seen that
the training loss starts at 37.85 and increases signif-
icantly to 134.05 at epoch 2. The training accuracy
gradually increases from 0.4135 to 0.6416. For the
verification data, the validation loss decreases from
48.12% to 52.91%, while the validation accuracy im-
proves significantly from 0.2282 to 0.7276, at the end
of training.
These favorable developments on the training and
validation indicators suggest that the model is making
significant progress to the regulation of the learning
rate. It appears that the model is better able to assimi-
late the specificities of training data, while generaliz-
ing more effectively to validated data.
The training and validation accuracy graph of the
second experiments of our ATFSC is illustrated in
Figure 6. The blue curve (training acc) illustrates the
accuracy of the training information: It starts around
41 %, then stabilizes around 64%.
Figure 6: Training and Validation Accuracy Graph of Ex-
periment 3.
Figure 7: Confusion Matrix of a Classification Model of
Experiment 3.
The orange curve (val acc) illustrates the accuracy
of the validation information: It starts lower, around
22% and evolves extremely quickly between periods
0 and 1. Then, it rises around 72% and remains at this
The confusion matrix illustrates the results in Fig-
ure 7 of predictions made by a classifying model on a
test database. The values indicate the number of ele-
ments anticipated for each category.
In negative class, 23 cases are correctly classified,
while 3 and 2 are misclassified as neutral and positive,
The first class, which is neutral, is the best antic-
ipated, and the correct predictions are illustrated by
the main diagonal (23, 467, 155).
Despite the persistence of confusion between
classes, it appears slightly decreased compared to the
previous matrix, suggesting an optimization of the
model performance, especially for classes neutral and
6.4 Expriments 4 of ATFSC
In Experiment 4, The table 5 shows an accuracy of
81.36% on the CMU-MOSI dataset, achieved with
an attention mechanism that enhanced information fu-
sion. This demonstrates the model’s effectiveness in
emotion analysis.
Table 5: Performance of Our Model.
Model Dataset Accuracy Fusion
Our model CMU-MOSI 81.36% Attention mechanism
Figure 8 shows the evolution of accuracy during
training. The blue curve represents training accuracy,
and the orange curve represents validation accuracy.
The training accuracy reaches around 0.85, while the
validation accuracy peaks at around 0.81, indicating a
ATFSC: Audio-Text Fusion for Sentiment Classification
Figure 8: Training and Validation Accuracy Graph of Ex-
periment 4.
Figure 9: Confusion Matrix of a Classification Model of
Experiment 4.
gap between the two curves, which limits the model’s
generalization ability.
As shown in Figure 9, the confusion matrix in-
dicates a model bias towards predicting the Neutral
class. 88.2% of negative, 97.7% of neutral, and 69.0%
of positive samples are classified as neutral. Perfor-
mance is low for the Positive class, with only 31%
correctly predicted, and no predictions are made for
the Negative category.
6.5 Analysis Results
Based on literature, the majority of works detect emo-
tion recognition from text and audio modalities. But
only a small number of publications highlight the
need to recognize sentiments which is the interest of
our paper.
For our research, we confronted the results of
various sentiment identification systems from differ-
ent perspectives. The multi-head approach based on
transformer attention suggested by (Deng et al., 2024)
achieved an accuracy of 60.74%.
(Dvoynikova and Karpov, 2023) employed a com-
bination of Emotion HuBERT and RoBERTa to
achieve an accuracy of 63.5%.
In our experimentation, we observed progressive
improvements in performance across datasets. In Ex-
periment 1, our approach, incorporating the BERT
model for text and a CNN model for audio, achieved
an accuracy of 64.61% on the IEMOCAP dataset. Ex-
periment 2 demonstrated enhanced performance with
an accuracy of 69%. In Experiment 3, the integration
of BERT (Text) and CNN (Audio) further improved
the results, achieving an accuracy of 72%. Finally,
in Experiment 4, the model reached its peak perfor-
mance with an accuracy of 81.36% on the CMU-
MOSI dataset, leveraging an attention mechanism to
enhance information fusion.
Table 6: Comparison of our approach with other works.
Works Model Dataset Accuracy
(Deng et al., 2024) Multi-headed MELD, CMU-MOSEI 60.74%
attention (Transformer)
(Dvoynikova and Karpov, 2023) Emotion HuBERT CMU-MOSEI 63.5%
IEMOCAP 64.61%
Our Work Bert (Text) SLUE 69%
2025 CNN (Audio) MELD 72%
CMU-MOSI 81.36%
To the best of our knowledge, our work outper-
forms previous methods in terms of accuracy. These
results highlight the robustness and performance of
our ATFSC system in bimodal sentiment recognition.
According to the literature, using single modalities
does not effectively identify emotions or sentiments.
This study developed a bimodal sentiment recogni-
tion system combining audio and text features, us-
ing BERT for text and CNN for audio analysis.
Sentiments were categorized into negative, neutral,
and positive across datasets IEMOCAP, CMU-MOSI,
SLUE and MELD. An attention mechanism facili-
tated bimodal fusion, improving model performance
from 64.61% to 81.36%.
Future work includes extending the model to rec-
ognize broader emotions and incorporating video for
enhanced multimodal analysis.
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ATFSC: Audio-Text Fusion for Sentiment Classification