were tested in which the proposed valid inequalities
were alternatively or jointly considered. The results
show that inequalities aimed at strengthening non-
overlap constraints and tightening the bounds of the
period-indexed variables are the most effective. This
is because they allow the linear relaxation to be com-
parable to that of the time-indexed model, despite a
smaller number of variables and constraints, hence
preserving these advantages while ensuring a much
quicker convergence.
Future research directions include strengthening
the less-effective valid inequalities and/or adding
them dynamically in the B&B tree through tailored
separation routines. From a combinatorial perspec-
tive, it would certainly be interesting to generalize
the piecewise-constant ToU profile and consider more
complex cost structures. Another interesting direction
would be to consider variable power profiles instead
of constant ones. Finally, the flexibility of the period-
indexed formulation opens the possibility for its ap-
plication to other scheduling problems, as well as the
incorporation of other constraints, such as release and
due dates, as well as setup times, making it a versatile
tool for broader industrial applications dealing with
energy cost minimization.
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Minimizing Energy Cost in a Job-Shop Scheduling Problem Under ToU Pricing: A New Method Based on a Period-Indexed MILP