This paper explored the application of the guided lo-
cal search (GLS) algorithm to solve the ’graph burn-
ing’ problem. GLS enhances traditional local search
methods by introducing a penalty mechanism that
helps escape local optima, making it particularly ef-
fective for tackling combinatorial optimization prob-
lems like graph burning. We began with a detailed
presentation of the GLS algorithm, outlining the ba-
sic concepts of local search and its limitations. We
then described the specific adaptations of GLS for the
graph burning problem, including the solution repre-
sentation and the definition of the objective function.
The results obtained with GLS were satisfactory,
showing that this method is promising and capable of
finding optimal solutions. Indeed, GLS yielded bet-
ter results than the approximate algorithms 3-approx
and BFF+ on this benchmark. However, the heuristics
BBGH, CBRH, and ICCH, as well as the metaheuris-
tic CBAG, offer better results.
As for future research, we intend to employ com-
munity detection techniques to deal with the graph
burning problem more effectively and investigate
other heuristics and metaheuristic approaches to im-
prove performance on larger and more complex graph
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Enhanced Guided Local Search for Addressing the Graph Burning Problem