Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning-Based Multi-Object Tracking
Approaches Applied to Sports User-Generated Videos
Elton Alencar
1 a
, Larissa Pessoa
1 b
, Fernanda Costa
2 c
, Guilherme Souza
2 d
Rosiane de Freitas
2 e
Programa de P
ao em Inform
atica (PPGI), UFAM, Manaus-Amazonas, Brazil
Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM), Manaus-Amazonas, Brazil
DeepSORT, Deep Learning, Mobile Devices, StrongSORT, TrackFormer, YOLO-World, YouTube, Zero-Shot
The growth of video-sharing platforms has led to a significant increase in audiovisual content production, es-
pecially from mobile devices like smartphones. Sports user-generated videos (UGVs) pose unique challenges
for automated analysis due to variations in image quality, diverse camera angles, and fast-moving objects.
This paper presents a comparative qualitative analysis of multiple object tracking (MOT) techniques applied
to sports UGVs. We evaluated three approaches: DeepSORT, StrongSORT, and TrackFormer, representing
detection and attention-based tracking paradigms. Additionally, we propose integrating StrongSORT with
YOLO-World, an open-vocabulary detector, to improve tracking by reducing irrelevant object detection and
focusing on key elements such as players and balls. To assess the techniques, we developed UVY, a cus-
tom sports UGV database, having YouTube as its data source. A qualitative analysis of the results from
applying the different tracking methods to UVY-Track videos revealed that tracking-by-detection techniques,
DeepSORT and StrongSORT, performed better at tracking relevant sports objects than TrackFormer, which
focus on pedestrians. The new StrongSORT version with YOLO-World showed promise by detecting fewer
irrelevant objects. These findings suggest that integrating open-vocabulary detectors into MOT models can
significantly improve sports UGV analysis. This work contributes to developing more effective and scalable
solutions for object tracking in sports videos.
Video content, a multi-modal structure, has gained
significant importance as an efficient means of shar-
ing information, often surpassing traditional media
composed of text and images. The rapid expansion of
video-sharing platforms (e.g., social media) in recent
years has contributed to an exponential increase in
video production, with millions of videos being gen-
erated daily (Tang et al., 2023). In addition, most of
these platforms have mobile devices, such as smart-
phones, as their main source of data generation and
consumption. This is primarily because smartphones
have built-in cameras that enable quick video capture
(Wang et al., 2023).
Most of these videos, recorded using handheld
cameras on mobile devices, are User-Generated
Videos (UGVs) (Guggenberger, 2023). When multi-
ple UGVs capture the same event, a multi-perspective
view is created, such as in a football stadium. How-
ever, manually processing such large volumes of
videos remains a time-consuming and labor-intensive
task, creating a growing demand for automated tools
for analysis and management. To meet this demand,
deep learning-based video understanding methods
and analysis technologies have emerged, leveraging
intelligent analysis techniques to automatically recog-
nize, extract and interpret video features, significantly
reducing manual workload (Tang et al., 2023).
In this context, Multi-Object Tracking (MOT)
is one of the key tasks in video understanding, as
it allows for the continuous monitoring of entities
within a video frame (Wang et al., 2024). Currently,
deep learning techniques are widely applied in object
Alencar, E., Pessoa, L., Costa, F., Souza, G. and de Freitas, R.
Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning-Based Multi-Object Tracking Approaches Applied to Sports User-Generated Videos.
DOI: 10.5220/0013185700003912
In Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2025) - Volume 2: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-728-3; ISSN: 2184-4321
Copyright © 2025 by Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
detection and tracking systems (Russell and Norvig,
2020). This capability contributes to the automa-
tion of video content understanding and a variation of
tracking features-based analysis (Amosa et al., 2023),
which facilitates the application in different knowl-
edge areas, such as sports video analysis (Rangasamy
et al., 2020), action recognition (Alencar et al., 2022),
video summarization, video synchronization (White-
head et al., 2005). These applications demonstrate the
versatility and growing importance of MOT in diverse
fields of knowledge (Amosa et al., 2023).
There are various MOT approaches, which can
be categorized into four paradigms: tracking-
by-detection, tracking-by-regression, tracking-by-
segmentation, and tracking-by-attention (Meinhardt
et al., 2022). Among these paradigms, Tracking-
by-Detection (TBD) has become the most explored
paradigm due to the advances in deep learning-based
object detection approaches (Amosa et al., 2023), (Du
et al., 2023). Similar to what is illustrated in Fig-
ure 1, the process in this paradigm begins by de-
tecting the objects of interest. A unique identifier is
then assigned to each detected object, and its loca-
tion is propagated across subsequent frames using a
model that maintains object associations throughout
the video (Ishikawa et al., 2021).
One of the most well-established tracking-by-
detection models in the literature is StrongSORT
(Du et al., 2023), an improved version of Deep-
SORT (Wojke et al., 2017), which was built on top of
SORT (Simple Online and Realtime Tracking) (Bew-
ley et al., 2016), a classic MOT method that predicts
an object’s current position based on its previous lo-
cation. The motion prediction in these processes is
achieved by matching detection bounding-boxes with
predicted positions, relying on the NSA Kalman Filter
and Hungarian matching for optimization (Du et al.,
Additionally, as shown in Table 1, YOLO (and its
more than 8 versions) has been used for detecting ob-
jects to be tracked (Hussain, 2024). Most of these
versions, including the latest one, have publicly avail-
able pre-trained weights that were trained using the
MS COCO dataset, which contains a limited number
of object categories (Lin et al., 2014). This limitation
restricts their ability to detect objects in sports videos,
where elements often fall outside the predefined cate-
The introduction of solutions such as YOLO-
World (2024), which features open-vocabulary detec-
tion capabilities, mitigates this limitation by improv-
ing the YOLOv8 architecture by integrating a text-
encoder based vision-language models (Cheng et al.,
2024). This enables the detection of objects not pre-
viously categorized. In summary, as illustrated in the
Figure 1 (II), it comprises three main components: (1)
YOLOv8, used as the detector model to extract multi-
scale features from input images; (2) a CLIP-based
text encoder that converts text into embeddings; and
(3) a custom network that performs multi-level cross-
modality fusion between image features and text em-
Most recent tracking algorithms primarily focus
on pedestrian or vehicle tracking (Ishikawa et al.,
2021)(Huang et al., 2024). These algorithms have
shown significant progress in public benchmarks like
MOT16, MOTS20, and MOT20 (Dendorfer et al.,
2020). However, they face significant challenges in
sports scenarios (Huang et al., 2024). Sports videos
are characterized by fast movements, frequent occlu-
sions, and constant changes in perspective, which re-
quires specific solutions for automatic analysis, such
as tactical analysis and performance evaluation of ath-
letes. The inability of MOT algorithms to adapt to
these challenges highlights the need for more robust
approaches (Zhao et al., 2023).
In addition to these challenges, the use of models
like YOLO requires effort for fine-tuning or retrain-
ing when adapting to specific sports objects, such as
players or balls. While fine-tuned models can achieve
high performance for a defined set of classes, this
process demands considerable resources, particularly
when dealing with UGVs that feature diverse and un-
predictable conditions. Open-vocabulary object de-
tectors, such as YOLO-World, offer an alternative by
reducing the need for re-training, as they are designed
to generalize across a broader set of object categories
(Cheng et al., 2024).
Given these limitations, this paper presents
a qualitative and comparative analysis of multi-
object tracking techniques. Specifically, we evalu-
ate tracking-by-detection methods (i.e., DeepSORT,
StrongSORT) and tracking-by-attention methods (i.e.,
TrackFormer) on user-generated videos recorded in
sports events. The qualitative analysis between these
approaches will allow us not only to identify the ef-
fectiveness of each technique in relation to the limi-
tations described, but also to propose advances in the
field of object tracking in challenging sports scenar-
Figure 1 illustrates the complete workflow of the
main processes for the proposed analysis. The in-
put frames extracted from UGV videos are processed
through the YOLO-World object detection module.
VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Multi-Object Tracking Overview
(II) Object Detection Module
Text Encoder
Object Features
(I) Dataset and Input
(III) StrongSORT-Based Tracking
NSA Kalman Filter
(Predict Next Position)
motion state
(Data Association)
Figure 1: Overview of the proposed multi-object tracking framework for UGVs recorded in sport events.
The detected bounding-boxes and embeddings are
passed into the StrongSORT-based tracking, where
appearance features (extracted via OSNet) and motion
states (predicted by the NSA Kalman Filter) are used
to perform robust data association using the Hun-
garian Algorithm. This integration aims to enable a
more robust and adaptable approach to object track-
ing in sports scenarios, particularly when dealing with
2.1 Related Works
The Table 1 presents a chronological organization of
key works on multi-object tracking. These works
demonstrate the evolution of deep learning-based
MOT algorithms, which initially focused on con-
trolled environments, such as pedestrian tracking with
static cameras (Ishikawa et al., 2021). Over time,
these methods have been extended to more com-
plex scenarios, such as observing animals application
(Dolokov et al., 2023), sport scenarios (Huang et al.,
2024), including multi-view camera setups (Cherd-
chusakulchai et al., 2024). All the studies listed in the
table below emphasize that tracking is a fundamen-
tal task in the field of computer vision (Huang et al.,
Most of the works listed follow the tracking-
by-detection approach. Initially, the listed deep-
learning-based algorithms were applied and evalu-
ated in controlled environments, where static cam-
eras recorded videos for tasks like pedestrian tracking
(e.g., MOT17, MOT20, MOTS20 dataset) (Ishikawa
et al., 2021). This is evident in works such as “Track-
Former”, “MOTRv2”, and “StrongSORT”. The
former introduced innovations with a tracking-by-
attention approach, which uses a Transformer-based
model with attention mechanisms and adaptive fil-
tering to improve object association between video
As tracking demands increased, particularly for
dynamic environments like sports and user-generated
videos, new challenges emerged. According to
(Huang et al., 2023), the process of object tracking
in sports scenarios presents two main challenges: (1)
the nonlinear movement of players and (2) the similar
appearance of athletes on the field. Thus, tracking ob-
jects in more unpredictable environments can present
unique challenges. In the work proposed by (Huang
et al., 2024), these challenges are approached by re-
placing the Kalman filter with an iterative Expansio-
nIoU technique and deep features. Despite these ad-
vances, methods like this can still face significant lim-
itations when applied to UGVs, where variable cap-
ture conditions, such as lighting and camera angles,
add further challenges to tracking.
Furthermore, it was observed that, of all the stud-
ies listed in Table 1, only one emphasizes the impor-
tance and challenges posed by UGVs. In professional
sports broadcasts, high-quality cameras are used to
record videos in high resolution and with a high frame
rate, combined with image processing for referee as-
sistance or data collection. However, this requires
more resources. Therefore, developing a solution
with low resource requirements for data collection
could be significant, given the abundance of videos
in this context (Huang et al., 2019). For these rea-
sons, during the development of this work, the quali-
tative analysis was prioritized for the performance of
MOT models based on detection and attention applied
to user-generated sports videos.
This section outlines the steps used to conduct the
comparative study between tracking-by-detection and
tracking-by-attention techniques. It includes the char-
acteristics and assumptions considered for the cre-
ation of the dataset, the methods implemented, and,
finally, the stages followed for the comparative anal-
ysis. The research is characterized as an experimen-
tal and descriptive study with a comparative design.
The main objective is to compare the performance of
publicly, pre-trained, state-of-the-art MOT algorithms
when applied to the task of object tracking in user-
generated sports videos.
Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning-Based Multi-Object Tracking Approaches Applied to Sports User-Generated Videos
Table 1: List of works related to the multi-object tracking, highlighting their evaluation datasets and approaches.
Multi-Object Tracking Works (None UGV-based)
Title & Reference Evaluation Dataset Approaches
Analysis of Recent Re-Id Architectures for
Tracking-by-Detection Paradigm in MOT
(Ishikawa et al., 2021)
MOT20 (pedestrians). TBD approach. Comparative analysis of the quantitative
results for DeepSORT when replacing the Re-ID process.
TrackFormer: Multi-Object Tracking with Trans-
formers (Meinhardt et al., 2022)
MOT17 and MOTS20
Tracking-by-attention: Transformer-based. Feature ex-
traction: ResNet-50 (CNN).
StrongSORT: Make DeepSORT Great Again (Du
et al., 2023)
MOT17 and MOT20. TBD paradigm. Detector: YOLOX-X. ReID Feature ex-
traction: BoT + EMA. Prediction: NSA Kalman Filter.
Upper Bound Tracker: A Multi-Animal Tracking
Solution for Closed Laboratory Settings (Dolokov
et al., 2023)
MultiTracker Mice Custom
TBD paradigm, using OC-SORT as baseline. Detector:
Online Multi-camera People Tracking with
Spatial-temporal Mechanism and Anchor-feature
Hierarchical Clustering (Cherdchusakulchai
et al., 2024)
2024 AI City Challenge
Track 1 (synthetic scenes).
MOT: YOLOv8 + OSNet (Re-ID) + ByteTrack. MTMC:
Merges tracklets.
GMT: A Robust Global Association Model for
Multi-Target Multi-Camera Tracking (Fan et al.,
VisionTrack (recorded by
Tracking-by-attention: Global MTMC. Detector: Center-
Net. Feature extraction: Re-ID (Mask R-CNN). Associa-
tion: Hungarian algorithm.
Iterative Scale-Up ExpansionIoU and Deep Fea-
tures Association for Multi-Object Tracking in
Sports (Huang et al., 2024)
SportsMOT and SoccerNet-
Tracking (players).
Tracking-by-detection (sports scenarios). Detector:
YOLOX + OSNet (Re-ID).Track prediction: Expansion
3.1 UVY Dataset
No existing dataset met the requirements of the study,
specifically user-generated sports match recordings
captured by mobile devices. Most public bench-
marks, such as MOT16, MOTS20, and MOT20, focus
on pedestrian or vehicle tracking. Therefore, a cus-
tom dataset—the UVY-Track—was created to eval-
uate MOT models on user-generated videos. The
UVY dataset (User-generated Videos from YouTube)
was developed following a structured pipeline that
mirrors the steps used in the creation of the MUVY
dataset (Pessoa et al., 2024), ensuring a format in-
spired by benchmarks like MOT16 and MOT20 (Den-
dorfer et al., 2020).
Fifteen user-generated sports videos—four bas-
ketball, six volleyball, and five soccer—were selected
from YouTube, prioritizing varying quality, mobile
device recordings, and durations under four minutes,
made publicly available via Creative Commons li-
censes. A Python script automated the download and
metadata extraction processes, retrieving information
such as video ID, title, URL, and duration using pub-
lic libraries like OpenCV. Frames were extracted us-
ing FFmpeg and organized into folders named by
source video and frame position.
To streamline annotation, the process transitioned
from manual labeling using Google’s Vertex AI to a
hybrid approach combining automatic detection with
YOLO-World and manual validation. The detection
model was used specifically to assist in obtaining
bounding boxes of objects it can detect, leveraging its
zero-shot learning capability to identify objects across
diverse and unstructured contexts available in UGVs.
At this stage, the dataset includes only the bound-
ing box regions of detected objects, without assign-
ing a unique identifier for each object throughout
the video. A manual validation process comple-
mented the automatic detection to ensure the qual-
ity of the annotations, including correcting or refin-
ing the detected bounding boxes and annotating ob-
jects missed by YOLO-World. Each video is stored
in a uniquely named folder containing original and
YOLO-processed frames, detected object metadata,
and .mp4 files. The dataset is publicly available on
3.2 Algorithm Implementation
This phase focused on researching and selecting state-
of-the-art deep learning-based MOT techniques for
implementation and reproduction. Based on the
analysis in Section 2.1, priority was given to mod-
els capable of tracking multiple objects simultane-
ously. Pre-trained models were chosen, as the goal
was to validate its capability of tracking sports ob-
jects in UGVs, rather than training new MOT mod-
els. Adaptations were made to ensure that the se-
lected models could handle sports-specific scenarios,
tracking only relevant objects, such as players and
sports balls, while maintaining object identity across
frames. The chosen algorithms—DeepSORT, Strong-
SORT, and TrackFormer—were prioritized for their
ease of implementation and strong community sup-
The detection models (YOLOv5 and YOLOv7)
VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
were applied to each frame of the videos to generate
bounding boxes around detected objects. The track-
ing models (DeepSORT, StrongSORT, and Track-
Former) were then used to assign unique identifiers
and maintain object trajectories across frames. Both
detection and tracking models were iteratively tested
with different thresholds and parameters, such as con-
fidence scores and association metrics, adjusted to
improve tracking accuracy. DeepSORT leverages
Kalman filtering and the Hungarian algorithm for
robust tracking in complex scenarios (Wojke et al.,
2017). StrongSORT enhances DeepSORT by im-
proving occlusion handling and track consistency (Du
et al., 2023). Finally, TrackFormer, an attention-
based method, explores alternative paradigms for ob-
ject tracking (Meinhardt et al., 2022).
The implementation followed instructions from
each tool’s GitHub repository. To avoid issues with
versioning dependencies of the Python libraries used
by each algorithm, the entire execution process was
carried out in the online environment Google Colab-
oratory through the creation of notebooks for each
tested algorithm/tool
. This also ensured the cor-
rect use of the PyTorch library and its dependencies,
which required GPUs.
3.3 Tracking-by-Detection:
Initially, to understand the implementation process of
object tracking techniques, the steps for DeepSORT
were followed using the Kaggle-Code-Repository
publication (Pareek, 2022). After setting up access
to the video inputs, the detector model was config-
ured to obtain the tuple containing (bounding box lo-
cation[left, top, w, h], confidence, detectedClass), ex-
tracted from each object present in each frame. The
tuple was input into the DeepSORT model, which per-
formed estimation, association, and Tracker ID lifecy-
cle tasks. The same process was applied to implement
StrongSORT, a MOT algorithm that integrates three
techniques for improved performance.
StrongSORT uses YOLOv7 (Wang et al., 2022)
for accurate and fast object detection. Its robust data
association combines appearance and motion infor-
mation to maintain detections across frames, even
under occlusions and appearance variations. Addi-
tionally, a deep neural network enables object re-
identification when they disappear and reappear in
the scene (Du et al., 2023). The implementation fol-
lowed the instructions from the GitHub repository
(Du et al., 2023), and a Colab notebook was created.
The process was validated by successfully processing
the sports videos from the dataset using both Deep-
SORT and StrongSORT. These results can be seen in
Videos 01 and Video 03 available at the link below
3.4 Tracking-by-Attention:
TrackFormer is a MOT algorithm that uses the con-
cept of Transformer models. Its main contribution
lies in the application of self-attention to learn long-
range representations and make precise data associ-
ations between consecutive frames. This approach
makes it possible to capture contextual dependencies
between different objects in the scene, resulting in
tracking that is more robust to occlusions, changes in
appearance and the entry of new objects (Meinhardt
et al., 2022). The implementation followed the in-
structions provided in the authors’ GitHub repository
(Meinhardt et al., 2022). A Google Colab notebook
was created for execution, and the implementation
was validated by processing the sports videos from
the created dataset, including Video 02, which can be
accessed at the link below
From the process of selecting and implementing mul-
tiple object tracking techniques, three models were
implemented (DeepSORT-2017, TrackFormer-2022,
and StrongSORT-2023) and applied to videos from
the dataset described in the previous section (Figure
2). Initially, the analysis of these preliminary results
was entirely qualitative, but in the future we intend to
evaluate the results by a quantitative analysis of the
models when applied to the UVY dataset using usual
MOT performance metrics (e.g. MOTA, HOTA, etc).
During the processing of the videos selected from
the new database, and from a comparative and qual-
itative analysis of the results observed in the out-
put videos returned from each approach, it was pos-
sible to observe that factors such as the quality of the
video, the speed of the objects, and the complexity of
the scene can influence the performance of the algo-
rithms, which was already expected, since the user-
generated videos have varied recording conditions.
Furthermore, Figure 2 illustrates that DeepSORT
and StrongSORT successfully detected the ball. This
was due to the fact that YOLOv5 and YOLOv7 were
pre-trained models specialized to detect objects such
as “sports ball”.In contrast, TrackFormer focused on
detecting pedestrians or people, as its CNN-based ar-
chitecture was designed for extracting human-based
Output videos folder.
Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning-Based Multi-Object Tracking Approaches Applied to Sports User-Generated Videos
(a) DeepSORT Output Video(a) DeepSORT Output Video
(b) Trackformer Output Video(b) Trackformer Output Video
(c) StrongSORT Output Video(c) StrongSORT Output Video
Figure 2: Comparison of MOT techniques: (a) DeepSORT with ID-switch issues; (b) TrackFormer missing “sports ball”; (c)
StrongSORT detecting “sports ball” after improving data association.
features. (Meinhardt et al., 2022). This observa-
tion highlighted the possibility of adapting tracking-
by-detection methods (e.g., DeepSORT and Strong-
SORT) by replacing the detector by a model capable
of detecting objects of interest according to the pro-
posed context.
Now, comparing the results between DeepSORT
(YOLOv5) and StrongSORT (YOLOv7), it was con-
firmed that the former suffers from the id-switch prob-
lem during the data association process, i.e., for the
same detected object, such as the ball, DeepSORT as-
signs more than one id (tracklet-ID). However, this
had already been mentioned by the authors of Strong-
SORT (an improved version of DeepSORT) (Du et al.,
4.1 NEW: StrongSORT with
YOLO-World (2024)
The implemented StrongSORT (YOLOv7) presented
promising results that indicated its effectiveness in
tracking objects in UGV sports videos. However,
thinking in the context of a sports analysis applica-
tion, where you only want to observe the trajectory
of the player and actor in action on the field (Zhao
et al., 2023), it was observed the necessity of a model
that only tracks objects that are common between the
different videos, which means that for sports videos,
the ideal is to carry out the analysis process only for
objects that are on the field (i.e., “person playing”,
“sports ball”, “referee”, “goalkeeper” )
For this reason, a new version of StrongSORT
was implemented, replacing the detector model. Pre-
viously, YOLO-v7 was used. The updated version
now tracks objects detected by YOLO-World. Fig-
ure 3 presents a side-by-side results: the top image
shows a video processed with the existing Strong-
SORT+YOLOv7, while the bottom shows the same
video processed by the new StrongSORT+YOLO-
World, developed in this research. Without requir-
ing model training, this version effectively reduces
the number of tracked objects, focusing mainly on the
active objects in the field.
Despite this satisfactory result for the context of
this work, it’s important to mention that this new ver-
sion will still have cases in which it detects an ob-
ject that is outside the field of action, such as the case
highlighted (yellow) in the bottom image of Figure 3.
However, when compared in terms of numbers for this
specific case, the number of objects detected by the
new model is around four times less than the number
detected by the original model. This can be confirmed
in video 14, available at the link below
Therefore, based on the qualitative analysis
presented above, it was concluded that the new
adapted deep learning-based multi-object tracker,
StrongSORT+YOLO-World, can be used to track rel-
evant objects detected in sports videos recorded by
users in order to obtain enough visual features, ex-
tracted automatically, for a sports analysis, based on
the user’s perspective.
Additionally, in order to confirm how this new
version of StrongSORT (with YOLO-World), intro-
duced in this work, can be considered as an open-
vocabulary multi-object tracker, since it enables
the detection and tracking of objects not previously
categorized, experiments were reproduced for ran-
dom video UGVs outside the sports context, in order
to confirm whether this new tracker can successfully
track new object classes. An example of a successful
result for this can be seen in the Video 13 (available
at the link below
, where the model was asked to
track objects classified as [“snake”, “feet”, “basket”,
“flute”]. For the majority of the time, it was able to
detect the new object class and assign a unique id to
track it over time. Multiple unique object IDs were
assigned for consistent tracking throughout the video,
confirming its ability to detect and track object classes
outside predefined categories.
Output videos folder.
VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
(a) StrongSORT+YOLOv7
(a) StrongSORT+YOLO-World
Figure 3: Side-by-side comparison of StrongSORT with YOLOv7 (a) and StrongSORT with YOLO-World (b). The YOLO-
World integration enables custom class detection (e.g. ’person playing’, ’audience’) without retraining in sports scenarios.
This work presented a comparative analysis of track-
ing approaches (DeepSORT, StrongSORT, and Track-
Former), revealing that tracking-by-detection models
performed better in user-generated sports videos than
the tracking-by-attention model, TrackFormer. For
the context presented, where pre-trained state-of-the-
art models were evaluated without retraining, Track-
Former showed inferior performance, particularly in
detecting the ball. However, retraining such models
for specific scenarios could potentially improve their
Additionally, the introduction of a novel approach,
StrongSORT integrated with YOLO-World (an open-
vocabulary detector), improved the tracking capabil-
ities by focusing on relevant objects and reducing
noise from irrelevant objects. This demonstrates the
utility of open-vocabulary models in reducing effort
for training detection model. However, specialized
models trained to detect specific classes in sports
UGVs could achieve similar or even superior results.
The dataset introduced, UVY-Track, is in its initial
version and has limitations regarding the number of
videos and manual effort required for labeling. Future
work aims to address these limitations by automating
parts of the dataset population process, including the
use of Large Language Models (LLMs) to assist in the
classification of user-generated sports videos.
In conclusion, the study confirms that deep
learning-based MOT methods, particularly those with
detection models adapted to the sports scenario, can
improve tracking performance in UGVs. These find-
ings contribute to the development of robust tools for
automated sports analysis, including a UGV dataset,
paving the way for future work to quantitatively
evaluate these methods, explore further adaptations,
and expand the applicability of these approaches to
broader and more complex scenarios.
This work is part of the PD&I SWPERFI Project
(AI Techniques for Software Performance Analysis,
Testing, and Optimization), a partnership between
UFAM and MOTOROLA MOBILITY, with members
from the ALGOX research group (Algorithms, Opti-
mization, and Computational Complexity) of CNPq
(National Council for Scientific and Technological
Development - Brazil). It also receives support by
the Coordenac¸
ao de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de
ıvel Superior - Brasil (CAPES-PROEX) - Finance
Code 001, and is partially supported by Amazonas
State Research Support Foundation - FAPEAM -
through the POSGRAD project 2024/2025.
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VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications