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in complex scenarios where traditional methods may
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(SPD) matrices, including both linear and non-linear
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ness of existing methods in handling overlapping dis-
tributions in a classification context. Interestingly,
linear and non-linear methods showed similar perfor-
mance with SPD matrices. Two possible explanations
could be: the convexity of the SPD space and the nu-
merical issues raised by the logarithmic calculation.
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according to the local geometry of the SPD space is
needed to discard or validate these hypotheses. In-
vestigating dimensionality reduction in non-convex
spaces is also extremely relevant. Finally, we aim
to extend the dimensionality reduction methods for
SPD matrices to more complex configurations, such
as highly overlapping distributions.
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ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence