In this paper, we examined how well Large Language
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ments with respect to a specified topical domain and
descriptions comprising multiple parameters. Our
studies were conducted on documents generated by
our knowledge work dataset generator KnoWoGen
and the Mistral-7B-Instruct LLM. Overall, the ex-
periments show that the generated documents were
perceived as natural, fitting their intended domain
and other parameters, making the parameters reliable
ground truth data.
In future experiments, it would be meaningful to
also examine multiple, related documents and inspect
whether the generated documents are coherent regard-
ing their common task description and their contents
as this information can also serve as relevant ground
truth. Moreover, regarding topics of generated doc-
uments, it would be also interesting to assess the
content-related variability of documents in a larger
set of documents targeting the same topic or domain.
Moreover, since our experiments showed that param-
eters are well-respected, in follow-up work, it is now
also meaningful to examine whether synthesized doc-
uments are valuable as training data to improve the
performance of machine learning models on down-
stream tasks.
This work was funded by the German Federal Min-
istry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the
project SensAI (grant no. 01IW20007).
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