analysis points to the choice of the strategy of choos-
ing the polarization axes yielding higher SNR in the
in-phase component as being promising as it also en-
tails lowest computational cost among the algorithms
Comparing the performance of four combining al-
gorithms for polarization-independent measurements
in the 𝜑-OTDR system, the performance of the selec-
tive higher in-phase SNR algorithm is optimal. Note
that the selection of the phase contribution is made
solely based on which axis has a high SNR in its in-
phase component in a single measurement round of
416 traces spanning an interval of 50 ms. The phase
change calculated from the I/Q components in that
cycle was used to retrieve the vibration response This
algorithm also has the lowest computational cost
among the four algorithms. Thus, it is recommended
in 𝜑-OTDR systems with high dynamic performance.
Figure 10: The responses of the four algorithms at the vi-
bration of 2 kHz with respect to those of x and y polariza-
In summary, we have proposed and experimentally
demonstrated polarization fading mitigation in DAS
based on homodyne detection in an unbalanced inter-
ferometer using delayed self-mixing of the Rayleigh
backscattering traces. The technique has been used to
measure small vibrations at the end of a 10-km fiber
with vibration frequencies of 2 kHz. We have com-
pared the use of four strategies to combine the demod-
ulated phase obtained from the I/Q components of the
fast and slow polarization axes. Experimental results
show that, while phase combining strategies involv-
ing equal summation of the phase response and their
weighing using interference visibility help to mitigate
polarization fading, the selection of the phase com-
puted from the polarization component with higher
SNR in the in-phase component yields better results
as well as being the one requiring fewer computa-
tions. This approach is also more suitable for real-
time measurements compared to those based on
weighing the phase contributions or relative SNR of
the in-phase component and the relative visibility of
the amplitude of backscattering traces in both axes.
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