that social rules work well on maps where agents are
able to easily avoid each other (such as warehouses
with wide corridors).
Our work opens several directions for future re-
search. We limited our research only to laws inspired
by the priority to the right rule that is used in real-
world traffic rules. However, systems based on dif-
ferent rules might be more efficient or even needed if
human agents are assumed.
We showed an example of an instance that is not
solvable using social laws (in our current setting).
Some extensions to the setting, such as adding priori-
ties to the agent, would not only make such instances
solvable, but it might also be useful for decreasing the
cost of solutions produced by social laws.
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the Czech Science Foundation. Jakub Mestek is
supported by Grant Agency of Charles University
(project GAUK No. 36124). Computational re-
sources were provided by the e-INFRA CZ project
(ID:90254), supported by the Ministry of Education,
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ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence