Enhanced QTTN Design: Scalable Quantum Circuits for
Arbitrary Qubit Counts
Krishnageetha Karuppasamy
and Johnson P. Thomas
Department of Computer Science, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, U.S.A.
Keywords: Quantum Tree Tensor Network, Variational Quantum Circuits, Fidelity, Entanglement.
Abstract: We explore the design and implementation of Enhanced Quantum Tree Tensor Networks (EQTTNs) for
Variational Quantum Circuits. A Quantum Tree Tensor Network (QTTN) offers a hierarchical structure to
manage entanglement and optimize quantum operations. The traditional requirement for constructing a QTTN
is that the number of qubits (n) must be in the form 𝑛=2
. This paper proposes an EQTTNs design that can
accommodate any number of qubits. This flexibility means there are no restrictions on the problem size,
allowing for broader applicability and scalability in various quantum computing tasks. We provide a
comprehensive analysis of the parameter count required for EQTTNs. Experimental results validate our
theoretical model, in terms of fidelity score and entanglement strength.
Variational Quantum Algorithms (VQAs) are a class
of quantum algorithms designed to solve optimization
and Artificial Intelligence (AI) tasks on quantum
computers. VQAs have emerged as the leading
strategy to obtain quantum advantage. However,
implementation challenges remain because of size
limitations and errors that are inherent in Noisy
Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices.
A major reason behind the success of variational
quantum algorithms (Cerezo et al., 2021) is that
VQAs minimize the computational burden on NISQ
devices. VQAs achieve high performance by running
only the part of the algorithm that will result in
quantum advantage on a quantum system, while all
remaining tasks are outsourced to a classical
computer. VQAs are therefore a class of hybrid
quantum-classical algorithms in which quantum and
classical computational resources are used in
combination to solve a task while achieving high
Quantum Artificial Intelligence (QAI) is one of
the most promising areas of VQAs, as VQAs provide
a robust framework for implementing QAI on NISQ
devices, by optimizing Parameterized Quantum
Circuits (PQCs/ansatz) using classical methods.
However, optimizing (PQCs) using classical methods
faces challenges like barren plateaus, noise, and
scalability issues. The efficiency and success of
variational quantum algorithms in QAI depends on a
well-designed ansatz (Nielsen et al. 2011). Ansatz is
a tuneable parameterized quantum circuit. To address
these limitations and enhance the applicability of
variational quantum algorithms in quantum machine
learning, it is crucial to explore ansatz design. Tensor
tree networks ansatz, which efficiently represent
complex quantum states, offer a promising solution.
Tensor networks are factorizations of very large
tensors into networks of smaller tensors used to
represent and manipulate large, multi-dimensional
arrays of data or tensors efficiently. The ansatz takes
any quantum state as input, and through manipulation
by a unitary matrix, produces an outcome of a
quantum state. Given that this quantum state can be
thought of as a high-dimensional vector, it aligns well
with the structure of tensor networks. Tensor
networks are specifically designed to efficiently
represent and manipulate such high-dimensional
vectors by breaking them down into smaller,
interconnected tensors. Tensor networks are therefore
an ideal tool for preparing the ansatz in quantum
machine learning. By leveraging tensor networks, we
Karuppasamy, K. and Thomas, J. P.
Enhanced QTTN Design: Scalable Quantum Circuits for Arbitrary Qubit Counts.
DOI: 10.5220/0013180900003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 766-773
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
can efficiently model and optimize the quantum state
generated by the ansatz.
There are various tensor network ansatzes
available, Matrix Product State (MPS) and Tree
Tensor Network (TTN) being among the most widely
used. However, current implementations of MPS and
TTN are generally applicable only when the number
of qubits, n, is in the form 𝑛=2
, where 𝑥 is an
integer (e.g., 1, 2, 3, ...). This requirement limits their
applicability, as not all quantum problems require a
qubit count that fits this specific pattern. If 𝑛 does not
equal 2
it becomes necessary to either pad the
system with additional qubits or to shrink the network
to fit the required qubit count. Padding the system
adds unnecessary complexity to the model,
introducing extra qubits that do not carry useful
information, which can increase the computational
resources needed without improving performance.
On the other hand, shrinking the network to match the
required qubit count often results in a loss of accuracy
and effectiveness in the ansatz.
By developing an ansatz that is flexible and
scalable without the need for such padding or
shrinking, performance can be significantly
improved. Such an ansatz would streamline the
computational process, making it more efficient and
better suited to handling problems with arbitrary qubit
counts. Additionally, this flexibility would allow for
more efficient utilization of quantum hardware and
avoid the pitfalls of excess qubit overhead or reduced
expressibility, ultimately enhancing both the
accuracy and scalability of the solution.
This work introduces a novel approach for
applying tensor-network architectures to problems of
arbitrary size, without imposing constraints on the
number of qubits. We experimentally evaluate the
efficiency of the proposed ansatz through metrics
such as fidelity, expressibility, and entanglement
strength. Furthermore, we showcase the trainability
of our ansatz by implementing a quantum neural
network classifier to classify the MNIST handwritten
image dataset (Y. LeCun et al., 1998).
1.1 Tree Tensor Network Ansatz
A Tree Tensor Network (TTN) is a hierarchically
structured tensor network resembling a tree and can
be represented as an acyclic graph T = (G, A) where
A denotes tensors (multi-dimensional arrays)
connected at their indices, and G represents the graph.
An index is a label that connects two or more tensors,
representing the shared dimensions across which the
tensors interact. In this structure, the nodes
correspond to tensors, while the edges represent
contracted dimensions between them. Any n-qubit
TTN ansatz can be described by 𝑛 open indices and a
tree-like structure.
To construct a TTN that represents a quantum
state of dimension 2
, begin by connecting each of
the 𝑛 open indices to a node, labeling each node
uniquely to form the leaves of the tree. At each
hierarchical level, group the nodes into pairs, creating
two-index tensors to capture local entanglement
between the qubits. On ascending the hierarchy,
continue merging pairs of tensors at each subsequent
level. The new tensors formed will have three indices:
two inherited from the previous lower-level tensors
and one internal connection to the next level,
encapsulating the entanglement between larger
groups of qubits. This recursive process is repeated
until only a single root tensor remains, which captures
the global entanglement of the entire quantum state.
Figure 1 (
Guala et al., 2023) illustrates a Tree
Tensor Network (TTN) on the left, and its equivalent
quantum circuit representation on the right, both
corresponding to the process of constructing a
quantum ansatz. The nodes 𝑣
represent tensors. 𝑣
are leaf nodes
corresponding to the initial qubits or input tensors.
The intermediate nodes 𝑣
represent tensors
that encapsulate the local correlations between the
qubit pairs.The root node 𝑣
at the top encapsulates
the global entanglement of the entire quantum state,
combining all previous layers. The edges between
nodes represent tensor contractions, where shared
indices are summed over to capture the entanglement
between qubits or groups of qubits at different levels
of the hierarchy. The circuit on the right reflects the
same entanglement structure as the TTN, represented
as quantum gates. The input qubits, initialized to 0,
correspond to the leaf nodes of the TTN. The first
level of gates entangles the initial qubits (matching
the first level of tensor nodes in the TTN). Subsequent
levels represent further entanglement operations,
corresponding to higher levels in the TTN, until the
root node is reached.
We propose a method for constructing quantum
circuits using a hierarchical tree structure, designed to
handle any number of qubits. At each level of the tree,
qubits (or nodes) are paired to establish entanglement.
Enhanced QTTN Design: Scalable Quantum Circuits for Arbitrary Qubit Counts
Figure 1: Quantum Circuit (left) and Corresponding TTN (right).
If the number of nodes at any level is odd, that is,
one node remains unpaired, we handle this by moving
the unpaired node to the next level of the tree.
For instance, if a node labeled 𝑣
does not have a
partner at its current level, it is carried over to the next
level and renamed 𝑣
, forming a self-paired node.
This ensures that every level of the tree has complete
pairs, allowing the structure to be progressively built
up until the quantum circuit is fully constructed. By
systematically pairing nodes and addressing any odd-
numbered situations, the method guarantees that
qubits are organized into a well-defined entanglement
structure, ultimately leading to a fully connected
quantum circuit. The process is split into two key
modules: (1) Generate_Tree _Tuples, which selects
the indices for entanglement at each hierarchical
level, and (2) Construct_EQTTN, which applies
unitary operations to form the quantum ansatz.
The Generate_Tree_Tuples algorithm takes the
number of qubits (n) as input and outputs a list of
tensor nodes, which defines the connections needed
to form the tree tensor network architecture. The
algorithm is outlined below.
Algorithm 1
Data: number of qubits n
Results: list of list entangled qubits at each level
indices [] []
Initialize tuples_list []
Initialize indices [] []
Assign 0 to i ;
//Generate level 1 /initial entanglement qubit indices
While i is less than n do
Assign (i, i+1) in tuples_list
Increment i by 2;
if n is odd
final node paired with the same node and stored
in tuples_list.
Store the tuple_list into indices.
// iterate through each level
while len (tuples_list) is equal to 1 do
Initialize new_tuples [];
for each i from 0 to len (tuples_list – 1) do
store (tuples_list[i][1], tuples_list [i +
1][1]) in new_tuples[i]
increment i by 2;
if length of tuples_list is odd:
paired with the same node and store is a final
Store new tuples in tuples_list
Store indices in new_tuples
Return indices
Algorithm 1: Finding the entanglement pair list.
Algorithm 1 begins by initializing two lists:
tuples_list, which stores node indices for connecting
tensors at each level of the network, and indices,
which will store all layers of tuples_list. The
algorithm first generates pairs of qubit indices by
iterating through the range from 0 to num_qubit - 1 in
steps of 2, pairing each index with the next; if the
number of qubits is odd, the last qubit is paired with
itself. These pairs are stored in tuple_list. Then, for
each hierarchical layer of entanglement, if tuple_list
contains more than one element, the algorithm creates
a new_tuple_list by pairing the first indices from
consecutive pairs in tuple_list; if there's an odd
number of elements, the last element is left
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
unchanged. This new_tuple_list is added to indices,
and the process repeats with tuple_list updated to the
new pairs. The algorithm stops when only one pair
remains in tuple_list and returns indices with all
levels of node pairs that define the EQTTN structure.
The Contruct_EQTTN takes the number of qubit
and number of layers as input argument and returns a
tree tensor network ansatz for arbitrary qubit count.
The proposed algorithm is outlined below.
Algorithm 2
Data: number of qubits n, number of layers l.
Results: Quantum circuit qc of size n:
Initialize Quantum Circuit qc of size n
Get the entanglement pairs list using Algorithm 1.
Initialize the parameter count by 0
//Iterate Over Layers
For each set of layer indices in indices
For each tuple (i, j) in the layer indices:
If i is not equal to j:
Add rotation gates with unique
parameters to i
qubit and j
qubit in qc.
Increment the parameter count by 2
For each layer from 0 to l - 1:
Add entanglement between i
qubit and
qubit in qc.
Add rotation gates with unique parameters
to i
qubit and j
qubit in qc.
return qc
Algorithm 2: Constructing EQTTN ansatz.
The proposed algorithm for constructing the
EQTTN ansatz begins by creating a quantum circuit
with the specified number of qubits and generating a
tree structure using the Generate-Tree-Tuple function
to define qubit connections. A parameter counter is
initialized to track the number of parameters used. In
the first step, parameterized rotation gates (e.g., R
gates) are applied to each qubit pair at each level of
the tree, with the parameter counter incremented by 2
for each distinct pair. In the next step, entanglement
gates (such as C
, C
, or C
) are added between qubit
pairs, followed by additional rotation gates on the
entangled qubits, again incrementing the parameter
counter by 2. This process continues for all layers of
the tree structure. Figure 2 provides an example of a
single layer of the 5-qubit EQTTN, built using R
gates for rotations and C
gates for entanglement.
2.1 Parameter Calculations
Let 𝑛 be the number of qubits and 𝑙 the number of
layers. In an EQTTN, qubits are grouped into pairs at
each level of the network. These pairs are then
entangled by controlled gates and bound by a pair of
parameterized rotation gates, which represent the
quantum interactions and correlations between the
subsystems. Additionally, there is a layer of
parameterized rotation gates applied to each qubit for
initialization. Hence the total number of parameters is
calculated as follows.
Let 𝑡 be the total number of pairs per layer which
is calculated as follows. Given 𝑛 qubits, the number
of pairs created at level one is
. This is halved at each
subsequent layer until only a single pair remains. The
total number of pairs per layer 𝑡 will be,
𝑡 represents the geometric progression (GP) series
such that 𝑎,𝑎𝑟,𝑎𝑟
Here the first term 𝑎=
and the common ratio
The sum of GP Series for 𝑘 terms is:
𝑝 = 2 × 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑒𝑟 ×
for initialization
t = n (1 − (
) .
To find 𝑘 , there are k terms in the series where the
term is 1
Substituting 𝑎,𝑟 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒𝑠
𝑘=log 2
Enhanced QTTN Design: Scalable Quantum Circuits for Arbitrary Qubit Counts
Substitute 𝑘 𝑖𝑛 (2)
t = n (1 − (
t = n (1 − (2
Substituting 𝑘 𝑖𝑛 (2)
t = n (1 − (
t = n (1 − (2
t = n (1 − (2
t = n (1 −
Substituting 𝑡 𝑖𝑛 (1)
Thus, the total number of parameters p is
Variational Quantum Algorithms (VQAs) offer a
promising strategy for achieving quantum advantage
in the NISQ (Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum) era.
A key challenge in this approach is designing an
efficient ansatz, one that effectively represents the
solution space while minimizing circuit depth and the
number of parameters to mitigate noise and enhance
performance. The quality of an ansatz can be
evaluated based on several criteria (Sim et al., 2019):
Expressibility -the ability of the ansatz to represent a
wide range of quantum states, ensuring that the
solution space is sufficiently covered for
optimization. A highly expressible ansatz can better
capture the complexity of the problem being solved.
Entangling Capability-the ansatz must be able to
generate entanglement between qubits, which is
essential for exploiting quantum correlations and
maximizing quantum computational power. A good
ansatz promotes strong entanglement across qubits
while maintaining control over circuit depth. Fidelity
measures the accuracy with which the ansatz can
approximate the target quantum state. Higher fidelity
indicates that the ansatz is effective in reaching the
desired state, despite potential noise and errors in
NISQ devices.
Trainability means the ansatz should be easy to
optimize using classical optimization methods. Poor
trainability can lead to vanishing gradients (barren
plateaus), which hinder the learning process. An
efficient ansatz should have well-behaved gradients
to enable effective optimization. We assess these
performance metrics, and the results are shown
To compute the expressibility of the EQTTN
ansatz, we followed a systematic approach to measure
how effectively the ansatz explores the quantum state
space. First, we generated 1024 samples of pure
quantum states from a uniform distribution by
applying Haar-random unitary matrices of size
𝑋 2
, The Haar measure ensures that these random
unitary matrices uniformly cover the entire space of
possible quantum states, making these samples
representative of the full quantum state space. Next,
we generated another 1024 samples of quantum states
using our EQTTN ansatz with various random
parameter settings. Then we calculated their
differences and obtained a distribution A. The
expressibility of the ansatz was then quantified by
calculating the norm of A, providing a measure of
how closely the ansatz-generated states resemble the
uniformly distributed Haar-random states. The
resulting expressibility measure ranges from 0 to 1,
where a value near 0 indicates high expressibility
(i.e., the ansatz can explore the state space effectively
and uniformly), while a value near 1 suggests lower
expressibility, meaning the ansatz is more constrained
in the states it can generate.
We performed this analysis across several ansatz
Figure 2: Single layer EQTTN for 5-qubits.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
types available in the Qiskit library (IBM), including
Two_local, N_local, EfficientSU2, TTN which are
standard quantum circuit ansatz types used in
variational quantum algorithms, each designed to
balance flexibility and computational complexity.
These approaches range from simple operations
(Two_local, N_local which are parameterized circuits
consisting of alternating rotation layers and
entanglement layers) to more structured, hierarchical
designs (Tree Tensor Network or TTN) and efficient
representations of unitary transformations which is
our proposed EQTTN ansatz. As depicted in Figure
3, our EQTTN ansatz demonstrates exceptional
expressibility compared to the others. Furthermore,
Figure 4 provides a visual representation of the
expressibility of a 5-qubit single-layer EQTTN ansatz
plotted on the Bloch sphere, which illustrates its
extensive coverage of the quantum state space.
Figure 3: Comparison graph for expressiblity.
Entangling Capability: Quantum correlations,
particularly entanglement, play a key role in the
effectiveness of Variational Quantum Algorithms
(VQAs). In the Variational Quantum Eigen solver
(VQE), entanglement enables accurate representation
of electron correlations essential for finding ground
state energies in quantum chemistry (Hubregtsen et
al., 2020). In quantum artificial intelligence,
entanglement enhances the learning capacity of
models by representing complex data correlations
Bengtsson et al.,2017, Huggins et al.,2019).
Figure 4: 5-qubit single layer ETTN expressiablity.
We quantify the entangling capability by using the
Meyer-Wallach measure (Meyer et al., 2002), a
scalable entanglement measure for multi-particle
(multi-qubit) systems. We took the sample of 1024
quantum states with random parameters from a 5-
qubit single layer ETTN and then found the Meyer-
Wallach measure of each quantum state and then
found the average which gives the entanglement
capability of our proposed ansatz. This measure
ranges from 0 to 1. A value close to 1 indicates that
the ansatz has higher entangling capabilities. Our 5
qubit EQTTN Gives at an average of 60%. Figure 5
shows the comparative graph for entanglement.
Figure 5: Comparison graph for entanglement strength.
Fidelity is a widely recognized metric in quantum
computing for assessing the accuracy of quantum
operations, particularly in the presence of noise. It
shows how close the actual quantum state is to the
ideal, error-free state. Fidelity measures the similarity
between the ideal density matrix (representing the
expected quantum state) and the actual density matrix
obtained after executing a quantum operation. A
high-fidelity score indicates that the actual state
closely approximates the ideal state, providing an
indicator of the performance and reliability of
quantum gates and circuits.
In our study, we conducted fidelity experiments
using various ansatz types, including Two-Local, N-
Local, EfficientSU2, TTN and our proposed EQTTN,
ansatz. For a 5-qubit single-layer architecture, as
shown in Table 1, the EQTTN ansatz consistently
outperformed the others, achieving the highest
fidelity. This superior fidelity demonstrates the
robustness and accuracy of the EQTTN ansatz in
preserving the desired quantum states, making it a
highly promising candidate for noise-resilient
quantum operations.
Enhanced QTTN Design: Scalable Quantum Circuits for Arbitrary Qubit Counts
Table 1: Fidelity results.
No Ansatz Fidelit
_local 0.52739
2. EQTTN 0.79013
3. Two_local 0.65312
4 EfficientSU2 0.75756
5. TTN 0.4361
Trainability: To demonstrate the trainability of
the proposed ansatz, we designed a Quantum Neural
Network (QNN) classifier to perform digit
classification on the MNIST dataset (Y. LeCun et al.,
1998). We used a 5-qubit single-layer EQTTN
(Enhanced Quantum Tree Tensor Network) ansatz,
implemented using Qiskit’s State Vector Simulator
(IBM)For encoding the classical MNIST data into the
quantum states, we employed amplitude encoding,
which efficiently maps the input data into the
amplitudes of a quantum state. This encoding method
allows us to handle high-dimensional data using
fewer qubits.
We used 10000 samples from the MNIST data set
as the training set and 2000 samples for testing. The
model's loss function was defined as the cross-
entropy loss, which is a standard choice for
classification problems as it measures the
dissimilarity between the predicted and actual labels.
The model parameters were optimized using a
gradient based optimizer (such as COBIYALA),
which updates the parameters to minimize the loss.
Table 2 illustrates the results of accuracy and time to
converge the loss function for our 5 different ansatzes
Based on the results we have shown here, our
EQTTN is the best ansatzes among the various ansatz,
balancing performance across key metrics. While its
entanglement strength is moderate compared to
N_local and EfficientSU2, EQTTN exhibits stability
and consistency across varying qubit numbers, which
is crucial for robust quantum computations. In terms
of expressibility, EQTTN shows a smooth and stable
curve, outperforming other ansatz in consistency as
qubits increase, making it reliable for generalization
across different problem sizes. Its fidelity score of
0.79013 is the highest, reflecting its strong capability
in accurately representing quantum states. Moreover,
EQTTN achieves competitive trainability with an
average training accuracy of 96.22% and testing
accuracy of 96.83%, coupled with a reasonable
convergence time of 1172.64 seconds, making it more
efficient than EfficientSU2 but slightly slower than
Two_local and N_local. Overall, EQTTN offers a
solid balance of accuracy, expressibility, and
computational efficiency, making it a well-rounded
choice for quantum machine learning applications.
In this paper, we present an Enhanced Quantum Tree
Tensor Network (EQTTN) ansatz designed for
Variational Quantum Algorithms (VQAs) to scale
efficiently with arbitrary qubit counts.
The performance of the EQTTN ansatz is
evaluated based on several key metrics:
expressability, entanglement strength, fidelity, and
trainability. Our results demonstrate that the EQTTN
ansatz offers superior performance. The proposed
approach leads to better computational performance
as it calculates tensor network anstazes for n cubits as
opposed to 2
qubits. If n is large, the improvement in
performance will be significant. In future work, we
aim to explore the integration of the EQTTN ansatz
with error-mitigation techniques to further enhance.
its robustness in noisy quantum environments.
Additionally, extending the framework to
investigating its application in real-world problems
could provide valuable insights.
Table 2: Trainability results.
No Ansatz
in percentile
in secs
Training_set Testing_set
_local 94.128 94.42 899.32
2. EQTTN 96.22 96.83 1172.64
3. Two_local 97.34 97.78 634.81
4 EfficientSU2 96.121 96.456 2529.31
5. TTN 97.38 97.42 4129.24
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Enhanced QTTN Design: Scalable Quantum Circuits for Arbitrary Qubit Counts