This paper presented GAM-UNet, a semantic seg-
mentation model integrating Gabor Feature Extrac-
tion Modules (GFEM), SCSE mechanisms, and
multi-scale feature fusion within the UNet frame-
work. This combination enhances the model’s ability
to capture fine edges and textures in complex tasks
involving seismic and medical images. The learn-
able Gabor filters dynamically adapt to the orientation
and scale of features, enabling the detection of fine,
elongated structures in seismic images and intricate,
multi-directional features in medical images, such as
blood vessels. Our experiments highlighted the su-
perior performance of the 3×3 Gabor filter configu-
ration, which preserved segmentation continuity and
reduced noise. Analysis across datasets demonstrated
the model’s adaptability—capturing broad, linear fea-
tures in seismic data and intricate textures in medical
images—underscoring its effectiveness in segmenting
fine, curvilinear structures within the tested datasets.
We thank Shell Information Technology International
Inc. for providing the dataset, which was instrumental
in this research.
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Gam-UNet for Semantic Segmentation