options immediately visible to users. Additional sug-
gestions included incorporating more icons for better
user guidance and reorganizing lengthy text sections
into collapsible menus to reduce visual clutter. These
improvements would enhance user experience while
maintaining the interface’s functionality for creating
generative agent profiles.
This paper proposes MOTIF, a framework for en-
hancing the profiling module of generative agents
(GA) that simulate human behaviour. MOTIF com-
bines handcrafting and LLM-based methods to make
the profiling stage faster and more intuitive, while
still creating agents with realistic personalities. The
framework consists of 5 stages expanding on differ-
ent aspects of human behaviour and psychology and
employs a graphical interface to better guide the user
in describing the desired agents.
Experiments showed promising results, validating
MOTIF’s effectiveness in creating consistent and be-
lievable agent personalities. The ethical dilemma tests
showed that agents made decisions aligned with their
designated characteristics, while the psychometric as-
sessments revealed a strong positive correlation be-
tween the agents’ responses and their predefined trait
Nevertheless, this research requires a more com-
prehensive analysis of the framework to better vali-
date its performance. Additionally, it is import to in-
tegrate MOTIF with existing GA platforms to observe
the gains it brings to different simulations. Given
this, future research can be summarized as: (1) Ex-
plore different personalities by creating a more di-
verse group of characters to observe the framework’s
ability to produce a variety of behaviours; (2) De-
velop more scenarios, with and without ethical dilem-
mas, to observe the many responses a agent can have
under different circumstances; (3) The use of other
psychological tests, such as Myer-Briggs (MBTI); (4)
A comparison with other methods, specially hand-
crafting ones, to observe if MOTIF uses less tokens
and time to produce similar results (currently, MOTIF
uses 400 tokens per agent generation) and finally (5)
Integrate MOTIF to a existing GA architecture, such
as the one in proposed in (Park et al., 2023) to ob-
serve how the agents behave collectively and evolve
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MOTIF: A Framework for Enhancing the Profiling Module of Generative Agents that Simulate Human Behavior