Using Machine Learning to Assess the Impact of Harsh Violent Discipline
on Children and Adolescents in Low- and Middle-Income Countries:
A Comparative Analysis Focusing on Its Relationship with Disabilities
Milena S. Barreira
1 a
, Ariane C. B. da Silva
1 b
, Hasheem Mannani
and Cristiane N. Nobre
1 c
Institute of Exact Sciences and Informatics, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais,
Dom Jos
e Gaspar, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
University College Dublin, Ireland
Violence, Disability, Adolescence, Children, Machine Learning, Severe Violence.
Children’s exposure to violence has long been a social and cultural concern, manifesting in various forms
across societies. According to UNICEF, approximately 300 million children worldwide, aged 2 to 4, expe-
rience regular violent discipline from caregivers, with around 250 million subjected to physical punishment.
This study leverages data from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey to investigate the prevalence of severe vi-
olent discipline among children with and without disabilities in 54 low- and middle-income countries. Using
machine learning algorithms, including Decision Tree, Random Forest, XGBoost, Support Vector Machine
(SVM), and Neural Networks, the analysis revealed that SVM outperformed other models, achieving the high-
est precision, recall, and F1-score (with values of 78% and 80% for the violence and non-violence classes,
respectively). The results highlighted an increase in severe disciplinary violence correlated with the presence
of disabilities, particularly in contexts involving the domain of ‘controlling behavior’.
Violent discipline, which includes physical, emo-
tional, or psychological punishment, is a concern-
ing issue that affects children and adolescents world-
wide. Epidemiological studies reveal that about three-
quarters of children aged 2 to 4 years old globally,
equivalent to 300 million children, are victims of psy-
chological aggression and/or physical punishment,
often perpetrated by their own caregivers
. These dis-
ciplinary methods include the application of physical
punishment, resulting in suffering and/or injury, as
well as degrading treatment that humiliates, seriously
threatens, or ridicules the child or adolescent.
Exposure to violence in childhood has been con-
sistently associated with detrimental effects on chil-
dren’s health, well-being, and future prospects (Sin-
horinho and de Moura, 2021). Unfortunately, chil-
dren with disabilities are at a higher risk of experienc-
Available at:
ing violent discipline compared to their non-disabled
peers (Emerson and Llewellyn, 2021). This vulnera-
bility is attributed to various factors, including social
stigmas, lack of support systems, and communication
Moreover, children with disabilities are often
marginalized or underrepresented in public health
data, making it challenging to develop specific poli-
cies and interventions to address their unique needs.
Despite the growing recognition of the importance of
including people with disabilities, existing research
often overlooks the intersectionality between disabil-
ity and violence (UNICEF, 2021).
The Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS),
developed by the United Nations Children’s Fund
(UNICEF), is an essential tool for filling this data
gap. Through modules such as the Washington
Group/UNICEF Child Functioning Module (CFM),
MICS provides standardized and internationally com-
parable data on various aspects of child well-being,
including exposure to violence and disability status,
but without linking them. This data enables a compre-
hensive analysis of the intersection between disability
and severe violent discipline, informing policies and
interventions aimed at better protecting and support-
Barreira, M. S., B. da Silva, A. C., Mannani, H. and Nobre, C. N.
Using Machine Learning to Assess the Impact of Harsh Violent Discipline on Children and Adolescents in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Comparative Analysis Focusing on Its
Relationship with Disabilities.
DOI: 10.5220/0013184500003911
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2025) - Volume 2: HEALTHINF, pages 161-172
ISBN: 978-989-758-731-3; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ing children with disabilities, promoting their health,
well-being, and rights.
This study utilizes data collected by MICS to in-
vestigate the prevalence of exposure to harsh parental
discipline among children with and without disabili-
ties in various low- and middle-income countries. Ad-
ditionally, it seeks to understand how other factors,
such as gender, age, and country of birth, may influ-
ence these rates.
2.1 Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys
The Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) is an
international household survey initiative developed by
UNICEF, aimed at filling data gaps and monitoring
human development
. MICS provides statistically ro-
bust and internationally comparable estimates of es-
sential indicators for tracking global goals and targets.
Initially designed to meet the goals of the 1990 World
Summit for Children, MICS has been conducted ev-
ery five years since 1995. In this study, we utilize data
from the sixth Multiple Indicator Survey (MICS6),
conducted between 2018 and 2019 by the Ministry of
Economy and Finance. The sixth round includes 72
questionnaires and 54 countries
, presenting 177 core
indicators and an average sample of 12,000 house-
holds, making it the largest round to date.
Figure 1: Countries analyzed in the sixth round of the
Additionally, the MICS data are organized into
questionnaires that allow for various units of analy-
Available at
Afghanistan, Algeria, Argentina, Bangladesh, Belarus, Benin, Cen-
tral African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo,
Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Eswatini, Fiji, Gambia, Georgia,
Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Honduras, Iraq, Jamaica, Kiribati, Kosovo
under UN Security Council Resolution 1244, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People’s
Democratic Republic, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mongolia, Montene-
gro, Nepal, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Pakistan (divided into 4 provinces:
Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, and Sindh), Samoa, S
ao Tom
and Pr
ıncipe, Serbia, Sierra Leone, State of Palestine, Suriname, Thailand,
Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Turks and Caicos
Islands, Tuvalu, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen, and Zimbabwe
sis. Depending on the focus of the research, up to ten
data files are generated and made available in SPSS
format, each corresponding to different units of anal-
ysis: hh.sav - Households; hl.sav - Household Mem-
bers; tn.sav - Mosquito Nets in Households; wm.sav
- Women (15 to 49 years); bh.sav - Birth History;
fg.sav - Female Genital Mutilation; mm.sav - Ma-
ternal Mortality; ch.sav - Children under five years;
fs.sav - Children aged 5 to 17 years; mn.sav - Men
(15 to 49 years).
In this study, we will focus on the file fs.sav, con-
centrating our analyses on children aged five to sev-
enteen years and their relationship with disciplinary
violence (FCD module) and disabilities (FCF mod-
2.2 Disabilities
Historically, the meaning of disability has been un-
derstood in various ways. The concept was initially
framed within religious discourses of Western Judeo-
Christian beliefs, where it was seen as a punishment
from God for specific sins committed by the person
with a disability (Jean A Pardeck, 2012). This re-
ligious perspective has gradually been replaced by
medical and scientific approaches, resulting in the
substitution of religious leaders by doctors and scien-
tists as cognitive authorities in social values and heal-
ing procedures.
In the narrative of the medical model, disability is
understood as an individual condition or medical phe-
nomenon that results in limited functioning deemed
deficient (Cecilie Bingham, 2013). This can occur
due to impairments of body functions and structures,
including the mind, caused by diseases, injuries, or
health problems. However, the medical model often
fails by focusing exclusively on the limitations associ-
ated with the person’s disability, without considering
the environments that may exacerbate or adversely af-
fect their functional abilities.
The medical model is often contrasted with the
social model of disability, which emphasizes the so-
cial and environmental factors that contribute to a per-
son’s disability. The International Classification of
Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) provides
a comprehensive approach to understanding disabil-
ity in children (Talo and Ryt
okoski, 2016). It adopts
a biopsychosocial model that conceptualizes disabil-
ity as a complex interaction between biological, psy-
chological, and social factors, influencing the child’s
physical, mental, and social development. This defi-
nition encompasses a range of conditions, from phys-
ical impairments, such as vision loss, to limitations
in daily tasks and social restrictions, considering the
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
child’s participation in their environment. The ICF
classifies areas of disability into two main categories:
physical structures (organs, limbs, and the nervous,
visual, auditory, and musculoskeletal systems) and
bodily functions (hearing, memory, among others)
(Farias and Buchalla, 2005).
In this context of identifying children with disabil-
ities, the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS),
in its sixth round, employs modules developed by the
Washington Group on Disability Statistics (WGDS),
which categorize children’s difficulties into 13 do-
mains for children aged 5 to 17 years. These ar-
eas include difficulties in: seeing, hearing, mobil-
ity, self-care, communication/comprehension, learn-
ing, remembering, attention and concentrating, rela-
tionships, coping with change, affect ( anxiety and
depression ) and controlling behaviour
2.3 Violent Discipline
Violence is a complex phenomenon that continues
to pose a significant challenge in the field of health
(Linda L. Dahlberg, Etienne G. Kru, 2006). In this
context, according to Sinhorinho and Moura (2022),
children emerge as a particularly vulnerable group,
especially concerning family violence, which often
manifests as aggressive conflict resolution in inter-
personal relationships. The consequences of these
acts vary in magnitude and frequency
, but are pro-
foundly influenced by the child’s emotional, cogni-
tive, and physical development stage, affecting their
self-esteem and increasing the likelihood of behav-
ioral disturbances as well as anxiety and depression.
In this scenario, it is important to analyze the in-
fluence of violent discipline on children’s health and
development. UNICEF, for example, employed in
the sixth round of the Multiple Indicator Cluster Sur-
veys (MICS) studies that considered children aged
2 to 17 years and investigated whether they experi-
enced violent discipline in the past few months, with
responses categorized into non-violent discipline, se-
vere physical punishment, any type of physical pun-
ishment, any psychological aggression, and any vio-
lent discipline. UNICEF defines severe violent disci-
pline with criteria that include ‘Beat (him/her) up, that
is hit (him/her) over and over as hard as one could’,
‘Hit (him/her) on the bottom or elsewhere on the body
with something like a belt, hairbrush, stick or other
hard object’ and ‘Hit or slapped (him/her) on the face,
head or ears’.
Available at https://www.washingtongroup-disability.
Available at
The caregivers were asked about the occurrence
of these behaviors in relation to the children, allow-
ing for yes or no responses for each form of violent
discipline, thus enabling a clear assessment of the in-
cidence of these behaviors.
Emerson and Llewellyn (2021) investigated the im-
plications of exposure to violent discipline in chil-
dren with and without disabilities in 17 countries
low and middle income. Using data from the MICS,
the researchers analyzed whether children with dis-
abilities were statistically more likely to experience
eight distinct forms of violent discipline compared to
children without disabilities. The results indicated
a 71% higher probability of children with disabili-
ties being exposed to violent disciplinary measures in
these countries.
The study by Bhatia et al. (2023) analyzed MICS
data in 24 countries
, investigating the relationship
between disability and the higher incidence of lack of
birth registration, child labor, and violent discipline.
The study considered factors such as sex and country
of origin, in addition to exploring the interaction with
disability status. The authors highlight the scarcity of
research linking disability and violent discipline, em-
phasizing that the intersection with gender and coun-
try of origin remains underexplored.
The results revealed that girls with disabilities
have a higher likelihood of experiencing violent dis-
cipline compared to those without disabilities (27.1%
vs. 17.4%). Additionally, the prevalence of violent
discipline was 50% higher in 23 of the 24 countries
for children with disabilities, regardless of gender.
In the work by (Cuartas et al., 2018), the authors
also address exposure to both violent and non-violent
discipline in low- and middle-income countries
Montenegro, Suriname, Iraq, Georgia, Mongolia, Tunisia, Kiribati,
Ghana, Zimbabwe, Bangladesh, Lesotho, Kyrgyzstan, Gambia, Togo, Mada-
gascar, Congo, and Sierra Leone
Mongolia, Tonga, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, North Macedonia, Serbia,
Guyana, Suriname, Algeria, Iraq, Palestine, Bangladesh, Central African
Republic, Chad, Congo, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Lesotho, Madagascar, S
e and Pr
ıncipe, Gambia, Togo, and Zimbabwe
Afghanistan, Algeria, Argentina, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belize, Benin,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad,
Congo, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Ghana, Guinea-
Bissau, Guyana, Iraq, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Lao People’s
Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Macedonia, Malawi, Mexico, Moldova,
Mongolia, Montenegro, Nepal, Nigeria, Palestine, Panama, Paraguay, S
e and Pr
ıncipe, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Saint Lucia, Sudan, Suriname,
Eswatini, Togo, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uruguay, Vietnam, and
Using Machine Learning to Assess the Impact of Harsh Violent Discipline on Children and Adolescents in Low- and Middle-Income
Countries: A Comparative Analysis Focusing on Its Relationship with Disabilities
ing early childhood. To this end, the study utilizes
MICS data collected between 2010 and 2016, aim-
ing to estimate the proportion of children aged 2 to 4
years who are exposed to violent discipline in their
homes. This study builds upon previous research,
such as the work by (Cappa and Khan, 2011), which
analyzes data from children aged 2 to 14 years in 34
countries of the MICS, concluding that, overall, par-
ents and caregivers resort to physical punishment and
aggression even in households where these practices
are not deemed necessary. In Yemen, 78% of chil-
dren subjected to physical punishment have parents
or caregivers who do not see these acts as necessary.
In addition, the study by Cuartas and collabora-
tors also relies on the research by Lansford in 2010
(Lansford et al., 2010), which observed that 54% of
female children and 58% of male children aged 7 to
10 years in nine different countries
had already ex-
perienced physical aggression at home, with 13% of
cases among females and 14% among males classified
as severe physical punishment.
The study (Fang et al., 2022) also provides rele-
vant data on the intersection between disability and
violence in children aged 0 to 17 years globally. The
research analyzed 18 international databases in En-
glish, covering physical, mental, intellectual, and sen-
sory disabilities, as well as chronic illnesses, to in-
vestigate the relationship between different forms of
violence and specific types of disability. The results
showed that children with disabilities are 2.08 times
more likely to be victims of violence compared to
those without disabilities. Moreover, children with
cognitive or mental health disabilities face higher lev-
els of violence, with emotional violence being the
most frequently reported and neglect presenting the
highest statistical probability.
The article by Hendricks et al. (2013) is essential
for understanding the relationship between childhood
disability and violent discipline. The research ana-
lyzes children aged 2 to 9 years and their caregivers in
17 low-income countries
, aiming to establish con-
nections between cognitive, sensory, and motor dis-
abilities and disciplinary violence, as well as investi-
gating the increased risk of punitive treatment and its
variation according to socioeconomic context.
The results revealed significant variations in vio-
lence, depending on the type of disability, age, and
country. Children with conduct and attention prob-
lems were more likely to experience violent disci-
China, Colombia, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Philippines, Sweden, Thai-
land, and the United States
Albania, Belize, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cameroon, Central African
Republic, Djibouti, Georgia, Ghana, Iraq, Jamaica, Laos, North Macedonia,
Montenegro, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Suriname, and Yemen
pline. The study also explores how characteristics that
complicate the management of children may lead par-
ents to adopt stricter disciplinary methods. For exam-
ple, children with disabilities that affect verbal com-
munication, such as deafness, may be more suscepti-
ble to physical discipline due to communication diffi-
culties, which increase parents’ stress and frustration.
In (Pace et al., 2019), the authors analyze data
from 62 countries from the 4th and 5th rounds of the
MICS, aiming to investigate the relationship between
the practice of spanking a child and their behavior.
Various indicators were included, such as the child’s
age (3 to 4 years), their gender, the caregiver’s gen-
der, the belief that a child needs to be punished to be
raised correctly, the mother’s level of education, the
number of family members, the country of origin, and
whether they reside in an urban or rural area.
This study indicated that 43% of children were
spanked in the past few months or lived with another
child who was spanked during the same period. Fur-
thermore, 33% of caregivers reported believing in the
importance of corporal punishment for raising their
children. Additionally, it was observed that countries
with higher socio-emotional development tended to
practice corporal punishment less frequently on their
Finally, it is noted that although there is a consid-
erable number of studies addressing the relationship
between children with disabilities and disciplinary vi-
olence, there is little information available on how
these factors relate to other variables, such as gen-
der, age, and economic situations of the country of
origin. Furthermore, many studies use outdated data,
failing to incorporate the sixth round of the MICS
from 2019, or they primarily focus on high-income
countries, thus not using MICS data as a basis. When
they do utilize MICS data, they do not always asso-
ciate these factors with disability, limiting their anal-
ysis to some low- and middle-income countries, and
they do not always represent the full diversity of chil-
dren with disabilities or predominantly consider se-
vere violent discipline. It is also important to note
that some studies analyze only a restricted age range,
such as children aged 2 to 9 years, even though MICS
provides comprehensive data. Thus, this article seeks
to fill these gaps in the literature by offering a more
complete and updated analysis of the topic.
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
Table 1: Comparison of Related Works.
Authors Used MICS-Data? MICS Round Age Range Disability Analysis? Violence Analysis? Number of Countries
Lansford et al. (2010) - 7-10 9
Cappa and Khan (2011) 3 2-14 34
Hendricks et al. (2013) 5 2-4 17
Cuartas et al. (2018) 5 2-4 49
Pace et al. (2019) 5 3-4 62
Emerson and Llewellyn (2021) 6 2-14 17
Fang et al. (2022) 3 2-9 33
Bhatia et al. (2023) 6 2-17 24
This Work 6 5-17 54
4.1 Description of the Database
The data used in this study were extracted from the
UNICEF website, specifically from the MICS (Multi-
ple Indicator Cluster Surveys) program.
For this analysis, data from the sixth round of
MICS (MICS6), initiated in 2018, were employed.
The data were collected through various standard-
ized questionnaires, which countries can customize
according to their needs. The questionnaires cover the
following categories: household information (includ-
ing a form for water quality testing), data on women
aged 15 to 49 years, information on men aged 15 to
49 years, data on children under five years old, infor-
mation on children aged 5 to 17 years, a vaccination
registration form in health facilities, and a question-
naire for water quality testing.
The main focus of this study was the data from
the questionnaire for children aged 5 to 17 years, ex-
tracted from the fs.sav file, with analysis centered
on the Child Discipline Module and the Child Func-
tioning Module. Although the study included data
from 62 countries, only 54 had complete and avail-
able data, as in some cases the data were empty or
4.2 Methodology
For preprocessing, the datasets from the 6th round of
the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS), cov-
ering 54 countries and children aged 5 to 17 years,
were downloaded and converted from .sav to .csv us-
ing the mics
library in Python.
Next, records with null values, such as ‘don’t
know’ or ‘no response’, as well as inconsistent or du-
plicated samples, were excluded. Categorical data
were processed: non-hierarchical categories, such
as continents, were encoded using one-hot encod-
ing, while ordered data, such as caregiver age, were
grouped into 5-year intervals and encoded with label
In addition, new attributes were added, such as
population, area, birth rate, GDP per capita, female
and male life expectancy, and mortality rate, obtained
from the UNdata website
Attributes with many categories and few re-
sponses for each option, such as types of water supply,
were grouped for simplification and encoded. Nu-
meric variables were normalized to a range of 0 to
Attributes related to the education level of the
caregiver, the child’s caregiver, and the child were re-
organized, unifying the categories ‘Lower Secondary
Education’ and ‘Upper Secondary Education’ into a
single column called ‘Secondary Education’.
Attributes that, after preprocessing, presented
only a single response option were discarded.
Outliers were identified and removed using the
Isolation Forest method, which isolates anomalous
samples by calculating the number of splits required
in the isolation trees.
Finally, records of children aged 15 to 17 were re-
moved, as the violent discipline module of the MICS
only includes data for children aged 5 to 14, resulting
in empty columns for these age groups.
After these preprocessing steps, two main in-
stances were selected for analysis in this study:
‘FCD2’ and ‘FCF’. The instance ‘FCD2’ represents
the module in the MICS that deals with violent dis-
cipline, while the instance ‘FCF’ addresses disabil-
ity. The variables ‘FCD2G’, ‘FCD2I’, and ‘FCD2K’,
which correspond to the methods of violent discipline
discussed in Section 2.3, were analyzed. Only these
variables were examined, as they are considered by
the MICS to be the most severe forms of violence
UNdata is an online service from the UN that pro-
vides access to a vast collection of international statistical
databases, allowing users to search and download informa-
tion on topics such as health, education, economy, and en-
Using Machine Learning to Assess the Impact of Harsh Violent Discipline on Children and Adolescents in Low- and Middle-Income
Countries: A Comparative Analysis Focusing on Its Relationship with Disabilities
present. The data were normalized to ensure consis-
tency in the responses, and all were converted to En-
glish. If at least one of the two variables from the vio-
lent discipline module contained the response ‘YES’,
it was counted toward the variable indicating whether
the child experiences violent discipline.
Regarding the instance ‘FCF’, the modules re-
lated to different domains of difficulty were analyzed,
such as Seeing (‘FCF6’), Hearing (‘FCF8’), Mobil-
ity (‘FCF10’ to ‘FCF15’), Self-Care (‘FCF16’), Com-
munication/Comprehension (‘FCF17’ and ‘FCF18’),
Learning (‘FCF19’), Remembering (’‘FCF20’), At-
tention and Concentration (‘FCF21’), Coping with
Change (‘FCF22’),Controlling Behaviour(‘FCF23‘),
Relationships (‘FCF24’), and Emotions such as Anx-
iety and Depression (‘FCF25’ and ‘FCF26’). The
responses for the modules were: 1) no difficulty, 2)
some difficulty, 3) a lot of difficulty, and 4) total in-
ability, except in the domain of emotions, where the
options were: 1) daily, 2) weekly, 3) monthly, 4) a
few times a year, and 5) never. A child was consid-
ered to have a disability if they reported ’a lot of dif-
ficulty’ or ’total inability’ in any function. In the case
of emotions, only daily difficulties were considered a
With the data already normalized and translated,
the first column of both datasets, which serves as an
identifier, was used to merge the responses regarding
disability and violence. Thus, if a caregiver answered
‘yes’ to any of the violence modules and indicated ‘a
lot of difficulty’ or ‘inability’ for any of the disability
modules, this information was aggregated to estimate
how many children per country suffer from both dis-
ability and experiences with violent discipline.
Finally, the desired target variable for prediction
was selected, which in this case was disciplinary vio-
For the execution of the machine learning models,
the data were divided into training and testing sets,
with the test set representing 20% of the total. Sub-
sequently, undersampling was applied to the majority
class, randomly selecting data from this class for re-
moval until the numbers were equal to those of the
minority class. The data from the majority class that
were to be discarded were added to the test set.
To optimize the performance of machine learning
models, multiple algorithms (Random Forest, Deci-
sion Tree, Support Vector Machine, XGBoost, and
Neural Network) were tested with their respective hy-
perparameter optimizations. The search for the best
hyperparameter combinations was performed using
the random search approach (RandomizedSearchCV),
with stratified cross-validation to ensure the robust-
ness of the evaluation. The search space was adjusted
individually for each model with specific intervals of
relevant hyperparameters. The best hyperparameters
found for each model were compared based on per-
formance metrics, including recall
, precision
, F1-
, and accuracy.
All calculations were performed using Python li-
braries: Pandas (version 2.2.2), NumPy (version
2.1.1), Scikit-learn (version 1.5.1), Imbalanced-
learn (version 0.12.3), and Matplotlib (version
3.9.2). The tests were executed on a system with an
Apple M2 processor, 8 GB of RAM, and 8 CPU cores.
Figure 3 presents the results of the analyzed algo-
rithms, with SVM standing out for its superior per-
formance, achieving the highest values for precision,
recall, and F1-score. These results indicate effective-
ness in classifying both negative and positive cases.
However, despite the high precision, the model iden-
tified a significantly larger proportion of cases in the
‘did not experience disciplinary violence’ class com-
pared to the ‘experienced disciplinary violence’ class.
This discrepancy may be attributed to the imbalance
in the dataset.
Since the SVM, Random Forest and XGBoost
models exhibited the best results, with an F1-Score
of 80%, 76% and 72% for the ‘did not experience
disciplinary violence’ class and 78%, 75% and 70%
for the ‘experienced disciplinary violence’ class, we
conducted a SHAP analysis (in Figure 4) to better un-
derstand which attributes influenced the prediction of
disciplinary violence cases.
The SHAP assigns an importance value to each
feature based on its contribution to the prediction, us-
ing Shapley value theory to ensure a fair attribution.
In the SHAP plot, the most important variables are at
the top, while the less influential ones appear at the
bottom. Each point represents an observation, with
the color indicating the feature value: red for high val-
ues and blue for low values. The horizontal position
of each point reflects the magnitude of the feature’s
contribution, where positions further to the right indi-
cate a greater positive influence on the prediction that
the individual experienced disciplinary violence, and
to the left, a negative influence (i.e., a lower chance of
Recall =
: Measures the model’s ability to cor-
rectly identify positive instances.
Precision =
: Indicates the proportion of correct
positive predictions among all the positive predictions made
by the model.
F1-Score = 2 ×
: Combines precision
and recall into a single metric for balanced evaluation.
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 2: Number of children with disabilities experiencing violent discipline by country in the sixth round of MICS.
Figure 3: Analysis of metrics by algorithm.
experiencing disciplinary violence).
The analysis identified the 30 attributes that most
influence the prediction of disciplinary violence, pre-
sented in the image below:
Child Needs Punish: This attribute refers to
caregivers’ belief that physical punishment con-
tributes to a child’s development. In the context
of this attribute, it is observed in image 5 that this
belief (indicated by the attribute to the right) is a
significant factor driving disciplinary violence, as
the SHAP values are all positive and quite con-
centrated. In contrast, the absence of this belief
(indicated by the attribute to the left) shows an op-
posite pattern: the values are all concentrated in
the negative region, indicating that the belief that
the child deserves to be punished is strongly asso-
ciated with the presence of disciplinary violence.
FCD2A, FCD2B, and FCD2E:
The attributes ‘FCD2A’, ‘FCD2B’, and ‘FCD2E’
refer to non-violent forms of discipline, such as
preventing the child from doing something or tak-
ing away privileges (‘FCD2A’), explaining why
the child’s behavior was wrong (‘FCD2B’), and
offering alternatives to distract them (‘FCD2E’).
In the SHAP graph, the value 1.0 is assigned to
the use of these non-violent practices, while the
value 2.0 represents their opposite. It is observed
that these attributes are correlated with the use of
violent discipline, indicating that, even in con-
texts where non-violent discipline practices are
applied, they often coexist with harsher forms of
disciplinary violence. This phenomenon may be
associated with specific cultural and social fac-
tors. Similar results were found in the study by
Cuartas et al. (2019).
Fertility Rate, Infant Mortality Rate, and GDP
per capita: The analysis of the attributes Fertil-
ity Rate and Infant Mortality Rate in the SHAP
graph reveals that higher rates are associated with
greater severe disciplinary violence, indicating
that countries facing these challenges encounter
social and economic difficulties, such as limited
access to healthcare and education services, favor-
ing strict disciplinary practices.
Using Machine Learning to Assess the Impact of Harsh Violent Discipline on Children and Adolescents in Low- and Middle-Income
Countries: A Comparative Analysis Focusing on Its Relationship with Disabilities
Figure 4: SHAP Analysis in XGBoost.
Figure 5: Analysis of the attribute child needs punish.
On the other hand, countries with lower rates tend
to have better access to family planning, pub-
lic health, and contraceptive methods (Aarssen,
2005), which is associated with more accessible
education and professional development opportu-
nities, promoting more constructive disciplinary
The analysis of GDP per capita reinforces this
perspective: countries with higher income exhibit
lower fertility and infant mortality rates, reflecting
better living conditions and access to healthcare
and education services, as well as more effective
parenting practices and less severe discipline. In
contrast, countries with lower GDP per capita face
social challenges that result in stricter discipline.
Thus, fertility rate, infant mortality, and GDP per
capita not only reflect family dynamics but also
the social and economic conditions that impact
child disciplinary practices.
fs age: The analysis of the fs age attribute, which
represents the age of the child being analyzed, re-
veals a clear trend in the SHAP graphs and in the
violin plot (Figure 6). The violin plot, covering
ages from 5 to 14, shows that as age increases,
particularly from 10 years onward, the values tend
to become negative, signifying a reduced like-
lihood of experiencing severe violent discipline.
This relationship suggests that younger children,
represented by values more to the left on the
graph, are more vulnerable to harsh disciplinary
practices, which can be visualized by a greater
concentration of positive SHAP values indicating
violent discipline. In contrast, those over 10 years
old tend to be in contexts where disciplinary ap-
proaches may be more positive or constructive.
This pattern can be attributed to several factors.
Older children generally have a greater capacity
for communication and understanding, allowing
parents or guardians to adopt discipline strategies
that are more dialogue-oriented and educational,
rather than resorting to violence. Additionally, as
children grow, family dynamics and expectations
regarding behavior may change, resulting in a re-
duced need for severe disciplinary measures. The
violin plot effectively illustrates these shifts, high-
lighting the need for targeted interventions to pro-
tect younger children who are more susceptible to
harsh discipline.
Male Life Expectancy and Female Life Ex-
pectancy: The analysis of the data reveals that
male life expectancy and female life expectancy
are associated with complex patterns of discipline.
Higher life expectancies, located to the left in the
SHAP graph, suggest a lower probability of vi-
olent discipline, reflecting access to better social
and health resources. Conversely, lower life ex-
pectancies, positioned to the right in the graph,
indicate a possible association with an increase in
violent discipline, suggesting that social and eco-
nomic challenges contribute to harsher practices.
The study by Hendricks et al. (2013) confirms that
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 6: Analysis of the attributes age of the child.
severe violent discipline is negatively related to
the Human Development Index (HDI) and life ex-
pectancy; the lower these indices, the higher the
incidence of reports of violence. This underscores
life expectancy as an indicator not only of health
but also of the social conditions that impact family
Sex: The analysis of the sex attribute, which rep-
resents the child’s gender, reveals that boys have
a significantly higher probability of suffering vio-
lent discipline (1.0) compared to girls (2.0). This
result suggests that social norms and cultural ex-
pectations related to gender may influence disci-
plinary practices.
Additionally, similar findings were reported in the
article by Emerson and Llewellyn (2021) and also
in data from the MICS in the article by Lans-
ford et al. (2010), corroborating the observation
that boys are more subjected to severe disciplinary
methods. These disparities in disciplinary experi-
ences reflect not only gender socialization but can
also impact the emotional and psychological de-
velopment of children.
num 5 17, num under5, num hh members:
The analysis of data regarding the number of chil-
dren aged 5 to 17 years, children under 5 years,
and the number of household members reveals
significant patterns related to violent discipline.
Fewer numbers of children and household mem-
bers are associated with a reduction in the likeli-
hood of violent discipline.
The presence of a single child aged 5 to 17 years
and the absence of children aged 0 to 5 years cor-
relate negatively with violent discipline. House-
holds with 2 to 5 members also exhibit a similar
trend, suggesting that smaller families foster en-
vironments less prone to severe disciplinary prac-
Conversely, an increase in the number of chil-
dren and household members is associated with
a higher likelihood of violent discipline, indicat-
ing that larger families may face challenges that
lead to stricter disciplinary practices, which may
be related to the fertility rate attribute.
These results highlight the importance of family
structure and social context in disciplinary expe-
riences, suggesting that smaller family configura-
tions may be better positioned to prevent violent
hh fridge, hh computer, hh internet: This
attribute analyzes the presence of household
appliances, including refrigerator (hh fridge),
computer (hh computer), and internet access
(hh internet) in the home. The analysis of SHAP
values indicates that the presence of these appli-
ances is associated with values close to neutral,
suggesting that they have a minimal impact on the
model’s predictions.
However, considering the minimal impacts, it is
observed that the absence of these appliances
seems to contribute more to the occurrence of vi-
olent discipline than their presence. This sug-
gests that homes without access to these ameni-
ties may be associated with more challenging so-
cial and economic conditions, as discussed in item
5, which in turn may lead to stricter disciplinary
practices, as previously discussed in earlier sec-
fs education level, mother education level,
and father education level: This attribute
evaluates the highest educational level achieved
by the child, as well as the educational levels
of the caregiver and the guardian. The analysis
of SHAP values indicates an inverse correlation
between education level and the probability of
experiencing violent discipline. Children with
higher education levels, as well as those whose
parents have higher education levels, tend to have
a significantly lower probability of experiencing
violent discipline compared to those with lower
education levels.
This behavior suggests that factors associated
with schooling, such as greater knowledge and
communication skills, may contribute to a re-
duced risk of exposure to violent disciplinary
practices. Additionally, higher education levels
may be related to a family environment that val-
ues more positive and constructive disciplinary
methods, resulting in less reliance on severe dis-
ciplinary practices.
MA2 group encoded, MA1, and natu-
ral mother lives hh: The attributes ‘MA1’,
Using Machine Learning to Assess the Impact of Harsh Violent Discipline on Children and Adolescents in Low- and Middle-Income
Countries: A Comparative Analysis Focusing on Its Relationship with Disabilities
which refers to the marital status of the inter-
viewed woman, and ‘MA2’, which indicates
the current age of the husband, demonstrate a
significant relationship with the occurrence of
violent discipline.
The analysis of SHAP values reveals that married
women are less likely to adopt violent disciplinary
practices compared to those in long-distance rela-
tionships or living with a partner.
Regarding the husband’s age (‘MA2’), it is ob-
served that the younger the husband, the greater
the likelihood of violent discipline occurring.
This correlation may suggest that younger hus-
bands tend to have less experience with parenting
and family dynamics, which can result in a greater
use of violent disciplinary practices.
Furthermore, the attribute ‘natu-
ral mother lives hh’, which indicates the
presence of the biological mother in the house-
hold, is associated with a lower probability of
experiencing violent discipline. The presence of
the biological mother may be related to a more
stable family environment, which can contribute
to the reduction of violent disciplinary practices.
number of disabled domains: This attribute
is the main focus of this study, gathering
information on the following domains: see-
ing, hearing, mobility, self-care, communica-
tion/comprehension, learning, remembering, at-
tention and concentrating, relationships, coping
with change, affect (anxiety and depression) and
controlling behaviour. The objective is to estimate
whether an increase in these disabilities is related
to an increased likelihood of experiencing violent
The analysis of the SHAP graphs indicates that
the absence of difficulty domains has a negative
impact on the occurrence of violence, while an
increase in the number of domains is associated
with a slight rise in the probability of experiencing
violent discipline. Supported by this observation,
the violin plot (Figure 7) shows that for individu-
als with no domains of difficulty, 50% of the data
(from the first quartile to the third quartile) are
concentrated in negative values, reinforcing this
lower probability. As the number of deficiency
domains increases, especially in the range of 1 to
3 domains, the quartiles are closer to the positive
median, suggesting a growing association with se-
vere violent disciplinary practices. This change
in distribution reflects a correlation between the
number of difficulties domains and the increased
likelihood of exposure to severe disciplinary mea-
sures, with the median shifting to higher levels as
Figure 7: Analysis of the number of difficulty domains.
Figure 8: Analysis of disabilities and difficulty domains.
the number of domains increases. This data indi-
cates that the presence of multiple domains may
be associated with a higher risk of experiencing
violent disciplinary practices.
fsdisablity and behaviour control disab: The
analyzed attributes refer to the presence of at
least one type of disability in the child (‘fsdis-
ability’), encompassing seeing, hearing, mobility,
self-care, communication/comprehension, learn-
ing, remembering, attention and concentrating,
relationships, coping with change, affect (anxi-
ety and depression) and controlling behaviour do-
mains. A specific attribute is dedicated to disabil-
ities related to the domain controlling behaviour
(‘behaviour control disab’).
The analysis of the SHAP graphs indicates that
the absence of disabilities is associated with a de-
creased likelihood of experiencing violent disci-
pline. In contrast, the presence of at least one dis-
ability correlates with a significant increase in the
probability of suffering from violent disciplinary
As shown in Figure 8, when there is no disability,
the SHAP values are predominantly negative, sug-
gesting a lower likelihood of experiencing violent
discipline. However, the introduction of difficulty
domains particularly those related to controlling
behaviour, results in a notable shift toward pos-
itive SHAP values. This trend highlights that the
presence of any functioning domain is linked to an
elevated risk of experiencing severe disciplinary
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
methods. This data underscores the need for ap-
propriate interventions and specialized support for
children with disabilities.
This research aimed to investigate the importance of
attributes related to various difficulties domains, in-
cluding seeing, hearing, mobility, self-care, commu-
nication/comprehension, learning, remembering, at-
tention and concentrating, relationships, coping with
change, affect ( anxiety and depression ) and espe-
cially controlling behaviour. The graphical analy-
sis of proportions reveals a significant correlation be-
tween the incidence of violent discipline in children
and the presence of disabilities.
The data indicate that, proportionally, a larger
number of children facing violent discipline have
some form of disability compared to those who do
not. This observation suggests that children with dis-
abilities, particularly those related to behavior con-
trol, face additional challenges that make them more
vulnerable to harsher disciplinary methods.
Controlling behaviour difficulties in children may
manifest in actions such as lying, fighting, bullying,
running away from home, or skipping school, lim-
iting their ability to interact appropriately with oth-
ers. These challenging behaviors can lead caregivers
to believe in the necessity of punishment, exacerbat-
ing severe discipline. This dynamic may result in
a vicious cycle, where the lack of adequate support
worsens the situation, leading to disciplinary practices
that are not only inappropriate but also harmful to the
emotional and social development of children (Sin-
horinho and de Moura, 2021).
Furthermore, the presence of disabilities may be
associated with difficulties in socialization and in-
creased levels of anxiety and depression, affecting in-
teractions with peers and adults. In this context, se-
vere discipline not only fails to address challenging
behaviors constructively but may also intensify the
vulnerability of these children, necessitating interven-
tions that promote social and emotional support.
The results also demonstrated that the presence of
multiple difficulties domains further exacerbates this
correlation. Although this research focused on dis-
abilities, socioeconomic factors, such as the level of
development of the country, also play a significant
role. Less developed countries or those with weaker
economies, characterized by lower life expectancy,
higher infant mortality rates, lower GDP per capita,
and higher fertility rates, show a greater tendency to-
wards the application of severe violent discipline.
Additionally, the belief that violence is necessary
to educate and raise a child was strongly correlated
with the application of severe disciplinary methods.
This cultural perception can perpetuate cycles of vi-
olence, making it essential to promote educational
practices that challenge these beliefs.
To enrich this analysis, we employed various ma-
chine learning algorithms. These methods allowed for
the visualization of the relative importance of each at-
tribute in the context of violent discipline. These tech-
niques highlighted the complexity of interactions be-
tween the variables and facilitated the identification of
patterns that might have gone unnoticed in traditional
These results demonstrate the urgency of edu-
cational practices that promote inclusion and raise
awareness about the specific needs of children with
disabilities. The adoption of more empathetic disci-
plinary methods and the implementation of interven-
tions focused on social skills may be essential to re-
ducing the incidence of violent discipline and ensur-
ing a safer and more supportive environment for chil-
The authors would like to thank the National Coun-
cil for Scientific and Technological Development of
Brazil (CNPq Code: 311573/2022-3), the Co-
ordination for the Improvement of Higher Educa-
tion Personnel - Brazil (CAPES - Grant PROAP
88887.842889/2023-00 - PUC/MG, Grant PDPG
88887.708960/2022-00 - PUC/MG - Informatics and
Finance Code 001), the Foundation for Research
Support of Minas Gerais State (FAPEMIG Codes:
APQ-03076-18 and APQ-05058-23). The work was
developed at the Pontifical Catholic University of Mi-
nas Gerais, PUC Minas, in the Applied Computa-
tional Intelligence Laboratory – LICAP.
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