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Adaptive Affinity Module (AAM), Kernel Matrix
Module (KMM), and Logits Module (LM) to develop
a lightweight, generalizable model for medical imag-
ing segmentation. A unique aspect of our approach
is its ability to enhance the student model by leverag-
ing detailed contextual information from feature maps
through the integration of AAM and KMM. Experi-
mental results on MRI prostate data demonstrate that
our method significantly outperforms related state-of-
the-art (SOTA) techniques, improving both segmen-
tation accuracy and the generalization capabilities of
lightweight networks. Future work will focus on ex-
panding our ablation study by incorporating deeper
teacher models and refining the proposed method to
further improve segmentation outcomes. Addition-
ally, we will explore the model’s applicability to dif-
ferent medical imaging tasks, addressing potential
limitations to achieve the highest possible segmenta-
tion accuracy.
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