fication from EEG signals. Our model effectively an-
alyzes EEG signals by utilizing the strengths of CNNs
for extracting spatial features and Transformers for
capturing long-range temporal relationships.
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silient characteristics from the EEG data which then
fed to the Transformer block. We implemented a ma-
jority voting method following the acquisition of pre-
dictions from the Transformer model. This method
guarantees that the ultimate precision reflects an ex-
tensive view of the mental workload condition, min-
imizing disruption and probable inaccuracies from
classifications based on windows. The suggested
model was assessed using a thorough 5-fold cross-
validation technique.
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integrating spatial and temporal modeling methodolo-
gies, which enables the advancement of EEG-based
mental workload evaluation and creates opportunities
for further research in cognitive state classification.
Future studies could delve into additional enhance-
ments to the model and its utilization in various cog-
nitive activities, while also examining the feasibility
of real-time implementation for practical purposes in
monitoring and regulating mental workload.
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BIOSIGNALS 2025 - 18th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing