sitivities dependent on the return type into account.
The potential for cart abandonment should be consid-
ered. Real-world customer responses to these strate-
gies must be studied. Online retailers are encouraged
to analyze their own sales and return data to estimate
the potential impact on financial and environmental
sustainability. Expanding these strategies to other e-
commerce types could offer new insights. AI and ML
can help predict returns and inform decision-making
for efficient and sustainable return processing. A re-
turn prediction system could identify high-risk orders
and items, enabling targeted interventions to prevent
returns. By analyzing customer return history, per-
sonalized recommendations can be made to reduce re-
turns without discouraging legitimate ones.
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Wilhelm Scheer Institut, INTEX, HAIX and h+p.
August-Wilhelm Scheer Institut is mainly entrusted
with conducting research in AI for forecasting returns
volume and for recommendations based on AI.
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Strategic Returns Prevention in E-Commerce: Simulating Financial and Environmental Outcomes Through Agent-Based Modeling