plan on performing larger scale case studies as future
work. Also, we compared our approach to ISMs man-
ually generated by a single expert who is one of the
authors. This may not provide conclusive evidence
regarding its efficiency. To address this, we plan to
compare ISMs generated by our approach with those
produced by automated tools and external experts.
In this paper, we propose a model-driven approach for
the generation of Input Space Model (ISM) from CNL
requirements. The requirements are specified through
template models that are mapped to a generic ISM
model. We propose a process for the ISM genera-
tion, which includes three stages: 1) Planning where
the aspects to be modeled are defined, and the in-
put requirements are identified, 2) Preparation where
requirements are specified using templates, and 3)
Modelling, where parameters, test values, and con-
straints are generated for the ISM. Our approach en-
sures traceability between the generated test cases and
input requirements. It also reduces the dependence on
the tester’s domain knowledge. We implemented our
approach into a tool, enabling the automated genera-
tion of ISM from requirements specified using tem-
plates. Small ISMs can be interpreted by the tester,
while large ISMs can be fed to a CIT algorithm.
We evaluated our approach through a case study
from the ARINC-653 standard. The evaluation shows
that our approach: 1) aligns with the certification
constraints of DO-178C certification, and 2) provides
multiple advantages over manual ISM generation. As
future work, we will refine our approach by cover-
ing additional types of data and handling continuous-
action-driven conditions. Also, we plan to: (1) evalu-
ate the approach on larger scale case studies with our
industrial partner in regards to robustness testing, (2)
to compare it with other automated ISM generation
approaches, and (3) to feed our ISMs into a CIT al-
gorithm to assess their usefulness. Finally, we plan to
investigate the use of AI for ISMs generation.
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On the Generation of Input Space Model for Model-Driven Requirements-Based Testing