Investigating the Configurability of LLMs for the Generation of
Knowledge Work Datasets
Desiree Heim
1,2 a
, Christian Jilek
1 b
, Adrian Ulges
and Andreas Dengel
1,2 c
Smart Data and Knowledge Services Department, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany
Department of Computer Science, University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU), Germany
Department DCSM, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Germany
{desiree.heim, christian.jilek, andreas.dengel},
Knowledge Work Dataset Generator, Large Language Model, Configurability.
The evaluation of support tools designed for knowledge workers is challenging due to the lack of publicly
available, extensive, and complete data collections. Existing data collections have inherent problems such
as incompleteness due to privacy-preserving methods and lack of contextual information. Hence, generat-
ing datasets can represent a good alternative, in particular, Large Language Models (LLM) enable a simple
possibility of generating textual artifacts. Just recently, we therefore proposed a knowledge work dataset
generator, called KnoWoGen. So far, the adherence of generated knowledge work documents to parameters
such as document type, involved persons, or topics has not been examined. However, this aspect is crucial
to examine since generated documents should reflect given parameters properly as they could serve as highly
relevant ground truth information for training or evaluation purposes. In this paper, we address this missing
evaluation aspect by conducting respective user studies. These studies assess the documents’ adherence to
multiple parameters and specifically to a given domain parameter as an important, representative. We base our
experiments on documents generated with KnoWoGen and use the Mistral-7B-Instruct model as LLM. We
observe that in the given setting, the generated documents showed a high quality regarding the adherence to
parameters in general and specifically to the parameter specifying the document’s domain. Hence, 75% of the
given ratings in the parameter-related experiments received the highest or second-highest quality score which
is a promising outcome for the feasibility of generating high-qualitative knowledge work documents based on
given configurations.
Knowledge workers in the organizational context are
professionals who primarily do mental, knowledge-
centered work (Sordi et al., 2020). Typical actions
a knowledge worker does are acquiring information,
authoring documents, sharing information, and net-
working with others (Reinhardt et al., 2011). Here,
they often work with non-public, i.e. either personal
or organizational files.
Knowledge workers can be supported by a range
of artificial intelligence-based methods, for instance,
the knowledge worker’s current task can be identi-
fied and relevant information can be proactively de-
livered (see, e.g. Tung et al. (2017)). While a range
of support tools exist, there is typically no suitable,
comprehensive data collection to evaluate these tools
against since knowledge work (KW) data collections
have inherent problems. Since KW often involves pri-
vate or corporate documents, they are subject to cen-
soring to preserve confidential or private information,
which leads to incomplete data. Moreover, gather-
ing comprehensive contextually relevant information
would require data owners to annotate their data thor-
oughly, which would require a high manual effort
from the owners and distract them from their actual
work. These issues of KW data collections are so se-
vere that with Gonc¸alves (2011) even meta-literature
emerged. He states that existing datasets might not
be usable when evaluating Personal Information Man-
agement (PIM; Jones (2008)) tools due to the lack of
important background information about the authors,
their documents, and insights into their PIM pro-
cess that would represent important ground-truth data.
Heim, D., Jilek, C., Ulges, A. and Dengel, A.
Investigating the Configurability of LLMs for the Generation of Knowledge Work Datasets.
DOI: 10.5220/0013184200003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 821-828
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Hence, synthetic data can be a good alternative to data
collections. In particular, since with the emergence of
Large Language Models (LLM; Zhao et al. (2023))
generating various documents is possible by prompt-
ing the LLM with suitable instructions. Motivated by
the issues of data collections and the document gener-
ation abilities of LLMs, we recently proposed a KW
dataset generator, called KnoWoGen
(Heim et al.,
2024). It simulates multiple agents completing KW
tasks and generates corresponding documents with an
LLM. These documents are the core artifacts of the
created datasets. Alongside the documents also con-
textual information about their creation and use as
well as information about the general simulation set-
ting is stored and provided in the final dataset. This
includes parameters used in the document generation
prompt, such as involved persons, topics, or the doc-
ument’s type. One main advantage of this approach,
compared to data collections, is that no data protec-
tion measures are necessary as the data is artificially
generated. Moreover, it comprises comprehensive
contextual information that can be processed as inputs
or ground truth data when evaluating support tools.
So far, LLM-based KW dataset generation has
been only evaluated by assessing the authenticity, i.e.,
realistic appearance, of the generated documents to
ensure the feasibility of employing an LLM for the
document creation (Heim et al., 2024). However, it
is also important to verify that descriptive parameters
used in the document generation prompt are correctly
reflected in the document since they could be used as
ground truth. As our contribution in this paper, we fill
this gap and examine the faithfulness of documents,
generated with KnoWoGen, concerning their param-
eters. Hereby, we address two research questions:
RQ 1. Is it possible to generate KW documents
adhering to given parameters with LLMs?
RQ 2. Is it possible to generate KW documents
for various domains with LLMs?
Besides RQ 1 assessing the reflection of parameters,
RQ 2 aims to investigate the ability of LLMs to gen-
erate domain-specific documents which is highly rel-
evant as KW spans a wide range of diverse domains.
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2
introduces works related to our evaluations. Sec-
tion 3 particularizes the generation of the documents
included in the evaluation and the experiment set-
up. Next, Section 4 describes the experiments results
which are subsequently discussed in Section 5. The
paper concludes, in Section 6, with a summary of our
findings and suggestions of future research directions.
For more information also consult the website of the
Content generated by Large Language Models (LLM)
can be evaluated either automatically or by humans
(Chang et al., 2024). While for some common tasks
like Question Answering multiple benchmarks exist,
human evaluations often provide more comprehen-
sive insights. In the special use case of synthetic data
generation, generated data can be either assessed di-
rectly or indirectly (Long et al., 2024). Direct eval-
uations of, for instance, class labels generated for a
text, can be realized by employing benchmarks. How-
ever, if open-ended texts are generated either human
evaluators or auxiliary models are required to assess
the data’s correctness. For indirect evaluations, the
generated data is used to train or fine-tune a model
on downstream tasks. The trained model is then
evaluated on the downstream tasks based on existing
benchmarks or based on humans’ or auxiliary mod-
els’ judgments if no standardized answers exist.
There are some similar approaches to the gener-
ation of knowledge work documents from given pa-
rameters or descriptions using LLMs, that also gen-
erate open-ended texts from given conditions for syn-
thetic datasets. While some approaches only use a
single parameter (Ye et al., 2022), others use mul-
tiple parameters (Xu et al., 2024; Yu et al., 2023)
to increase the documents’ variability compared to
single-parameter-approaches. The aforementioned
approaches evaluate the correct usage of main param-
eters in the synthesized texts mainly by using the gen-
erated data as training data to train or fine-tune models
for specific downstream tasks, like text classification
(Ye et al., 2022; Xu et al., 2024; Yu et al., 2023) or
Named Entity Extraction (Xu et al., 2024), in which
the given parameters act as the results. These trained
models are then evaluated on the downstream tasks
against model versions fine-tuned with similar other
generated, human-labeled data or data from bench-
mark datasets or, alternatively, against other, some-
times non-fine-tuned, baseline models. Besides, Ye
et al. (2022) additionally tested a parameter repre-
senting a label for a classification task using a clas-
sifier and compared the accuracy against other com-
mon benchmark datasets. Furthermore, they also con-
ducted a human evaluation to verify the correct re-
flection of the label parameter as well as the rele-
vance of the generated text to the application use case,
e.g., synthesizing a movie review text. Moreover, the
mentioned approaches assessed the lexical diversity
of generated texts, e.g., by their vocabulary size, (Yu
et al., 2023; Xu et al., 2024) and their naturalness
which was evaluated by Ye et al. (2022) based on a
human evaluation. In this paper, we explore the use
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
case of generating knowledge work documents. Since
we seek to get detailed, direct, and reliable insights
into parameter adherence and domain adaptability as
a specific parameter, a direct human evaluation fits
our demands best.
This paper investigates two research questions.
Namely, whether a Large Language Model (LLM) re-
spects given parameters in generated documents, and
whether it can generate domain-specific documents.
We used the KnoWoGen generator to produce docu-
ments and conducted user studies to assess them. This
section explains the role of parameters in KnoWoGen
and the design of our experiments.
3.1 The Role of Parameters in the
In the KnoWoGen (Heim et al., 2024), parameters are
either given in the configuration when specifying con-
crete tasks or defined at simulation time, i.e, agents
are assigned to tasks or parameters are randomly sam-
pled. When documents are generated, parameters are
used to select the matching prompt template and in-
serted into the template to create the final prompt sent
to an LLM to generate the specific document.
Parameters are stored in the knowledge graph to
retain background information about generated docu-
ments. These parameters can serve as training data or
ground truth data for evaluations, making it crucial to
verify their correct reflection in the documents.
Among the parameters defining the documents,
the domain parameter is particularly influential as it
affects the whole content of the document. More-
over, having a high domain adaptability is important
because knowledge work in general encompasses a
variety of domains and KnoWoGen aims to be a con-
figurable, generally employable generator.
Also beyond the KnoWoGen, when synthesizing
knowledge work documents and using the given de-
scription included in the prompt as ground truth, the
verification of those two aspects is essential.
3.2 Evaluation of Documents
Concerning Given Parameters
Large Language Model Selection. The
KnoWoGen requires an instruction-fine-tuned
Large Language Model (LLM). At the time of the
experiment execution, Version 0.2 of the Mistral-
7B-Instruct model (Jiang et al., 2023) was showing
decent qualities on several benchmarks
, supported
a relatively large context window with 32k tokens
enabling the generation of long documents, and had
a good ratio between resource consumption and
quality, therefore we decided to use this LLM to
generate documents with the KnoWoGen.
General Experiment Setup. For both research
questions, we conducted user studies to get detailed
and reliable insights. Especially when examining var-
ious domain parameter values, we think human ex-
perts are indispensable since they do not only have
specific factual knowledge but can also well-assess
which aspects are relevant in a domain, how technical
terminology is correctly used, and how documents in
the domain are typically composed on a content and
structural level. Moreover, although, in several test
runs, we did not see that a given parameter was not
respected in a generated document, we wanted to con-
firm this perception since parameter values can invoke
varying subjective expectations.
The user studies were organized as an online ques-
tionnaire. In the questionnaire, we asked the par-
ticipants to rate the quality of generated documents
regarding the above-mentioned aspects on a 5-point
Likert scale (Likert, 1932). Here, high values always
corresponded to high-quality documents concerning
specific aspects to keep the studies consistent. More-
over, participants always had the option to comment
on their given ratings to get insights into the partici-
pants’ reasoning. However, we did not want to make
comments mandatory to avoid making the experiment
too effortful since we targeted a larger number of par-
ticipants. Moreover, we wanted to let participants de-
cide when they find it appropriate to comment on their
decision to get significant comments.
Furthermore, we told the participants that all doc-
uments have been generated to prevent that they are
distracted from the actual questions having assump-
tions that the content might be generated. Moreover,
knowing this also corresponds to the actual end user
case in which the users also know that and also assess
the generated documents with respect to their reflec-
tion of the given configuration.
Experiment Questions. Since we have not used
Llama2-13B-Chat (Touvron et al., 2023) as was the
case in a previously conducted experiment (Heim
et al., 2024), we additionally included a similar user
We consulted the Huggingface Leaderboard for Open
LLMs (Fourrier et al., 2024) which summarizes the perfor-
mance of a range of LLMs on several common benchmarks
Investigating the Configurability of LLMs for the Generation of Knowledge Work Datasets
study that also assesses the documents’ authenticity
to have a comparative value enabling a better clas-
sification of the results. In contrast to the previ-
ous experiment, we assessed the documents’ natural-
ness by differentiating it into social and linguistic or
content-related naturalness to investigate them sepa-
rately. Here, social naturalness refers to all authen-
ticity aspects related to the social contact among in-
volved or addressed persons in the e-mail or the meet-
ing such as how they greet or address each other. Lin-
guistic naturalness refers to the authenticity of the lan-
guage used, i.e. how human-like it is, e.g., whether
the word choice seems plausible. Moreover, content-
related naturalness means how natural it is that spe-
cific content-related structures or concrete contents
appear in the documents. In the experiments, we
asked two questions related to naturalness. The first
question addressed social naturalness and the second
other aspects of naturalness, including in particular
linguistic and content-related aspects.
To examine the adherence to given parameters, we
compiled descriptions similar to the documents’ de-
scriptions in the prompts used to generate the doc-
uments including relevant parameters that were also
directly used in the prompts. This included, for in-
stance, document types, involved persons, and topics
that should have been covered in the document.
In the third experiment examining the adherence
of documents to given domains, we asked the partici-
pants three questions. Each question targeted a differ-
ent abstraction level of the documents’ domain adher-
ence to get fine-grained insights. The lowest abstrac-
tion level was the word level. Here, participants were
asked whether appropriate terminology was used and
whether technical terms were used correctly. The
question on the statement level asked the participants
to rate whether statements made in the documents
were factually correct. The document level targeted
the question of whether the documents’ structures
were appropriate in the domain and whether the men-
tioned contents seemed plausible for the respective
document type in the domain.
Generation of Documents. For examining the do-
main authenticity, we generated two documents simi-
lar to the earlier experiments (Heim et al., 2024) to in-
crease the comparability between the results. Hence,
we generated an e-mail and meeting minutes. The e-
mail was a reply to an invitation to join a planning
committee for a company’s annual party. The meet-
ing was an interview for an administrative specialist
Furthermore, we generated meeting notes and a
project proposal to examine the reflection of parame-
ters. The two document types were consciously cho-
sen to be fundamentally different. While meeting
notes reflect an interactive discussion among multiple
people and are tendentially rather informal, project
proposals are usually more formal and go in-depth.
In the generated meeting notes, the menu for a com-
pany’s annual social event was discussed. The project
proposal suggested a language learning hub as an in-
novative idea to support learning English as a foreign
language. For all generated documents, we explicitly
selected topics that are generally understandable and
do not require expert knowledge.
To examine the domain coherence, we gener-
ated document types that typically consist mainly of
domain-specific content. Hence, we generated exams,
paper drafts, project plans, course planning sessions,
job interviews, discussions about recent methods, and
potential further research directions. All seven docu-
ment types were generated for each participant indi-
vidually using a domain they were acquainted with.
All documents with the prompts used to generate
them and experiment questions can be found in the
supplementary material repository
Participants. In the experiments, two participant
groups were involved. One group consisted of peo-
ple who were acquainted with a specific domain. We
assembled the group so that its participants covered
diverse expert domains. Among the eight participants
were two females and six males and their ages ranged
between 18 and 44. All of them had an academic
background and together covered the following do-
mains: Architecture, Chemical Engineering, Cogni-
tive Science, Computer Science, Data Science, Finan-
cial Mathematics, and Mechanical Engineering. Four
participants stated that they had advanced knowledge
about the domain, two rated their knowledge as being
medium, and two stated that they had basic knowl-
edge about the chosen domain. Moreover, all used
LLM regularly and had good English skills (B1-C1).
This participant group participated in all experiments.
The seven documents for the domain coherence ex-
periment were generated individually for each partic-
ipant using one of their domains of expertise.
In addition to the participants from the first group,
41 further participants took part in the document au-
thenticity and general parameter adherence experi-
ments. Most of them were also recruited in an aca-
demic environment. For this group, there were no
special requirements, and all participants got the same
Supplementary material containing generated docu-
ments with their prompts, concretely asked experiment
questions and raw results:
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
documents to judge. In total, 49 participants aged
between 18 and 54 completed the experiments. 34
of the participants were males and 15 females. The
majority were students, researchers, or software en-
gineers. 43% had a background in Computer Sci-
ence and 14% in Mathematics. The domains Psy-
chology, Social Sciences, Education, and Engineer-
ing were also represented multiple times. Except for
one case, all participants stated that their English lan-
guage proficiency was B1 or higher. 65% used LLMs
regularly, 27% occasionally, and the rest had not used
LLMs before.
In this section, we present the results of the experi-
ments introduced in the last section. The raw results
are available in the supplementary material reposi-
4.1 Experiment 1: Naturalness of
Generated Documents
In the first experiment, participants had to rate the nat-
uralness of two documents according to their social
and linguistic naturalness on a 5-point Likert scale
(Likert, 1932). The main purpose of this experiment
was to have a comparative baseline that facilitates
the classification of the two other experiments’ re-
sults presented in this paper since the Large Language
Model utilized can have a high impact on the quality
of the generated documents.
Figure 1 shows the quality scores assigned to the
generated documents regarding their social and lin-
guistic naturalness. Since the scores for social and
linguistic naturalness were almost equally distributed
(Wasserstein distance of 0.024), we merged them into
one distribution by taking the average of the count re-
spectively for all scores. Overall, the documents’ nat-
uralness was rated highly and with a high agreement
as around 80% gave one of the two highest scores.
In addition to the rating distribution of this exper-
iment, the figure also depicts the assigned score dis-
tributions of generated and real documents from the
preceding experiment (Heim et al., 2024). In direct
comparison, the distribution of the naturalness score
assigned in the present experiment resembles the dis-
tribution of real documents more than the one of gen-
erated documents. However, it must be noted that
the evaluation settings of the two experiments differ,
not least because participants in our experiments have
been only given generated documents to judge and
were made aware of this situation.
For 11 of the 98 given ratings, comments were
provided. Most comments regarding linguistic nat-
uralness addressed lexical recurrence. Hence, three
comments mentioned that single words or word
groups were repeated. In one case, multiple words
of the same word family, culture, cultures, and cul-
tural, appeared in the document. Moreover, one par-
ticipant stated that the answers to all three questions
in the interview notes started with the interviewee’s
name and a verb. Besides, two comments mention
that inapt words were used. So, the answers to inter-
view questions were labeled as ”solutions” instead of
”answers” and in the planning of a company’s annual
party a ”keynote address” was suggested instead of a
”keynote”. In addition, one comment indicated that
the e-mail making suggestions for a company’s party
was linguistically too complex.
Furthermore, participants mentioned content-
related aspects impacting the documents’ naturalness.
In the case of the interview meeting notes, one par-
ticipant perceived the answers to interview questions
as noted down in too much detail for meeting notes.
Another comment stated that in the e-mail about a
company party, the sender has made too many sug-
gestions. Here, they expected fewer suggestions and
a follow-up meeting. Moreover, one comment re-
marked that in the interview notes, the author referred
to herself in the third person.
Regarding social naturalness, one comment stated
that it seemed unnatural that the interviewee was re-
ferred to by her first name in the meeting notes. An-
other comment indicated that a suggestion for the
company party sounded like an advertisement for the
catering service and not like a suggestion.
Figure 1: Plots showing the dispersion of given ratings of
an earlier experiment assessing the perceived document au-
thenticity of real and generated documents (Heim et al.,
2024) (top) and the presently conducted experiment assess-
ing the naturalness of generated documents (bottom).
Investigating the Configurability of LLMs for the Generation of Knowledge Work Datasets
4.2 Experiment 2: Parameter
In the second experiment, participants had to rate
two documents regarding how well they respected de-
scriptions utilized in the generation prompt that de-
fined the document to be generated by key parame-
ters. Figure 2 depicts the results. Again, overall, the
participants assigned high scores. Moreover, around
75% of the participants agreed on a high score of four
or five.
In the 13 comments given for the 98 ratings, no
participant stated that a parameter, i.e. a part of the
given description, was completely ignored in the gen-
erated document. Nevertheless, one comment indi-
cated that the meeting notes did not properly address
the occasion of the company’s annual meeting when
discussing the menu.
Two other comments stated that the generated
documents did partially not meet their expectations
relating to the description. Both comments addressed
the discussion about the menu for the company party.
One participant expected that the people involved in
the discussion either discuss concrete dishes and bev-
erages for the menu while the generated document
rather discussed general suggestions. Another partic-
ipant noted that the suggestion of collaborating with
local businesses and farms seemed too exaggerated.
Moreover, three comments mentioned some tech-
nical content-related issues specific to the given doc-
ument types. For the menu discussion notes, one
participant perceived the document as being too fo-
cused since there were no remarks or further com-
ments given alongside agenda points. In addition,
they remarked that using bullet points instead of using
whole sentences would have been more authentic for
meeting notes. The other two comments referred to
the generated project proposal and noted that the ob-
jectives and outcomes sections overlapped too much
and suggested giving more details about the gap to
existing works and potential risks.
Additionally, it was mentioned that the cost calcu-
lation in the project proposal was added up wrongly.
Figure 2: Bar chart depicting the dispersion of scores as-
signed for the parameter adherence of documents.
4.3 Experiment 3: Domain Adaptability
In the last experiment, a subgroup of the participants
of the two previously introduced studies, the partic-
ipants acquainted with specific domains, had to rate
seven documents of various types generated using re-
spectively on of their fields of expertise as the domain
parameter. Here, participants could indicate their un-
certainty if they were asked to judge the correctness
of a document with unfamiliar facts or sub-fields.
Figure 3 shows the ratings given for the domain
coherence on a word, statement, and document level.
Overall, the given ratings are high having a median
ranging between 4.5 and 5. For the word and state-
ment level, participants had a high agreement and
75% of the participants gave a rating of 4 or 5. The
highest variance occurred in the document-level case.
Moreover, the participants were sure about their rat-
ings as the checkbox indicating uncertainty about a
rating was only ticked in approx. 10% of the cases.
In total, participants commented on seven of the
56 ratings. In two comments, they expressed their as-
tonishment about the quality of the generated docu-
ments. One comment, referring to a generated exam,
emphasized that especially the structure and classifi-
cation of the content were outstanding.
Besides, three comments stated some domain-
related issues in generated documents. In one case,
in interview notes for a position as a Robotics engi-
neer, a participant indicated that wrong information
was provided which is why the participant gave a low
rating on the statement level. The other two com-
ments accompanied still high ratings but remarked
that the contents of the documents did not entirely
fit the given domain. Hence, one document detail-
ing multiple interesting fields in the domain of chem-
ical engineering contained a section about the field of
”process automation and control” which the partici-
pant indicated as being not as relevant to the domain
as the other mentioned fields. For another document,
a project proposal about chemical manufacturing, a
participant argued that the domain adherence was not
ideal since the document’s topic mixes two domains,
namely chemical engineering and biotechnology.
Moreover, one comment, accompanying a low rat-
ing, stated that the document was about planning a
course but did barely address the given domain. Fur-
thermore, one domain-unrelated comment mentioned
that while the document indicated that e-mail and
phone number would be given as contact details, only
a phone number was provided.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 3: Boxplots of the results of Experiment 3. Each
question is depicted in a separate box plot. The quality
level corresponds to the given scores. A quality level of
one represents the lowest quality score while a level of ve
represents the highest achievable rating.
Overall, participants gave predominantly high scores
for all three experiments. In the first experiment, par-
ticipants rated the naturalness with high scores re-
garding social and linguistic or content-related as-
pects. In comparison with the experiment published
previously (Heim et al., 2024), the score distribu-
tion resembled the distribution of scores given for
real documents more than the one given for gener-
ated documents. However, the experiment settings
were different as the previous experiment was con-
ducted based on real and generated documents, and
our experiment only assessed generated documents.
Moreover, in the previous experiment, participants
did not know whether documents were real or gener-
ated and here we explicitly made participants aware
that all documents had been generated. Neverthe-
less, the observations could indicate that the authen-
ticity of generated documents improved since the
previous KnoWoGen version, e.g., due to improved
prompt instructions, and that documents generated
with Mistral-7B-Instruct (Jiang et al., 2023) are more
authentic than ones created with the Llama-13B-Chat
model (Touvron et al., 2023). Moreover, the most
commented issue was the linguistic repetitiveness that
might be improved by adapting the Large Language
Model (LLM) parameters accordingly. Additionally,
participants mentioned that meeting notes seemed
unauthentic because they contained full sentences in-
stead of note-like structures. Hence, it might be mean-
ingful to add for a specific document type more in-
structions regarding its typical form in the prompt.
Besides, the stated problem of an author referring to
herself in the third person might be solved by includ-
ing an instruction in the prompt that asks the LLM
more explicitly to take the role of the author.
The second experiment showed that overall, all
parameters were respected. Nevertheless, one com-
ment indicated that the influence of some parameters
could have been higher, and two others remarked that
the produced content did not entirely match their ex-
pectations. Thus, for instance, a specific instruction
could be added to the document generation prompt
encouraging that parameters should also substantially
influence the content of the respective document. Ad-
ditionally, participants provided some further hints on
issues in the comments that are unrelated to the pa-
rameter adherence. Like in the first experiment, again
some suggestions were provided regarding the par-
ticipants’ expectations related to specific document
types which could be considered in additional docu-
ment type-specific instructions. Moreover, a few par-
ticipants identified an erroneous cost calculation in
a document which is likely not easily resolvable by
adapting the prompt. However, such errors do not im-
pact the objectives of generating a knowledge work
dataset. Besides, real knowledge work documents
might also include similar errors.
Like in the two previous experiments, participants
also perceived the coherence of generated documents
to a specific given domain as high. In particular, the
factual correctness of statements was rated with ex-
ceptionally high scores. Only for one document out
of the generated 56 documents, one participant re-
marked that a wrong statement appeared. Moreover,
there were no comments regarding wrongly used ter-
minology. Concerning the overall contents of the doc-
uments, the ratings were a bit lower than for the other
two questions. Two comments remarked that a doc-
ument contained contents that also belonged to an-
other, related domain, and in one case a mentioned
sub-topic was not highly relevant to the domain. In
summary, the domain adaptability of generated doc-
uments was high. Our study indicates that factually
correct documents with suitable terminology can be
generated. The biggest challenge was compiling con-
tent that matches the core of the domain. If suitable,
it might be helpful to address this issue by sampling
a more specific sub-topic in the domain and gener-
ating documents for this more focused topic. Alter-
natively, instructions to focus on core topics of the
domain could be tested. Nevertheless, all mentioned
problems about the overall content did not state that
the contents were unrelated to the domain which is
already a sign of high quality.
To conclude, the experiments show that the gen-
erated documents respect given parameters and do-
mains and thus, we can answer both of our research
questions positively. Hence, generating knowledge
work documents based on descriptive parameters that
can be later used as ground truth or training data is
Investigating the Configurability of LLMs for the Generation of Knowledge Work Datasets
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Models (LLM) can generate knowledge work docu-
ments with respect to a specified topical domain and
descriptions comprising multiple parameters. Our
studies were conducted on documents generated by
our knowledge work dataset generator KnoWoGen
and the Mistral-7B-Instruct LLM. Overall, the ex-
periments show that the generated documents were
perceived as natural, fitting their intended domain
and other parameters, making the parameters reliable
ground truth data.
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also examine multiple, related documents and inspect
whether the generated documents are coherent regard-
ing their common task description and their contents
as this information can also serve as relevant ground
truth. Moreover, regarding topics of generated doc-
uments, it would be also interesting to assess the
content-related variability of documents in a larger
set of documents targeting the same topic or domain.
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eters are well-respected, in follow-up work, it is now
also meaningful to examine whether synthesized doc-
uments are valuable as training data to improve the
performance of machine learning models on down-
stream tasks.
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istry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the
project SensAI (grant no. 01IW20007).
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