GAIus: Combining Genai with Legal Clauses Retrieval for
Knowledge-Based Assistant
Michał Matak
and Jarosław A. Chudziak
Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Legal Technologies, Knowledge-Based Systems, Explainable Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Systems.
In this paper we discuss the capability of large language models to base their answer and provide proper ref-
erences when dealing with legal matters of non-english and non-chinese speaking country. We discuss the
history of legal information retrieval, the difference between case law and statute law, its impact on the le-
gal tasks and analyze the latest research in this field. Basing on that background we introduce gAIus, the
architecture of the cognitive LLM-based agent, whose responses are based on the knowledge retrieved from
certain legal act, which is Polish Civil Code. We propose a retrieval mechanism which is more explainable,
human-friendly and achieves better results than embedding-based approaches. To evaluate our method we cre-
ate special dataset based on single-choice questions from entrance exams for law apprenticeships conducted in
Poland. The proposed architecture critically leveraged the abilities of used large language models, improving
the gpt-3.5-turbo-0125 by 419%, allowing it to beat gpt-4o and lifting gpt-4o-mini score from 31% to 86%. At
the end of our paper we show the possible future path of research and potential applications of our findings.
The appearance of large language models in recent
years has unlocked new possibilities in natural lan-
guage processing, transforming the field. These ad-
vances have significantly improved many NLP tasks
and have allowed one to perform them with one sin-
gle model (Raffel et al., 2023). With the appearance
of more advanced models they came into the main-
stream and become a subject of public discussion due
to their near human-like capabilities.
One of the most promising fields for recent ad-
vancements is the legal industry, where tasks often in-
volve reading large volumes of documents, extracting
key information from them, and writing substantial,
repetitive amounts of text in specific jargon.
This fact, along with the aforementioned progress,
raises hopes for the automation of certain tasks. The
demand for such a solution remains high, as govern-
ments constantly struggle with lengthy court proceed-
ings (Biuro Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich, 2022;
Committee of Ministers, 2000).
A common process in the legal industry is legal re-
search, which involves identifying and obtaining the
information necessary to resolve a legal issue. De-
pending on the country, this process will differ. Two
main legal systems in the world may be distinguished.
The first, the common law system, is characterized
by the stability of the law. Court rulings in previ-
ous similar cases play a significant role. It is mainly
present in Anglo-Saxon countries. The second is the
statutory law system, where current legal provisions,
which may frequently change, are of greater impor-
tance. This system dominates in countries of con-
tinental Europe and countries whose legal customs
originated from them, such as Mexico or Japan.
In countries with a statutory law system, it is im-
portant to address the search for relevant regulations
in documents that are key sources of law (as opposed
to case law), such as statutes, regulations, constitu-
tions, and similar legal texts, due to their significant
Automation in this area may not seem beneficial
to experienced lawyers, but it will serve two important
The first, significant from a societal perspective,
is the democratization of law, ensuring better under-
standing and access to legal information for all inter-
ested individuals who are not experts in the field and
do not have time to read hundreds of pages that are
difficult to understand.
Matak, M. and Chudziak, J.
GAIus: Combining Genai with Legal Clauses Retrieval for Knowledge-Based Assistant.
DOI: 10.5220/0013191800003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 868-875
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
The second, more technical purpose, is the poten-
tial to integrate such a system into more advanced
architectures (e.g., multi-agent systems) capable of
providing basic legal advice or even issuing rulings
in cases of low complexity. Such systems were
successfully implemented for agile software engi-
neering (Chudziak and Cinkusz, 2024; Qian et al.,
2024) and software product management (Cinkusz
and Chudziak, 2024).
Our goal in this work is to develop a system that
effectively enriches an AI agent with knowledge of
the Polish Civil Code and to establish an evaluation
process in this field. The resulting assistant will be
capable of answering legal questions by referencing
the appropriate provisions of the Code.
The key contributions of this paper are the archi-
tecture of the system that significantly boosts the le-
gal knowledge of a large language model, legal act
segmentation and representation method, along with
a retrieval approach dispensing embeddings. Addi-
tionally, we created the benchmark based on state ex-
ams conducted in Poland, which enables a direct com-
parison between the performance of large language
models and human capabilities, and we test currently
available LLMs accordingly.
In the second part of the article, we review the cur-
rent state of research, especially concentrating on dif-
ferent methods of augmenting large language model
with domain-specific knowledge, and the idea of AI
agent. The third section details our proposed solu-
tion. In the fourth section, we outline the experiments
datasets and methodology along with the results. Last
but not least, the fifth section offers our conclusions,
summarizes the paper, and explores potential direc-
tions for future work.
To outline the background for our discussion, we fo-
cus on three key areas: methods of augmenting large
language models, challenges and improvements in le-
gal information retrieval, and legal assistants evalua-
tion methods.
2.1 Augmenting Large Language
There are several methods to augment LLMs to en-
hance it with domain-specific knowledge and provide
better responses. One of the most traditional methods
is fine-tuning, which involves training LLM with data
specific to a given field of knowledge. This method
was proved to be efficient in several cases, such as
finance (Jeong, 2024).
The use of fine-tuning to teach a model legal reg-
ulations can be quite problematic. Legal regulations
are often subject to frequent changes, including the
addition of new rules, modifications, and the removal
of old ones. Due to the large number of legislative
changes, if a large number of legal acts were incor-
porated, fine-tuning would need to occur frequently
— potentially every few days — to ensure up-to-date
performance. This requirement makes fine-tuning
both resource-intensive and difficult to maintain over
An alternative method to fine-tuning is Retrieval-
Augmented Generation (RAG) proposed by (Lewis
et al., 2021). The authors introduced a model with
types of memory: a parametric memory, implemented
as a pre-trained seq2seq transformer, and a non-
parametric memory, which encodes documents and
queries using pre-trained encoder models. The re-
trieval process selects the top k documents by maxi-
mizing the inner product between their encoded forms
and the encoded query. The method achieved state-of-
the-art results on open Natural Questions, WebQues-
tions, and CuratedTrec and strongly outperform re-
cent approaches that use specialized pre-training ob-
jectives on TriviaQA.
Research shows that RAG leads to improvements
that are comparable to those achieved by fine-tuning
(Balaguer et al., 2024). Additionally, RAG requires
lower costs at the initial stage; however, it might incur
higher costs in the long run due to increased token
usage (Balaguer et al., 2024).
To solve more complex tasks, LLMs were inte-
grated with other tools such as internet search, mem-
ory, planning, and external tool usage. In these ar-
chitectures, the role of LLM is limited not only to re-
turn the proper answer, but also to break the task into
subtasks and orchestrate the use of different tools to
achieve the desired result.
A straightforward example of this concept is Re-
Act introduced in (Yao et al., 2023). It is a reasoning
framework where LLM can either perform actions on
external environment or perform actions in language
space that lead to the generation of thoughts that
are aimed to compose useful information to improve
performing reasoning in current context. On Hot-
potQA and Fever it achieved better results that stan-
dard LLM, Act framework and chain-of-thoughts-
The landscape of agents and large language mod-
els was structured in (Sumers et al., 2024), where
three uses of large language models from agent sys-
tem perspective were distinguished: producing output
GAIus: Combining Genai with Legal Clauses Retrieval for Knowledge-Based Assistant
from input (raw LLM), a language agent in a direct
feedback loop with the environment, and a cognitive
language agent that manages its internal state through
learning and reasoning. The paper further explores
different architectures of cognitive agents and orga-
nizes them in three dimensions: information storage,
action space, and decision-making procedure.
2.2 Legal Information Retrieval
When retrieving information for legal issues, there
are several challenges worth considering to under-
stand the specific requirements of this field. Some of
them are exceptionally relevant in the context of using
LLMs for this task.
First, when obtaining provisions from legal acts, it
is crucial to accurately convey their content. In many
cases, subtle details - such as punctuation marks, as
well as the difference between "among others" and
"in particular" - can be extremely important. In cer-
tain cases, even the placement of a provision within
a statute can be significant. When using fine-tuned
LLMs, there is a substantial risk of returning im-
perfect answers. This risk arises from the potential
for hallucinations (i.e., generating plausible but incor-
rect content) and the difficulty of verifying responses
without specialized legal knowledge.
Second, the goal in legal research is to find all rele-
vant information on a given topic, not just a portion of
it. Considering that in most legal systems, a specific
provision overrides a general one, omitting it may re-
sult in a completely erroneous legal interpretation.
Finally, it is also important to consider the cus-
toms adopted in different countries when using base
models. Unlike in fields such as medicine or finance,
there is no universal "objective truth" in law. Legal
regulations can vary widely across jurisdictions, and
in some cases, regulatory approaches may even be
completely opposite.
One of the first approaches to align LLMs with the
legal domain was LegalBert introduced in (Chalkidis
et al., 2020). In this study, two variants based on
BERT architecture were proposed: one was BERT
model further pre-trained on legal corpora and the
second one was BERT model pre-trained from the
scratch on this corpus. LegalBert achieved state-of-
the-art results on three tasks (multi-label classification
in ECHR-CASES and contract header, lease details in
A similar approach was used in LawGPT (Zhou
et al., 2024) that was designed for Chinese legal ap-
plications. In addition to legal domain pre-training
on a corpus consisting of 500K legal documents,the
authors proposed the step of Legal-supervised fine-
tuning (LFT) to enhance the results. The model
achieved better results than open source models in 5
out of 8 cases; however, it still largely falls behind the
GPT-3.5 Turbo and GPT-4 models.
The platform that fully integrated large lan-
guage models and retrieval-augmented generation
was CaseGPT (Yang, 2024), a system designed for
case-based reasoning in the legal and medical do-
mains. It consisted of three modules: a query pro-
cessing module that transformed user queries for re-
trieval, a case retrieval engine based on a dense vector
index with a semantic search algorithm, and an in-
sight generation module that analyzes retrieved cases
within the user’s query context.
A different approach to case retrieval was pre-
sented in (Wiratunga et al., 2024). In this approach,
each case consists of a question, an answer, support-
ing evidence for the answer, and the named entities
extracted from this support. For retrieval, the au-
thors proposed dual embeddings: intra-embeddings
for case query encoding and inter-embeddings for en-
coding support and entities. The evaluation demon-
strated that this architecture improves performance by
1.94% compared to the baseline without RAG.
A notable solution in legal information retrieval
for statute law was the winning solution for Task
3 in the Competition on Legal Information Extrac-
tion/Entailment 2023 (COLIEE 2023), developed by
the CAPTAIN team (Nguyen et al., 2024a). Its pur-
pose was to extract a subset of articles of the Japanese
Civil Code from the entire Civil Code to answer
questions from Japanese legal bar exams. The solu-
tion was based on negative sampling, multiple model
checkpoints (with the assumption that each check-
point is biased toward specific article categories),
and a specific training process that included a data-
filtering approach.
Another study conducted on the COLIEE 2023
dataset proposes the use of prompting techniques
in the final stage of the retrieval system, preceded
by BM25 pre-ranking and BERT-based re-ranking
(Nguyen et al., 2024b). The solution in this study
achieved a score that outperformed the aforemen-
tioned approach (the solution of the winning team) by
2.3 Legal Assistants Evaluation
There are several datasets for evaluating legal agents.
One of the most notable is LegalBench (Guha et al.,
2023), which consists of 162 tasks designed and hand-
crafted by legal professionals. The tasks cover six
distinct types of legal reasoning. This benchmark in-
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
spired LegalBench-RAG (Pipitone and Alami, 2024),
a dataset tailored specifically for retrieval-augmented
generation in the legal domain. LegalBench-RAG in-
cludes 6,858 query-answer pairs over a corpus con-
taining more than 79 million characters, created from
documents sourced from four distinct datasets.
For the task of Extreme Multi-Label Legal Text
Classification (Chalkidis et al., 2019), a dataset was
created from 57,000 legislative documents in Eu-
rlex—the public document database of the European
Union. These documents were annotated with EU-
ROVOC, a multidisciplinary thesaurus used to stan-
dardize legal terminology across various domains.
Finally, an interesting evaluation benchmark was
used for Task 3 of the 2023 Competition on Legal
Information Extraction/Entailment (COLIEE 2023).
The dataset consists of questions that require the eval-
uated agent to answer yes/no and to provide the rele-
vant articles of the Japanese Civil Code. Notably, this
dataset is one of the very few examples that focuses
specifically on the Statute Law Retrieval Task.
The architecture of gAIus consists of two key compo-
nents. The first is the query flow, which defines how
the agent interacts with human input and the available
tools. The second is the retrieval mechanism, respon-
sible for selecting documents relevant to the given
3.1 Query Flow
The flow in our architecture illustrated in Figure 1.
AI assistant
"Who can be
art. 13
art. 13
art. 13
art. 13
k retrieved
"According to article
16 of Polish Civil
Code incapacitated
can be"
Figure 1: Visualisation of query flow.
The architecture consists of a single agent that re-
ceives a query from the user and interacts with a sin-
gle tool: the retriever. Upon receiving the request,
the agent reformulates the query to retrieve relevant
documents. The purpose of this architecture is to en-
able the LLM to extract the semantically important
part of the question and generate a more general re-
trieval query.
For example, a specific question such as "Who
can be incapacitated?" would be transformed into the
more general query "Incapacitation." By generalizing
the query, the system can increase the likelihood of
retrieving the correct documents.
The agent can use the retriever multiple times, al-
lowing it to attempt different queries if the relevant
documents are not found on the first attempt. This it-
erative approach increases the chance of successfully
retrieving the correct information.
3.2 Retrieval
To provide context for a large language model (LLM),
one approach is to include the entire document (e.g.,
a legal act) in the model’s context. However, there
are several challenges associated with this approach.
First, the document length may be too long and sim-
ply does not fit within the LLM’s context window.
Second, LLMs tend to perform worse when process-
ing long contexts, often failing to extract the neces-
sary information. Third, most commercial LLMs are
billed based on token usage, so including the entire
document in the context would result in significantly
increased costs.
For this reason, we decided to chunk the Polish
Civil Code before storing it in the document database.
The chunking method can vary and significantly influ-
ence the quality of the retrieval process.
The Polish Civil Code is already divided by the
lawmaker into various entities, such as books, titles,
chapters, and sections. However, the main editorial
unit, which consists of one or more sentences, is the
article. We chose to split the entire Code into indi-
vidual articles, which we will further refer to as doc-
uments. The chunking method is illustrated in Figure
fragment of Civil
per article
document split
Figure 2: Visualisation of Civil Code chunking for retrieval.
To assess the relevance of the document to the
query, we score the documents using a custom func-
tion and retrieve the top-k documents with the highest
scores (Algorithm 1 and 2.
GAIus: Combining Genai with Legal Clauses Retrieval for Knowledge-Based Assistant
Data: document, query
Result: score of the document
max_score 0 ;
for i 0 to |document| |query| do
part document[i : i + |query|];
part_score SCOREPART(part, query);
if part_score > max_score then
max_score part_score;
Algorithm 1: Document scoring function.
Data: part, query
Result: score of the part
score 0 ;
for i 0 to |part| 1 do
if part[i] = query[i] then
score score + 1
Algorithm 2: Part scoring function.
The algorithm’s behavior can be described as cal-
culating the number of matching letters between the
query and each part of the document, constrained by
the query length. This fuzzy text search approach is
inspired by the behavior of law students when search-
ing for regulations. Typically, they visually scan the
text, focusing on target words to identify the required
regulation. Additionally, this method leverages exist-
ing LLM knowledge, as models often have some un-
derstanding of legal texts and are able to cite relevant
portions of regulations.
To fully realize the potential of the retrieval pro-
cess, we utilize the earlier decision to split the legal
code into articles. All chunks are relatively small,
with an average length of approximately 140 tokens.
For this reason, we chose to retrieve a relatively
large number of chunks (k = 50). The cognitive ca-
pabilities of the large language model allow it to fil-
ter out irrelevant articles, ensuring that the pipeline
functions correctly as long as the retrieval achieves
satisfactory recall. In the worst-case scenario, where
the longest chunks are retrieved, no more than 30
chunks fit within the context window of smaller mod-
els (e.g., GPT-3.5-turbo). Although this could the-
oretically cause the pipeline to fail, our experiments
indicate that this risk is relatively low.
To differentiate the impact of the document scor-
ing method and retrieval parameters (including code
segmentation), we also implemented the architecture
using embeddings. We refer to this variant as gAIus-
3.3 Used Technologies
The entire project is written in Python. To create
the assistant, we used the LangChain framework with
its agents API (LangChain, 2024). We implemented
a custom retriever based on the LangChain retriever
interface. For the vectorstore, we used ChromaDB,
and for Polish language embeddings, we employed
mmlw-roberta-large encodings from (Dadas, 2019).
The Polish Civil Code was downloaded from the
official government website in PDF format (Sejm
Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, 1964). The document was
subsequently converted into a TXT file and prepro-
cessed by removing footnotes, publication metadata,
and annotations.
In the experiments part of the article we would like
to discuss the dataset we created for evaluation pur-
poses, the methodology and the results obtained.
4.1 Dataset
We created the evaluation dataset similar to the one
used on COLIEE 2023 competition. It consists from
questions from entrance exams for law apprentice-
ships from the years 2021-2023. These exams are
state exams conducted every year in Poland. Law
graduates have to pass them to enroll for a 3 years
apprenticeship program. After its completion and an-
other exam (counterpart of bar exam) they become
law professionals. Every year three such exams are
conducted: for notarial apprenticeship, for bailiff ap-
prenticeship, and for attorney and legal advisers’ ap-
Each of the exams consists of 150 closed ques-
tions with three possible answers: a, b, or c. To pass
the test, one has to answer at least 100 correctly. The
questions are usually quite simple if one knows the
proper regulation and they do not need extensive rea-
soning. Hence comes our decision to use them as an
evaluation framework for our assistant. The questions
were downloaded from the government website (Min-
isterstwo Sprawiedliwo
sci, 2023) along with the an-
swers. The answers file also contained the indices of
law regulations needed to answer each question. Af-
ter filtering out all questions that did not referred to
the Civil Code the dataset consisted of 146 different
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
4.2 Methodology
We compare our architecture, powered by GPT-3.5-
turbo-0125 and GPT-4o-mini models, with other Ope-
nAI LLMs without any additional enhancements. All
models were configured with a temperature of 00 to
ensure reproducibility. The evaluation was performed
on RAG variants to compare them with our retrieval
The primary goal of the proposed law assistant
is to provide accurate and relevant information about
various legal issues. For this reason, during the eval-
uation process, we do not only expect the assistant
to return the correct answer but also to justify its re-
sponse and cite the relevant legal article.
To achieve this, each evaluated assistant was set
up with the following system prompt:
You are a helpful assistant specializing
in Polish law. You will receive questions from
an exam, each consisting of a question or an
incomplete sentence followed by three possible
answers labeled a, b, and c.
Your task is to:
1. Choose the correct answer.
2. Provide a detailed explanation for
your choice.
3. Refer to the relevant article(s)
in the one of polish regulations.
Please ensure your responses are precise and
informative. Respond in polish.
When assessing the performance of the assistant,
we check if the correct answer was chosen and if ap-
propriate regulation was referred to. We measure the
number of successfully answered questions (answer
score), the number of correctly referred contexts (con-
text score), and the number of situations in which both
answer and context are correct (joint score). If the as-
sistant refers to more regulations than necessary, we
still consider it a good answer, as long as the extra
references are minimal (typically no more than two
To automate the evaluation, we developed a sim-
ple evaluation agent that extracts the chosen answer
and the cited articles into a structured JSON for-
mat. Based on these extracted values, the assistant
response is evaluated.
4.3 Results
To present the detailed behavior of the assistants we
show and discuss sample question from dataset with
responses from gpt-4o and gAIus based on gpt-3.5-
turbo in 1.
In this table, a sample question from the evalua-
tion dataset is shown, alongside the correct answer,
the correct context, and the responses from the two
evaluated assistants. The original source information
was in Polish, but was translated into English for the
reader’s convenience. The correct context clearly in-
dicates the proper answer to the question.
Our assistant, gAIus, correctly identifies and ref-
erences the relevant article (although the index num-
ber became part of the ID due to preprocessing). As a
result, gAIus provides the correct answer. In contrast,
GPT-4o chooses the wrong answer and hallucinates
a context that appears similar to the desired one. In
particular, in the Polish Civil Code, there is no para-
graph 109
§2, and the referenced text lacks the key
information necessary to answer the question.
The evaluation results for all questions from the
dataset are presented in Table 2, with several notable
At first, ll raw commercial large language models
performed better in the answer score than in the con-
text score. Among these models, except for GPT-4o,
a significant disparity between the answer score and
the context score is observed, with the answer score
prevailing. In contrast, the gAIus assistants excelled
in providing the correct context. GPT-4o emerged as
the best-performing commercial model. However, its
answer score ranked third compared to all evaluated
Secondly, the gAIus architecture significantly en-
hanced the performance of the underlying LLMs. In
the case of gpt-3.5-turbo-0125, the joint score im-
proved by 419% (from 21 to 109) achieving better
results, outperforming the best commercial model,
GPT-4o. The results of gpt-4o-mini improved by
173% and gAIus, with gAIus achieving the highest
joint score and context score, and the second-best an-
swer score.
Furthermore, architectures based on our scoring
function outperformed those using RAG. However,
the RAG variant based on GPT-4o-mini achieved the
best answer score, which was slightly higher than that
of the corresponding gAIus variant using search func-
Several possible developments can be identified for
our research:
First, the legal system in Poland has sources be-
yond the Civil Code. A natural path for further de-
velopment would be to expand the assistant to cover
GAIus: Combining Genai with Legal Clauses Retrieval for Knowledge-Based Assistant
Table 1: Example question from evaluation dataset and assistants responses (originally in Polish, translated to English).
Question According to the Civil Code, the commercial power of attorney (prokura):
a) can always be limited with effect against third parties;
b) can never be limited with effect against third parties;
c) cannot be limited with effect against third parties, unless a specific provision states oth-
Correct answer C
Correct context Art. 109
. § 2. The commercial power of attorney (prokura) cannot be limited with effect
against third parties, unless a specific provision states otherwise.
gAIus answer The correct answer is:
c) cannot be limited with effect against third parties, unless a specific provision states oth-
According to Article 1091 § 2 of the Civil Code, a commercial power of attorney (prokura)
cannot be limited with effect against third parties unless a specific legal provision allows
such a limitation. This means that a power of attorney granted by an entrepreneur cannot be
restricted with respect to third parties, unless there is a specific legal regulation permitting
such a restriction. This is crucial for the protection of third parties who may rely on the
agent’s authority in dealings with the entrepreneur.
Legal provision: Article 1091 § 2 of the Civil Code.
gpt-4o answer Answer: b) can never be limited with effect against third parties.
Explanation: According to the Civil Code, the commercial power of attorney (prokura) is a
special type of power of attorney granted by an entrepreneur who is subject to registration
in the business register. Prokura includes authorization for judicial and extrajudicial actions
related to running the business. According to Article 109
§ 2 of the Civil Code, the limita-
tion of prokura is not effective against third parties. This means that any limitations on the
scope of prokura are effective only internally, between the entrepreneur and the agent, but
not against third parties.
Legal basis: Article 109
§ 2 of the Civil Code: "The commercial power of attorney cannot
be limited with effect against third parties."
Table 2: Results of evaluation on 146 questions.
Assistant Answer score Context score Joint score
gpt-3.5-turbo-0125 77 26 21
gpt-4o-mini 101 58 46
gpt-4 115 53 44
gpt-4o 127 106 98
gAIusRAG based on gpt-3.5-turbo-0125 101 116 91
gAIusRAG based on gpt-4o-mini 130 128 117
gAIus based on gpt-3.5-turbo-0125 112 126 109
gAIus based on gpt-4o-mini 128 139 126
additional legal acts. This could be achieved by either
integrating an additional retrieval tool for the single-
agent system or designing a multi-agent architecture
with a routing agent to manage queries across multi-
ple sources.
Second, another significant enhancement would
be the addition of case retrieval relevant to the legal
issue at hand. Although case law plays a limited role
in statutory law systems, it still serves as a powerful
instrument for argumentation, particularly when cases
originate from renowned courts.
Finally, our solution can serve as the foundation
for an AI system capable of solving more complex
legal cases. The questions in our current evaluation
framework were relatively simple and focused on di-
rect queries. It would be valuable to examine how
large language models perform in a more realistic
legal environment, where reasoning and multi-step
analysis are required.
The translation (from Polish to English) of the ex-
ample dataset question with the answers and other
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
cited regulations was performed using the ChatGPT-
4o model (OpenAI, 2024).
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tion. In Aletras, N., Ash, E., Barrett, L., Chen, D.,
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