Figure 5: Denoised results for mixed noise with gradually increasing intensity. Our model maintains robust denoising quality
despite evolving noise characteristics.
ing prior noise distribution knowledge. Experimen-
tal results validate that our method outperforms tradi-
tional techniques, particularly in complex, real-world
medical imaging scenarios. It achieves high fidelity in
noise reduction while preserving essential image de-
tails, setting new benchmarks in both quantitative and
visual performance.
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work to additional imaging modalities and incorpo-
rating cutting-edge neural architectures like genera-
tive adversarial networks (GANs) (Goodfellow et al.,
2014), potentially redefining the standards for medi-
cal image processing. Our results highlight the trans-
formative potential of advanced machine learning in
enhancing diagnostic accuracy and expanding clini-
cal applications, laying a robust groundwork for fu-
ture innovations in medical imaging technology.
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