4.2.2 Running Time Analysis
The running frame rates of different VSR models dur-
ing inference stage will be presented in this part. The
experimental results are shown in Table 2. The sec-
ond column lists the parameters of each VSR model
and column 5 counts the statistics of correspond-
ing computation cost. The total computation cost
required by our REPVSR during inference time is
only 31.17% of VESPCN, 16.71% of SOFVSR, and
10.58% of FRVSR and TecoGAN. Not to mention
REPVSR, which has a very large parameter of 338.5G
FLOPS. The last columns illustrate the average FPS
in different resolutions, When generating 1080p def-
inition video, the proposed method can run in real
time on NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1080 level graphics
cards. Due to the implementation of structural re-
parameterization, our REPVSR model runs two times
and even much more faster on GPU platform com-
pared with other deep models.
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work based on re-parameterization (REPVSR) to re-
parameterize models with a multi-branch design. The
positive results show favorable speed-accuracy trade-
off compared to existing VSR models. In the future,
we aim to embed re-parameterization mechanism to
other efficient VSR architecture.
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