underscores a robust interpretation of the model’s
workings, further validating the relevance of the iden-
tified features as reflections of underlying patterns
rather than artifacts of specific methods.
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pact—whether positive or negative—reinforces
the reliability of these features in influencing the
model’s outcomes. This convergence of results is
significant for practitioners, indicating that both inter-
pretability methods provide a similar understanding
of the model, enabling more precise insights for
The author acknowledges the contribution of Ms.
Irene Wanyana, Dr. Isunju JohnBosco and Dr. Kiberu
Vincent who supervised part of this research while the
author was completing a Master Program at Makerere
University and Vladimir Estivill-Castro as current ad-
visor during the author’s PhD program.
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ICPRAM 2025 - 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods