ing pLDDT scores from ESMFold as a proxy for flex-
ibility, we demonstrated a 3% improvement in predic-
tion accuracy, achieving an AUC-ROC of 91%. No-
tably, models that explicitly prioritized flexibility out-
performed those that considered flexibility to a lesser
extent, highlighting its significance in enhancing pre-
dictive capabilities. While this represents an initial ef-
fort to integrate flexibility into antibody-antigen mod-
eling, future approaches could utilize experimentally
derived configurations of antibody-antigen complexes
or energy-based models to simulate this dynamic be-
havior more effectively.
A key limitation of the current method is its re-
liance on pre-processed pLDDT scores, which in-
troduces computational overhead. To address this,
we propose incorporating structural distillation tech-
niques to embed flexibility-related insights directly
into sequence-based models, thereby eliminating the
need for structural preprocessing. This adaptation
would streamline workflow and enhance accessibility
for experimental laboratories by enabling rapid high-
throughput screening of antibody libraries.
In practical terms, this methodology holds
promise for applications such as epitope mapping
and evaluating binding interactions. By identifying
promising antibody candidates earlier in the process,
researchers can concentrate experimental resources
on the most viable options, accelerating the develop-
ment of effective antibody therapies.
The data and code can be accessed at the following
link: https://github.com/dasch-lab/fingerprint.
This work is partially supported by PNRR
ECS00000017 Tuscany Health Ecosystem - Spoke
6 ”Precision medicine & personalized healthcare”,
funded by the European Commission under the
NextGeneration EU program. We thank the Univer-
sity of Pisa Data Center for providing the necessary
hardware resources for this project. We thank Pietro
o and St
ephane M. Gagn
e for their valuable
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Improving Antibody-Antigen Interaction Prediction Through Flexibility with ESMFold